October 4, 1973 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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October 4, 1973 |
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A writ ~t habeas corpus, General Hospital. there a report had been madeihat Center here. He stated that
sought b,,. Aden Cuzick, a formerBuzzard told the court thetreatment would be ineffective. Cuzick had been transferred from •
Sh ell oJ~ man held in the application for the writ was based Buzzard said Cuzick was the Mason County jail to the
Washingh,t~ Corrections Center, on the lack of a proper hearing sentenced in Clallam County on Corrections Center and had then
was denied this week by Judge before, the parole board before the charge and the conviction was been taken to Walla Walla.
Ilewitt Ik'mv. Cuzick s parole was revoked after appealed. He was returned here for the Come to Nee our ~r. Roy
Judge Ilenry heard ar,uments a conviction in Clallam County The attorney said that after court hearing Friday.
from Cuzi~k'~ attorney,gJerome Superior Court. The Clallam Cuzick s arrest, he had been held consultant ~or
Buzzard, Olympia, and an County conviction is being on a parole hold, and, that his
a~sistant altolney general Friday. appealed, Buzzard said. parole was revoked without a ~
Be%re die arguments on the Buzzard outlined what had hearing and without being ~ ~ ~)~,
writ, (t|/.ick appeared before the led up to the parole and its informed what the revocation was., ~ ,,.,-vII[ARIN(;
courl t~ enter a plea of not guilty row)cation. He stated Cuzick had based on.
and a wt-Lt le'J plea of not guilty by been convicted of armed robbery The assistant attorney general F R IDAY, OCTOBE N fi 1973
reason ,,t mcntat irresponsibility in 1£~59 and given a deferred told the court the revocation had 9:30 until 1:00 p.m.
to a dlar,~{c ~,I escape, sentence which was revoked in been based on the Clallam County at MY-LeND INN -- 426-8277
lhe ,harge stems from an 1960 or 1901. tie had been in convictions and that the order of ......
escape b~, (uzick from the prison until 1966 when he was revocation stated that. He stated If hearing is your problem..,
Washingf~,n ('~mections Centerparoled and continued on parole it had been the policy of the
here last ~ummcrI lie was hit by a until February 16, 1973 when he parole board that no hearing was
shot fired b~ a guard during the was arrested in Clallam County necessary where the revocation ,• IS ~OI
escape and was captured a fewand convicted by a jury of two was based on a conviction in
]tours Idler wllen a man who had counts of sodomy. Buzzard said another court.
hmnd him al a Christmas tree Cuzick had been sent to Western Buzzard also asked that
~ard brou~hf him to Mason State ttospital and after tests Cuzick be kept at the Corrections Put y0ur warming fires out--- 418 S. Washington, Olympia, 943-9650
JUDY CAULFIELD'S monologue delighted those attending
the Flyloft Players oper-~ house last week. Several members of
the group presented entertainment skits.
UGN fund drive starts
in the area this week
]rhe Mason County I!nited
Good Neighbor fund drive got
unde~wa3 this week with a
kick-eli luncheon at noon
Monda} at the lt~-l.ond hm.
Attending the ltmcheon, along
with local UGN olficials, were
volunteers who will bc doing the
soliciting in tile business
C( )In nluni I }.
Ilarry Jarnes, directo~ ,~t the
II(;N campaign this year,
conducted the meeting. The
~,olicittm, were given information
:Hid illMttlctions to use in their
etll'o rts.
Various other phases of the
campaign ate also underway in
the annual fund drive effort
which raises n~oney for several
pa)ticipating a ecnctes.
State, federal, city and county
government offices in Mason
('ounty will be ch)scd M()nda~ in
observance of the ('()lumbus l)ay
Ihere will be no rural (iv city
mail delivery that day. Mail will
be dispatched from the Post
Office and will be put into Post
Office boxes after il arrives. ]he
mail will be late in getting into
the boxes, since deliveries are late
that day.
]rile Drive)'~ License
Ixaminer's Office here will be
closed Sattnday in observance of
the holiday.
The office is normally closed
Monday and open Saturday. Since
Monday is a holiday, the office
closes Saturday in observance of
tile holiday.
Robbery charges are
filed in drug theft
(Continued from page one.)
it along Pickering Passage.
Possible side roads onto which
the vehicle could have turned
were checked and it was h)cated
in the Spencer Lake ales, with no
one around.
A reserve deputy sherifl m his
private plane had gone tip m his
airplane and assisted officers m
their efforts to locate tire vehicle
after the deputy who had been
pursuing it had lost sight of it.
Officers maintained road
blocks in the area for the rest of
the afternoon after the vehicle
was located and searched the
woods (in fool without turning up
a trace of the driver of the
Officers were able to
determine by tracing ownership
of the vehicle through the license
number that the vehicle had been
Io~ined the morning of the
I'M FOR the new library. If
you have any questions, call
426-1920. DON'T SELL
(Pd. political advertising)
Mortorcrsfl... s complete line of
shock absorbers for your require-
m~mls. Select a long-life shock
sb4md)er -- Motorcrsft.
, INC.
Kneeland Center
Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m. - 9 p.m.Saturday 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Get $10 cash
Model WCD3T
For big loads, little loads; delicates to denims.
With this Frigidaire Custom DeLuxe Washer, you
can dial your choice of four wash/rinse temperature
combinations to take care of "no iron" fabrics,
knits, any of today's washables. Turn another dial
for Normal and Gentle wash cycles and spin
speeds. Permanent press care is automatic. Wash
1 piece to 18 Ibs. without attachments. Match the
water level to the load.
Offer expires Oct. 14
Model LCT3-120
Offer expires Oct. 14
Compact package washes and dries family-sized
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15 amp. circuit. Washer deep-cleans with exclusive
Agi-tub; Regular and Delicate cycles; 4 water
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Models WCD3T/DCD3T
Solve big-family washday problems. Wash 1 piece
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has automatic Permanent Press Care. Dries uP to~.
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Offer expires Oct. 14
Buy a Frigidaire Laundry Pair (WCD3T Washer and any Dryer), a Frigidaire Laundry
Center (LC3-2 or LCT3-120), or the Frigidaire Washer (WCD3T) between Sept. 23
and Oct 14 Mail this coupon, with a copy of your sales slip to the address shown
no later thanm
below . postmarked idnight, Monday, Oct. 15, 1973 . . . and
Frl idalre Wl ma ou a check for $20
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Mail completed coupon and salea slip to: Frigidaire Clean Up Offer, P.O.
Box 140A, Detroit, Michigan 48232.
$10 cash $15 $20 cash
Frigidaire WCD3T Washer Frigidaire LC3-2 or Frigidaire Laundry Pair
LCT3-120 Laundry Center (WCD3T Washer and any Dryer)
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Note: Coupon must be received no later than November 1, 1973. Offer void where prohibited,
taxed, or restricted by law Allow approximately 30 days after receipt of coupon at Frigidaire
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Just at the time of year when you're looking for washday capacity and fabric care, Frigidaire is making it
easier than ever to get. To prove it, just check the coupon above and see how you can get a $10, $15 or $20
refund from Frigidaire when you buy a dependable Frigidaire Washer, Laundry Center or Washer/Dryer pair.
Of Shelton
"Building Mason County"
Page 2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, October 4, 1973