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Olympic National Forest's
Mt. Ellinor Trail was sched-
uled to reopen on Monday,
ending the formal closure
that was implemented three
months ago when several
hiking parties reported be-
ing harassed by insistent
mountain goats. The ani-
mals approached hikers at
very close proximities and
then failed to retreat when
attempts were made to chase
them away.
The mountain goats at
Mt. Ellinor and other loca-
tions in the Olympic Moun-
tains have grown habituated
to people, meaning that they
have lost their fear of human
beings. The animals, though
wild, have grown used to
people feeding them and
supplying salts and minerals
from sweat or urine.
Since the closure was
initiated, an aversive condi-
tioning plan was launched
and a comprehensive, sci-
ence-based plan for manag-
ing the human-mountain
goat conflicts was started
and is still under develop-
ment. Wildlife biologists
from Olympic National For-
est, Olympic National Park,
and the Washington De-
partment of Fish and Game
have been working diligent-
ly to monitor the goats and
discourage them from ap-
proaching people.
Monitoring and aversive
conditioning actions will con-
tinue after the trail reopens
but the area may close again
and further actions taken if
unacceptable mountain go,at
behavior is observed.
November 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17
The Pavillion at Sentry Park
190 West Sentry Drive • Shelton, WA
Tickets on sale until November 9
Tuesday, November 13
Journal photo by Natalie Johnson
Firefighters work to combat a 10-acre brush fire on Green Diamond land just north of Shelton on Sept. 26.
rush fire burns lO acres of Green Diamond land
By NATALIE JOHNSON Washington State Department of Natu- The fire is currently in "patrol status," he
natalie@masoncounty.com ral Resources (DNR) crews responded along said, meaning that crews check it every day
with local fire districts, to make sure there are no flareups.
Firefighters secured a perimeter around "It's completely contained at this point,"
A brush fire burned about 10 acres of the fire on Wednesday and by Thursday had Flint said.
Green Diamond Resource Company Land it under control, said DNR spokesman Bry- The cause of the fire is under investiga-
just north of Shelton on Sept. 26. an Flint. tion.
Safety improvements scheduled for Highway 101 at Lake Crescent
STAFF REPORT maintenance on High-
pt@masoncounty.comway 101 along Lake Cres-.
o cent, workers will begin
rock Scaling and bolting
As part of routine of a cliff face at milepost
A Sneak Peek
Come and be the first to view tl~e beautifully decorated trees, and visit the gift shop. • 4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Friday, November 16
Mason County Professionals Luncheon and Confections Auction
Alderbrook Resort & Spa brings their culinary expertise to the table for this event! Share a stolen moment among our
Holiday wonderland with co-workers, friends, and neighbors.
Doors and gift shop open: 11:00 a.m.
Plated lunch service begins: 12:00 noon sharp
Event end: 1:30 p.m.
Reservations Required
$250/Table of 10 OR $25/Single Ticket
Saturday, November 17
Candy Cane Carnival - Co-Sponsored by South Sound Radiology
Children's activities, Santa, refreshments, surprises and visit the gift shop,
10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Reservations Required
$10.00 1 adult and 1 child • $4.00 each additional guest • Free for ages 2 & under
Gala and Auction - Sponsored by Hiawatha Corporation and Hoffman Construction Company
Enioy gourmet dining by John Cruse, bid on many silent & live auction items, visit the gift shop. No-host "cash only" bar, Black tie optional.
6:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
Reservations Required
$1,200 Sapphire reserved table of 10
Single Ticket Purchase: $120
$1,500 Emerald reserved table of 10
Single Ticket Purchase $I 50
Sapphire table includes an appreciation gift for each guest and wait staff•
Emerald table includes a limited edition ornament for each guest, preferred seating & personal wait staff for your table.
MGH Foundation also acknowledges the following sponsors
for their support of the 2012 Fantasy Forest Event: Gift
Shop-Heritage Bank, Celebration of Life Tree Co-Sponsors:
Gastroenterology Associates and John L Scott Foundation, Raffle
Sponsors - Peninsula Credit Union, Skookum Rotary Foundation: Portrait ...,.~P~cl'a,~es Offered ..jh".-~'e'ooner
AuctionOysterfest Cruise: Dollars Holland at Work, America, and Hood Travel Canal Voucher Communications, and Event Poster Live ~'~ ~ ~'-~~- ---. ~. at these events: Father L,M.~ ~'au-~er Night
~,~ I ~ ~ % Out Candy Cane Carnival and Gala and £ive
Sponsor: Derek Roe, Construction Manager-OAC Services, Inc./
O~Jr.~4 ". .
Construction Management, Forest Star Spunsors: Bob and Melanie ~ O'lV~i,~l~ ~Auction. Special thanks to the Shelton-Mason
Appel, Robert W. Johnson, PLLC, Providence St. Peter Hospital, Steven ~ County Journal for making the FantasyForest
H. Rowers, DDS PS, and Shelton Health and Rehabilitation Center. 1FOUNDAT|ON ads nosslhle.
Spo6sorships as of 9-25-12
For reservations and tickets, call (360) 427-3623 or go
online at www.MasonGeneral.com/2012_fantasy_forest.html
Pa( e A-8 - Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, Oct. 4, 2012
228 just west of Sledgehammer tion equipment and provide tic signals will be installed for
Point on Friday. for public safety, the road will weekend and evening travel.
The work is scheduled for be reduced to one lane oftraf- Oversized vehicles can use
completion on Nov. 2. Rock tic during construction, Visi- an alternate route.
scaling and bolting is done tors should expect delays of %Ve urge motorists to
periodically in this area to up to 30 minutes, use caution and drive slowly
reinforce the cliff face and Flaggers and pilot cars through work zones as this
lessen the chance of rock fall- will guide motorists through maintenance •project is com-
ing onto the road. the active construction areas pleted," said Todd Suess, the
To accommodate construc- on weekdays; temporary traf- part's acting superintendent.
: Did You Know7.
In 20!1, over 1800 Senior Ctttzens in Mason Co~mty recetw~ support ~ etilil~i ~ ~,