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HIGHCLIMBER STEVE SETTLE (30) takes several Timberline defenders
for a ride through the line during Friday night's game.
Shellon's hard-hitting
Highclimbers destroyed
Timberline's first annual
homecoming Friday night at
North Thurston in Shelton's
second league game by a score of
Shelton's first scoring drive
started with the opening kick-off
when Marly Settle made a return
of 34 yards which brought the
ball up to the Timberline 46 yard
line. Steve Settle then bulled his
way up to the 36 yard line for a
first down. On the third play of
the ball game, Paul James coasted
into the endzone for Shelton's
first touchdown. The PAT kicked
by Craig Jacobson was no good.
Jeff Pill kicked to the Blazer's
15 yard where the ball was run up
to the 27. Brad Wilson
intercepted Tin~berline's pass on
the first down bul Paul James
dropped the ball on the next play
for a turnover back to Timberline
just as lasl as they lost it.
With o~2 minutes left on the
first quarter's clock, Steve Settle
fought his way 18 yards to score
six more points for Shelton. Craig
Jacobsen kicked the PAT to make
the score 13-0. The two teams
exchanged punts the rest of the
Late in the second quarter
Timberline scored its only points
against the Climbers with a tield
goal from the Shelton 9 yard line
after a fumble recovery and an
eight-play drive.
The Climbers' third scoring
drive started when Marly Seule
took the Blazer defense tbr a ride
when he handed off a punt to
Dan Morgan. Morgan fan the ball
up to the Timberline 29 yard line.
The Climbers then got 15 free
yards courtesy of the Blazers for
pass interference. Fred Millel then
passed the ball to Dan Morgan who
ran it up to the one fbot line.
brom there Miller handed the ball
off to Steve Settle for his second
TI) of the night. The extra point
by Craig Jacobsen was good t~
bring the score up Io 20-3 at the
Timberline came back after
the half with a surprising drive
that caught Shelton of f guard and
the Blazers picked up a few yards,
but not very many as Randy
Salisbury picked off one of
Timberline's many passes of the
night to give Shelton the ball at
its own 10 yard line. Two plays
later, Shelton suffered its first
injury of the season when Lenny
Crume received a sprained ankle
while carrying the ball.
Shelton was set up for its
l~mrlh scoring drive when the
Bla/ers' center oversnapped the
ball on a punt, causing the punter
tt) chase the bail half way across
the field. By the time he got to
the ball and kicked it, Climber
Ly]e Oling was all over him,
causing him Io kick the ball out
of b{~unds at about the
"[imber line 3~.
A ccmfl)ination of the Settles,
Morgan and Jeff Pill pushed
fi~rward to die 19 yard line where
T~,ny Molinelo showed his ability
to catch passes in any position,
bringing the ball into scoring
range. Coach Stark then sent the
Climbers' balhnover, Steve Settle,
in six yards l or his third
touchdown of the night. Craig
Jacobson made lhe PAT to bring
the score up to 27-3.
Jacobson kicked off to the
Timberline 13 from where the
ball was run up to the 36. Paul
James missed catching his fourth
interception of the season by
inches. The next two plays Mark
Tuson slipped by the offensive
line to knock down two passes.
The first play of the fourth
quarter started off with a pass
from Fred Miller at the Blazers'
49 yard line to Paul James who
swerved around Blazer defensive
backs to run about 25 yards to
score for Shelton again. The extra
point was blocked.
Timberline had two plays
after the kick before Delbert
Miller picked up a fumble and
allowed Shelton to pick up a few
yards and punt to the Timberline
25 where the Blazers ran the ball
up to the 33 yard line. There the
Blazers threw one incomplete pass
and one pass straight into the
waiting arms of Climber Dan
Morgan who made his way to the
goal line without a Blazer within
15 yards of him all the way.
