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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 4, 1973     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 4, 1973
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PHONE For Sale ID approved by akers. Blue 'Pet cleaner is tops. Store. ]0/4 Christmas tree long with cab MlO/4tfn ~.~_. ! gallon of root beer to Ich, 126 E. University & W Drive-In on ~L football poster While they last at Front and PI0/4- I ] SALE Fr day Oct. 5, lal over the Coast to Rebekkah Lodge. calculator. Old Condition. Adds, multiplies, $20. Call )/4 " FREEZER, call ter 6 P.m. H10/4 A 350 perfect t offer. Call after 5 W10/4.11 October 5, 6, 7, b (Capitol Hill). aby needs, and ayer, 426-5050. :K and white TV. Call a.m.. 5 p.m. No s. E10/4 SOIL OR Valley top soil, Ihest. $5.00 a yard. filled anytime. 426-3735. call 426-8993. D8/23tfn PUP Building GENERAL AUXILIARY .=r 11 -- 10-4 p.m. 12 -- 9-4 p.m. foam mattresses IosDital bed te Finest In: SEPTIC TANKS ~HED ROCK RE--MIx * GRAVEL kY POURS FROM GOLF COURSE ENINGS 9/3tfn Matedals and & Gravel rushed Rock Mix POURS .COME ATCHED TRUCKS N & Park Street 2/1 ltfn For Sale FOR SALE, tomatoes 20 cents lb. Call 426-3705. P10/4-11 .~ CEDAR POLES 25-50 feet. Cedar rounds to order. Treated. Box 121, Union 898-3367. M10/4-11 CEDAR FENCING call Exceptional Foresters 426-1550 for free estimate. Running foot approximate prices 3 ft $1.35, 4, ft. $1.55, 5 ft. $1.85, 6 ft. $2.15. Includes labor. ES/2tfn 1971 ]9V2 ft. Road Ranger by Kit, self contained. New condition $2200. Call 426-6272 or 426-1240. B9/27-10/18 AUCTION EVERY Thursday night at the Tropics Ballroom, ~)Slchneider's Prairie). Call ympia 943-6140. D3/10tfn NEED GUTTERS? Call Norm Bunko at Sears for fast quotes on continuous aluminum gutters. 426-8201. S6/14tfn CORD WOOD for sale. Any length. Call Exceptional Foresters 426-1550. EiO/Itfn TRADE IN your old furniture at Olsen Furniture, 4th and Cota. 4/16tfn PASSING FANCIES by Jan Danford. An illustrated book of verse and prose. $].95 at the Journal and book stores. O2/24tfn FOR SALE -- Large selection of reconditioned ranges, refrigerators, washers, dryers. Eells & Valley Appliance Center. 6/Stfn BEAT THE high cost of beauty bark -- use alder bark. $3.00 per yard per 9 yard load, delivered. 943-9845, 491-8851. L9/27-10/18 1961 TERRY 19' travel trailer, sleeps 4, Park Model, $1200. Days 426-1641, evenings 426-8649. L9/2 7- 10/4 14 FT. camp trailer for hunting and fishing. 3 burner gas stove, heater, spare tire and wheel. Sleeps 4. $300. With 900 watt light plant $425. 426-3473 before noon or after 5 p.m. C9/27-10/4 TOP SOIL And Peat Soil The best quality for lawns & gardens. Call Bob Brewer 426-4936 5/3tfn 1 mile off 101 on Cole Road TOP SOIL Skokomish Valley, good sandy loam, no rocks. Have supplied this dirt for lawns and gardens for 25 years. Deliver by truck load anywhere. Call 426-6749 after 5:30 call 426-2570. F.E. Ogden. 4/12tfn T. V. Repair All makes & models -- stereos, Hi-Fis, auto radios. lk* ~t Winegard Antennas - sales & installation - • • W 426-3465 222 East I Mountain View 9/20tfn For Sale MERLE NORMAN Cosmetics at Elaine's Beauty Salon, 6th and Laurel, phone 426-4582. 1]/9tfn SHELTON JAN ITOR IAL Service, carpet cleaning our speciality, phone 426-8936. $11/30tfn Pets, Livestock ONE 3 MONTH old Calico kitten $3, other kittens available, no charge. Phone 426-1160. J10/4 ADORABLE TINY toy poodles, white, 6 weeks old, 426-1558. H10/4 ONE YEAR old goat, neutered, de-horned, $35. 