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Florence Chamberlain
Florence Irene Chamber-
lain (Baldwin), 72, a 35-year
resident of Shelton, died of
carcinoid cancer on Sept. 15,
2012, at home.
She was born on Nov. 18,
1939, in Oneonta, N.Y., to
win and
She was
on May 4,
1957, in
to Master
Chamberlain Sgt. Rich-
ard Cham-
who retired from the Air
Force in 1973. The couple
moved to Shelton in 1975.
Richard was a power op-
erator for the City of Tacoma
at Lake Cushman Dam until
he retired in 1997. He died
in August 1997.
Florence worked for South
Sound Sewing and Vacuum
as a sewing instructor and
at Heirloom sewing for seven
years until she retired. She
volunteered at Treasures
Thrift Store for eight years.
Her family shared that
she loved sewing, quilting
and making porcelain dolls.
She painted many pictures,
worked with stained glass
and did crafts.
In her younger years, she
enjoyed hunting, fishing and
camping with her family.
She is survived by Teresa,
David and Rick Chamberlain
of Olympia; Lisa Chamber-
lain of Tacoma; seven broth-
ers and sisters of New York;
13 grandchildren and 10
She is preceded in death
by daughter Karen (1958),
husband Richard (1997) and
sisters Jane and Sharon.
A service will take place
from 1-3 p.m. on Oct. 13 at
Calvary Chapel, 919 Division
St. N.W., Olympia,
David Depoe
David L. Depoe Sr., 68, a
resident of Shelton, died on
Sept. 24, 2012, of chronic ob-
structive pulmonary disease
He was born on June 24,
1944, to Gertrude Walton
and Theodore R. Depoe in
He was
married to
Sherrill R.
and Vickie
Both mar-
ended in
David divorce.
He was
Depoe a logger
and a me-
He enjoyed fishing, shuf-
fleboard, pinochle, karaoke
and spending time with his
He is survived by son
David Depoe Jr. of Shelton;
daughter Connie Rogers of
Amboy; grandsons David De-
poe III and Robert Depoe of
Mississippi; granddaughter
Danielle Rogers of Amboy;
grandson Billy Rogers of Am-
boy; brother Donald Depoe
of Shelton; sisters Marylyrm
Thompson of Seattle and
Dorris Derek of Hoodsport
and numerous nephews,
nieces, cousins and relatives.
A memorial service too
place on Sept. 29 at Loop
Arrangements are under
the direction of David Depoe
Jr. and Connie Rogers.
Memorial donations can
be made to David Depoe's
account at Our Community
Credit Union.
Grace Fenske
Grace Ernestine Fenske,
94, of Shelton, died on Sept.
29,2012, at Alpine Way Re-
tirement Apartments.
She was born on April
19, 1918, to Clyde and Oril-
lia (Michaelis) Leonhardt in
Marshfield, Wis.
When she was 2 months
old, she went to Bismark,
N.D., with her parents,
where they worked for a
wheat and cattle rancher. In
December 1918, during the
height of the World War I
influenza epidemic, both her
parents died. Orillia's sister
Cora helped bring Grace
back to her
~home city.
was cared
for by her
sister Elsie
Poppy and
her family.
At Elsie's
Grace Grace was
Fenske taken to
her grand-
Michaelis to be cared for.
She began school in
Bakerville, Wis., and in the
middle of second grade, Cora
and her husband Bernard
McTavish became her legal
guardians. She lived with
them until her marriage.
She received her educa-
tion from Wood County
Public School, Marshfield
McKinley High School and
Wood County Teachers Col-
lege in Wisconsin Rapids.
She taught rural one-room
schools for six years.
She married Marvin Fen-
ske on June 3, 1939, in Ves-
per, Wis.
The couple were dai~T¢
farmers until 1962, when
they moved to Washington.
After settling in Shelton,
Grace worked at a nurs-
ing home for six years and
Mason General Hospital for
15 years. She helped her
husband develop a u-cut
Christmas tree operation on
their Cloquallum Road farm,
which they ran for about 20
years and used draft horses
to give rides. At the onset of
Marvin's illness, they moved
to a retirement village in
Shelton. The farm was sold
after his death.
She was a member of Mt.
Olive Lutheran Church. Her
family shared that she had
a passion for gardening and
shared her garden's bounty.
She also made quilts for
charities and enjoyed wagon
trains, camping, traveling
in the family motor home
and volunteering at Son Rise
She was survived by
grandsons Rob Daley of Shel-
ton, Steven Tomfohrde of
Duluth, Minn., Richard Tom-
fohrde (Karen) of Minneapo-
lis; granddaughter Sharon
Pearson (Roger) of Shelton
and six great-grandchildren.
