October 4, 2007 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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16' SMOKERCRAFT Alaskan, 25 h.p. ROOM FOR rent, quiet, mature, non- LAKE ISABELLA, 1 bedroom, 1 bath
Suzuki, long shaft electric, less than 20 smoker, no pets. $400 monthly. (360) home with small yard. Access to private
hours, galvanized trailer, sounder, pole 427-0713. B10/4 beach on lake with dock access. Very
holders, swivel seats. Like new, $5,375. - ..................................................................... cute. $625 rent, $625 delSosit. Available
(360) 229-0399. Mc10/4-11 NEW HOUSE for rent or lease pur- soon. Call Invest Realty LLC at (360)
chase. 2017 Summit Drive. (360) 943- 426-3567. 110/4
3233. N10/4-11
WE ARE accepting applications for low
income/HUD subsidized 1 bedroom
apartments for elderly. Controlled ac-
cess, minutes from downtown shop-
ping. Equal Housing Opportunity. Golds-
borough Creek Apartments, 303 South
7th, (360) 426-3903. G2/15tfn
1987 MERCURY Cougar, needs trans-
mission, everything else runs fine. $800
OBO. (360) 426-3150. P9/27-10/4
198,6 OLDSMOBILE Calais Supreme,
4-dr sedan, low mileage, extras, good
condition. $1,500 OBO. (360) 426-0512.
1993 BLACK Mazda 626 automatic,
sunroof, air, tinted windows, $950 OBO.
(360) 427-5241. H9/27-10/4
................................................................................................... ALDERBROOK, THIS spacious 3 bed .....................................................
RECENTLY REMODELED small 2 bed- room home on the golf course comes
room duplex with fenced yard. $700 per with 2 baths (one is master bath with
month. No smoking. No pets. (360) 275- garden tub plus shower and huge walk-
5075 days, (360)426-8072 evenings, in closet), double garage, and large
H10/4-11 deck. No pets, no smoking. $1,295 rent,
................................................................................................................. $1,295 deposit. Available soon. Call
DELUXE, SPACIOUS newer two bed- Invest Realty LLC at (360) 426-3567.
room duplex, vaulted ceiling, park-like 110/4
fenced yard, garage with opener, refrig- _ ..................................................
erator, dishwasher, washer and dryer
connections. Excellent insulation - very
low heating costs. Quiet area, two miles
north of hospital, outside city limits (no
high city utilities). No dogs, one cat
okay. Rent, $750. Expected availability
date, 11/01/07. Phone (360) 791-1949.
LARGE 3 bedroom home at Alderbrook
Golf Course 15 minutes to Shelton. 3
car garage, features a great room plus
2 large bonus rooms. 2 fireplaces and
includes W/D, new appliances includ-
ing propane range, large hot tub and 2
decks. Great home for entertainment.
1988 SUZUKI Samurai 2 door hardtop, Mcl0/4tfn $1,750/month plus $1,750 deposit and
31" tires, GRSII transfer case, Weber ................ .................................................. screening. No smoking, 1 small dog, no
carburetor, too many extrasto list. $3,500 COVERED MOBILE home, Mt. View. 2 cats. Call Michael at West Realty (360)
OBO. (360) 427-2689. W10/4-25 bed, fenced yard. No smoking, no pets. 877-5236. Wl0/4tfn
$625. (360) 426-3557. L10/4tfn
2000 LINCOLN Town Car, Signature ............................................. SMALL 2 bedroom single-wide mobile
TWO BEDROOM house in Shorecrest, at Ayock Beach, 45 minutes to Shelton.
Series. 58,000 miles. Owner no longer
driving. Very good to excellent condi-
tion. $10,500. (360) 426-9041 evenjngs.
W 10/4tfn
1984 RANGER, 4x4, recent tune-up and
brakes, custom rims, 30" tires, great 4-
wheeler or hunting rig. $800 OBO. (360)
426-2383. O9/13-10/4
1987 FORD F150, 70,000 original miles.
Immaculate, rust free, canopy, auto, air
conditioning, garaged. (253) 405-3999.
