October 4, 1973 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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evements over years
has created a
of interst in the
of women. The
Library has
on achievements
all walks of life.
American Women
is a biographical
'that has articles about
who have made a
in history.
American Women by
has biographies of
women who lived
nineteenth and
Each woman
e a significant
to American life in
varied as poetry and
America edited by Eve Merrian
has ten American women, living
in different times and places,
coming from different social and
economic backgrounds, describing
their experiences in their own
words. Together they provide a
pertinent and revealing view of a
long neglected part of our history.
Young And Female is the
personal accounts of turning
points in the lives of eight
American women edited by Pat
Ross. With spirit, self-confidence
and humor, these women tell of
overcoming the limited role
traditionally assigned to girls.
What's A Nice Girl Like You
Doing In A Place Like This? by
Joyce Teitz provides persuasive
jP~j ib¸~: ! %i~ii i
The author examples of the realization of ~'~,,~,. f"., ~
the lives and latent powers that the .... .,
its of these women spokeswomen of the Woman s
time, conveys a Liberation Movement are so ,,*
their personalities, determinedly, demanding. This is a ~ ~";:~," ~i~ ~ :': ....~:-~• ~'£!hlgT~• ~'~::"
Up Female In look at the new woman of-the "
seventies whose careers range ...... ..... "
from m. rchandising to i X " J o
FCT astrophysics who talk candidly "~
WEAR about their careers and ambitions,
Tuxedo their challanges, their hassles and
their dreams ...........
There is more than one
women who has succeeded in a
competitive world. Find out
about them at the Shelton Public
Library. The library is open from
10 a.m. 5:30 p.m. Monday
through Thursday and 10 a.m. - 5
p.m. on Friday and Saturday.
SKOKOMISH HEADSTART STUDENTS spend happy hours playing with a
tubful of sand.
" ring
Early Chr,stmas ,
lay-aways make for
l!/c happy customers! The Shelton City Commission offer from the State Highwaystrength.
at its meeting Tuesday set aCommission for safety Additional applications will
Shop your toy and hearing on the city six-year street improvements on Highway 101 at be kept on file, he said, to fill
> bby specmlist, program for next Tuesday's the Simpson Railroad crossing at vacancies which occur.
L meeting, a cost of $900 to the city. TheAn ordinance setting the tax
The program was prepared by State Highway Department andlevy for the city at the maximum
Ys and hobbies year around with back-up parts, City Engineer Howard Godat and Simpson will also share in the cost of eight mills was given a final
fair prices, calls for work on Fairmont, of theproject, reading.
Puget, K. 13th, 7th, 10th, E, Fire Chief Allan Nevitt
liar •
gains, too -- Check red tags Delaware, Euclid, Universityreported he has two men who were
Streets, North Cliff Road, Shelton joining the volunteer firemen's i
:" Masterpiece puzzles re9 $2 49 Sale $1.66 Springs Road, Railroad Avenue, organization this week and that
~'nn bag°s reg" $23"95 "'" " "" " " i [ [ [Sale $19"40 rRU
~Ie "arm, House, John s Prairie Road and Lakes this would bring the staff up to
~, ~ arage, reg. $17.46 ......... Sale $14.77 Boulevard during the six-year
Layaway NO W/or Christmas period.
Godat reported the street Pioneer Board
program for this year is The October meeting of the
progressing well and that about Pioneer School Board has been
l,II '$ TOYS & GIFTS 40 percent of the paving has been postponed from its regular.
Cota St. Christmastown, U.S.A. completed, meeting date of October 8 to 8 Catalog Store
The commission accepted an p.m. October 11 at the school.
The Washington Department
of Fisheries, with other Pacific
Coast states, the federal
government and British Columbia,
has released several million
experimental salmon with tiny
wire tags implanted in their heads
and the adipose fins removed.
These "tagged" fish are part
of many experiments presently
being conducted to evaluate
hatchery production techniques,
enhance sport and commercial
fisheries, determine ocean catch
distributions and to study such
things as salmon homing instinct,
survival, hybrid crosses, and
experimental hatchery diets.
The tag-bearing almon heads
qualify for an equal share of a
monthly reward fund. Individual
rewards, which range from $1
(rriinimum) to $50 (maximum),
are determined by dividing the
monthly reward fund by the
number of tags recovered during
the month.