She is preceded in death
by husband Marvin Fenske
and daughter Mary Hoepf-
An inurnment service
will take place at 11 a.m. on
Oct. 5 at Shelton Memorial
Park. Arrangements are by
McComb Funeral Service of
Memorial donations can
be made to Son Rise Out-
reach, PO Box 661, Shelton,
WA 98584.
Online condolences may
be sent to the family at www.
370th St., Federal Way. It
will be officiated by Pastor
James Cornwell.
For questions, call Susan
at 253-797-7396.
Memorial donations can
be made to the Leukemia
Society of Washington and
Melvin Little
Melvin Raymond Little,
79, a resident of Shelton,
died on Sept. 26, 2012, at Fir
Lane Health & Rehabilita-
tion Center with his wife
at his side after suffering a
He was born on Feb. 13,
1933, in Naches to Edward
W. and Dorothy L. (Field)
In his early years, along
with his parents and broth-
er, he was a member of the
Boot and Spur Club in Nach-
es, where he took part in the
rodeo and
rode posse.
[ ~i!i:~::~i*" ~**~, ~:* ;~iijlmarriedCatherine
~i~Nii~:~ Russell of
~ Naches.
Melvin spring
Little 1955, he
moved his
family to
Robert French
Robert (Rob) S. French,Shelton, where he worked
45, a resident of Hoodsport, for Simpson Timber Com-
died after a nine-year battle pany at the Insulation Board
with leukemia on Sept. 22, Plant until 1973, when he
2012, at Providence St. Peter bought his first business.
Hospital in Olympia. He owned Mel's Shell,
He was born on Aug. 11,along with his wife until 1983
1967, to Susan (Guerin)when he sold it to retire.
Karpen and Robert Wesley After mending fences for a
French in Riverside, Calif. few months, he purchased a
He married Lana K. semi truck and leased out to
Griffin on July 1, 1989, in Morgan Trucking so he could
Kent. The cruise the interstate along-
~ mmTiage side his son Mike, who also
ended in had his own truck.
divorce inIn 1994, he again retired
2006. and began a life of snow
He was birding between Parker,
a fork lift Ariz., Lewistown, Mont., and
operator, Shelton.
yard fore-He belonged to the local
man and Elks, local Jeep club "Timber
Robert delivery Runners" and the Old Car
French driver in Club of Olympia. His family
the scaf- shared that he enjoyed all
folding old car events and tours, and
industry and an employer at liked camping with his family
Safway Services in Kent. and riding horses with his son
He was an avid drag rac- and daughter-in-law.
ing and football fan, especial- He is survived by his wife
ly of the Pittsburgh Steelers, Catherine of Shelton; son
and he loved music, climbing Michael (Jeannie) Little of
Mr. Ellinor and rafting Lake Lewiston, Mont.; daughters
Kokanee. Elaine Little (David Sykes) of
He is survived by son Ballantine, Mont., and Peggy
Sampson Osbourue French Zamzow (Mark) of Shelton;
of Kent; mother Susan brothers Jerry Little of Tieton
Guerin Karpen of Federal and Ted Little of Shelton;
Way; father Robert Wesley six grandchildren, 11 great-
French of Lake Arrowhead, grandchildren and nmnerous
Calif.; stepfather Allan Keith nieces, nephews and cousins.
Karpen of Federal Way; He was preceded in death
brother David Lawrence by his parents and two in-
French of Seattle; sisters fant brothers.
Roxanne Marie Karpen of A service is planned at a
Tacoma and April Suzanne later date.
Karpen of Federal Way; Memorial donations can
aunts Danelle Marie Guerin be made to the American
of Olympia and Clair Guerin Cancer Society, 2120 First
of Auburn; uncle Richard Ave N., Seattle, WA 98109.
Charles Guerin of Auburn; Arrangements are by
ex-wife Lana Karon (Griffin) McComb Funeral Home of
French of Kent and numer- Shelton.
ous great uncles and aunts Online condolences can be
and friends, sent to the family at
A memorial service and www.mccombfh.com.
reception will take place at 2
p.m. on Oct. 20 at the Kioshe
Ilahee Club House, 2500 S. See Obituaries on page B-6
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Anthony "Huk Dsab" Roberts
Tony Roberts was bum in Maywood,
California in June of 1938. His
parents were the late Esther
Lorraine Sturdy and Robert
Lee Roberts. He "passed on"
September 25, 2012, after a
valiant fight against cancel:
Tony came to Ketchikan,
Alaska, in the late 50s after
serving nearly four years in
the Navy. That was where
he met the "love of his life,"
(Tony's words). He and Donna
May were married June 8, 1962
at Duncan's Church in Metlakatla.
