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October 4, 2007 |
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00oodells t;00lk about trip to zffriea
ontinued from page 1.) tight with a matching long, narrow the gourd's stem in one hand and
ince .
itne school kitchen shows man scarf wound and tied around their the knot in the other, and as they
,€rkers but few utensils, with th y heads." While in Liberia she tried to lightly jerked on the knot, the beads
id being cooked over scrub wood get the hang of the head scarf, but would clack against the dried gourd,
rCls. As the Goodells took the dig|- she said her efforts always looked producing a sharp rattling sound. In
really messy. For the presenta- a country with no electricity, those
Allyn View RV Park
Senior park
located in quaint
beach community.
Walk to shopping,
St. Hugh
We invite you to join us for
Sunday Family Worship
;r t sh°ts' they showed the children
]r own images on the camera tion she wore her scarf neatly tied instruments were the few that the beach & restaurants. 10 a.m.oSunday School Provided
ieen. And the students were abso- around her waist as a belt. Monrovians had to accompany their
ly fiscinated; most of them had THE GOODELLS' souvenirs singing in church. {360) 275-3120 280 E. Wheelwright St., Allyn
--n mirror images, but never an included many smooth, shiny wood- The Goodells returned to Belfair 360-275-8450
--ual picture their own thces, carvings made painstakingly by in mid-July with a goal of having an
--Every image the cameras caught additional 30 students sponsored
hand large
from jungle woods, and a
s as intense as the jungle heat, snail shell from a jungle tree snail, in the STC schools. "One hundred
y [aking equally of' desperate need
Jd hard work and bright hopes.
rAS Goodell narrated his presen-
eaten locally as a delicacy, percent of STC's monthly $25 spon-
sorship fee goes directly to the span-
The sellers in the marketplace sored child," says Goodell, who can
• .* Crushed Driveway Rock 3/4%1 /2,, (Clean or minus) :
ioa, he wore a loose-fitting blue tried to interest her in a shell with now personally vouch for the qual- (Black or grey)
the snail still inside, telling her ity job they re doing at their schools. _ . r ......... "I •
,irt, heavily embroidered with how delicious it was and giving her Goodell says that in the past two . A R|
• • Large River Rock LL D VEWAY
I,, ite thread. The shirt's maker, he instructions on how to cook it. "I and a half months, they have seen • * Delivery 5 days a week I ............... l e
• • Dark, , rich" topsou" ' I UldiAVI:L I,;U/UM l•
used, was probat)ly about 11 or 12 passed on that one," she laughs. 22 new children sponsored through • ° Dark, rich Hemlock Bark I ,rn,o7'
earsold, and made it all with a little Barb also showed a large gourd
1 Wingmachine run by a hand crank, used as a musical instrument. The their efforts.
Beyond that, the family is pretty • I. --I: I ' :/7 C, 'h vmdue/20¢___ E -- j •
Barb herself wore a loose-fitting gourd s upper half" was draped with much taking life as it comes. Their • CLOSED SATURDAYS U-HAUL BY APPOINTMENT ONLY •
--e dress, lightly embroidered in a netting strung with large beads; Africa trip was a milestone in the [u o:7u-o l[0n-Da e 2-75-7133 j1
women usually the ends of the threads that formed
mneyfo , htto the net were left long and then
covery, and they saw firsthand that
ess like i "she knotted below the gourd. Liberian they helped begin a similar journey
wear th] kin-women, she explained, wouldhold for many young people in this war- r'----------- -]11
ll / ravagedc°untry'F°rm°reinf°rma-
glen on the STC schools or their trip,
contact Dan Goodell at his law office
by calling 275-9505. I[ Clearing, Grading, Excavating II
|[ Logging, Homesites to Commercial l|
II I Building Complexes- Culverts to Storm Drainage Systems III
Soccer and II Driveways toHighways-Topsoilto2MANRock I
the right path yb 18862EStateRt'3 z'-e ........ (360)275-2861 ,,
voile all Allyn, WA 98524 = '' oo,u Fax (360)275-33551
running our schools, and their only _
answer toaneducationalsystem squads .get ........ "
that has failed and continues to
fail is money, more and more mon-
ey. I believe Mr. Glenn Landram, some wins NORTH MASON
275-6698 * 1-800-690-BARK " 275-7133
_..)ite. "Liberian
We to save their money for eight to
years to buy a dress like this," she
ted, "and like to wear them skin-
titor, The Herald:
Over the last few years our
)rth Mason School District has
,an through quite a bit of turmoil,
cording to the gossip and news-
;pers, The unions, teachers and Mr. Ken VanBuskirk and Mr.