426-6251. L10/4 CRUSHED ROCK for your driveway or the permanent solution, concrete paving. Graystone, phone 426-3344. 12/7tfn WALLPAPER -- COMPLETE selection. Lowest prices available. Coast to Coast Store, 123 South Second. 6/7tfn MOST POPULAR sizes of tires and batteries now in stock. Call Sears 426-8201. S2/8tfn APPLIANCES, TIRES, over ]50,000 items delivered in Sales Hoodsport. Sears Catalog . Merchant, phone HoodsporT 877-5252. 7/12tfn KELLY'S SHOP, antiques, second hand, glassware, furniture, fan belts. First left on Isabella Road, Shelton, 426-6685. K8/23tfn FIREPLACE WOOD -- fir and alder delivered. 426-1913. H9/27-10/18 5 & 6 room oil heater with blower fan and I00 gallon oil tank $200. Call 426-6576. W9120-I0111 LOCKER MEAT for sale, call 426-8940. G9/20-10/11 HEALTH AND Happiness Shop stocked with organic grains will be open Friday at 426 Grove from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. D9/20tfn ¢=n 1962 METEOR Mercury for sale. Best offer. 426-1076. O10/4tfn 1964 CHEVY Impala, good condition $495. 1961 Chevy Nova $200 runs good. Phone 426-3767. D10/2 '69 FORD Torino, 2-door, excellent, $1500. 426-6183. L10/4 ., '67 RANCHERO, good condition $895.00. Call 426-5482. W10/4 HUNTERS ECT.,Jeep, rebuilt engine, and transfer case, new clutch, hubs, tow-bar, A-1 rubber $795. 426-2181. W10/4 '70 T-BIRD, full power, priced to sell. 426-5994. VS/3Otfn 1971 VW bus, excellent condition, extras, just tuned up, 943-1786. R9/27-10/4 '65 CHEV Impala, excellent condition, 4-door, power steering, 8 cylinder, 426-4]97. C9/20-10/11 PRETTY BAY filly, gentle $50 or best offer, 426-6152. M10/4 Used Cars 1965 INTERNATIONAL pickup, 3/4 ton, with overloads and automatic transmission. Call 426-4377. L9/27- ] 0/4 '73 Dodge Monaco 4-dr. hdt., air cond., 360 eng., AM/FM radio, rear window defroster, d~ A "~rll-- power seat, demonstrator ~LF, a~IO "72 Dodge Coronet 4-dr. 318 V-8, air cond., power steering, under 15,000 miles .......... ~,UbU '72 Plym. Duster 6-cyl. eng., power steer- ,ng. air cond ........... $2,895 "72 Plym. Duster v8, standard trans, power steering, power brakes. Less than 12,000 miles.. "$Z, bbU '69 Dodge Polara 500 2-dr., HT, automatic speed control, air canal., bucket $1,445 seats ................. '69 Ford Galaxie 2-dr. HT .............. $1,475 "65 Dodge Coronet 440, 4-dr. 318 MS, power steering, one owner .............. $635 '64 Plym. Valiant 4-dr. 225, 6-cyl. eng. auto. trans., 42,165 miles .................. '56 Desoto wago. ................. $150 PLYMOUTH • CHRYSLER DODGE *DODGE TRUCKS Bud Knutzen eves. 426-4780 Front & Railroad 426-8183 1973 1972 1972 1972 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 LTD 2-dr .................. $3,825 Dodge Charger .............. $3,175 Maverick 2-dr ............... $2,395 Pinto 3-dr ................. $2,325 Custom 500 4 dr. air ........... $2,095 LTD 2-dr. hardtop with factory air . . $2,725 Montego 2-dr. hardtop ......... $2,095 Torino 500 2-dr hardtop with air . . . $2,595 Torino 500 4-dr .............. $2,395 Mustang 2-dr ................ $2,545 1971 F100 */2 ton ............... $2,695 1971 Gal 500 2-dr ................ $2,395 1971 Comet ................... $2,100 1971 Maverick 2-dr. .............. $1,825 1971 Mazda Pickup ............... $1,595 1970 Ranchero ................. $1,925 1970 LTD 2-dr. formal ............. $2,195 1969 Galaxie 500 4-d rSo .O ..........