1997 FORD Expedition Eddie Bauer
edition. 4x4, original owner, fully load-
UNION BAY hot tub cabins. Off-season
weekly/monthly rates. (360) 898-1247.
TWO BEDROOM cabin, $800 monthly
plus utilities, Hartstene Pointe amenities.
Call Steve, (360) 427-8120. $9/13-10/4
large deck, possible pet - on approval.
$650 rent, $650 deposit. (360) 432-0106
or (360) 789-4080. $10/4-11
MASON LAKE waterfront: Newly re-
modeled, furnished, spacious, 1 bed-
room, gas fireplace, large deck, dock,
garage. Available Sept. 30 through April
30. $700 per month plus deposit. For
more information, call Shirley, Real Es-
tate USA, (360) 427-4488. R10/4
ISLAND LAKE: 2 bedrooms, 1 bath,
large front porch, 1 covered parking
space, $675 per month plus deposit.
For more information call Shirley, Real
Quiet community with access to beach
and boat ramp. Very clean and well kept
inside, with small creek running through
backyard. Includes W/D. No smoking, 1
small pet. $500/month plus $500 depos-
it and screening. Call Michael at West
Realty (360) 877-5236. Wl0/4tfn
MT. VIEW - excellent condition, 3 bed-
room, 1 bath home, single garage. No
pets, no smoking. $850 month/S850 de-
posit. (360) 507-4938. F10/4-25
LAKE CUSHMAN, cozy 2 bedroom cab-
in with large loft. 30 minutes to Shelton.
Quiet dead-end street, large lot, cov-
ed, well maintained, good condition, Estate USA, (360) 427-4488. R10/4
146,000 mi., $6,500. (360) 427-6000 .............................................. ered parking. Includes W/D. No smok-
R9/20-10/11 MASON LAKE: 1 bedroom plus loft. ing, 1 small dog, no cats. $750/month
CARS UNDER $2,000. Good selection.
Sun Auto Sales, 5961 E. Highway 3.
Buy, sell, trade or consign. (360) 426-
2907. S3/ltfn
1980 BMW 528i. Front-end damage,
strong engine, headers, great modern
alloy wheels, fixable. Best offer. (360)
426-9692. A8/9tfn
NOW SELLING consignments. Cars,
trucks, vans, travel trailers, RVs. Sun
Auto Sales, 5961 E. Highway 3, Shel-
ton, (360) 426-2907. S1/25tfn
CUSTOM S-10 1991 Chevy, 350 en-
gine, too much to list. $3,200 OBO. Call
Chris (360) 490-0792. D12/14tfn
Fully furnished. Available Oct. 1, $675
plus deposit. For more information call
Shirley, Real Estate USA, (360) 427-
4488. R 10/4
2 BEDROOM, 1 bath, downtown Shel-
ton. W/D, dishwasher, stove, refrigera-
tor. $725/month, $800 deposit. (360)
plus $750 deposit and screening. Call
Michael at West Realty (360) 877-5236.
W 10/4tfn
BEAUTIFUL, WELL kept, 3 bedroom
home on golf course at Alderbrook, 15
minutes to Shelton. Nice deck over-
looking course, includes W/D, covered
898-2224. C10/4-11 parking, propane fireplace and range.
............................................................. $1,000/month plus $1,000 deposit and
LAKE LIMERICK: On golf course. Spa-
cious 2 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 car carport,
month to month. No smoking, no pets.
$1,000 per month plus deposit. For
more information call Shirley, Real Es-
tate USA, (360)427-4488. R10/4
SHELTON: 2 bedroom, 1 bath, unfin-
ished basement, 1-car garage. Near
shopping, schools. $775 per month plus
deposit. Call Shirley, Real Estate USA,
(360) 427-4488. R10/4
................................................ WEST OF
screening. No smoking, no pets. Call
Michael at West Realty (360) 877-5236.
W 10/4tfn
SHELTON'S FINEST. These newer one
and two bedroom sixplex units come
with their own dishwasher, washer,
dryer, and spectacular view of Oakland
Bay. W/S/G paid. Very low heat bills.
