October 4, 1973 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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October 4, 1973 |
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NINE HUNDRED POUNDS of moose meat is in the freezer of Verne
Schuffenhauer of Shelton following a hunting trip to British Columbia on
September 29. Antler measurement of the animal -- which weighed about
]850 pounds on the hoof -- was 531/2 inches.
September 13, 1973
Dear Morn, Dad & Grandpa,
Guess what, yesterday we had
a flood? It was really exciting. !
was home from school because
exams have started. Mrs. Hulonce
was taking a nap in the lounge (by
the way Mrs.' heart races like
Uncle Bill's does) and 1 was sitting
in the kitchen reading about 3
when I looked outside and saw
that instead of the little creek
that is supposed to be in the yard
was now a big, roaring river.
Portland House is on top of a hill
wtih a big garden and trees. 1 got
such a shock that 1 ran and woke
Mrs. up. It had been raining and
thundering for only about and
hour -- and to think that on
Tuesday it was almost like
The dam began to overflow
and it flowed right into the
cement works. This all happened
in about 15 minutes. Mr. Hulonce
said it was just like a wave coming
in down at the cement works. The
whole place was under 3-4 feet of
water in that short of time. They
Pauline Wood
ioins WAC
Pauline Wood, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Bloomfield,
Route I, Shelton, recently
enlisted into the Women's Army
Corps, according to SSG Bob
Sharkey, U.S. Army Recruiter.
Wood left for Fort McClellan,
Alabama on September 11 to
begin basic training. Upon
completion of eight weeks basic
training, she will receive advanced
individual training at Fort
Gordon, Georgia.
Aften ten weeks of advanced
individual training, she will be
assigned to Fort Sill, Oklahoma as
a Communications Center
Specialist, for a minimum of
twelve months.
tried to put sandbags around all
the doorways but there wasn't
time. It flooded the power house,
(our lights went out because we're
on company power). The brand
new conference room that had
been completed the day before,
the kiln with the tons of cement
and bricks in them, the office
block and all of the office block
basement with records and books.
The people park their cars outside
of the works and they were
floating around the road outside
of the works. They started
floating when a bus went ripping
through the water on the road.
Mrs. and 1 didn't know this was
happening until - have to go back
a bit Mrs. and 1 were walking
around the garden looking at the
new river and we thought we
better wait at the gate for Paul
and Vicky to come home from
school so Paul went to take his
friends home - all the roads were
flooded in front of the house.
Finally Paul came hgme - I~A
hours to come home because
Lithgow was struck too? (Usually
takes 20 minutes.)Well, back to
Paul, Vicky and ! went and took
the friends home anyway and
found out the dam was
overflowing and the cement
works was flooded. Mr. Hulonce
came home and told us all about
it at 6 or so. I guess one staff man
was walking around looking at all
the damage and fell in a hole -
the man behind him did too and
one of our friends was laughing at
them because all you could see
was their hats floating away. One
of the men got out and pushed
Brian in? No one was hurt and
when Mr. came home he was
laughing about the whole flood.
Today the water has receeded. In
some of the works there was 18
feet of water. Now the dumbest
thing ! ever heard is that the
electricians have gone on strike
because it seems a labourer turned
off one of the machines that an
electrician was supposed to turn
off - we think they didn't want
to work in the muck. The unions
in Australia are really strong and
will strike on anything.
Mr. just came home and said
that we got 3~ inches of rain and
he found the rain gauge at the
bottom of one of the plants. By
the way, we have a boat and
motor and we're on high ground.
Love, Patsy
From down under
Casual Pickers - Weekend Pickers - Steady Pickers
Washington Evergreen Co.
West "H" St. & Monroe (Mountain View)
426-4313 Shelton, Washington
i IK'.\ *
,J : x,, Remnants Galore
• * $*,/79 *
Large shipment arriving nowl
Small pieces 1 to 3 yards
Perfect for pillows, cushions
. *
• , . _ _ • *
Chnstmas rrolem • *
11: *
,](, Shop early while selection is at its best.