$1,295 1969 F100 .................... $1,825 1969 Buick 4-door ............... $1,295 1969 Cougar ..... sOLO .......... $2,125 1968 Datsun pickup sOLO ............ $995 1968 GTO ....... sOLO ......... $1,425 1966 Mercury Wagon ................ $595 1965 F250 .................... $1,095 JIM PAULEY, INC. Mr. View at Kneelond Center Phone 426-8231 Parts & service hours: 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday - Friday IIII o )" I 5 words or less -- $1 .S0 • I 0 cents for each additional word over ! 5. • FOUR (4) insertions for the price of THREE (3). • Classified deadline: 2 p.m. Tuesday . @ Pets, Livestock .~ =~-. ~. _~ -~_ ~_ ~.. ~v~_ ~ -~. ~.. _"=_ -scoi;cH HIGHLANDERS, cows and two bull calves, registered quarter horses, phone 426-3648. H9/20tfn PART LAB and collie, 1Vz years, spayed female. Records of shots, loves the water. Call 426-4222. $9/13-10/4 DOG CLIPPING, call Mrs. Scott 426-2868. S5/I0tfn DOG CLIPPING and grooming. For appointments, call Mrs. LaMont. 426-4164. L9/]7tfn EIGHT YEAR old western saddle-bred mare $175 or will take trade. Phone 426-3192. L9/27- 10/4 BONDED LICENSED Cattle Dealer • Calves • Springers • Bulls • Order Buys Bill $chroeder P.O. Box 608 Shelton Call evenings 426-2453 9/13 tfn Curtiss Breeding Service ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION Dairy and Beef LENNY LETT 357-4143 tfn Cards of Thanks The kindness and sympathy of neighbors and friends in our recent sorrow will always remain with us as a precious memory. Our sincere thanks and gratitude for all those comforting acts. Mrs. Agnes Moore Jimmy and Mary Moore I would like to thank all the people that sent such lovely birthday cards to Mrs. Wiley on her 90th birthday. The response was overwhelming. Mrs. Wiley Mrs. Harold E. Hawley Sporting Goods HUNTING RIFLE muzzle loader, 50 caliber. 619 Arcadia St. Call 426-4219. C9/27-10/4 Work Wanted G E N E R AL HANDYMAN, Del Halley. Goldsborouah Tra.iler Court, carpentry, landscaping, wiring, plumbing, etc. 426-453,~. H 10/4- 11 CARPENTERING, PAINTING and remodeling. Call 426-8352, Arts Remodeling. 10/4 LICENSED CHILD care, days, 426-2785. K9/27tfn LICENSED CHILD care infants to 10 years. 6:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. weekdays only. Call 426-6576. K9/27tfn INTERIOR EXTERIOR painting, texture and glitter. Free estimates. Phone 426-5741. P3/15tfn LICENSED CHILD care- Agate area hour or day. Experienced sitters. Call 426-6152. F6/29tfn DAY CARE fenced yard, hot lunches, drop ins welcome, dead end street, Mt. View. 426-2451. Z9/20-10/11 CHILD CARE in my home ] block from Bordeaux School, 426-3814. A8/23tfn LICENSED CHILD care Mt. View area, 426-6576. K7/19tfn Instruction SWIMMING CLASSES beginner, advanced beginner, and intermediate, children's classes begin Monday, October 1 at 4 p.m. Adult classes Monday October 1, 7 p.m. For information dial 426-2507. W9/13-10/4 Wanted EXCESS POUNDAGE wanted, join TOPS Wednesday nights, 6:30, Fifth and Birch. Call 426-9185 for information. T10/4-25 CASH FOR cedar blocks, 426-1689. N9/13-10/4 ALDER LOGS wanted, 7" and up, we'll pay premium price year around. For more information call Mason Hardwood, 426-3464 day, night. M6/21tfn D.H. KNUDSEN Pole Co. Port of Shelton, John's Prairie. We buy poles, piling stumpage and land. 426-6350, home phone 426-8914. P.O. Box K, Shelton. K2/24tfn ~%%%%%~ %%%%%A %% Sporting Goods Help Wanted PART-TIME BUS driver wanted for Pioneer School District 402. Apply at school office, Agate Road. P]0/4 PART-TIME EXPERIENCED fry cook, 426-3073. C]0/4 WANTED SECRETARY I, range 28, step A, $531 per month. Garrett Heyns Education Center. 