$795-$895. (360) 490-0569, (360) 275-
5240. C8/9tfn
Belfair on private farm.
3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, large deck,
extra large detached garage. Located
at 1520 E. St. Andrews Drive N., Lake
Limerick Country Club, Shelton. $900
monthly plus deposit. Available October
14th. Non smoking. No pets please. Call
(360) 459-1729. F9/27-10/4
SHARE QUIET, clean country home
northwest of Shelton. Private bedroom
$370 per person furnished, includes all
plus broadband and nationwide long
distance. Credit check, nonsmoking,
deposit, 6 month renewable lease. (360)
432-8269 or (360) 870-7506. H9/27-
BRAND-NEW RENTAL home in the
Oak Park neighborhood. 3 bedroom,
2 bath, 1,400 sq.ft. $1,100 month plus
deposit. Includes water and' garbage.
Pets negotiable with deposit. (360) 874-
0058. J9/27-10/18
DELIGHTFUL AND secluded, updated
1 bedroom, 1 bath, 500 sq.ft, manufac-
tured home on 1.5 acres with 200 sq.ft.
heated outbuilding for office or stor-
age. 7 minutes from Fred Meyer. $650
monthly. (360) 280-7592. $9/27-10/18
apartments available, $420 per month.
W/S/G paid. Pets okay under 25 pounds.
Call: (360) 426-0674. Address: 711 W.
Pine Street. P6/14tfn
ALDERBROOK: 2 new homes, 2 bed-
rooms, 2baths, 1,758 sq.ft., 2-car ga-
rage. No pets, no smoking. Each $1,300
per month plus deposit. Tenant can play
unlimited golf for extra monthly payment.
For more information call Shirley, Real
Estate USA, (360) 427-4488. R10/4
LAKE LIMERICK: Month to month. 2
bedroom, 1 bath, single car garage.
Fenced backyard. Available Oct. 1. No
smoking. $850 per month plus deposit.
Shirley, Real Estate USA, (360) 427-
LAKE CUSHMAN, 2 bedroom plus ex-
tra room. 30 minutes to Shelton. Very
clean, newer appliances, quiet setting
near lake and park, has garage and car-
port. $800/month plus $800 deposit and
screening. No smoking, 1 small pet. Call
Michael at West Realty (360) 877-5236.
Wl 0/4tfn
Private Clubhouse
For your holiday party
Holiday Beach
Prestigious 2 bedroom duplexes with den,
spacious floor plan, with 2 full baths, 2 car
garage, large master suite, natural gas forced
air heat, fireplace, high speed Internet access,
RV storage, extra storage units, professi.onally
landscaped and maintained grounds. $1,000
per month.
Call Lake Park LLC
for more information
Page 38 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, October 4, 2007
Small, clean, bright 2 story home on
large acreage. W/D and a stall for your
horse. Some caretaking required, $895
monthly, $500 deposit. Available now.
(360) 372-2759. C9/13-10/4
RENT TO own, Shorecrest. New home,
killer view. 3 bedrooms, 21/2 baths, 866-
426-4024, www.rmrealestateproperties.
com. R9/13-10/4
MATLOCK, PRISTINE acreage, river-
front. Spacious, smoke-free, 4 bedroom,
2 bath, formal dining, deck views, pets.
(360) 877-9234. $9/20-10/11
ulate 4 bedroom, 2 bath, 120' Iowbank,
1.5 acres, double garage, $1,450. (253)
405-3999; (253) 620-9666. References,
deposits. 4360 Grapeview Loop Road.
3 BEDROOM, 2 bath, heated shop, gat-
ed community, private lake. Credit check
required. No pets, no smoking. $1,000
monthly. (360) 426-8897. H9/20tfn
3 BEDROOM, 31/2 bath house, Lake
Limerick. No smoking, pets negotiable.
$1,600 monthly. (360) 426-4540. H9/20-
2 BEDROOM, 2 bath townhome, $700
monthly. Pets ok. Quiet country setting.
