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swims across
By NATALIE JOHNSON trict Court because he failed to Chief Deputy Dean Byrd with the ensued, Byrd said. tion on his head.
nataEe@rna,~'onco~nLy,con~ appear to court dates for charges Mason County Sheriffs Office. Cloud and Gray continued to Gray was released from the
...................................................................................... of DUI and DWLS in the first war- The deputies discovered thatslide down the embankment, fall- hospital after a short time, Byrd
rant and DWLS and hit and run Cloud, who was in the vehicle, ing a total of 300 feet, he said. said.
A Mason County man escaped in the second, had an outstanding arrest war- Cloud then jumped into the Cloud was captured with the
from a pursuing Mason CountyHe had an additional third rant. Cloud got out of the car water and swam about 150 yards help of the Washington State Pa-
sheriffs deputy Friday night by outstanding warrant from Mason and started running toward the across the lake to escape from trol at about 10:30 p.m.
swimming across Lake Kokanee. County Superior Court for failure woods, Byrd said. Gray. After Cloud exited the lake and
Justice Mason Cloud, 30, of to comply With conditions of re- Deputy Matthew Gray began "We had to start a rescue to get continued fleeing into the woods,
Hoodsport was booked in the Ma- lease for a case stemming from a pursuing Cloud on foot. After run- (Gray) out of the canyon," Byrd the State Patrol launched a small
son County Jail on several charg- probation violation, ning for a short time, the two tum- said. fixed wing aircraft with an infra-
es late Friday night,, including Just before 8 p.m. Friday night, bled down an embankment lead- The sheriffs office deployed a red camera. The camera spotted
first-degree assault, deputies pulled over a vehicle ing down to the lake. small boat, rescued Gray, then Cloud and he was arrested for
He also had two outstanding with four occupants at Golden Eye They stopped about halfway transported him to Mason Gener- first-degree assault pursuant to
warrants from Mason County Dis- Place near Lake Kokanee, said down the canyon and a struggle al Hospital to treat a small lacera- his struggle with Gray.
Suspected car thief arrested after early morning raid
The Mason County
Sheriffs Office capped off
a three-week investiga-
tion into a car theft early
Thursday morning with
the arrest of John Richard
Ring, 32, of Shelton.
Members of the Mason
County Sheriffs Office
Special Operations Group
(SOG) and the Mason
County SWAT team joined
forces to serve the warrant
on the property, located in
the 1500 block of Jensen
Road and arrested Ring,
at about 7:15 a.m. on Sept.
Ring was charged with
two counts of forgery, traf-
ficking in stolen property
and possession of a stolen
motor vehicle.
The vehicle was a re-
stored 1968 GMC truck.
Ring was attempting to
sell the truck for $10,000
on craigslist.com, said
Chief Deputy Dean Byrd of
the sheriffs office.
On Sept. 5, a Seattle
man reported the theft of
the truck, which belonged
to his uncle, after seeing
Courtesy photo
Members of the Mason County Sheriff's Office Special Operations Group
and the Mason County SWAT team joined forces to serve a car theft
warrant on Sept. 27 in the 1500 block of Jensen Road.
the add on craigslist, for possession of the stolen (number) to one on Eugene
Detectives later learnedtruck. Deputies conducted (Ore.) and we're trying to
that.Ring had registereda search warrant on the figure out which one is sto-
the truck in his name, property to look for other len," Byrd said.
forging documents filedstolen items. Boththe SOG and SWAT
with the Washington "We found actually not teams responded with
State Department of Li- as much as we thought weequipment such as an ar-
censing, would," Byrd said. mored car because of Ring's
Early Thursday morn- Deputies found another extensive criminal history,
ing, SWAT and SOG per- questionable vehicle on the Byrd said.