• . The Lady Bulldogs soccer and FIBER ¢OMPANY
,hool admm]strators along with Dave Kinnee are the district's best
Irrent board member Art Wight-
tan have called for the removal/
!situation of Mr. Glenn Landram
ra the school board.
Mr. Landram must be doing
raething right, when unions,
acaers and administrators call
r his removal. After all, he is only
terapting to do what many in this
mraunity consider long overdue:
dding those responsible for edu-
tint our children accountable.
It has come to my attention that
le Same organizations, teachers
,' pd administrators calling for Mr.
0lndram's removal are contrib-
trag to the election bids of John
t ampbell, Laura Bead and Art
ightraan. I have this percep-
an about those who take money
era those who will be working for
era: I WOnder what debt is owed
those who took their money, and
he or what is being purchased
ao Whose bidding will be done?
For too long, liberal-minded,
*re-union individuals have been
The Herald:
At stake in this election is the
to change the climate of our
school board. The pivotal is-
this election is who possess-
s:h:t skills to move our school
/ " forward. We voters, by our
Ih°ice in this election, have the
pOWer to create a cohesive env]-
araent amongst all stakeholders
teachers, administrators, par-
!nts, COmmunity members, bus|-
tess and property owners. Most
,portantly, our vote can improve
le education of our children.
I have had the pleasure of get-
Hours: M-F 9-6 • Sat 10-5 • Closed Sunday
tf,The Port of Grapeview has pre ared its
lacAreliminary Budget for 2008 Ind has
,-u iz on file at the Port Secretary's office.
iCrPY hereof may b e obtained by any Port
Ik ,-, ,xpayer oy either a written request to
g'Jx3, Grapeview, WA 98546 or by call-
'_'. u-275-6610 from 10 am to 8 om Mon-
day thru Friday The Commission 'wil hod
l PUBLIC HEARING to consider testimony
pefore adopting the 2008 Preliminary Budget
, 10:30 am during ts REGULAR MEETING
nat Wil start at 1 ^
, u am in the Horton Commu-
,ty Center at the Grapeview Fire Station 3-1,
)n Tuesday October 16 2007.
10/4-11 2t
Construct,on, Inc.
Serving the North Mason area
since 1967
Specializing in seawall
Re-construction and
home repairs
Frank Merrill Belfair, WA
chance to move forward and build
a pathway to a quality education.
As John Stockier said in The
Herald on September 13: "The
duty of a school board is to pro-
mote the effective, efficient, safe
management and operation of the
school district. The school board
is the manager. The teachers/ad-
ministrators are the employees
and must do what the school board
decides. If not they should be ter-
What a concept. "Termination
for failure." I do know that ac-
countability is one path our educa-
tional system has strayed from for
too long a period. It's time to send
a message that enough is enough
and reelect Mr. Landram and Mr.
VanBuskirk and vote for Mr. Kin-
nee to replace Mr. Wightman on
the North Mason School Board.
"Accountability Is the Pathway to
Bill Quigley
tint to know John Campbell over
the past year. John encourages
people to speak their minds and
find common ground. As I have
seen him interact with a broad
range of people in a variety of dif-
ferent situations, I have gained
new confidence that - with the
right leadership -our problems
can be solved.
I encourage the citizens of North
Mason in this election to vote their
hopes and consider the possibility
of a welcome change. We have the
opportunity to build consensus
around our education system and
to create the atmosphere neces-
sary to inspire our children to-
ward academic excellence. Please
vote for John Campbell.
Kelley McIntosh
volleyball squads are both on win-
ning streaks, while the football
squad continues to struggle.
The volleyball team swept Pen-
insula High School in three games
this past Thursday. The team is
now 6-1 overall, with an earlier
loss to non-league Holy Name out
of Seattle, and the girls are 5-0 in
league play. They were set to play
Port Angeles on Tuesday of this
week, followed by a bye this eve-
ning, Thursday, October 10, before
heading to the all-day Capital City
Tournament on Saturday.