(360) 352-9223; (360) 701-5855. T9/20-
RV SPACE $365 monthly. Historic ob-
in Hood Village on Hood Canal. Walk
to oysters, crabbing, fishing. 8 minutes
to WaI-Mart. robinhoodvillage.com or
(360) 927-1105. B7/19-12/27
All real estate advertising in this news-
paper is subject to the Fair Housing Act
which makes it illegal to advertise "any
preference, limitation or discrimina-
tion based on race, color, religion, sex,
handicap, familial status or national
origin, or an intention, to make any such
preference, limitation or discrimination."
Familial status includes children under
the age of 18 living with parents or le-
gal custodians, pregnant women and
people securing custody of children
under 18.
This newspaper will not knowingly
accept any advertising for real estate
which is in violation of the law. Our
readers are hereby informed that all
dwellings advertised in this newspaper
are available on an equal opportunity
basis. To complain of discrimination call
HUD toll-free at 1-
800-669-9777. The
toll-free telephone
number for the hear-
ing impaired is 1-
800-927-9275. ,=L .=,,,
vate professional office spaces avail-
able now. Rents from $300 to $650.
Electric, water and garbage included.
Shared bathrooms, kitchen and entry
room. Gateway Property Management,
(360) 426-3988. G9/13-10/4
1,600 square feet of commercial/retail
space in prime downtown location avail-
able at less than 80’ a square foot.
(360) 426-9728. S2/15tfn
tract loans. Local, prvate, fastL--.-
491-5463. J3/16tfn
Communi52 "
Mortgage Center
Our Community Credit UniAK
Purchase or Refinance | 1 c.
Fixed and Adjustable" Rite 1
Construction VA
Serving anyone living or
Mason or Grays
432-5210 *
BY OWNER. Location!
utes to everywhere. Possible
cial. 2 bed, 2 bath, 1,700 sq.ft.,
proximately 1 acre at Sunnyslc
Highway 3. $220,000. (360)
MUST SELL very nice lot with
mobile home on cul-de-sac
(Oak Park). Bargain at only
(360) 490-2837, (360) 426-0277.
Very private & lovely 4BD/2.SBA
cedar home located on a quiet
corner lot (double) in Lake Lim-
erick. Community offers golf,
clubhouse, boating & beach ac-
cess. Well maintained with 1,696
SF in main house & 380 SF bonus
room/office/4th bedroom over ga-
rage. Cute, covered country porch
leads to spacious living room with
woodstove. Kitchen sunspace
brings the outdoors in & a lreat
layout with quality oak cabinets
& a prep island. Home has large
back deck, separate shop & sau-
na upstairs. $275,000 - NWMLS
Directions: Hwy. 3 to Mason Lake
Road, left on Ballantrae, right on
Aycliffe to 211 on left.
Art Conrad
(360) 620-3300 ....
emaih artconrad@remax.net R/
www.platinumservlcesinc.com/27081268 "rer
t P I NG Real Estate
Ping Sun 800-815-4041
Broker/Owner 360-426-6944
i0000i!i!!!!i!00!iiill V ,,,:,
Allyn - New home on shy acre. 3br/2ba & large dbl Tlmberlakes- New on the Marketl Older
garage. at pump ready, vaulted ceilings and more. singlewide w/2br/lba plus 1 oonus roon
Owner carry 2nd of 10% purchase price, $249,000 corner lot w/view of the lake. Outbuildings.
Spencer Lake-2000+sf triplewide w/3br/2ba plus Shelton- Spotless 3 year new 3br/2ba
office on private 5 acres. Park4ike setting. Det 42x24 close to everything. Dbl fin garage. Fenced I
4-car gerage/shop, cabana, 5-pc master. $269,950 Forced air, skylights. $2000 buyer's bonus.
1615 South 2nd Street Shelton #271
Fabulous value in this upgraded home on south side of Shelton.