Mark Tuson got the wind
knocked out of him while
attempting to kick the extra
point. Delbert Miller came out to
follow up Tuson and put the ball
straight through the goal posts to
score Shelton's last point of the
Shelton came within nine
yards of scoring before the end of
the game but Timberline kept the
Shelton subs from breaking into
Shelton ended the game with
Bret Winne recovering a
Timberline fumble to give the
Climbers last possession of the
ball at about the Timberline 30
Mildred Boyd is the newFourth flight -- Fran Sutton
women's club champion at the deleated Evalyn Stifling. Pilth
Alderbrook Golf and Yacht Club. flight - Rosemary Dawson
She defeated Virginia Braseth on defeated Evelyn Fraser.
the 19th hole. Following the play a tension
Other results were as follows: relaxer party was held at the
first flight .... Jean Andersen Alderbrook home of Helen
defeated Francine Hughes. Stephens.
Second flight - Modine Nissen Awards party for the 1973
defeated Ruth Jenkins. Third season will be held on Tuesday,
flight due to illness Teda Davis October 30, at Claire Good's
defaulted to Marian Reames. Little House.
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Lic41n se(:l
Warren A. Girard
PHONE 426-2501
Life Member
The Shelton Junior High when they finally broke through
School Blazers' ninth gradeand scored most of their 30
football team recently lost to points. The next game Coach
Miller 30-0 at the Blazers' first Buitenveld felt that his team
home game of the season, would do much better.
H e a d C o a c h H a r I a n The Blazers play their next
Buitenveld said that Miller was a game Thursday night at
hard team and that the Blazers Highclimber Stadium at 7:30.
held them until the fourth quarter
Saturday, October 6
Hobo Dance 9:30 - "The Capitols"
Bring something for the stew!
Saturday, October 13
every 3rd Thursday, Moose members only.
Page 14 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, October 4, 1973
yard line.
Coach Jack Stark said that
Timberline was a tough team. In
fact, it was probably one of the
toughest they fielded. He also said
he believes that the Shelton team
was more mentally prepared for
the game, which helped the
Climbers execute their plays.
Shelton broke the Black Hills
League record for the most wins
in a row Friday night by
capturing 11 in a row.
Steve Settle also came close to
setting a school record in rushing
with 967 yards in his three years
of football. The old record of
1032 yards in three years was set
by Don Neth in 1971. Settle did
set a new school record of 92
points chalked up in his years of
play. Neth also set the old mark
of 82 points.
Shelton rushing tcb yds. ave.
Steve Settle 11 65 5.9
Paul James 9 46 5. 1
Dan Morgan 9 41 4.5
Marty Settle 7 21 3.0
Jeff Pill 5 33 6.6
Shelton Timberline
15 First downs 7
126 Yards passing 12
238 Yards rushing 98
6/I 1 Pass Att/Com 3/26
364 Total Off. 1 10
5 I nterceptions0
1 Fumbles 1
zer g
This will be the first appearance
of the team with their new game
SHELTON BACK Dan Morgan is wrestled to the turf by three
players during Friday night's action.
ips .a
Shelton High School's Cross
County team scored a 20-38
victory over the North Thurston
Rams and a 22-37 victory over
the Timberline Blazers last
Senior John Teberg led
Shelton runners with a third place
time of 11.37 over a 2.1 mile
course. Teberg was closely
followed by Eric Garrison (11.38)
and Roy Pearsall (11.39) who
captured fourth and fifth
Pearsall, who has been turning
out for a week, made an excellent
fifth place score, according to
Shelton coach Leonard Stutzman.
Stutzman said the tean~ did very
well and everyone Finally put it
The Jayvees also scored
victories over North Thurston and
Timberline 25-31 and 25-64.
