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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 4, 1973     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 4, 1973
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Legal Publications Legal Publications Legal Publications Legal Publications Legal Publications Legal Publications Legal Publkations Legal CORRECTED on the regular blank forms laW'A hearing for such_purpose NOTICE OF HEARING 1:30 P.M., or as soon thereafter as NOTICE OF NOTICE OF HEARING f u r n ished an d must be Douglas-fir $122.85; western THE STATE OF WASHINGTON Franchise Application hearing may be had. NOTICE IS I- NOTICE IS HEPEBY accompanied by cash, certified will be had on the 19th any o~ hemlock and other coniferous FOR MASON COUNTY IN GIVEN: That the Board of check, or bid bond, in the amount October, 1973, at the hour of species, $87.23. Additional PROBATE No. 458 D A TED a t Olymp in, THAT THE Planl Amendment No. 3 Washington, this 17th day of of the C ity County Commissioners of Mason equal to five per cent (5%) of the 9:30 A.M. at the Courtroom of deposit required for Slash disposal IN THE MATTER OF THE County, Washington, will hold atotal bid. Such accompanying said Superior Court, at Shelton, is $1.92 per M board feet for all E S T A T E O F S E V E R I N In the Matter of the Application August, 1973. Washington will public hearing in their office at certification will be returned to Washington, or to such other above species. There is no roadNELSON, Deceased. of Pacific NW Bell Telephone Co. /s/W.M. Foster hearing at 7:30 p.m. the Courthouse in Shelton, all unsuccessful bidders upon the " department of the Court to which amortization allowance on this NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN fOro p e ar a franchiset e a n d tOm aC°nstruct'i n t a i n AssistantHighway DevelopmentDirect°r for applicati0n15' 1973 in forthe CitYa Washington, on Tuesday, October completion of the award of thesaid matter may be thenand there sale. In addition there is within that the undersigned has been 400/200/100 pair buried W.M. Foster from R-1 to R-3 9 1973, at 2:30 p.m., for the Contract or the rejection of thetransferred, when and where all the sale area an unestimated appointed and has qualified as the purpose of the proposed adoptionbids. The bid bond shall be madepersons interested shall appear volume of all species of hardwood personal representative of the telephone cables upon a portion 9/20-27-10/4-3t bounded by King $ o f a S H O R T P L A T payable to the City Treasurer, and show cause why such which will be paid for at $26.93 Estate of Severin Nelson, of State Route No. 101, in Mason 13th St. between ORDINANCE, along with an City of Shelton, Washington. adiudication should not be made. per M board feet. In addition deceased; that all persons having County, Washington . Street former locate amendment to the present The City of Shelton reserves and why, if made, such petitionthere is within the sale area an claims against said deceased are WHEREAS, the Paciric Day 'Adventist pr Platting Ordinance. the right to reject any or all bids should not be thereafter heard estimated 293 acres of all species hereby required to serve the same, N o r t h west Bell Telephone NOTICE OF PUBLIC Also to hear an ap| logs subject to per acre pricing duly verified, on the undersigned Company, a corporation has filed MEETING zone variance for L Copies of the proposed and to waive all informalities,forthwith and the prayer thereof which will be paid for at $94.18 or her attorney of record at the with the Washinqton State The Citizens Advisory 15, Mt. View Additi~ Ordinance (and amendment) are Sealed envelopes containing granted. Meeting to discuss the