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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 4, 1973     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 4, 1973
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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committee IS The appointment of a Referendum 29 subcommittee for Region Six (kewis-Thurston- Mason Counties) of the State Department of Social and tlealth Services was announced by Laurel Nelson, Shelton, chairman of the Department's Region Six Advisory Committee. Referendum 29 was passed by the voters last November and provides $25 million through the sale of bonds for the planning, acquisition, construction and improvement of social and health facilities. The State Legislature requires the development of a comprehensive plan for social and health services facilities and the involvement of citizens in the planning process. To the extent legally possible, the Department has delegated planning responsibilities to the State Facilities Planning Committee and to the Department's ten Regional Advisory Committees. The Region Six Referendum 29 Subcommittee, chaired by Dr. Jess Spielholz, Olympia, will meet over the next two months to inventory service needs, available facilities, new facility needs and, finally, establish a priority list for the use of Referendum 29 funds. A letter requesting information on current and projected service and facility needs is being sent to all operating social agencies, municipalities and organized interest groups in Lewis, Thurston and Mason Counties. Within the short time span, the committee hopes to provide as complete a list of needs and resources as possible. The Committee would welcome inquiries from the public regarding this planning. Those interested should contact Dr. Spielholz in Olympia at 943-3725, or write to the Region Six office, P.O. Box 239, Chehalis, 98532. In addition to Dr. Spielhoh,., members of the subcommiltee include: Jean Durr, Chehalis: Madge Whitener, Shelton; and, Betty Utter, Jim Phillips, Dennis Delahunt and Sam Jacob, all of Olympia. Bond sales in county reported "State of Washington sales of Savings Bonds m the month of August were $6,753,165 ... a decline of 2.6~;; from August 1972 s',des of $6,938,315, but an increase of 12.4+/~ over July sales," according to Mason County Volunteer Chairman Harry C. James. '+Mason County sales for August 1973 amounted to $13,58%" he said. I'M FOR the new library. If you have any questions, call me, BARBARA WEBBER, at 426-2684. DON'T SELL SHELTON SHORT, (Pal. political adverttslnq) +%r4 PROTECT YOUR HOME WITH FARMERS HOMEOWNERS POLICY This one policy gives you the coverage you need at low rates. Eliminates costly gaps, expensive overlaps. Check today. i + i For All Your Insurance Needs Fire * Auto * Marine * Life * Hospitalization Bonds * Casualty "Our product is protection and We sell the best" 25-year sponsors of the Jr. Fire Warden Program. im Education in the field of fire prevention in the Shelton schools is a major area0f responsibility for the Shelton Fire Department. Second graders get a visit from tla¢ fire department personnel in the classroom each year. Films and talks impress them the importance of fire safety. A highlight of the program is a visit to tt i firehall and an up-close view of the fire fighting equipment. Regular fire safety inspections in the business buildings of Shelton is a part of the year around fire prevention program of the Shelton Fire Departtnent. Tlal inspections are concerned with being sure that fire safety regulations are camP with and they offer suggestions on measures that may be taken to protect froth fire loss. II The editor of this paper might be willing to lend you his copy of The Christian Science Monitor. But don't count on it. He's an expert newsman with access to many news sources and a good paper of his own. But he still wants to get the Monitor's worldwide coverage and commen- tary on events. Apart from 2,711 editors, there are 20,000 educa- tors and students, 82,000 businessmen, 495 U.S. Senators and Congress- . men, 3 Supreme Court Justices who read the Monitor. Why should they know more of what's going on, and why, than you do? For less than 11¢ a day, you can get your own special insight into the news. Everyday, like they do. Send me 4 months of the Monitor--over 100 Imlues-- for only $11. Payment enclosed .~ Bill me later Name (Please print) Address C+ty - State ........... ziD -- The Christian Science Monitor Box 125, Astor Station Boston, Massachusetts 02123 8th & Railroad 426-3061 AUTO ,, LIFE • FIRE • TRUCK Lennox Oil-Gas -Electric & Heat Pumps 426-3483 SAVE WITH ONE POLICY! Wouldn't it be simpler to have a policy that covers everything with one premium payment? We've got a policy that does just that! Drop in and we'll tell you all about it. UNITED RELIANCE r~co~ w~s~to~N°~s ~--~ ~ 122 S. 2nd 426-1641 Serving Mason County since 1926 110 W. Railroad 426-4447 Do You Want To SaveMoney On Your Homeowners Insurance? If you do, see Representatives of Hartford, Aetna, Unigard, American States, I.N.A. and many other fine companies. 117 East Cota St. Shelton 426-3317 Hoodsport Office, 877-5211 Professional Insurance Counseling... The Oldest Insurance Firm In Mason County... Dick Angle Herb Angle Angle Building 401 Railroad Shelton i SINCIr 1 2402 E. 4th Olympia 943-9616 \ LUMIB]NMEN'~ For class B&C fires. Of Shelton * 426-2611 We appreciate our SheltoO and Mason County fire fighters.., let's help them prevent fires. SHELTON - McCL Founded 1890 Page 22 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, October 4, 1973