426-4433 ext. 238. O9/27-10/4 LADIES: FASHION wagon of Minnesota Woolens has part-time openings to show beautiful fashions. No experience necessary. Must be over 21. If you can work 3 evenings a week, have transportation and would like a high income and free $400 wardrobe, call 943-3885. H9/27- 10/4 RETIRED -- SEMI-RETIRED -- Housewife. Need extra cash? Make insurance reports; permanent, part time. No experience needed, we train• Car necessary, polaroid camera helpful. Send brief resume to P.O. Box 12800, Seattle, Wn. 98111. H9/27-10/11 OYSTER OPENERS wanted -- some experience necessary. Call 426-3750 after 5 p.m. G9/20tfn BEAUTICIAN, BEAUTY Shop salary plus commission, paid vacation 491-8030. E9/27- 10/4 WANTED 20 women ]8 and over who would like to supplement income. Work from home. Training provided. 426-1468. R9/20- 10/11 WANTED -- AUTO parts man. Some parts experience necessary. Salary plus bonus. Jim Pauley Ford 426-8231, Shelton. I0/4-11 IBM TYPESETTER Opportunity for on-the-Job training if your typing speed is 70 wpm or better. Newspaper production experience helpful but not necessary. Variety, excellent advancement. For an appointment call Lee at 426 -4412. Personal LOSE WEIGHT safely & fast with X-11 Diet Plan $3.00. REDUCE Excess Fluids with X-Pel $3.00. Money back guarantee, Evergreen Drug. P10/4-11/8 PROFESSIONAL COUNSELING Service -- marriage and family counseling. By appointment only. Phone after 5 p.m. 426-4034. F9/27tfn For Rent 1 BEDROOM apartment, furnished, some utilities paid, No children, no pets, references required. Cleaning deposit $25. $75 per month first and last months in advance. Call 426-6158. 09/27tfn TWO BEDROOM units with appliances and separate utility room in new 4-plex building from $165.00. Two minutes from town, carpets, separate patio. Call Mason County Realty 426-4486 or come to our new office at 8th & Railroad. M9/27-10/4 1 BEDROOM furnished apartment downtown, adults, references, no pets. $100 month, call 426-1205 or 426-9469. D9/2Otfn LARGE APARTMENT --"just like living in a house" $149 or $169. Phone 352-0483 in Olympia. V9/20tfn 1, 2 and 3 bedroom furnished apartments, no pets, available now. Edgewood Apartments, Hiway 101 above airport. 426-5093. E7/26tfn FOR RENT small house, 426-8473. 9/27-10/4 FOR RENT: trailer space close to downtown. Call 426-4426. 10/8tfn COMPLETELY FURNISHED apartments, $50 to $65 per month 426-5892. S8/2tfn AVAILABLE OCTOBER 1 -- two bedroom duplex, stove and refrigerator. Adults only, no pets. References. 426-8269. G9/2Otfn UNFURNISHED TWO bedroom house, no pets, references required, 426-3242. BlO/4 One and Two Bedroom Apartments, with carpet, drapes & appliances, no pets. 2329 Jefferson St. Mgr, Apt. 2 or 426-1916 7/12tfn MT. VIEW 2 Bedroom -- Unfurnished Available NOW -- No Pets CONTACT MANAGER 426-3100 tfn Ask for our special on tune-up, winterization and storage of your outboard motors. We also specialize in in-board, tune-up, overhaul and dry storage. Marina on H Terms Union 898-2252 10/4- 1 1 Mobile Homes REDUCED $250.00 -- if you're having trouble finding a decent rental, then you should consider this 10 x 55 ft. 3 bedroom mobile home. A sacrifice at only $4,250.00 and your Credit Union will be glad to help you. Mann Real Estate, 426-6592 M10/4 1972 FREEDOM mobile home, 12 x 60, 2 bedroom, living room expando. Sacrifice at $]500 for equity and refinancelPayments. 