Master accordance with zor on file in the office of the Mason the bids shall be marked, "CapitolWITNESS the Honorable per acre. All Included Timber address below stated and file the Highway Commissior~, under the Committee will hold a Public of Shelton. Both h County Planner. Hill Watermain Improvement, GERRY L. ALEXANDER, Judge shall be given Domestic Processing same with the Clerk of the saidprovisions of Chapter 47.44 RCW Program thus far developed in No. 682. tt Any interested person may Project 7349.3". of the said Superior Court, and except all of the Alaska yellowcourt, together with proof of such and amendments thereto, an conformance to the Shoreline John K. Benne appear at said Hearing to be heard Contractual documents may the seal of said Court hereunto cud a r, if any, determined service within four (4) months application for a franchise to Management Act of 1971. All Chairman either for or against the proposed be obtained at the office of the affixed this 14th day of pursuant to public hearings to be after the date of first publication construct, operate and maint.ain citizens of Mason County are adoption. City Clerk-Treasurer, City Hall, September, 1973. surplus to needs of domestic users of this notice or the same will be 400/200/100telephone cables uponPaira burledportion welcome and urged to attend. City Planning D ~TED this 25th day of Shelton, Washington. /s/Elaine Province and processors is exempted frombarred. . of State Route No 101 in Mason Copies of the Master Program as September, 1973. th~ Datedhat Shelton, Washington CLERK, advisedD°mestiCthatPr°cessing'violationsBidderSof theare Date of first publication: County, Washington, for a period developed at this time are BOARD OF COUNTY s 27t Day of September, Glenn E. Correa Domestic Processin!~ requirement September 27, 1973. which shall expire July 30, available in the Regional Planning COMMISSIONERS OF 1973C.ITY OF SHELTON Attorney at Law /s/Evelyn Hagen . 1979 at the following locations: O f f i c e, M a s o n C o u n t y .. MASON COUNTY, 121 S. 4th Street constitutes breach o contract and Personal Representative WASHINGTON. HelenW. Stodden Shelton, Washington may result in contract GLENNE. CORREA Beginning at a point on the Courthouse. /s/ Ruth E. Boysen City Clerk-Treasurer 9/20-27-10/4-3tcancellation or in refusal to Attorney for Estate left side of- SR 101 opposite NOT I C E IS. FURTHER Auditor and Clerk 9/27-10/4-2t ~ award timber sales to the violator, Bell Building approximate Mile Post Station GIVEN: That said Meeting will be or debarment or suspension from12] South Fourth Street 349.80 located in the NW l/, NW held at 7:30 p.m., October 11, .... 1973 in the Courtroom of the bidding on future timber sales. If Shelton, Washington of the,9oard. 10/4 It 1/4 of Section 32, thence in aMasOn County Courthouse, - NATIONAL FOREST TII~,D,_. requested by the State of 9/27-10/4-11-3t general easterly direction to a FOR SALE Washington, or by Grays Harbor ----~ point opposite aporoximate Mile Shelton, Washington. _ NOTICE NO. 329 OLYMPIC NATIONAL FOREST or Mason Counties, or by any Post Station 349:~97 located in _ DATED this 3rd day ot IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF CANYON RIVER H1 73 person deemed to have a the SWV4 NWl/4 of section 32, all October, 1973. CALL FOR BIDS THE STATE OF WASHINGTON SALE located within T. 21N reasonable interest in the NOTICE TO CREDITORS !n Township 20 North, Range 3 By/s/James E. Connolly Sealed proposals will be FOR MASON COUNTY IN and 22N., R. 6W., WM., partially proposed sale, or in its terms, a No. 4424 west, W.M. NOTICE James E. Connolly received at the office of the City PROBATE surveyed. Public notice is hereby public hearing will be held in the IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF ' NOW THEREFORE, Planning Director 10/4 It Clerk-Treasurer, City Hall, IN THE MATTER OF THE given that pursuant to the office of the Forest Supervisor, THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IS HEREBY GIVEN: Shelton, Washington, until 11.:00 ADOPTION OF JACKIE ANNE provisions of Section 5 of Public Federal Building, Olympia, FOR MASON COUNTY , That a hearing will be held on A.M. on Monday October 15, CLARK and SUNI LORETTA Law 273, 78th Congress (58Stat. Washington, on the 19th day of In the Matter of the Es,ateof said application by the Cowardly word 1973, at which time they will be CLARK, Both Minors. 132-16, U.S.C. 583, 583i Sup. 4) October 1973' at 2:00 PM, local CLIFFORD V. DeROSIER, Washington State Highway publicly opened and read aloud TO ALL WHOM IT MAY and the Cooperative Ag'reementtime. Request for public hearing Deceased. .. Commission at its office in theCaution, caution, sir! It is nothing for: CONCERN: for the Management of the will not be considered unless The undersigned is tne Highway Administration Building, PROJECT NO. 7349.3 -- Y O U A R E H E R E BY Participating Forest Properties, in receivedin the office of the appointed and qualified personal Olympia Washington, on the but the word of cowardice. Foreat'fire pr~ Capitol Hill Watermain NOTIFIED that there has been the Shelton Cooperative Forest Supervisor Federal representative of said estate. 15th day'of October,1973, at i JohnBrown bringfor~t Improvement filed in this Court a petition for Sustained Yield Unit entered into Building, Olympia, VVashington, Persons having claims against the T h e m a j o r i t e m s o f the adoption of the above-named, by and between the United States on or before October 12, 1973. deceased are required to serve the construction are: 1835 L.F. praying also that there be first an Trench Excavation and Backfill;adjudication that the consent of of America and the Simpson Dated September 19, 1973 by same in duplicate duly verified, 1835 L.F. 6" C.I. Pipe; 3 each the father of such child is notTimber Company, dated Wynne M. Maule, Forest on the undersigned or the Hydrant Assemblies and other required by law. December 12, 1946, an estimated Supervisor, Olympic National attorney of record at the address such work as required to YOU ARE ALSO NOTIFIED 16,600 M board feet of timber Forest. stated below and file the same • complete the project, that the consent of the mother of marked or otherwise designated 9/27-10/4-11-18-4twith the Clerk of this Court, Work shall commence within the above-named, such mother's for cutting will be sold to together with proof of such service within four months after i ten (10) days after award of the name being SHEILA ANNE Simpson Timber Company, September 20, 1973, or the same Contract and be completed within CLARK (now SHEILA ANNE Seattle Washington, October 29, NOTICE TO CRI:DITORS will be forever barred. twenty (20) working days. RAMSBOTTOM) has already 1973. The minimum acceptable NO. 4427 ~s/Elizabeth E. Coffman I All proposals must be made been given or is not required by bid per M board feet is: IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF ELIZABETH E. COFFMAN 1022 S. Huson ,a ~ ~ .