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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 4, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 4, 2012
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Dinner Conti and t M1 the priva Th home Coun ~ued from page B-1 heir children. mh of the funding for shelters comes from te donations. state counted 636 less people in Mason ty in 2011, and 404 this year. But those num- bers ]probably only reflect half bf the homeless popu- latio]L, because some home- less eople are wary of talk- mg ) government officials and iving their name, said Ann Baker• director of the Cold Weather Shelter. "S,)me just don't want to be co rated," she said. Of the 404 homeless, 104 were in emergency shelters, 19 in transitional housing, 102 were unsheltered and 179 v~ere temporarily living with ]family and friends. THe top reasons given for l~omelessness were job loss{91), economic reasons (87), substance abuse (69~, family crisis/break-up (69), eviction (45), illness (40) and l!ack of job skills (39). Fop income, 136 said they received public assis- tance, 78 said they have no inco~m, and 66 said they- Obituaries Continued from page B-5 Evel: Tn Johnson Fo: "mer longtime Shelt ~n resident Evelyn (Bais ~'h) Johnson, 94, died ',~ept. 26, 2012, at Mary ville Nursing Home in Be ~verton, Ore. Ev lyn was born to Charles and Theresa (Cormier) Baisch on Oct. 25, 1~17, in McCleary, wher~ she grew up and atter~ded school. She worked as a switchboard operator with Weyer- receive Social Security. Of Two paid staff members the 404, 110 said they have are called in when the shel- permanent disabilities, and ter is opened, with the men 36 said they suffer from sleeping downstairs, the mental disabilities. As for women upstairs. The cold where they stayed the pre- nights draw an average of vious night, 179 said they about 18 homeless people, stayed with others. 103 with a high of 27, Sells said. were in a shelter and 85 The Mason County Shel- slept in vehicles, ter helps homeless families The numbers are prob- with children, from preg- ably low and inaccurate, nant women to parents said Patti Sells, the Mason with six children "and ev- County housing coalition erywhere in between." said coordinator and a member Executive Director Debra of the Mason County Shel- Nielsen. ter board of directors. The shelter receives "This is all self report- state and county funds, rag, and not everyone is an- grants and private dona- swering these questions," tions. The Oct. 20 fundrais- Sells said. er "is a great way for people The numbers are decep- to be supportive," Nielsen tively low because some said. people who live in substan- Founded five years ago, dard housing- perhaps Turning Pointe serves without running water or women who are victims of heat or sewer - don't label domestic violence and their themselves as homeless, children, housing "54 mini- Sells said. mum, and we're always "Yes, there's a roof over full." said Executive Direc- their head, but that's con- tor Cheryl Cathcart. Turn- sidered homeless," she said. ing Pointe is funded by fed- The Cold Weather Shel- eral and state money, foun- ter is opened when the dations, grants and private wind chill ,factor is predict- donations. ed to be 35 degrees or be- "We're excited to partici- low, which is the guideline pate," Cathcart said of the set by the City of Shelton, fundraiser. "There's a lot of Sells s~id. great silent auction items•" haeuser Corpora- tion and with the Tacoma Police Depart- ment for 18 years, where Evelyn she met Johnson her hus- band, Dan Johnson. She relocated to Shelton after his death in 1980 and was a member of St. Edward's Catholic Church for many years. In 2011 she moved to Portland, Ore., to be near her sister Josephine. She is survived by sis- ters Josephine Gems and Janie Earl of Shelton. She was preceded in death by sisters Betty Coz- za and Billie Baisch, both of Shelton. A graveside service will be held at 1 p.m. on Oct. 9 at Calvary Cemetery Mau- soleum, Visitation Chapel, Tacoma. In honor of Evelyn's life- long love of dogs, memori- al donations may be made to the Humane Society. Harstine Continued from page B-1 forget their Halloween treat when they will have witche's cauldron stuff along with some bat droppings and wormy dirt. Sounds good. As always, the com- munity club doors will open a little before noon and lunch will be served right at noon. All they ask for is a $3 donation. So. if you are over 50 and you're hungry, you know where they will be serving you some great food at a great price. Arlen Morris and the group she works with, Humanities Washing- ton, is beginning "to plan for HICC's Annual Inquiring Minds Winter Lecture and Performance Series. They have an open invitation to all islanders and off-islanders alike to weigh in on choices for the 2013 speakers. All are invited to look at the website and asked to choose thr ing topics. Call Morris at 432-97 nate speakers before N( A voting ballot of the be handed out at the N( meeting of the Harstine munity Club. the spons, series. There is going to be Mason County fundrais up. It is called "Help an the Homeless." It will benefit the EE Cold Weather Shelter, ty Homeless Shelter an~ Pointe Domestic Violenq will be on Oct. 20 at the Sentry Park. This will be a dinner/ entertainment provided Fever. The dinner will t rib and salmon buffet w ian options. The cost will be $50 t Please call 427-9516 fo~ There will be more in week's column. iiiii ......... Serving Western Washington for 41 years Superior quality workmanship at an affordable price! RESIDENTIAL " COMMERCIAL e MOBILE H(] ** Our Roofs Are Hand Nailed ** 30 YEAR WORKMANSHIP WARRANTY TODAY AND A COMPLETE ROOF SYSTEM (1500sq. ft. minimum) ** Not valid with any other offer** .,. FREE Estimates .,. ~ Saturday & Evening Appointments AI • Lo, Call today to schedule your appointment • 24- Du-,, i-uz o = .0% 0a0 Lic# M Rool* 111 PR • Sen ior ~e interest- 12 to noml- V. 7. top 12 will vember Island Com- ,r of the n important ~r coming d Hope for ergency ~ason Coun- | Turning ',e Shelter. It Pavilion at dance with by Swing e a prime ith vegetar- er person. tickets. loin next MES 'ailable :al our rvice OAC iscount Call For Details and Pricing to Other Areas C tomer a,m. :to z p.m. Hear this revolutionary device for yourself! The innovative Blulink II K220 is small but powerful. rESTING (off binaural Blulink II K220 Hearing System) The Blulink II Hearing System is the most advanced technology we have ever sold. Blulink II is a revolutionary hearing system, that in quiet or noisy places, improves speech unders!anding and telephone communication like never before. Savings expire October 31, 2012. II Find out what you are hearinc and what you are not. Our standard electronic hearing screenings check both your hearing, and more impor your understanding. Our hear ng screenings are always free..=e (and hear) for yourself if your heari is normal. Those with a hearing loss will be allowed to listen to digital hea ing I instruments right on the spot. Page :6 - Sheiton'Mason County Journal- Thursday, Oct. 4, 2012 J