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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 4, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 4, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Wendy and Mathew Bowcutt Bowcutt, Graham marry in Allyn Wendy Graham and Mathew Bowcutt were married on June 30. Their wedding took place at the Port of&apos;Allyn Waterfi'ont Park. Maurice Jenkins performed the double-ring ceremony. A reception fbllowed in the same location right after the ceremony. Stacie Taylor attended as ma- tron of" honor, along with brides- maids Amanda Heckert, Misty Pa- gel and Janet Carkhufl: Jeff Sommers served as best :man, ahmg with groomsmen Paul Morgan, Josh Pagel and Michael Bowcutt. Emma Broumley and Madison Carkhuff participated as flower girls, along with ringbearer Anthony Pagel and train atten- dants All Broumley and Chloe Tay- lor. Oriana Broumley and Janice Bowcutt were ushers. The bride is the daughter of Rob- ert and Cleora Graham of Union. She graduated from Shelton High School in 2002 and from Olympic 2005. She now works as a nurse at Shelton Health and Re- habilitation Center. The groom is the son of Dean and Nancy Bowcutt of Shelton. He grad- uated from Shelton High School in 2002 and now works for Haggard Electric. He's in his fourth year of an apprenticeship program, The couple honeymooned in Can- ctin, Mexico, from July 2 through 9. They live in Shelton. Calvin crops photos, harvests produce (Continued from page 15.) Pour oil in the oven and put it on Ite shared a basic recipe tbr po- tatoes and onions h la Dutch oven, which he likes to enhance with ham or bacon tbr added flavor. Potatoes and Onions Ingredients: l large potato per person 1/2 onion per person 1/4 C. vegetable oil or shortening, though bacon grease is the best Salt and pepper to taste Prepa ration: Slice potatoes in even slices. Cut onions in quarters. Since they will break up, they don't have to be sliced. heat. Put on potatoes and onions, salt and pepper to taste, then cover and also apply heat to top. This will allow them to brown on the top and bottom at the same time. Check them every 10 or 15 min- utes. Turn with a spatula to rotate them. Add more oil if needed, a little at a time, in order to prevent them from getting too oily. Cook until tender to a fork. Cooking time will depend on how many potatoes you are cooking and how much heat to use. A full, 14- inch Dutch oven will take about an hour to cook. Wood or Gas FREE remote thermostat with any Regency Gas Stove/Insert purchase FREE fan assembly with any Regency Wood Stove/Insert purchase Monday-Friday 8:30 to 5:30 Sat. 8:30-5:00 Pre-Season SPECIAL Through October 31, 2007 FIREPLACE PRODUCTS Capital City Stove & Fan Center 2118 Pacific Ave, Olympia • 943-5587 Page 16 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, October 4, 2007 Metzger ". marries Ho Jessica Holeman and Justin Metzger were married on August 3. The wedding took place at Fox Is- land Chapel on Fox island. A recep- tion followed in the same location. Pastor Ted Werferlemann per- formed the double-ring ceremony. Laura Holeman, the bride's sis- ter, attended as maid of honor, along with bridesmaids Napsiyah Salayman and Lacey Hendrickson, friends of the bride. Aaron Metzger, the groom's brother, served as the best man, along with groomsmen Nathaniel Shoemaker and Joe Pelton, friends of the groom. Nyomi Metzger participated as flower girl, along with junior brides- maid Savanna Schreiner and junior groomsman Robert Holeman, the niece and nephew of the bride and groom. The bride is the daughter Howard and Pamela Holeman of