__ ~__ Tacoma, Washington ,, ROBERT L. SNYDER Resolution No. 304 have a public hearing prior to the Commission Room at City Hall,/s/19dyed T. Kneeland Attorney for Estate WHEREAS, A study has been adoption of said program, in Shelton Washington. Commissioner of Finance 1251/2 N. 5th made bv the City Enaineer and NOW, THEREFORE IT IS 2. That written or oral /s/Michael J. Byrne Shelton, Washington 98584 approve~ by the Co'mm'issioner of HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE objections should be filed with Commissioner of 9/20-27-10/4-3t Public Works in which a six (6) C ITY COMMISSION OF THE the City Commission at the said Public Works .......... year program has been compiledCITY OF SHELTON AS hearing or prior thereto. ,ATTEST: showing the street location. FOLLOWS: I N T R O D U C E D A N D /s/Helen W. Stodden NOTICE OF APPLICATION improvement that is to be made1. That a public hearing of thePASSED in regular Commission City Clerk within the six (6)year period; and proposed six (6) year road meeting this 2nd day of October, APPROVED AS TO FORM: TO#PPROPRT/ARTsE Air C:; tela nIng Chain Saws Plumbing the est'mated cost of such program of the City of Shelton 1973. /s/B. Franklin Heuston STATE OF WASHINGTON, I '3 DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY I I Saws Rentals * New Small improvement; and ~i~obe held oO, nloOc~t. 19, 1973, at ~/a ForA" Travis City Attorney I Stihl & McCulloCll (=ha,,, I New and RePal WHEREAS, it is necessary to : p.. ' " t e City y TAKEThatNOTICE:cLARK M. DOUGLAS II Engineering. I ,~,oto, tune-u~ & ,ep,~,,s. I BOON'S I tUll~. RADIATOR RE~ CiTY OF SHELTON of Kirkland, Washington on June I Sales &, Service I SHELlrON SAW SHOP INC. & HE,,TINu Six Year Construction Program 25 1973 under Application No. I I "Ser IvngMason C°u'~.t.y 1974 - 1979 $2-21207 filed for permit to I ~ ~I | Hours: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sat. 9-5 appropriate public waters, subject I ,~ L.I[ 22| 3 Olympic Hwy. N. 426-4639 Arterial Streets to existing rights from an I I~ Length 1977- unnamed stream tributary of Case I ~® iCoins Street Improvement Type of Work in miles 1974 1975 1976 1979 Total Inlet in the amount of 0.02 cubic I . .. Radiator Repai Fairmount-U.S. 101 to N.P.R.R. Gr., Dr., Pave 0.72 32,000 25,000 57,000* feet per second, for the purpose I I coins Bought And Sold (I Puget-Dickinson to Fairmount R/W, Gr., Dr., Pave 0.26 8,000 22,000 30,000* of domestic supply continuously. I =, ii ==== / • I I estate appraisals 426-3483 "K" St.,-Sherwood to ]3th Gr., Dr., Pave, Crb, Wk.0.17 8 000 23 000 31,000 The source of the proposed I KOIlegg MOcalnlcal I for appointment: I 426-4719, P.O. Box 866 IkM)lnl'l INumbkNl'l I 13th St.-"E" St. to N. Cty Limits Gr., Dr., Pave, Curbs 1.10 20,000 ° 20,000 appropriation is located within I Northcliff Rd.-13th to 1st Dr., Pave 0.61 10,000 10,000 SE I/4SWV4 of Section 32, I 105 E. Cedar 426-5305 I OI.YMPIC •ATEWAY I & lh~llM 7th St.-Angleside to Alder G[., Dr., Pave, Curbs ~ nnn, Township 22, N., Range 1W I 24-hr. erner, service George T. Booth I 1916 Olympic t Wk. Bridge . 0.44 55,000 ~.,,v~,v W.M., in Mason County. | I Shelton Sprs.,-13th to WCL Pave, Dr. ' 0.51 ]6,000 16,000 Protests or objections to ' Railroad Ave.-lith to WCL Pave 0.35 20,000 20,000 approval of this application must ]Oth St.-Thomas to Wyandotte Gr.. Dr.. Pave 0.35 4,000 4,000 4,000 12,000 include a detailed statement of .... ........... Air Condltlonlna & Concrete Refrigeration "E" St.-U.S. 101 to N. 13th Gr., Dr., Pave, Curbs 0.32 8,000 8,000 16,000 me basis ror oDjecuons; proteszs I H "n " Delaware St.-2nd to Pioneer Way Dr.,Pave 0.13 5,000 5,000 must be accompanied by a two I eatl g I -- Ready-mix Concrete Commercial " I~ Euclid-7th to lOth Dr., Pave 0.20 5,000 10,000 15,000 dollar ($2.00) recording fee and I *c}il *Gas I -- Concrete Culverts & Blocks Sales - SeP Angleside Way-7th to Turner Dr., Pave 0.20 9,000 9,000 filed with the Department of I *Electric I -- Sand, Gravel, Brick & Stone John Prairie Rd-N. 13th to WCL Dr., Pave 0.43 13,000 13,000 Ecology, (address) Southwest I ' -" " I -- Fireplace Screens & Tools KELLOGG M|C| University-Pioneer Way to 2nd Dr., Pave 0.10 4,000 4,000 Washington Regional Office, I Iloon $ Plumolng & Heating Lakes Blvd.