Each tag, although only the
size of a fragment of hair, bears a
coded "message." The retrieval of
tags from heads from fish with a
missing adipose fin can only be
done with the aid of an electronic
sensing unit. The Fisheries
Department asks fisherpersons
not to try to dissect out the tag
Because the data from tag
recoveries will prove beneficial to
the Fisheries Department salmon
resource, the department seeks
fisherpersons' cooperation in the
program. If fisherpersons
encounters a salmon with a
missing adipose fin (on top, close
to the tail) they are asked to
remove the head, attach a label to
the head and place it in the jar of
preservative provided at most
marinas and many sport shops
throughout the Straights and
Puget Sound. If fisherpersons are
unable to locate one of the
collection centers, they may call
Olympia 753-6615.
Bob Hager of the Washington
State Department of Fisheries
said the department's tag
programs are "going well." A
total of seven million fish have
been released statewide in over
200 test groups, he said.
The fisheries department has
had good luck in tag recovery,
said Hager. During the last few
months, over 1,000 tagged fish
have been turned in per month.
He also said the department has
indications that the fall chinook
raised in South Puget Sound by
the Squaxin Indians and
purchased by the state are
surviving well.
Although "it is really too
early to get very excited" because
many of the department's tagged
fish are too young to be
recovered, he said the number of
tagged fish recovered should be
greater next year. They will have
grown to a size where they can be
legally caught. In future years
when more fish are recovered,
more things about fish can be
Fundamental principle
There is but one categorical
imperative: Act only on that
maxim whereby thou canst at the
same time will that it should
become a universal law.
Immanuel Kant
Give her
tuning fork
movement gives
equal time to
women. Accurate to
within a minute a year,
just like the Accutron
watch worn by men.
Guaranteed.* Our
selection ranges from
stainless steel to 14K
solid gt~ld; from sporty
straps to jewelry
bracelets. See them all,
today. Accutron for
Women. From $150.00.
"We will adjust to this tolerance, if
necessary. Guarantee Is for one year.
5th & Franklin
* Free Parking
* Free Gift Wrap
A lwa vs bu i,-a- wat~:h -
/)'ore cl watc'hmaker.
Kamilehe Grange Hall
Every First & Third ~'.11
S, ,lrURDA¥ [
9 to 1:30 p.m.
Music by the Tune Toppers
Winter, springtime, summer and fall. Each season with its own special holidays
and its own special weather. Weather with different heating and cooling problems.
A natural gas forced air heating and air conditioning system can handle these
Problems with ease. A system that can provide automatically the exact tempera-
ture you select. Contact your nearest office of Cascade Natural Gas and find out
how to get your system for all seasons. And be sure to ask about our special
nnOney-saving air conditioning rate.
We recommend central natural gas forced air heating (in combination with cooling from
the same system) as a most efficient manner in which to condition your home for all seasons,
and still conserve energy. Gas heating, through more efficient heat distribution, and gas air
COnditioning, because natural gas more readily available during the summer months,
make the perfect combination.
Distributors of Naturalgasatiafactlon
Hurry in now for big savings on every
appliance in stock! Deluxe models in-
cluded-use your Wards "Charg-all"
account--just say, "Charge if." Come
in and see all the great buys today!
SAVE $30--19" Diagonal color TV,
one touch color control, AFC in-
stant picture and sound, UHF, VHF
Antennas. Reg. 329.95 .........
SAVE $10--30" Over-Under Range,
Continuous cleaning eye level oven,
black glass door, waist high broiler
--gas or elec. Reg. 199.88 ......
SAVE $50--12 cycle dishwasher, 6
level wash, 150°, 160° sanitizing
Washes, forced air dry, Walnut top.
Reg. 319.95 ................
SAVE $64--Deluxe 22-cu. ft. frostless,
3 - door side - by- side refrigerator-
freezer. Freezer holds whopping
237 Ibs., 7-day meat keeper, 4 ad-
justable shelves, 2 cold controls, on
rollers, ice maker opt., extra.
Reg. 449.95 ................
SAVE $40--Deluxe 15.2 cu. ft. frost-
less refrigerator freezer, large 166
lb. freezer section, adjustable
shelves, rollers, only 60" high.
Reg. 289.95 ................
Transportation Extra On All Items
422 N.
Thursday, October 4, 1973 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 13