Belfair. She graduated in 2005 from the Intercol- legiate College of Nursing at Wash- ington State University. She is now a registered nurse for the American Mobile Travel Nurse Company, cur- rently working at Kaiser Hospital in Walnut Creek, California. L ¸ 2 :: Mr. and Mrs. Justin Metzger The groom is the son of Jeff and Karen Metzger of Union• He gradu- ated in 2001 fl'om Northwest Naza- rene University with a degree in business. He went on to earn a de- gree in construction management from the University of Washington in 2007. He now owns Barefootstu- Guild will host bazaar, salad bar The Donnie J. Oeill Orthopedic Guild of Shelton will have its annual holiday bazaar and salad bar lun- cheon this month. The event will run from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Friday, Oc- tober 26, at the Shelton Civic Center, 525 West Cota Street in Shelton. It will feature local arts, crafts and a salad bar luncheon. Luncheon tick- ets are $7.50 and are available from any guild member or at the door. Vendor tables are available for $20 each. Proceeds benefit Mary Bridge Children's Hospital. The guild has been raising money for this hospital since 1958. More information is available by calling Vickie Gonzales at 426-1601, Extension 3142, or Brenda Killian at 426-1601, Extension 3112. Vendor in- formation is available by calling Gaff Ryan at 426-1601, Extension 3165. WASHI NG'I ON S' ):i] UN I VEI:{SITY OPEN HOUSE Find out about 4-H! rea Fes, the first Web site i the nation designed to specifically!hal colkNe students looking tbr w0 be$ people needing help. i fud qhe couple honeymooned i!ras lize from August 4 throughlw_, I h(. newlyweds now bye in Wal ea Creek, Caliibrnia. sell Fai cee ing mo Please .join us for an Open House at the WSU Mason County Extension office. Extension program displays will be offered along with staff to explain our programs and community events. Date: October 10, 2007 i Ma, te ] ht t ¢lpat B ii re Time: 4-7 p.m. !ag 11840 N. Hwy. 101 i th dcr, Shelton, WA au,)8584 • eet{ Contact person: Maureen MacCracken |nt,od Phone: 360-427-9670 ext. 680 Learn ab4£n  , Fax: 360-427-7264 becomingtern Email: Master d jt Refreshments will be ervcd Gardenerabon • . , i, stm ]ougl ,CDal Special Includes: • Oil & Filter Change (Up to 5 qts, synthetic extra) • Test Charging Systcm & Battery • Chcck Heating & Cooling System • Rotate Tires, Check Brakes & Front End • 29-Point Inspcction ie i ie(kr !'(ui ONLY , 74.9.5 Value -d3a Mention ol bring coupon to X,'andcr Wars Iw 111/.ll/(17 Not valid v+ith other oflk'rs :2 ...... :2 __ __{Ob, "1 r ......... ,,,,l,--tn, th'- Autotnatic transn]issi(m fluid sh<ml ,e I1"1  A.. bc fh,shcd and tilled c, crv 25.0(,0 isa [ uapel ® 30.O00,,,ilcs. VandcrWai'stk,,'agct., ZX l 535 all atltl)lnatic translnissioll le y( .... temk flushulg machine, whtch ts the, ]ONLY LMentlon or [ rlllg l.oIIpon to Vandcr Wal Glass Treatment valid with ot hc ofl:rj • Flush & fill radiator • Pressure test • Test system opcrati(m • Indudes up to 2 galhms of coolant • Includes BG (kmditi(mer Mention or brin y 10/31/07 ,tt;:rs. only way t() cffcctwck' remove all Drki atctnnulatcd deposits t?otn withha te the clltirc trallSllliSsit,n system, i Sl  anl visl 4 II100: ra' alT i Mention or bring coupon to Vandcr Wal's I}x 10/31/1)7 Nol valid with other ofl¢O'k, _  ---  __ __ _ ,rve [ ....... lter: [ * Disc or drum [ede [ *lncludcs rcsurihcing cei, [ of the drulns/rotors [Sk [ • New brake pads or [ham brake shoes : I I I I , ]cllli( n {,1' brnlg t'ollpon It, r Wal's by 10/31/117. : / ...... M:IIVI{;14 tM,{ }CIKI I11111 M I.:MIiII Auto • Truck Domestic • Forei 321 