Tony is survived by his wife of
50 years, Donna May, and a son, Joe,
age 49. In addition, he leaves his beloved
daughter-in-love, Kathy, and two granddaughters,
Kayla age 21 and Megan age 17. His brother is Frank L. Roberts of Oregon.
Enough of the statistics--they're important because they give a sense of
Tony's physical imprint, but more important are the intangibles: his spirit, his
generosity, his sense of humor, his loyalty, his dedication to family and the way
he embraced life.
He was Huk Dsab (Man who does many things well), Lack Giboo. His
dedication and staunch support for the survival of the Tsimshian Language
was his focused effort. He and his Shila Gway'a worked side-by-side to create
supporting material for Donna May to teach. Although not a musician, he
was an enthusiast of his Shila Gway'a and agreed to join her as "Buttons and
Bows." They volunteered to perform music from the 20s, 30s, and 40s. He
was the spoken voice introducing the songs that his wife played, and also drew
information from a database for events that occurred the year the song was
written, adding his unique delivery. Around his chair at home you would find
his current craft project, which he worked on with such enthusiasm that he
couldn't wait to finish it to start another one.
He was an adventurer by heart, and took his wife and son with him into various
occupations and locations. But even though he embraced new experiences, his
wife and son never felt displaced. In fact, it really didn't matter where they
were or what he was doing. Because Tony provided a stable home meant that it
mattered not where they were.
He had many occupations: fisherman, laborer, longshoreman, salesman, driver,
and management occupations, such as overseer of Senior living apartments,
which also included Senior RV parks.
Above all, he loved God and often was a zealot, which was a perfect match for
the enthusiasm he had for whatever he embraced. His love of God, however,
was not a passing thing. Once he grasped the concept, he never waivered in his
belief. The example he set also led his wife and son to embrace his love of God.
He will live in the hearts of all the people he touched. And for those who loved
him there will be a permanent place reserved for him that resides in who we are.
A celebration will be held on Saturday, October 6, 2012 at 1 p.m. at the
family home in Shelton. Please leave memories or condolences at www.
-- Paid Obituary Notice --
LeRoy White
LeRoy White, 93, died Tuesday, August
28th, 2012, in Weiser, ID with his wife
and two daughters by his side. He was
bum September 13th, 1918 in Selling,
Oklahoma, and moved to Shelton,
Washington during the depression. He
met his wife, Irene, at a roller skating
rink in Shelton. They were married July
20th, 1940. Their first child, Wanda,
was bum in Sheltnn, and then LeRoy
went to serve in WWIh He was stationed
in Germany, France, and Italy and after
the war, he returned to Shelton, WA. Their
second daughter, Donna was also born in
Shelton, in 1948.
LeRoy was raised with a background of sawmills,
and lumber. All of his life, lumber and the smell of
sawdust was his biggest pleasure. Before he retired, he had worked in the mills in
the United States and Canada. He was a "trouble shooter", in that he could go to
the mill and find the problems, fix it and make it run more efficiently. The final
years of his working knowledge was to manage an engineering firm, Timberman's,
in Portland, Oregon.
The years following his retirement were spent traveling with his wife, Irene,
friends and family in Yuma, Arizona, and most of the southwest. If there was a
back road heading somewhere, he would take it.
In 2002, LeRoy came to Weiser, Idaho and built a home for Irene on a hillside
overlooking the Weiser valley. He had found his paradise! He was ready to settle
down and just enjoy the friends he had made in this community and the hobbies
that gave him pleasure. The first year LeRoy lived in Weiser, the White family had
a reunion and everyone was there. It was amazing and for several years after that,
the 4th of July was a gathering of family. He so loved his family!
LeRoy White is survived by his wife of 72 years, Irene, 2 daughters, Wanda and
husband Keith, and Donna, 6 grandchildren, and 15 great grandchildren. He is
also survived by his sister, Edith Fulmer of Sheltnn, WA, Homer White of Williams
Lake, BC, Canada, and Charles White of Midvale, ID.
Irene, his wife, would like to thank Heart 'N Home from Fruitland, 1D, for the
wonderful help that gave them during LeRoy's illness. Irene could not have done
it without them.
Leroy will be laid to rest in Shelton Memorial Park. No graveside service will be
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-- Paid Obituary Notice -- ~ ,,
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Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Oct. 4, 2012 - Page B'5