October 4, 1973 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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October 4, 1973 |
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engagement of their daughter, Christine E. Hathaway, to
Gary B. Impett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Impett. All are of
Shelton. The bride-elect and her fiance are 1972 Shelton
High School graduates, and the groom-elect is employed by
Simpson Timber Company. October 27 is the wedding date.
Today, Thursday, October 4
Rotary Club luncheon, noon,
Ming Tree Cafe.
Toastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m.,
Timbers Restaurant.
Tops Washington ('haptet No.
313, 6:15 p.m., Baptist Church.
Yacht Club dinner, 6 p.m.:
business meeting, 8 p.m.,
Democratic Central
Conurlittee, 8 p.m., courthouse.
Mason County Recreation
Association meeting, 8 p.m.,
Colonial th)use.
VWWI and Auxiliary, noon
potluck, 1 p.m. meeting,
Memorial Hall.
Fair llarbor (;range, 6 p.ln.
polluck: 7:30 p.m. meeting,
Grapeview firehall.
Shel-Toa, 8 p m., home of
Mrs. Phyllis Ahlf.
Rummage sale by Amaranth,
9 a nr to 4 p.m., PUD.
Friday, October 5
Chamber of Commerce board
meeting, 7:30 a.m., Hy-Lond Inn.
VFW auxiliary, 8 p.m.,
Memorial Hall.
WCTU county convention,
noon potluck, Fir Tree Park.
Rummage sale by Ruby
Rebckah I_x)dge, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.,
IOOF llall above Coast to Coast
Mason County Retired
Teachers, noon luncheon,
Timbers Restaurant.
Rummage sale by Amaranth,
O a m. - 4 p.m., PUD.
Saturday, October 6
Evangeltone Choir concert, 7
p.m., Kamilche Valley Assembly.
Roping clinic, 1 p.m.,
Sunday, October 7
Shelton churches invite you
to attend the church of your
Monday, October 8
PUD No. 3 commission
meeting, 1 p.m., PUD conference
County commission meeting,
10 a.m, courthouse.
Shelton Bridge Club, 7:15
p.m, PUD auditorium.
Goodwill truck in town.
Phone 426-4847 for pickups.
Christian Women's Club,
noon, Timbers Restaurant.
Christmas Town Cbers, 7:30
p.m., home of Ralph DePoe.
Shelton Arm of National
Association to Keep and Bear
Arms, 7 p.m., Referral Center.
Food Bank, noon to 3 p.m.,
First Christian Church.
Mason General Hospital
Auxiliary coffee hour, noon to 2
p.m., home of Mrs. B.L. Krueger.
Mason County Salon No. 508
Eight and Forty, 7 p.m. dinner,
Memorial Hail.
Tuesday, October 9
Kiwanis Club luncheon, noon,
I'M FOR the new library. If
you have any questions, call
426-8503. DON'T SELL
{Pd. political advertising)
Timbers Restaurant.
City commission meeting, 2
p.m., city hall.
Tops Washington Chapter No.
640, 7 p.m., county health office.
School board meeting, 8 p.m,
Evergreen School.
4-1t leaders council meeting,
7:30 p.m., Extension office.
Moose I_x)dge, 8 p.m., airport
Degree of Honor, 8 p.m.,
Memorial Hall.
Elinor Chapter dES, 8 p.m.,
Union Masonic Hall.
Mason County Credit Women,
7:30 a.m., Hy-Lond Inn.~, ;
Eagles Auxiliary, 8 ..P-~a.i,! :"
Eagles hall at airport.
Mason County Hospital
District ('ommission meeting, 8
a.m., tlospital.
NARFE, 2 p.m., PUD.
Mason County Republican
Central Connnittee, 7:30 p.m.,
PUD conference room.
Wednesday, October 10
Tops Washington Chapter No.
341, 7 p m., county health office.
Kristmas Town Kiwanis Club,
6:50 a.m., Hy-Lond Inn.
Soroptimist Club, 8 p.m.,
PUD conference room.
Chinese Dinner, 5:30 p.m. - 7
p.m., Parish ttall, sponsored by
Episcopal Young Churchmen.
Silver Stars, 7:30 p.m., PUD.
Beta Zeta Chapter, 8 p.m.,
home of Mrs. Jim McNamara.
Thursday, October ! 1
Rotary Club luncheon, noon,
Ming Tree Care.
Toastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m.,
Timbers Restaurant.
Tops Washington Chapter No.
313, 6:15 p.m., Baptist Church.
Union Ladies Civic Club,
noon, Union firehall.
Good cause
Crime is honest in a good cause.
Publilius Syrus
"-School Menu--
Menu for Shelton
Elementary & High Schools
Week of Oct. 8-12
Monday -- Hot dog on
buttered bun, carrot sticks,
macaroni salad, peanut butter
cake and milk.
Tuesday -- Chili con Came,
vegetable tray, peanut butter
sandwich, lettuce wedges with
lOOO Island dressing, cinnamon
rolls and milk.
Wednesday -- Fried chicken,
mashed potatoes and gravy,
buttered peas, sandwich, fruit
and milk.
Thursday -- Grilled cheese
sandwich, seasoned green
beans, fruit salad, October
birthday cake and milk.
Friday -- Professional
Conference Day -- no school.