-Pioneer Way to Arcadia Dr., Pave 0.13 4,000 : 4,000 Olympia, Washington 98504 11916 OlvmD c Hwv N 426-34R3 I GRAYSTONE of SHELTON I 105 E. Cedar "'hen " "3"" d ........ w,: .... th,rt aye from LTth & Park 426-3344 INDEX SUMMARY O~.tuu=, ,* ~o. ~ Gr ...... Grade *UAB Projects ..... $ 77,000 ' 9/27-10/4-2t . e~ Dr ...... Drainage Vzc Gas Tax ..... 240,000 ~ Auto Glass Drugs Rental Servm CurbsPave ..... ..... PaVecurbs Expert Installation II--_ CosmeticsHelena Rubinstein . BulAIm°stdozers-Loade~Anything t Wk ...... Sidewalk " ' ORDINANCE NO. 857 I ,,- n,.,cv INC I - Prescriptions Folding Banque!.: Bridge .... Bridges 10/4 It AN ORDINANCE FIXING I .......... ' " I --Hypo-Allergic Cosmetics I & Chairs, Hospl~"' THE LEVY OF AD-VALOREM . I ,.wdN1 ............................................................. TAXES IN THE CITY OF Mt. View ..... I NELL'S PHARMACY LEW R|N1 I " I S H E L T O N F O R T H E Kneeland Center Ph. 426-~z.~1 I • ~ ~ • I CALENDAR YEAR 1974, AND I 5th & Franklin Ph. 426-3327 = Write your class:fled adl ! PROVIDING THAT THE O R O I N A N C E B E C 0 M E Auto Renairinn , Floor Covering~ Sewing Machi131~,~ EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY. , r" = I BE IT ORDAINED by the I - Major Overhauls I I - Linoleum -- Carpeting I AL'S SlII~ I " " I City Commission of the City. of I -- Brakes & Ignition I I -- Tile -- Formica sale and I Just fill Inthis easy-to-use order form and then mail to the Shelton-Mason t Shelton as follows: "| --Welding& Tune-ups I I u CHINI I I Section 1. In conformity With I I Used machi~ I County Journal, Box 430, Shelton, Washington 98584 = the.provisions Of, n R.C.W.m a . .I ""'""'"" I ,=x FLOOR COV|IINO 35.33.135 the follow" g ge I = '1 Mt. View I " I is hereby' fixed as the amount|219 So 1st 426-12121 I ' I necessary to raise the monies by 'L " J ~ I JOURNAL CLASSIFIED ORDER ~-, I tax levies required for the purpose . of meeting the expenditures _ estimated in the 1974 Budget of I Back Hoe Service - ,Glass , Sheet Metal & IN I [~ Services ~] Want To Rent I the City of Shelton: I I Broken glass replaced promptly. I Current Expense: I Septic Tank Installations I I E.~ For Sale ~-J Pets, Livestock [~ Personals [~ Work Wanted ~i~ For Rent ' I ]' ,nsUraplate.sheetnCe. ThermopaneClai ms I~andled!. Auto I ,oo, I Mirrors * Shower & tub enclosures Plumbing/' Street: I UlfClftlnl I -- Free Estimates -- | ~ Cars Used [~ Sporting Goods [~/ Instruction ~ Business Opportunities q Real Estate Wanted I 2 200 Mills ($ 73,425) I ..... I [--j Wanted [--~ Mobile Homes L-_~ Help Wanted LI~ Lost & Found L~ Real Estate I L brary3"200 Mills ( 120,195)7 ,I Dale FleshmanB°nded & Licensed426 3073 I s.,,,ON °LASS ¢o. II Serv,Ogs,nc0 a', 1.300 Mills ( 43,38 ) I- I For fast service phone 426-1152 After 5 426 8896 I I Park & Recreation: | . 2226 Olympic Hwy. N. I ~, I .900 Mills ( 30,038) ! Name .................................. Date ~----~-~__ 197__ I Urban Arterial: .300 Mills ( 10 012) BeauN-- I ' I Flood Control. ' , "" I Heating-- Shoe Repair ..... " • o ~ ~ I Comp ete Ha r Care I ! Address .................................................... Phone ..... I . iuu M S [ ....8I i -- " I I • Heating & Cooling ** Polishes & IB0 I ' I " .-------I__ ~-----~ I --Wigs'Wigle(s " Switches I I All types of I~ 8 000 Mills $267 000 I - Merle Norman Cosmetics I I Sales & Service rel~l! I ........................................................... • " ' " I -- Pennyrich Brae ~~~ ...... ~ ............ ~ ---- I Section 2. This ordinance "s I I I • Sheet Metal I lxPIllfl I E I WORD I tN 1 I=~n ] SPACE I necessary for the preservation of I ELAINE'S BEAUTY .~AII~IM i I SHELTON FURNACI CO. I RIPAmRIpAIll ! ..... / IPUd shP?laC