1,800 square feet including family room and huge
room. Spacious open floor plan. Fully landscaped,
backyard with deck and shed. 2 car garage.
deaux School. Seller paid closing costs call for
Debi and Bob * Realtors 360-490-71
16' SMOKERCRAFT Alaskan, 25 h.p. ROOM FOR rent, quiet, mature, non- LAKE ISABELLA, 1 bedroom, 1 bath
Suzuki, long shaft electric, less than 20 smoker, no pets. $400 monthly. (360) home with small yard. Access to private
hours, galvanized trailer, sounder, pole 427-0713. B10/4 beach on lake with dock access. Very
holders, swivel seats. Like new, $5,375. - ..................................................................... cute. $625 rent, $625 delSosit. Available
(360) 229-0399. Mc10/4-11 NEW HOUSE for rent or lease pur- soon. Call Invest Realty LLC at (360)
chase. 2017 Summit Drive. (360) 943- 426-3567. 110/4
3233. N10/4-11
WE ARE accepting applications for low
income/HUD subsidized 1 bedroom
apartments for elderly. Controlled ac-
cess, minutes from downtown shop-
ping. Equal Housing Opportunity. Golds-
borough Creek Apartments, 303 South
7th, (360) 426-3903. G2/15tfn
1987 MERCURY Cougar, needs trans-
mission, everything else runs fine. $800
OBO. (360) 426-3150. P9/27-10/4
198,6 OLDSMOBILE Calais Supreme,
4-dr sedan, low mileage, extras, good
condition. $1,500 OBO. (360) 426-0512.
1993 BLACK Mazda 626 automatic,
sunroof, air, tinted windows, $950 OBO.
(360) 427-5241. H9/27-10/4
................................................................................................... ALDERBROOK, THIS spacious 3 bed .....................................................
RECENTLY REMODELED small 2 bed- room home on the golf course comes
room duplex with fenced yard. $700 per with 2 baths (one is master bath with
month. No smoking. No pets. (360) 275- garden tub plus shower and huge walk-
5075 days, (360)426-8072 evenings, in closet), double garage, and large
H10/4-11 deck. No pets, no smoking. $1,295 rent,
................................................................................................................. $1,295 deposit. Available soon. Call
DELUXE, SPACIOUS newer two bed- Invest Realty LLC at (360) 426-3567.
room duplex, vaulted ceiling, park-like 110/4
fenced yard, garage with opener, refrig- _ ..................................................
erator, dishwasher, washer and dryer
connections. Excellent insulation - very
low heating costs. Quiet area, two miles
north of hospital, outside city limits (no
high city utilities). No dogs, one cat
okay. Rent, $750. Expected availability
date, 11/01/07. Phone (360) 791-1949.
LARGE 3 bedroom home at Alderbrook
Golf Course 15 minutes to Shelton. 3
car garage, features a great room plus
2 large bonus rooms. 2 fireplaces and
includes W/D, new appliances includ-
ing propane range, large hot tub and 2
decks. Great home for entertainment.
1988 SUZUKI Samurai 2 door hardtop, Mcl0/4tfn $1,750/month plus $1,750 deposit and
31" tires, GRSII transfer case, Weber ................ .................................................. screening. No smoking, 1 small dog, no
carburetor, too many extrasto list. $3,500 COVERED MOBILE home, Mt. View. 2 cats. Call Michael at West Realty (360)
OBO. (360) 427-2689. W10/4-25 bed, fenced yard. No smoking, no pets. 877-5236. Wl0/4tfn
$625. (360) 426-3557. L10/4tfn
2000 LINCOLN Town Car, Signature ............................................. SMALL 2 bedroom single-wide mobile
TWO BEDROOM house in Shorecrest, at Ayock Beach, 45 minutes to Shelton.
Series. 58,000 miles. Owner no longer
driving. Very good to excellent condi-
tion. $10,500. (360) 426-9041 evenjngs.
W 10/4tfn
1984 RANGER, 4x4, recent tune-up and
brakes, custom rims, 30" tires, great 4-
wheeler or hunting rig. $800 OBO. (360)
426-2383. O9/13-10/4
1987 FORD F150, 70,000 original miles.
Immaculate, rust free, canopy, auto, air
conditioning, garaged. (253) 405-3999.