S. 2nd St. Downtown Shelton 426-820 Family owned & Open 8am-5pm Monday-Friday www.vanderwals operated since 1942 Wendy and Mathew Bowcutt Bowcutt, Graham marry in Allyn Wendy Graham and Mathew Bowcutt were married on June 30. Their wedding took place at the Port of'Allyn Waterfi'ont Park. Maurice Jenkins performed the double-ring ceremony. A reception fbllowed in the same location right after the ceremony. Stacie Taylor attended as ma- tron of" honor, along with brides- maids Amanda Heckert, Misty Pa- gel and Janet Carkhufl: Jeff Sommers served as best :man, ahmg with groomsmen Paul Morgan, Josh Pagel and Michael Bowcutt. Emma Broumley and Madison Carkhuff participated as flower girls, along with ringbearer Anthony Pagel and train atten- dants All Broumley and Chloe Tay- lor. Oriana Broumley and Janice Bowcutt were ushers. The bride is the daughter of Rob- ert and Cleora Graham of Union. She graduated from Shelton High School in 2002 and from Olympic 2005. She now works as a nurse at Shelton Health and Re- habilitation Center. The groom is the son of Dean and Nancy Bowcutt of Shelton. He grad- uated from Shelton High School in 2002 and now works for Haggard Electric. He's in his fourth year of an apprenticeship program, The couple honeymooned in Can- ctin, Mexico, from July 2 through 9. They live in Shelton. Calvin crops photos, harvests produce (Continued from page 15.) Pour oil in the oven and put it on Ite shared a basic recipe tbr po- tatoes and onions h la Dutch oven, which he likes to enhance with ham or bacon tbr added flavor. Potatoes and Onions Ingredients: l large potato per person 1/2 onion per person 1/4 C. vegetable oil or shortening, though bacon grease is the best Salt and pepper to taste Prepa ration: Slice potatoes in even slices. Cut onions in quarters. Since they will break up, they don't have to be sliced. heat. Put on potatoes and onions, salt and pepper to taste, then cover and also apply heat to top. This will allow them to brown on the top and bottom at the same time. Check them every 10 or 15 min- utes. Turn with a spatula to rotate them. Add more oil if needed, a little at a time, in order to prevent them from getting too oily. Cook until tender to a fork. Cooking time will depend on how many potatoes you are cooking and how much heat to use. A full, 14- inch Dutch oven will take about an hour to cook. Wood or Gas FREE remote thermostat with any Regency Gas Stove/Insert purchase FREE fan assembly with any Regency Wood Stove/Insert purchase Monday-Friday 8:30 to 5:30 Sat. 8:30-5:00 Pre-Season SPECIAL Through October 31, 2007 FIREPLACE PRODUCTS Capital City Stove & Fan Center 2118 Pacific Ave, Olympia • 943-5587 Page 16 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, October 4, 2007 Metzger ". marries Ho Jessica Holeman and Justin Metzger were married on August 3. The wedding took place at Fox Is- land Chapel on Fox island. A recep- tion followed in the same location. Pastor Ted Werferlemann per- formed the double-ring ceremony. Laura Holeman, the bride's sis- ter, attended as maid of honor, along with bridesmaids Napsiyah Salayman and Lacey Hendrickson, friends of the bride. Aaron Metzger, the groom's brother, served as the best man, along with groomsmen Nathaniel Shoemaker and Joe Pelton, friends of the groom. Nyomi Metzger participated as flower girl, along with junior brides- maid Savanna Schreiner and junior groomsman Robert Holeman, the niece and nephew of the bride and groom. The bride is the daughter Howard and Pamela Holeman of Belfair. She graduated in 2005 from the Intercol- legiate College of Nursing at Wash- ington State University. She