1 mile South on Hwy. 101
.~oan Auseth ~P~--~~~I~
,s engaged
Joan Auseth, daughter of Mr.'9 Feature Writer, JAN DANFORD Z
and Mrs. Victor L. Auseth of
Shelton, will be wedded on
October 27 in the Faith Lutheran
Church to Richard Hayes.
Her fiance is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Elliott Hayes of Seattle.
Miss Auseth is a Shelton High
School graduate.
Dinner set
Agnes Alexander and Jenny
Haft will hostess the Monday
meeting of Mason County Salon
508 Eight and Forty. A 7 p.m.
dinner will be served in the
Memorial Hall.
Reports from the 1973 La
Marche Eight and Forty will be
given by delegates Mary Dobson,
Ada Clothier and Alice Hill
Shelver. Partners are asked to
bring an item suitable for the
American Lake Gift Shop.
Convention slated
Mrs. Grace Budde, state
president, and state corresponding
secretary Mrs. Tressa Simmons
will attend the county convention
of the Women's Christian
Temperance Union to be held in
Fir Tree Park Central Hall on
Potluck will be served at
noon, and Mrs. Alice Cortese will
Party held
Epsilon Omicron chapter of
I wish to correct immediately
an entirely erroneous and rapidly
circulating rumor to the effect
that I have a trained buzzard who
sits on my front porch poised to
travel at break-neck speed to the
extremities of the south forty,
should my telephone ring, to
inform me of the fact.
Flabbergasted though 1 was
upon hearing this bit of
nonsense, I can none-the-less
understand its origin.
It is a buzzer - not a buzzard
- that 1 have installed upon my
porch to summon me headlong
from my outdoor activities. As I
have repeatedly told those who
are wont to relinquish too quickly
the reluctant receiver, I must be
allowed at the very least 12 rings
in which to respond.
1 hear the sudden shrilling. 1
hitch up my jeans, breathe deeply
and tear into the 100-yard (or
more) dash. When unimpeded by
a muddy track, and when there
are not too many fences to
hurdle, 1 can often negotiate the
course in an even dozen buzzings.
However, should 1 chance to
be in somewhat less than top
form and should the itinerary
prove to be especially hazardous,
the impatient waiting through 15
appeals may be required before
my gasping greeting will reward
the listener's ear.
So remember, friends - it is a
buzzer and not a buzzard that
lures me from the pasture to the
Beta Sigma Phi held a rush party Cheryl Molinero
with a sailing theme on
September 26 in the home of
pledged at WSU
Nanci Dunnington.
Guests attending were Jerri
Alseth, Chris Caesar, Sandy
Danford, Lana Johnson, Sandy
Jones, Harriette Mclnnis, Marilyn
Valley and Barbara Zimmerman.
Cheryl Molinero, daughter of
Dr. and Mrs. Donald P. Molinero
of Shelton, has been pledged to
Alpha Omicron Pi at Washington
State University
The buzzard that hangs
around the door is apparently
someone's strayed pet. He is
exceedingly tame and follows me
everywhere. Perhaps if I don't
feed him, he'll go home.
Often an agony
dreadful I've known
when after a mad
breathless dash to the phone
my "hello" echoes empty
in dial-toned void
and l'm furious, curious,
sad and annoyed
as I'm worrying, wondering
who might have rung up,
my hang-up the caller
who too soon has hung up.
Accordianist Grigor Tritchkov
will be featured at the monthly
coffee hour of the Mason General
Hospital Auxiliary to be held
from noon until 2 p.m. Monday
in the Hood Canal home of Mrs.
B.L. Krueger.
Tritchkov, who studied music
in Europe and once played in a
Bulgarian symphony, now
operates a woodworking shop in
Shelton. In 1969 he was awarded
first place for sculpture in the
Olympia Art League exhibit. His
Reception given for Olsens
Mr. and Mrs. Lanny Paul
Olsen, who were married in
Clarkston, Washington, on
September 7, were honored on
September 22 at a reception held
in the Shelton home of the
Food-Bank set
A food bank will be open
from noon to 3 p.m. on Mondays
in the First Christian Church at
Lake Boulevard and Arcadia
groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Erling Olsen.
The bride, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Arlen Smith of
Clarkston, is a 1971 graduate of
Clarkston High School and is
employed by Omark - CCI of
Lewiston. The groom, a Shelton
High School graduate, is
employed by the Guy Bennett
Lumber Company of Clarkston,
where the couple is now at home
at 1002 Libby Street.
For Color Treated Hair
Includes conditioning and shaping.
400 I.U.'S
200 I.U.'S
(Equiv. to PALS)
(Equiv. to SINUTABS)
(Equiv. to MITCHUM)
work in this
includes sculptured
paneling, and
The Krueger home is
approximately one mile
Twanoh State Park.
needing a ride may call
at 426-2665 or Tig
The Auxiliary will
rummage sale to be
a.m. to 4 p.m. on
from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
12 in the PUD.
used toward the
hospital equipment.
rummage sales, bake
bazaars conducted
year, the auxiliary haS
funds for $1,480
orthopedic equipment
in Mason General Hospital.
Joyce Woodall
Candy Pauley
Wed. eve - Sat.
Mon.- Friday
103 W. Railroad
(Equiv. to
15,000 I.U.'s PER OUNCE
1 OZ. 2 OZ.
(Equiv. to
100TABLETS 300MG. 100TABLETS 5001g(
(Equiv. to NYTOL)
100 MG. 250 M0'
Page 8 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, October 4, 1973