426-2554. F9/20-10/1 Lost & Found I. _%~%A~ -_ _%%%%%%--~ LOST -- UPPER denture and bi-focal glasses. Reward offered. 426-5392. C9/27-10/4 Mobile Homes %%%%%%%%%%%~%~-~ ]970 BaN Prix 12 x 60 located Robin Hood Trailer Village $5500. Use beach lot, call after 6 p.m. 898-2100 Union. L9/27- 10/4 Special This Week 12' x48' Olympia One bedroom, all electric. 12' x64' Kentwood 2 bedroom, all electric, furniture package, thermopanes, many extras. Now two locations to serve your housing needs. Taylor Towne - 426-5568 Gorst - 373-5001 Open Daily 9-5 Closed Sundays ALCOHOLISM INFORMATION and referral center 428 Birch St., Shelton. Phone 426-4407. S2/12tfn Singles Fellowship of Olympia invites you to hear Darrell H ines of Kirkland, Wa., supervisor of guidance and administration, Bellevue Public Schools as our featured speaker ' for the October 7 get-together. All ages invited, coffee and doughnuts served. Enrich your life by joining us -- Greenwood Inn (formerly Evergreen Inn) Sunday morning 9 o'clock to ]0:30 a.m. Call evenings 426-2173 or 357-7439 for further information. 1 (3/4 Real Estate Wanted WANTED 4 B.R. home, will assume mortgage with low down, 426-8557. L10/4 $9000 TWO bedroom house, $750 down, owner carry contract, near Bordeaux School & stores. Call 426-5604 after 4 p.m. D9/27- 10/4 60 x 100 lot for sale, Angleside, 426-1076. O10/4tfn 3 BEDROOM on 4 plus acres. Fireplace. $]5,500 terms. Shelton Land and Homes 426-5555. 10/4 For Rent ONE BEDROOM furnished mobile home, country location, older couple preferred, utilities paid. Phone 426-4378. M]0/4tfn ONE BEDROOM furnished apartment, close to downtown, water and garbage furnished, references required, $90 month. Call Tacoma 588-6413. Sl0/4tfn TWO BEDROOM apartment, built-in appliances, fireplace, $150 month. No children or pets. Includes utilities. 426-3434. D9/27tfn TWO BEDROOM duplex, stove and refrigerator. Adults only, no pets. References, damage deposit. 426-8269. G 10/4tfn FOR LEASE large country home with 4-5 bedrooms, 3 baths, rec. room, 3/4 acre $250 a month. References required. 426-2646 Himlie Realty. H10/4 SMALL ONE bedroom house with garbage, water, and sewage paid. $80. No children or pets. $50 breakage deposit. 426-2387. N 10/4 TWO BEDROOM with appliances $115 month plus $50 damage and clean-up deposit. Inquire 2025 Washington St. T]O/4 HOOD CANAL waterfront, 2 bedroom, bath and qz, appliances, drapes, carpets, mobile home, $]50 month. Call Mason County Realty 426-4486. M ]0/4 3 BEDROOM. fireplace, view of Hammersley Inlet. $]6,750, low down. Payments like rent. Shelton Land and Homes, 426-5555. 10/4 .01 ACRE FAMILY ROOM: Plus 3 bedrooms, large kitchen, separate utility, separate ~larage, carpeted + hardwood oars, fenced yard and much more. $24,750 and qualified vet can assume existing GI loan. NORTH BAY: 2+ acres with 260 feet low bank waterfront. Also highway frontage. Call today -- less than $100 front foot @$20,000. NEAR TOTTEN SHORES: View lot w/60' waterfront by 230' deep. Only $6,500. Good building site. SHELTON VALLEY: 60 acres or smaller down to 8 acres. Good site for hillside home w/view of valley andg( pod access. Just a few minutes from downtown Shelton. AGENCY RE ALTO~' ~ A~ TO~' REAL ESTATE - INSURANCE 122 SOUTH THIRD ST. Call 426-1641 Bev Thomason 426-8615 Keith Anderson 426-4379 Thursday, October 4, 1973 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 25