. 426-6207 1st. & Cola *
Page 24 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, October 4, 1973
onors recen
By CARMEN YATES last week after about a week and anniversary at and a fierce lab company, would have any
HARSTINE - A special party a half trip "down south" with her storm typical of the Oregon coast. Don't forget gals that todaybusy? He asked if
instigated by the Island cardbrother and sister-in-law. Henry All along the way up the coast the (Thursday) is the October to squeeze one to
players honored the Island's most and Hazel Hansen of Olympia.travelers took interesting side meeting of the Women's Club at per week in the
recent newlyweds. Helen and Irv The three-some left here on a roads that led to small settlements the home of Lila Peugh. issued an invitation to
Wingert, husband and wife forThursday and arrived at their overlooking the majestic Pacific And while we are on the advisory board f0t
just one week. The Community destination of Walnut Creek on views. They enjoyed seeing the subject Of tying strings around Management. All I
Hall was the scene of the special Friday. Their destination was the wide variety of architecture,fingers or noses to rememberwas to utter a
event. About 50 to 60 people home of Henry and Hilda's nearly every home designed important dates, today and explained what it
enjoyed a "happy hour" prior to nephew, Ralph Uppman where especially for its locality and tomorrow and Saturday are the Phase I has now
a good dinner and then visiting their sister, Ann Uppman makes setting and terrain. Hilda then last days to register to vote prior and the board has
and cards after dinner. This herhome, returned to the Island on to the November general and the first of the
week's column may run a little on The first part of the next Tuesday, although the Hansen's elections, complete Phase II wtdd~
the short side due to an week Hilda's son, Donald Williams tried to entice her to spend at A recent phone call left this going to get do~
unexpected cattle roundup to drove over from his home in San least a week with them. reporter a bit overwhelmed, to nitty-gritty of the
retrieve the Yates' herd of two Bruno and took the three headed for Eugene this past 'say the least. The caller inquired It's certainly
beef who chose "news day" of all travelers to San Francisco to have weekend to trade vehicles with as to what I was doing between challenging, but
days to go for a stroll down to the lunch and do some sightseeing their daughter, Eileen and her then and Christmas, to which I Sunday picnic.
George Waite home about two and window shopping. They also husband, Geof. The Island couple replied ,I didn't really think I
miles from where they belonged, went to visit a close friend of the drove their pickup down and left
Was just getting ready tohead for Hansen's from Seattle who wasat it there and returned back to the r.m..~.o..~-.~,..D,~o,~m,~.~,~
the typewriter when the phonethe time in a San Francisco Island with the Meyer's car. Geof
rang. It was Ella McAuliffe who hospital for an eye operation, and Eileen had a number of items
inquired as to whether our beef On a Tuesday they headed they wanted to load and store I
were where they belonged, north and toward home along the with her folks to use when they
Husband, Jim had spotted two coast highway 101. Oregon held are home on vacation. The young
"mouth-watering specimens in two highlights, one dinner at a couple will be leaving soon for the
the vicinity of the Waite home on restaurant the Hansen's had Philippines where Geof is taking
his way home from lunch. A celebrated their 50th wedding over a new position with a new l ORDERS NOW BEING-TAKEN
i Puts all your family birthdays
open gate and two missing
animals. Lila Peugh and Gordon I this handy calendar, sent to you
Larson answered a sudded SOS i • in December.
and a couple of hours later
everything was once again under
control. Everything, that is but i Family name:
this column. Name Month DaY
Margaret McCulloch reports l'sh Book I Husband
from her vantage point in the ~ W_ Wife:__~
Shelton-Mason Hospital it is ~ fo the 1973 1
getting like old hon~e week there.
She has been joined by Arh) r Child: _~
Wingert this past weekend and Ch a IChild: -~
Mrs. Jim Olds, mother of Jim rlstr , s Season
Olds here on the Island. She says Child:
she is begining to feel more like
her old self once again. Get $ J Duscount on $50 I Wedding anniversary__~late:
Wednesday of this week Elsie II i Use moe space if required.
~0~,,,a,so~o,~t0r~°~ IS I O~e~,~e~o~eO~*~,'~
Hospital for surgery, so its really | ears T I :P 0 Box 307,
going to be Harstine week at the sr:u~s ,,~:,t'('K ~x.(:,) HOODSPOR • "
local bandage station. C ATA LOG "SALES 877-5252 All proceedSconser.tiontenefit work.Li°n's Sight
Hilda Williams returned home ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ,~ ~ .i=. ,~ 0
, I
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