The soccer squad, meanwhile,
picked up big wins this past week
eve r Port Townsend (5 - 1 ) and Penin-
sula (3-1). Against Port Townsend,
Bulldogs scorers included Taylor
Sawyer (with two), Megan Beasley,
Nikki Waters and Aliahna Luk-
kasson. Scoring against Peninsula
were Beasley, Sawyer and Sholena
On the gridiron, the Bulldogs suf-
fered another big loss at home this
past Friday against Life Christian,
losing by more than 40 points.
(RCW 11.40.030)
No. 074001027
The Personal Representative named
below has been appointed to represent this
estate. Persons having claims against the
decedent must serve their claims on the Per-
sonal Representative and file an executed
copy of the claim with the Clerk of this Court.
Claims must be made within four months af-
ter the date of the first publication of this no-
tice. Except under those provisions in RCW
11.40.011. and RCW 11.40.013 the claim will
be forever barred.
Date of first publication October 4, 2007
Glen Bui Personal Representative
PO Box 2409
Belfair Wa. 98528
10/4-11-18 3t
Arnold & Smith Insurance Agency, Inc.
11 NE Old Belfalr Hwy., Belfair, WA 98528
I 360 277-5300
= "Since 1970
V Visit us at our website: Amoldsmithins.com
Re. Box 275 • NE 431 LoI Yard Rd. • Belfair, WA 98528
The Place To Take Your
Contractors Welcome
275-0228 Peose co, for directions and more information
NO Plastics or Garbage PLEASE
Dr. Nancy Isbell
now practicing at
A Country
Veterinary Clinic
• General small animal medicine/surgery
• Acupuncture certified
• Internal medicine residency
• 10 minutes from Hwy. 16
• 0.2 miles south of the stoplight at Safeway
Open M-F 8 am-6 pm
$23.99-$33.99 Sq.Yd.
All . s 3 Sq.Yd. OFF
$ 5Sq. Yd. OFF
Price includes 8-lb. pad
and installation
All Area Rugs
20 °/o OFF
Many designs and colors to choose from
360.275.9664 • 800.905.9664 -roll F
Downtown Belfair (ext to QFC) www.belfairdc.com
Thursday, October 4, 2007 - Belfair Herald section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3
00oodells t;00lk about trip to zffriea
ontinued from page 1.) tight with a matching long, narrow the gourd's stem in one hand and
ince .
itne school kitchen shows man scarf wound and tied around their the knot in the other, and as they
,€rkers but few utensils, with th y heads." While in Liberia she tried to lightly jerked on the knot, the beads
id being cooked over scrub wood get the hang of the head scarf, but would clack against the dried gourd,
rCls. As the Goodells took the dig|- she said her efforts always looked producing a sharp rattling sound. In
really messy. For the presenta- a country with no electricity, those
Allyn View RV Park
Senior park
located in quaint
beach community.
Walk to shopping,
St. Hugh
We invite you to join us for
Sunday Family Worship
;r t sh°ts' they showed the children
]r own images on the camera tion she wore her scarf neatly tied instruments were the few that the beach & restaurants. 10 a.m.oSunday School Provided
ieen. And the students were abso- around her waist as a belt. Monrovians had to accompany their
ly fiscinated; most of them had THE GOODELLS' souvenirs singing in church. {360) 275-3120 280 E. Wheelwright St., Allyn
--n mirror images, but never an included many smooth, shiny wood- The Goodells returned to Belfair 360-275-8450
--ual picture their own thces, carvings made painstakingly by in mid-July with a goal of having an
--Every image the cameras caught additional 30 students sponsored
hand large
from jungle woods, and a
s as intense as the jungle heat, snail shell from a jungle tree snail, in the STC schools. "One hundred
y [aking equally of' desperate need
Jd hard work and bright hopes.
