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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 4, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 4, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIhlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllll  q(eO W 1. q e dera] flAnds pay lrrtvals &apos;"'"""'"'""'"'"'""'""""'""'""'"'"' for forestry leaders ion Daniel Glenn "]las born on September 13 in The Mason County Commission son County Noxious Weed Board .i.ppia to Jessica Fletcher and as approved a resolution affirming $19,728 for the current year. --,sGlenn. He weighed 9 pounds, a tinancial arrangement with the. The same arrangement leaves _]nces and was 211/2 inches long. U.S. b orest Service. . the spending of other funds at the a Vins sister Alyssa, age 3 Annual resolutions of this kind discretion of the county commis- D0L a_- *  • d , -uparents are Leanne and follow a decision by the county in sioners. For the current year they velvet Smith and John and Mau- 2001 to accept a guaranteed annu- have appropriated $71,603 to the unit Glenn, all of Shelton. Great- al amount ofmoney from the feder- Forestry Education Program of n. dparents are Dean and Naicy al government and agree to spend Washington State University and anethun of Hoodsport, Steve and the money on certain proiects rec- $1,317 towards the cost of a tim- gta Morris of Union and Rita ommended by the Olympic Penin- ber coordinator position with the cltGene Glenn of Graham. sula Resource Advisory Commit- Washington Association of Coun- tee. That panel awarded the Ma- ties. ?i. - F- • )zdztown =ts some ,h ity ,o aunce in / , < ' ( or Zeir step I d'lympic Middle School is the ee ofKidztown, a program on - - - -   - - -al_. Lay mornings ibr children in qr l s ergarten through the sixth is-( e. h2yprOgram is a ministry of Olels of Shelton. he grand opening will be on :lay from 10 a.m. to noon, at h time children will be invited into the bounce house, a sort which is ench)sed to landings. programs will offer crafts, music, games and lessons. The school is located K Street in Shelton. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllnllllllllllllllllllllllll High Low Precip. Fahrenheit (In.) 26 66 44 .01 27 66 42 .08 28 60 43 .08 29 55 39 .46 rnber 30 54 50 .93 1 61 48 .26 57 48 .42 are recorded for Weather Service at son Field, where the total for September was 2.80 with 1.47 inches falling (hu'- last four days of the month. :.-year average for September inches. A total of 38.18 inches has been recorded during the nine months of the year, slightly the 76-year average of 37.95 es. ht temperature last highest was 90 degrees recorded on ember 10. The lowest tempera- was 39 degrees on September rednesday morning the Nation- leather Service predicted a 70 ent chance of precipitation on xsday with a high near 56 de- ns. There's a 40 percent chance lOWers on Thursday night with a around 38. orecasters predict a break from on Friday with partly sun- and a high near 57. Friday should be mostly cloudy with a degrees. extended forecast for Satur- Tuesday calls tbr rain skies. The highs should in the upper 50s with lows degrees. Our 1st-Run IES! cISrtA$ Stand-Up Comedian .... Something to offend GRAND CHIN BUF T L-UN-CH-BU FFET DTNN-E-I/3 U F F E-T $5.95 $9.95 Monday-Friday Monday-Friday 11 a.m.-2:30 p.m. 4:30-9:00 p.m. Visit our lounge Karaoke Every Weekend Fri - Sat 9-2 Bloody Mary Sundays Special Price All Day WEEKEND BUFFET $9.95 Saturday. Sunday 11 a.m.-9:30 p.m. More fresh buffet items Serving Dim Sum • Saturday & Sunday 8hanflhat BUFFET and LOUNGE 427-0560 or 427-0561 2517 Olympic Hwy. North presents Friday 10- 5-07 and Saturday 10-6-07 OysterFest Celebration Is Saturday, October 6 El Sarape V Cantina is WHERE THE PARTY IS by the buckets, giveaways and lots of fun! BAIl STOOL P BINGO ,:;;;PIP'jI'I'I HO"U IIMo...ighl    •   - J 9.1 I1" .7pm ,,,¢w B.,. & GRILL ' ks .... FHp' , I ',xe,- ,:=:  , .... --- .,.. . ........ s °" ..... Pool Tournamentsl I 'ami°ns i1'4 W.T Co,,. SHELTONu W.At . 426"2221 ""'"ll LOUNGE SPECIALS Tuesdays 5pm-closin3 BEER-STEAMED CLAMS BY THE LB. $6,99p.r rib. w/garlic bread Wednesdays 5pm-closin3 50¢ TAcos Thursd-ys 5---closin 6o, Top Sirloin $6.99 11am-6pm Day S T TION 'Howl(s, wts, Cougs Fans- When your team is on 11/we'll have FREE POPCORN AND 5O¢ TACOS $1.S0 UNDB$1] Pbst Blue Ribbon ]1 MULTIPLE TVs Including our BIG SCREEN means there's not a bad seat in the house! 