Shelton Junior Lyle Renecker
netted a first place time of 11.50
followed by Jack Jensen who got
second place with a time of
The varsity times were as
follows: Weber (NT) 11.13, Mayo
(Tim) 11.29, Tebert (S) 11.37,
Garrison (S) 11.38, Pearsall (S)
11.39, Petty (Tim) 11.45, Eveleth
(S) 11.47, Strickland (S) 11.48,
Dolan (Tim) 11.49, Duffy (NT)
11.57, Theis (NT) 11.58, Hawkins
(S) 12.01, Haddle (NT) 12.1 l,
O'Dell (S) 12.14, Kosoff (Tim)
12.15, Barnard (Tim) 12.31,
Holmes (Tim) 12.44, Yates (Tim)
12.56, Peterson (NT) 13.19,
Winter (NT) 14.06.
The jayvee times were as
The Shelton Junior High
Blazers 8th grade football team
lost its only home game to Miller
last Wednesday by a score of 6-0.
Coach Eugene Crater said
there was room for a few
improvements before the next
game on October 3 when the
Blazers will meet Miller again at
Sept. 26, Miller, Home
Oct. 3, Miller, At Miller
Oct. 10, Hood Canal, At HC
Oct. 17, Hopkins, At Hopkins
Oct. 24, Hoquiam, At
Confusing, isn't it?
to go down the
street to have your new
windshield installed-
the other says to go up
the street.
to have a
-- is at --
3rd & Grove
"Where your windshield
is guaranteed not to leak."
ms an
follows: Renecker (S) 11.50,
Jensen (S) 12.14, Vigren (Tim)
12.31, Strong (Tim) 12.33,
Hansen (S) 12.36, Dewitt (Tim)
12.45, Galvez (Tim) 12.47,
Steensen (S) 13.02, Teberg (S)
13.15, Regester (NT) 13.28,
Ayerst (Tim) 13.33
13.3 7, McKinlay
Donnely (NT)
Today Shelton
Chehalis and
Shelton's first hornC
The Shelton Highclimbers'
girls tennis team won two
victories against Tumwater and
Elma last week. The scores were
4-1 and 3-2 respectively.
Sheltons' number one singles
player, Loft Huber won her match
against Tumwater 6-1, 6-3.
Number two singles, April Kuhr
won her match 6-4, 6-3. Karla
Knutsen also won her match 6-1,
In doubles competition,
Connie Bennett and Robyn Schad
won 6-3, 6-1. Second doubles
team, Karen Kramer and Renee
Trucksess, lost their match 3-6,
Me ,day at home in singles
competition Lori
match 6-1, 6.4.
her second singles
6-2. Eva Kubinsky
singles 6-4, 3-6,
Schad broke their
record with a loss
6-7 in first doubles
while Karen
Trucksess won
Two jayvee
played Monday.
Karla Knutsen,
doubles by Patti
Wittenburg, 5-7,
won both matcheS.
Volleyballers split a
Shelton's Girls Volleyball
team defeated Tumwater at
Tumwater Thursday by scores of
15-3, 15-5. The girls also played
Elma at home Monday after
school which Elma won 15-7,
Neva Strutz led Shelton with
nine points Thursday followed by
Bonnie Brooks, Betty Andrews
and Carol Thompson who scored
two points each in the first game
at Tumwatero The second game
Karmel Parker led the pack with
five points followed by Strutz
with four, Thompson three, Loft
McCracken two, and Connie
Tuson one.
The high scorer for the first
jayvee game was Jenny Cross with
seven points, she was followed by
Cristi Leaf with three, Debi
McCracken three, and Rundi Leaf
with two. Lori
second game
four, Jaynee
Cross two, and
The game
here against
started until
girls from Elma
so Shelton lost
close scores and
looked very good.
Thompson four,
Strutz one for th~
second game
six, Thompson
and Brooks one.
was hard to play
d ifferent
school had
different size co~t~"
Sports twenty-five years agc~
More Fish Bo~
Jim Baxter jumped into the lead in
Salmon division of the Simpson Recreation
week with an entry weighing 15 Ibs. 2
catches were reported by Lester Baker,
Clifford Coutts, Linda Fadden, Don
Case, Albert Bell and Betty Baker.
Entries in the Hood Canal derby
by Rose and Herb Holland, John
Macomber and Walt Nash.
1st & Cota Shelton