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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 4, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 4, 2012
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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50th Birthday -- Your Loving Wild Cat Sanctuary from Lions to tiny Gordon's Cats ~ch wild cat is special and has a eed for a safe and comfortable rl your tax-deductable donation to: Id Felid Advocacy Center of Washington 11 E. Harstine Island Rd. N. Shelton WA 98584 (360) 427-4466 • pu power Mason County PUD 1 is hostingwhile supplies last. our 75-year partnership.with Bonn- ebrate with us the their annual Customer Appreciation This event is the kick-off to Pub- eville Power Administration and power brings to our t Barbecue from 11 a.m .to 2 p.m. on lic Power Week, (Oct. 7-12) and cel- preference power from the Columbia In addition to tt Friday at the district's office in Pot- ebrates the benefits that public power River dams that supply the region PUD i commission latch, brings to PUD customers: low cost, with clean, green, renewable, hydro- elves from Gov. Chr PUD staff and commissioners will reliable and locally-controlled energy, power resources." and Sen. Patty Mun serve burgers, soft drinks and Olym- PUD 1 Commissioner Karl Deni-Denison added, "I hope PUD cus- accepted invitations pic Mountain Ice Cream. PUD prizes son stated, "This year we are not only tomers will join us for lunch on our celebrate Public Po and giveaways will also be available celebrating our customers but also customer appreciation day and cel- PUD l's customers. Kiwanis Continued from page B-1 "It was almost a joke ... but I do have to say that when we took that four Bounds and we took it to the food bank ... we still walked away from there feeling really good," Whitright said. On Monday, volunteers worked to harvest peas, beans, broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage in the garden. "Because we replanted like, four times, this is really late," Whitright said. "I couldn't believe we still got a harvest." Both the students and adults in- com. Hospice program seeking volunteers for Mason, Thurston cou The Hospice program members. Oct. 26, Nov. 1 and Nov. 9 HomeCare and Hospice's ing. of Providence SoundHome The training will take office in Olympia. Resi- A year's Care and Hospice is offer- place over the course of • • 6:30-9 p.m. on Oct. 30 dents of Mason County the progran ing a hospice volunteer three days and two eve- and Nov. 9. are welcome to attend the Registratior trainingfor community nings: training -- they will beTo recei Trainings will take placed in Mason County cation, call • 9:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. onplace at Providence Sound- after finishing the train- 1-800-869-7 health o wellness o fitness 360427-3189 ~ 2505 Olympic Highway North, Suite 140 Behind Shelton McDonalds in Olympic Gateway Center. Peyton Jolee Gonzales long. Davian Lee Temixqt Peyton Jolee Gonzales was born Her grandparents are Karen and Davian Lee Temb on Aug. 30, 2012, in Tacoma to Rudy Jason Kenyon of Matlock, Rudy and was born on Sept. 20, and Amanda Gonzales (Vera) of Stei- Rosie Gonzales of Muleshoe, Texas, Medical Center in O1~ lacoom: and Johnny and Meagen Vera of Van- Kaye Quirino and Bet She was 7 pounds and 20 1/2 inches couver, Wash. Quirino of Shelton. He ........ Master Ga Snace Available Open 10:00 a.m.- 6:00 p.m. ~Ju-- 7 Days A Week West Golden Pheasant Rd. • (360) 791-0448 ° (360) 915-463; Happy 40th Nancy Moran! You ROCK the old lady thing! rr,.~ rdeners holding pumpkin The WSU Mason County Gardeners volunteer their Master Gardeners will be labor and raise the money holding their Second An- needed to pay for the wa- nual Pumpkin Sale from 10 ter, vegetable seeds, fertil- a.m. to 2 p.m. on Oct. 20 in izer and garden structures. front of the Sage Bookstore Catalyst Park also has in Shelton. 16 garden beds that com- All proceeds from the munity members can rent sale will go towards sup- for $20 a year to raise veg- porting the Catalyst Park etables for their families. Food Bank and Commu- The Master Garden- nity Garden. According ers provide the soil, fertil- to Master Gardener Sybil izer, seeds and gardening Jones, "This is the third knowledge to the commu- year of the garden and nitygardeners. so far we have harvested For more information (more than) 5,300 pounds about the pumpkin sale of fresh vegetables for the or the Catalyst Park Food Saint's Pantry Food Bank." Bank and Community Jones added that the Garden contact Jeanne land for the garden is Rehwaldt at the WSU Ex- leased from the City of tension office, 427-9670, Shelton and the Master ext. 688. The WSU Mason County hold a pumpkin sale from Oct. 20 at Sage Bookstore 10 a.m. alue that public egion." .e three elected ers, representa- .seine Gregoire's ay's offices have to attend and Ner Week with nties :ommitment to t is requested. is necessary. ve an appli- 493-4689 or )62. enD Danker queno Danker 1012, at Capital mpia to Jillian [to Temixqueno was 8 pounds. sale Courtesy photo will ,2 p.m. on Children and Worship Service : lO:O0 a.m. Choh~ Adult Sunday School 9 AM • Childcare both services Page B-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, I Oct. 4, 2012 Faith Lutheran Church.i~ ms~o~° St. A Christ-centered Church (360) 426-8611 FSunday Morning Worship~'~ ~ ~ ] Traditional - 8:45 a m 1 ~i]iK/ ~ I;l~cA Coote orar. l,:OOom I . ,h.eStod ;a:tt:; BStriea'neOleSl~b .... WWW FLCWA~rg~ L~-~,:;,~:: ,~ ....................... ~ ~ ~ ~ .... a place where all are welcome !i!iii!i~i:ii;i 324 W. Cedar St. • Shelton Office phone: 426-8472 • SUNDAY SERVICES Ancient Service of 7:30 & 10:30 a.m. Chanting & Prayer 9:15 Conversational Bible Study Every Thursday 5:30- 6:00 p.m. [[I I ! Mt. Olive SH 7ON w. co,, Lutheran Church Missouri Synod 206 East Wyandotte Avenue www.she ContemporaryService .......... 8:30 a.m. Stlr=day Morning I S.S. hrist a .................... ..... 9: 00 + Traditional Worship ............... ll:00 allq. • Domingos Office 426-6353 Ser~icios en Daycare 4Z1-3165 www, SPRING ROAD CHAPEL FIRST CHURCH OF GOD 1113 E. Shelton Springs Road Shelton, WA 98584 (360) 427-6998 Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. in River: of Grace NEW CATION Church 6:00 p.m. New Church Gatherings P~I)#3; hal!din9 : Church info line: (360) 427-4033 SERVICES 8:30 the Union l 50 E. Seattle S Union 98592 360-8! web