1997 FORD Expedition Eddie Bauer
edition. 4x4, original owner, fully load-
UNION BAY hot tub cabins. Off-season
weekly/monthly rates. (360) 898-1247.
TWO BEDROOM cabin, $800 monthly
plus utilities, Hartstene Pointe amenities.
Call Steve, (360) 427-8120. $9/13-10/4
large deck, possible pet - on approval.
$650 rent, $650 deposit. (360) 432-0106
or (360) 789-4080. $10/4-11
MASON LAKE waterfront: Newly re-
modeled, furnished, spacious, 1 bed-
room, gas fireplace, large deck, dock,
garage. Available Sept. 30 through April
30. $700 per month plus deposit. For
more information, call Shirley, Real Es-
tate USA, (360) 427-4488. R10/4
ISLAND LAKE: 2 bedrooms, 1 bath,
large front porch, 1 covered parking
space, $675 per month plus deposit.
For more information call Shirley, Real
Quiet community with access to beach
and boat ramp. Very clean and well kept
inside, with small creek running through
backyard. Includes W/D. No smoking, 1
small pet. $500/month plus $500 depos-
it and screening. Call Michael at West
Realty (360) 877-5236. Wl0/4tfn
MT. VIEW - excellent condition, 3 bed-
room, 1 bath home, single garage. No
pets, no smoking. $850 month/S850 de-
posit. (360) 507-4938. F10/4-25
LAKE CUSHMAN, cozy 2 bedroom cab-
in with large loft. 30 minutes to Shelton.
Quiet dead-end street, large lot, cov-
ed, well maintained, good condition, Estate USA, (360) 427-4488. R10/4
146,000 mi., $6,500. (360) 427-6000 .............................................. ered parking. Includes W/D. No smok-
R9/20-10/11 MASON LAKE: 1 bedroom plus loft. ing, 1 small dog, no cats. $750/month
CARS UNDER $2,000. Good selection.
Sun Auto Sales, 5961 E. Highway 3.
Buy, sell, trade or consign. (360) 426-
2907. S3/ltfn
1980 BMW 528i. Front-end damage,
strong engine, headers, great modern
alloy wheels, fixable. Best offer. (360)
426-9692. A8/9tfn
NOW SELLING consignments. Cars,
trucks, vans, travel trailers, RVs. Sun
Auto Sales, 5961 E. Highway 3, Shel-
ton, (360) 426-2907. S1/25tfn
CUSTOM S-10 1991 Chevy, 350 en-
gine, too much to list. $3,200 OBO. Call
Chris (360) 490-0792. D12/14tfn
Fully furnished. Available Oct. 1, $675
plus deposit. For more information call
Shirley, Real Estate USA, (360) 427-
4488. R 10/4
2 BEDROOM, 1 bath, downtown Shel-
ton. W/D, dishwasher, stove, refrigera-
tor. $725/month, $800 deposit. (360)
plus $750 deposit and screening. Call
Michael at West Realty (360) 877-5236.
W 10/4tfn
BEAUTIFUL, WELL kept, 3 bedroom
home on golf course at Alderbrook, 15
minutes to Shelton. Nice deck over-
looking course, includes W/D, covered
898-2224. C10/4-11 parking, propane fireplace and range.
............................................................. $1,000/month plus $1,000 deposit and
LAKE LIMERICK: On golf course. Spa-
cious 2 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 car carport,
month to month. No smoking, no pets.
$1,000 per month plus deposit. For
more information call Shirley, Real Es-
tate USA, (360)427-4488. R10/4
SHELTON: 2 bedroom, 1 bath, unfin-
ished basement, 1-car garage. Near
shopping, schools. $775 per month plus
deposit. Call Shirley, Real Estate USA,
(360) 427-4488. R10/4
................................................ WEST OF
screening. No smoking, no pets. Call
Michael at West Realty (360) 877-5236.
W 10/4tfn
SHELTON'S FINEST. These newer one
and two bedroom sixplex units come
with their own dishwasher, washer,
dryer, and spectacular view of Oakland
Bay. W/S/G paid. Very low heat bills.