rAS Goodell narrated his presen-
eaten locally as a delicacy, percent of STC's monthly $25 spon-
sorship fee goes directly to the span-
The sellers in the marketplace sored child," says Goodell, who can
• .* Crushed Driveway Rock 3/4%1 /2,, (Clean or minus) :
ioa, he wore a loose-fitting blue tried to interest her in a shell with now personally vouch for the qual- (Black or grey)
the snail still inside, telling her ity job they re doing at their schools. _ . r ......... "I •
,irt, heavily embroidered with how delicious it was and giving her Goodell says that in the past two . A R|
• • Large River Rock LL D VEWAY
I,, ite thread. The shirt's maker, he instructions on how to cook it. "I and a half months, they have seen • * Delivery 5 days a week I ............... l e
• • Dark, , rich" topsou" ' I UldiAVI:L I,;U/UM l•
used, was probat)ly about 11 or 12 passed on that one," she laughs. 22 new children sponsored through • ° Dark, rich Hemlock Bark I ,rn,o7'
earsold, and made it all with a little Barb also showed a large gourd
1 Wingmachine run by a hand crank, used as a musical instrument. The their efforts.
Beyond that, the family is pretty • I. --I: I ' :/7 C, 'h vmdue/20¢___ E -- j •
Barb herself wore a loose-fitting gourd s upper half" was draped with much taking life as it comes. Their • CLOSED SATURDAYS U-HAUL BY APPOINTMENT ONLY •
--e dress, lightly embroidered in a netting strung with large beads; Africa trip was a milestone in the [u o:7u-o l[0n-Da e 2-75-7133 j1
women usually the ends of the threads that formed
mneyfo , htto the net were left long and then
covery, and they saw firsthand that
ess like i "she knotted below the gourd. Liberian they helped begin a similar journey
wear th] kin-women, she explained, wouldhold for many young people in this war- r'----------- -]11
ll / ravagedc°untry'F°rm°reinf°rma-
glen on the STC schools or their trip,
contact Dan Goodell at his law office
by calling 275-9505. I[ Clearing, Grading, Excavating II
|[ Logging, Homesites to Commercial l|
II I Building Complexes- Culverts to Storm Drainage Systems III
Soccer and II Driveways toHighways-Topsoilto2MANRock I
the right path yb 18862EStateRt'3 z'-e ........ (360)275-2861 ,,
voile all Allyn, WA 98524 = '' oo,u Fax (360)275-33551
running our schools, and their only _
answer toaneducationalsystem squads .get ........ "
that has failed and continues to
fail is money, more and more mon-
ey. I believe Mr. Glenn Landram, some wins NORTH MASON
275-6698 * 1-800-690-BARK " 275-7133
_..)ite. "Liberian
We to save their money for eight to
years to buy a dress like this," she
ted, "and like to wear them skin-
titor, The Herald:
Over the last few years our
)rth Mason School District has
,an through quite a bit of turmoil,
cording to the gossip and news-
;pers, The unions, teachers and Mr. Ken VanBuskirk and Mr.
• . The Lady Bulldogs soccer and FIBER ¢OMPANY
,hool admm]strators along with Dave Kinnee are the district's best
Irrent board member Art Wight-
tan have called for the removal/
!situation of Mr. Glenn Landram
ra the school board.
Mr. Landram must be doing
raething right, when unions,
acaers and administrators call
r his removal. After all, he is only
terapting to do what many in this
mraunity consider long overdue:
dding those responsible for edu-
tint our children accountable.
It has come to my attention that
le Same organizations, teachers
,' pd administrators calling for Mr.
0lndram's removal are contrib-
trag to the election bids of John
t ampbell, Laura Bead and Art
ightraan. I have this percep-
an about those who take money
era those who will be working for
era: I WOnder what debt is owed
those who took their money, and
he or what is being purchased
ao Whose bidding will be done?
For too long, liberal-minded,
*re-union individuals have been
The Herald:
At stake in this election is the
to change the climate of our
school board. The pivotal is-
this election is who possess-
s:h:t skills to move our school
/ " forward. We voters, by our
Ih°ice in this election, have the
pOWer to create a cohesive env]-
araent amongst all stakeholders
teachers, administrators, par-
!nts, COmmunity members, bus|-
tess and property owners. Most
,portantly, our vote can improve
le education of our children.
I have had the pleasure of get-
Hours: M-F 9-6 • Sat 10-5 • Closed Sunday
tf,The Port of Grapeview has pre ared its
lacAreliminary Budget for 2008 Ind has
,-u iz on file at the Port Secretary's office.
iCrPY hereof may b e obtained by any Port
Ik ,-, ,xpayer oy either a written request to
g'Jx3, Grapeview, WA 98546 or by call-
'_'. u-275-6610 from 10 am to 8 om Mon-
day thru Friday The Commission 'wil hod
l PUBLIC HEARING to consider testimony
pefore adopting the 2008 Preliminary Budget
, 10:30 am during ts REGULAR MEETING
nat Wil start at 1 ^
, u am in the Horton Commu-
,ty Center at the Grapeview Fire Station 3-1,
)n Tuesday October 16 2007.