62 SE Lynch Road • Shelton • 426-8501 $529 4 PC. SOMETHING DIFFERENT Thursday, October 4, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County ,Journal - Page 31 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIhlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllll  q(eO W 1. q e dera] flAnds pay lrrtvals '"'"""'"'""'"'"'""'""""'""'""'"'"' for forestry leaders ion Daniel Glenn "]las born on September 13 in The Mason County Commission son County Noxious Weed Board .i.ppia to Jessica Fletcher and as approved a resolution affirming $19,728 for the current year. --,sGlenn. He weighed 9 pounds, a tinancial arrangement with the. The same arrangement leaves _]nces and was 211/2 inches long. U.S. b orest Service. . the spending of other funds at the a Vins sister Alyssa, age 3 Annual resolutions of this kind discretion of the county commis- D0L a_- *  • d , -uparents are Leanne and follow a decision by the county in sioners. For the current year they velvet Smith and John and Mau- 2001 to accept a guaranteed annu- have appropriated $71,603 to the unit Glenn, all of Shelton. Great- al amount ofmoney from the feder- Forestry Education Program of n. dparents are Dean and Naicy al government and agree to spend Washington State University and anethun of Hoodsport, Steve and the money on certain proiects rec- $1,317 towards the cost of a tim- gta Morris of Union and Rita ommended by the Olympic Penin- ber coordinator position with the cltGene Glenn of Graham. sula Resource Advisory Commit- Washington Association of Coun- tee. That panel awarded the Ma- ties. ?i. - F- • )zdztown =ts some ,h ity ,o aunce in / , < ' ( or Zeir step I d'lympic Middle School is the ee ofKidztown, a program on - - - -   - - -al_. Lay mornings ibr children in qr l s ergarten through the sixth is-( e. h2yprOgram is a ministry of Olels of Shelton. he grand opening will be on :lay from 10 a.m. to noon, at h time children will be invited into the bounce house, a sort which is ench)sed to landings. programs will offer crafts, music, games and lessons. The school is located K Street in Shelton. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllnllllllllllllllllllllllll High Low Precip. Fahrenheit (In.) 26 66 44 .01 27 66 42 .08 28 60 43 .08 29 55 39 .46 rnber 30 54 50 .93 1 61 48 .26 57 48 .42 are recorded for Weather Service at son Field, where the total for September was 2.80 with 1.47 inches falling (hu'- last four days of the month. :.-year average for September inches. A total of 38.18 inches has been recorded during the nine months of the year, slightly the 76-year average of 37.95 es. ht temperature last highest was 90 degrees recorded on ember 10. The lowest tempera- was 39 degrees on September rednesday morning the Nation- leather Service predicted a 70 ent chance of precipitation on xsday with a high near 56 de- ns. There's a 40 percent chance lOWers on Thursday night with a around 38. orecasters predict a break from on Friday with partly sun- and a high near 57. Friday should be mostly cloudy with a degrees. extended forecast for Satur- Tuesday calls tbr rain skies. The highs should in the upper 50s with lows degrees. Our 1st-Run IES! cISrtA$ Stand-Up Comedian .... Something to offend GRAND CHIN BUF T L-UN-CH-BU FFET DTNN-E-I/3 U F F E-T $5.95 $9.95 Monday-Friday Monday-Friday 11 a.m.-2:30 p.m. 4:30-9:00 p.m. Visit our lounge Karaoke Every Weekend Fri - Sat 9-2 Bloody Mary Sundays Special Price All Day WEEKEND BUFFET $9.95 Saturday. Sunday 11 a.m.-9:30 p.m. More fresh buffet items Serving Dim Sum • Saturday & Sunday 8hanflhat BUFFET and LOUNGE 427-0560 or 427-0561 2517 Olympic Hwy. North presents Friday 10- 5-07 and Saturday 10-6-07 OysterFest Celebration Is Saturday, October 6 El Sarape V Cantina is WHERE THE PARTY IS by the buckets, giveaways and lots of fun! BAIl STOOL P BINGO ,:;;;PIP'jI'I'I HO"U IIMo...ighl    •   - J 9.1 I1" .7pm ,,,¢w B.,. & GRILL ' ks .... FHp' , I ',xe,- ,:=:  , .... --- .,.. . ........ s °" ..... Pool Tournamentsl I 'ami°ns i1'4 W.T Co,,. SHELTONu W.At . 426"2221 ""'"ll LOUNGE SPECIALS Tuesdays 5pm-closin3 BEER-STEAMED CLAMS BY THE LB. $6,99p.r rib. w/garlic bread Wednesdays 5pm-closin3 50¢ TAcos Thursd-ys 5---closin 6o, Top Sirloin $6.99 11am-6pm Day S T TION 'Howl(s, wts, Cougs Fans- When your team is on 11/we'll have FREE POPCORN AND 5O¢ TACOS $1.S0 UNDB$1] Pbst Blue Ribbon ]1 MULTIPLE TVs Including our BIG SCREEN means there's not a bad seat in the house! 62 SE Lynch Road • Shelton • 426-8501 $529 4 PC. SOMETHING DIFFERENT Thursday, October 4, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County ,Journal - Page 31