$795-$895. (360) 490-0569, (360) 275-
5240. C8/9tfn
Belfair on private farm.
3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, large deck,
extra large detached garage. Located
at 1520 E. St. Andrews Drive N., Lake
Limerick Country Club, Shelton. $900
monthly plus deposit. Available October
14th. Non smoking. No pets please. Call
(360) 459-1729. F9/27-10/4
SHARE QUIET, clean country home
northwest of Shelton. Private bedroom
$370 per person furnished, includes all
plus broadband and nationwide long
distance. Credit check, nonsmoking,
deposit, 6 month renewable lease. (360)
432-8269 or (360) 870-7506. H9/27-
BRAND-NEW RENTAL home in the
Oak Park neighborhood. 3 bedroom,
2 bath, 1,400 sq.ft. $1,100 month plus
deposit. Includes water and' garbage.
Pets negotiable with deposit. (360) 874-
0058. J9/27-10/18
DELIGHTFUL AND secluded, updated
1 bedroom, 1 bath, 500 sq.ft, manufac-
tured home on 1.5 acres with 200 sq.ft.
heated outbuilding for office or stor-
age. 7 minutes from Fred Meyer. $650
monthly. (360) 280-7592. $9/27-10/18
apartments available, $420 per month.
W/S/G paid. Pets okay under 25 pounds.
Call: (360) 426-0674. Address: 711 W.
Pine Street. P6/14tfn
ALDERBROOK: 2 new homes, 2 bed-
rooms, 2baths, 1,758 sq.ft., 2-car ga-
rage. No pets, no smoking. Each $1,300
per month plus deposit. Tenant can play
unlimited golf for extra monthly payment.
For more information call Shirley, Real
Estate USA, (360) 427-4488. R10/4
LAKE LIMERICK: Month to month. 2
bedroom, 1 bath, single car garage.
Fenced backyard. Available Oct. 1. No
smoking. $850 per month plus deposit.
Shirley, Real Estate USA, (360) 427-
LAKE CUSHMAN, 2 bedroom plus ex-
tra room. 30 minutes to Shelton. Very
clean, newer appliances, quiet setting
near lake and park, has garage and car-
port. $800/month plus $800 deposit and
screening. No smoking, 1 small pet. Call
Michael at West Realty (360) 877-5236.
Wl 0/4tfn
Private Clubhouse
For your holiday party
Holiday Beach
Prestigious 2 bedroom duplexes with den,
spacious floor plan, with 2 full baths, 2 car
garage, large master suite, natural gas forced
air heat, fireplace, high speed Internet access,
RV storage, extra storage units, professi.onally
landscaped and maintained grounds. $1,000
per month.
Call Lake Park LLC
for more information
Page 38 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, October 4, 2007
Small, clean, bright 2 story home on
large acreage. W/D and a stall for your
horse. Some caretaking required, $895
monthly, $500 deposit. Available now.
(360) 372-2759. C9/13-10/4
RENT TO own, Shorecrest. New home,
killer view. 3 bedrooms, 21/2 baths, 866-
426-4024, www.rmrealestateproperties.
com. R9/13-10/4
MATLOCK, PRISTINE acreage, river-
front. Spacious, smoke-free, 4 bedroom,
2 bath, formal dining, deck views, pets.
(360) 877-9234. $9/20-10/11
ulate 4 bedroom, 2 bath, 120' Iowbank,
1.5 acres, double garage, $1,450. (253)
405-3999; (253) 620-9666. References,
deposits. 4360 Grapeview Loop Road.
3 BEDROOM, 2 bath, heated shop, gat-
ed community, private lake. Credit check
required. No pets, no smoking. $1,000
monthly. (360) 426-8897. H9/20tfn
3 BEDROOM, 31/2 bath house, Lake
Limerick. No smoking, pets negotiable.
$1,600 monthly. (360) 426-4540. H9/20-
2 BEDROOM, 2 bath townhome, $700
monthly. Pets ok. Quiet country setting.