10/4-11 2t
Construct,on, Inc.
Serving the North Mason area
since 1967
Specializing in seawall
Re-construction and
home repairs
Frank Merrill Belfair, WA
chance to move forward and build
a pathway to a quality education.
As John Stockier said in The
Herald on September 13: "The
duty of a school board is to pro-
mote the effective, efficient, safe
management and operation of the
school district. The school board
is the manager. The teachers/ad-
ministrators are the employees
and must do what the school board
decides. If not they should be ter-
What a concept. "Termination
for failure." I do know that ac-
countability is one path our educa-
tional system has strayed from for
too long a period. It's time to send
a message that enough is enough
and reelect Mr. Landram and Mr.
VanBuskirk and vote for Mr. Kin-
nee to replace Mr. Wightman on
the North Mason School Board.
"Accountability Is the Pathway to
Bill Quigley
tint to know John Campbell over
the past year. John encourages
people to speak their minds and
find common ground. As I have
seen him interact with a broad
range of people in a variety of dif-
ferent situations, I have gained
new confidence that - with the
right leadership -our problems
can be solved.
I encourage the citizens of North
Mason in this election to vote their
hopes and consider the possibility
of a welcome change. We have the
opportunity to build consensus
around our education system and
to create the atmosphere neces-
sary to inspire our children to-
ward academic excellence. Please
vote for John Campbell.
Kelley McIntosh
volleyball squads are both on win-
ning streaks, while the football
squad continues to struggle.
The volleyball team swept Pen-
insula High School in three games
this past Thursday. The team is
now 6-1 overall, with an earlier
loss to non-league Holy Name out
of Seattle, and the girls are 5-0 in
league play. They were set to play
Port Angeles on Tuesday of this
week, followed by a bye this eve-
ning, Thursday, October 10, before
heading to the all-day Capital City
Tournament on Saturday.
The soccer squad, meanwhile,
picked up big wins this past week
eve r Port Townsend (5 - 1 ) and Penin-
sula (3-1). Against Port Townsend,
Bulldogs scorers included Taylor
Sawyer (with two), Megan Beasley,
Nikki Waters and Aliahna Luk-
kasson. Scoring against Peninsula
were Beasley, Sawyer and Sholena
On the gridiron, the Bulldogs suf-
fered another big loss at home this
past Friday against Life Christian,
losing by more than 40 points.
(RCW 11.40.030)
No. 074001027
The Personal Representative named
below has been appointed to represent this
estate. Persons having claims against the
decedent must serve their claims on the Per-
sonal Representative and file an executed
copy of the claim with the Clerk of this Court.
Claims must be made within four months af-
ter the date of the first publication of this no-
tice. Except under those provisions in RCW
11.40.011. and RCW 11.40.013 the claim will
be forever barred.
Date of first publication October 4, 2007
Glen Bui Personal Representative
PO Box 2409
Belfair Wa. 98528
10/4-11-18 3t
Arnold & Smith Insurance Agency, Inc.
11 NE Old Belfalr Hwy., Belfair, WA 98528
I 360 277-5300
= "Since 1970
V Visit us at our website: Amoldsmithins.com
Re. Box 275 • NE 431 LoI Yard Rd. • Belfair, WA 98528
The Place To Take Your
Contractors Welcome
275-0228 Peose co, for directions and more information
NO Plastics or Garbage PLEASE
Dr. Nancy Isbell
now practicing at
A Country
Veterinary Clinic
• General small animal medicine/surgery
• Acupuncture certified
• Internal medicine residency
• 10 minutes from Hwy. 16
• 0.2 miles south of the stoplight at Safeway
Open M-F 8 am-6 pm
$23.99-$33.99 Sq.Yd.
All . s 3 Sq.Yd. OFF
$ 5Sq. Yd. OFF
Price includes 8-lb. pad
and installation
All Area Rugs
20 °/o OFF
Many designs and colors to choose from
360.275.9664 • 800.905.9664 -roll F
Downtown Belfair (ext to QFC) www.belfairdc.com
Thursday, October 4, 2007 - Belfair Herald section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3