is now a registered nurse for the American Mobile Travel Nurse Company, cur- rently working at Kaiser Hospital in Walnut Creek, California. L ¸ 2 :: Mr. and Mrs. Justin Metzger The groom is the son of Jeff and Karen Metzger of Union• He gradu- ated in 2001 fl'om Northwest Naza- rene University with a degree in business. He went on to earn a de- gree in construction management from the University of Washington in 2007. He now owns Barefootstu- Guild will host bazaar, salad bar The Donnie J. Oeill Orthopedic Guild of Shelton will have its annual holiday bazaar and salad bar lun- cheon this month. The event will run from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Friday, Oc- tober 26, at the Shelton Civic Center, 525 West Cota Street in Shelton. It will feature local arts, crafts and a salad bar luncheon. Luncheon tick- ets are $7.50 and are available from any guild member or at the door. Vendor tables are available for $20 each. Proceeds benefit Mary Bridge Children's Hospital. The guild has been raising money for this hospital since 1958. More information is available by calling Vickie Gonzales at 426-1601, Extension 3142, or Brenda Killian at 426-1601, Extension 3112. Vendor in- formation is available by calling Gaff Ryan at 426-1601, Extension 3165. WASHI NG'I ON S' ):i] UN I VEI:{SITY OPEN HOUSE Find out about 4-H! rea Fes, the first Web site i the nation designed to specifically!hal colkNe students looking tbr w0 be$ people needing help. i fud qhe couple honeymooned i!ras lize from August 4 throughlw_, I h(. newlyweds now bye in Wal ea Creek, Caliibrnia. sell Fai cee ing mo Please .join us for an Open House at the WSU Mason County Extension office. Extension program displays will be offered along with staff to explain our programs and community events. Date: October 10, 2007 i Ma, te ] ht t ¢lpat B ii re Time: 4-7 p.m. !ag 11840 N. Hwy. 101 i th dcr, Shelton, WA au,)8584 • eet{ Contact person: Maureen MacCracken |nt,od Phone: 360-427-9670 ext. 680 Learn ab4£n  , Fax: 360-427-7264 becomingtern Email: Master d jt Refreshments will be ervcd Gardenerabon • . , i, stm ]ougl ,CDal Special Includes: • Oil & Filter Change (Up to 5 qts, synthetic extra) • Test Charging Systcm & Battery • Chcck Heating & Cooling System • Rotate Tires, Check Brakes & Front End • 29-Point Inspcction ie i ie(kr !'(ui ONLY , 74.9.5 Value -d3a Mention ol bring coupon to X,'andcr Wars Iw 111/.ll/(17 Not valid v+ith other oflk'rs :2 ...... :2 __ __{Ob, "1 r ......... ,,,,l,--tn, th'- Autotnatic transn]issi(m fluid sh<ml ,e I1"1  A.. bc fh,shcd and tilled c, crv 25.0(,0 isa [ uapel ® 30.O00,,,ilcs. VandcrWai'stk,,'agct., ZX l 535 all atltl)lnatic translnissioll le y( .... temk flushulg machine, whtch ts the, ]ONLY LMentlon or [ rlllg l.oIIpon to Vandcr Wal Glass Treatment valid with ot hc ofl:rj • Flush & fill radiator • Pressure test • Test system opcrati(m • Indudes up to 2 galhms of coolant • Includes BG (kmditi(mer Mention or brin y 10/31/07 ,tt;:rs. only way t() cffcctwck' remove all Drki atctnnulatcd deposits t?otn withha te the clltirc trallSllliSsit,n system, i Sl  anl visl 4 II100: ra' alT i Mention or bring coupon to Vandcr Wal's I}x 10/31/1)7 Nol valid with other ofl¢O'k, _  ---  __ __ _ ,rve [ ....... lter: [ * Disc or drum [ede [ * lncludcs rcsurihcing cei, [ of the drulns/rotors [Sk [ • New brake pads or [ham brake shoes : I I I I , ]cllli( n {,1' brnlg t'ollpon It, r Wal's by 10/31/117. : / ...... M:IIVI{;14 tM,{ }CIKI I11111 M I.:MIiII Auto • Truck Domestic • Forei 321 S. 2nd St. Downtown Shelton 426-820 Family owned & Open 8am-5pm Monday-Friday www.vanderwals operated since 1942