sonnel staked out Ring's property during the raid. "John Ring has five pri-
residence and arrested him "It has an identical VIN
or felony convictions," he tional team operated by
said. "He's been known to the Mason County Sher-
our department since at iffs Office in cooperation
least 1991." with the Washington De-
Those felony convictionspartment of Corrections,
include drug crimes, prop- Shelton Police Depart-
erty crimes and writing ment, and Squaxin Island
bad checks. Tribal Police -- has fo-
This isn't the first time cused mostly on investi-
Ring has been accused ofgating drug crimes.
stealing a car either, Byrd Recently, the group has
said. been retasked to also in-
"I was involvedin anoth-vestigate property crimes.
er raid of his place several Since then, it has been in-
years ago," he said. valved in several raids un-
At that raid, Byrd said covering thousands of dol-
deputies found several lars in stolen goods,
stolen cars and evidence"Drugs and property
pointing to a "chop shop" (crime) are related," Byrd
operation on the prop- said. "To support the drug
erty. habit, property crimes oc-
Until recently, the SOG cur. It was a natural and
group -- a multijurisdic- smooth transition."
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2911 E. Brockdale Road
Journal photo by Natalie Johnson
Port of Shelton attorney Charles (Skip) Houser, left, explains to port
Commissioners Jay Hupp and Dick Taylor that state law encourages
ports to adopt their budgets by the first Wednesday in October.
Port of Shelton adopts 2013 budget
By NATALIE JOHNSON pected to be $698,000 with expenditures of
n(~aZie~masoncounty.cctm $145,997.
.......................................................................... Before voting against the motion to ap-
prove the budget, Hupp asked to delay the
The Port of Shelton Board of Commission- vote.
ers adopted its 2013 budget with a 2-1 vote "I'd like to propose before it's actually ad-
Tuesday, with Commissioner Jay Hupp vot- opted that we sit down and talk about it," he
ing against the motion, said. "I don't see why we're rushing into this."
The board introduced the 2013 budget at According to state law, the port was re-
its regular meeting on Sept. 18. The budget quired to adopt and file its budget with the
has three portions: capital projects, operating Mason County Clerk's Office by Wednesday.
budget and non-operating budget. In the past, the port has filed the budget by
The capital budget includes projects esti- the first Monday in December, an alternate
mated to cost the port a total of $1,854~740. date allowed for by state law, but chose to file
The approved budget states that $957,875 of on the earlier date this year, said Port Execu-
that is currently funded, while $561,865 re- five Director John Dobson.
quires further funding. "It was introduced to us two weeks ago,"
Capital projects planned in the 2013 bud- Hupp said. "I think passing the budget is
get include continuing a project to replace rushing into it."
docks and pilings in the Oakland Bay Marina. Commissioners Tom Wallitner and Dick
The port also plans to add security cameras to Taylor disagreed with Hupp.
the marina and spend $45,000 on shoreline Taylor described a port budget as being
restoration, like a pair of bookends, with one being pro-
At its Sanderson Field property, the port jected expenditures and the other being pro-
plans to make improvements, including strip- jected revenue. He said the port could change
ing and sealing its runway. This is expected individual line items in the budget through
to cost $450,000 and will be reimbursed by later votes if the need became apparent.
the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). "What we do with the books within the
The port also plans to replace some air- bookends is rearranging them within that
plane tie downs, build a pilot's lounge and framework,', he said.
make improvements to buildings on the prop- Hupp then asked to amend a motion to
erty. approve the budget with the stipulation that
The capital budget also provides for proj- the project to connect the port's Johns Prairie
ects at its Johns Prairie Industrial Site, such Industrial Site to city water not be ftmded by
as stormwater improvements and new secu- loans.
rity cameras. It also contains the engineering Wallitner did not accept the friendly
and construction portions of a plan to connect amendment to his motion to approve the bud-
the site to the city of Shelton's water system, get, and it was dropped.
The 2013 operating budget projects rev- The board also voted to increase its 2013
enues of $1,455,187 and expenditures of property tax levy by 1 percent, a dollar
$1,615,981. Non-operating revenues are ex- amount of $6,837.
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Journal -Thursday, Oct. 4, 2012 - Page A-3