(360) 352-9223; (360) 701-5855. T9/20-
RV SPACE $365 monthly. Historic ob-
in Hood Village on Hood Canal. Walk
to oysters, crabbing, fishing. 8 minutes
to WaI-Mart. robinhoodvillage.com or
(360) 927-1105. B7/19-12/27
All real estate advertising in this news-
paper is subject to the Fair Housing Act
which makes it illegal to advertise "any
preference, limitation or discrimina-
tion based on race, color, religion, sex,
handicap, familial status or national
origin, or an intention, to make any such
preference, limitation or discrimination."
Familial status includes children under
the age of 18 living with parents or le-
gal custodians, pregnant women and
people securing custody of children
under 18.
This newspaper will not knowingly
accept any advertising for real estate
which is in violation of the law. Our
readers are hereby informed that all
dwellings advertised in this newspaper
are available on an equal opportunity
basis. To complain of discrimination call
HUD toll-free at 1-
800-669-9777. The
toll-free telephone
number for the hear-
ing impaired is 1-
800-927-9275. ,=L .=,,,
vate professional office spaces avail-
able now. Rents from $300 to $650.
Electric, water and garbage included.
Shared bathrooms, kitchen and entry
room. Gateway Property Management,
(360) 426-3988. G9/13-10/4
1,600 square feet of commercial/retail
space in prime downtown location avail-
able at less than 80’ a square foot.
(360) 426-9728. S2/15tfn
tract loans. Local, prvate, fastL--.-
491-5463. J3/16tfn
Communi52 "
Mortgage Center
Our Community Credit UniAK
Purchase or Refinance | 1 c.
Fixed and Adjustable" Rite 1
Construction VA
Serving anyone living or
Mason or Grays
432-5210 *
BY OWNER. Location!
utes to everywhere. Possible
cial. 2 bed, 2 bath, 1,700 sq.ft.,
proximately 1 acre at Sunnyslc
Highway 3. $220,000. (360)
MUST SELL very nice lot with
mobile home on cul-de-sac
(Oak Park). Bargain at only
(360) 490-2837, (360) 426-0277.
Very private & lovely 4BD/2.SBA
cedar home located on a quiet
corner lot (double) in Lake Lim-
erick. Community offers golf,
clubhouse, boating & beach ac-
cess. Well maintained with 1,696
SF in main house & 380 SF bonus
room/office/4th bedroom over ga-
rage. Cute, covered country porch
leads to spacious living room with
woodstove. Kitchen sunspace
brings the outdoors in & a lreat
layout with quality oak cabinets
& a prep island. Home has large
back deck, separate shop & sau-
na upstairs. $275,000 - NWMLS
Directions: Hwy. 3 to Mason Lake
Road, left on Ballantrae, right on
Aycliffe to 211 on left.
Art Conrad
(360) 620-3300 ....
emaih artconrad@remax.net R/
www.platinumservlcesinc.com/27081268 "rer
t P I NG Real Estate
Ping Sun 800-815-4041
Broker/Owner 360-426-6944
i0000i!i!!!!i!00!iiill V ,,,:,
Allyn - New home on shy acre. 3br/2ba & large dbl Tlmberlakes- New on the Marketl Older
garage. at pump ready, vaulted ceilings and more. singlewide w/2br/lba plus 1 oonus roon
Owner carry 2nd of 10% purchase price, $249,000 corner lot w/view of the lake. Outbuildings.
Spencer Lake-2000+sf triplewide w/3br/2ba plus Shelton- Spotless 3 year new 3br/2ba
office on private 5 acres. Park4ike setting. Det 42x24 close to everything. Dbl fin garage. Fenced I
4-car gerage/shop, cabana, 5-pc master. $269,950 Forced air, skylights. $2000 buyer's bonus.
1615 South 2nd Street Shelton #271
Fabulous value in this upgraded home on south side of Shelton.
1,800 square feet including family room and huge
room. Spacious open floor plan. Fully landscaped,
backyard with deck and shed. 2 car garage.
deaux School. Seller paid closing costs call for
Debi and Bob * Realtors 360-490-71