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4:45 l
5 p.l~
sity girl
7 p.I
girls' so
ay Friday
p.m., Shelton boys' 7 p.m., Shelton varsity
s. Mt. Tahoma football at Lincoln in the Lin-
j.m., Shelton junior coin Bowl
Tolleyball at Lincoln
p.m., Shelton girls' Saturday
ag vs. Wilson 8:30 a.m., Shelton varsity
,.m., Shelton varsity volleyball at Bearcat Varsity
ll at Lincoln Invite at Monroe High
Shelton junior var- 9 a.m., Shelton cross coun-
soccer at Olympia try at Shuck & Run at High-
., Shelten varsity climber Stadium
:cer at Olympia 10 a.m., Shelton Kings var-
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sity vs Willapa at Highclimb-
er Stadium
11:30 a.m., Shelton
Kings junior varsity red"
vs. Willapa at Highclimber
1 p.m., Shelton Kings ju-
nior varsity white vs. Willapa
at Highclimber Stadium
1 p.m., Shelton girls' swim-
ming at South Sound Relays
at The Evergreen State Col-
1 p.m., Shelton Kings mi-
nors vs. Willapa at High-
climber Stadium
2:30 p.m., Shelton Kings
flag vs. Willapa at High-
climber Stadium
4 p.m., Shelton Kings se-
nior junior varsity vs. Senti-
nels at Steilacoom
3:30 p.m., Shelton junior
varsity volleyball at Mt. Ta-
4 p.m., Shelten junior var-
sity football vs. Lincoln at
Highclimber Stadium
4:45 p.m., Shelton varsity
volleyball at Mt. Tahoma
3:30 p.m., Shelton boys'
tennis vs. Central Kitsap
5 p.m., Shelton junior var-
sity girls' soccer at Lincoln
7 p.m., Shetton varsity
girls' soccer at Lincoln
3:30 p.m., Shelton junior
varsity volleyball at Henry
3:45 p.m., Shelton girls'
swimming at Gig Harbor
4:45 p.m., Shelton varsity
volleyball at Henry Foss
Oct. 11
3:30 p.m., Shelton boys'
tennis at Olympia
3:45 p.m., Shelton girls'
swimming vs. Henry Foss
4:30 p.m., Shelton junior
varsity girls' soccer at Mt.
6:30 p.m., Shelton var-
sity girls' soccer at Mt. Ta-
• To have items placed
in the sports calendar,
send information to emily@
Shelton 43, Foss 8
Shelton .... 15 21 7 0 -- 43
Foss ............ 0 0 0 8 -- 8
Shelton Fass
Passing 79 yards123 yards
Rushing 351 yards 9 yards
Shelton: J. Welander. 4-for-10
completions, 79 yards, 1 touch-
down; R. Kinne, 22 carries, 279
yards, 4 touchdowns; D. Bell, 8
carries. 51 yards; D. Ajamu, 4
receptions, 79 yards, 1 touch-
Mary M. Knight
Oakville 12
MMt£ ....... 12 30 6 6 -
Oakville....0 6 6 0-
2 receptions,63 yards, 2 touch-
Sept. 24 -- Shelton def. North
Mason 25-15, 25-7, 25-7
SHS: I£ Budge, 27-of-27 serves,
4 aces; C. Hansen, 8-of-9 serves,
3 aces, 7 digs, 13 kills; N. An-
drewski, 10-of-10 serves, 9 digs;
K. O'Connor. 7 kills
Sept. 26 -- Wilson def. Shel-
ton 25-21, 25-20, 25-21, 25-16
SHS: K. Budge, 18-of-19 serves,
54, 4 aces; N. Andrewski, 13-of-14
serves~ 14 digs; C. Overlin, 11-
54 of-ll serves, 27 assists; C. Han-
12 sen, 12 digs, 12 kills; C. Spears,
9 kills
MMK OakviHe
Passing 92 yards 137 yards
Rushing 268 yards 248 yards
MMK: I£ Willey, 4-for-12
completions, 92 yards, 2 touch-
downs, 2 interceptions; A. Pais,
12 carries, 82 yards, 1 touch-
down: J. Jimenez, 7 cames,
55 yards; J. Pals, 3 carries, 59
yards, 1 touchdown; C. O'Neil,
Ages 5-12 years'old
Starts October 15th
@ Shelton High School
Practices are Monday
through Thursday
5:30 to 7:00
Registration held
the first week.
For more information go to
s995 & UP
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Closed Sundays
Sept. 25 - Lake Quinault
def. Mary M. Knight 25-20,
26-24, 25-19, 25-15
Sept. 27 -- Mary M. Knight
def. Oakville 25-23, 25-12, 25-
Girls' soccer
Sept. 25 -- North Thurston 3,
Shelton 0
Sept. 27 -- Foss 1, Shelton 0
Sept. 26 -- Shelton at Olym-
pia vs. Olympia and Timber-
er. 350; 15, Peninsula, 357; 16,
Steilacoom, 359; 17, Klahowya,
435; 18, Olympia, 456; 19, NW
Christian-Lacey, 504; 20, Rog-
ers-Puyallup, 533; 21, Franklin,
557; 23, Seattle Christian, 663;
24, Yelm, 667; 25, erring, 704;
26, Crosspoint Academy, 808
Boys' results
5,000-meter varsity: 9, Cody
Williamson. 16:31.49; 31, Zach
Taylor, 17:02.09; 41, Darius
Burke, 17:20.82; 86, Ryder Phel-
an, 17:46.80; 127, Adam Tweed,
18:36.76; 140, Chris Frost,
18:50; 159, Daniel Bouchie,
5,000-meter junior varsity: 35,
Kyle Rutledge, 18:51.98; 50, Ri-
ley Rifle, 19:17.40; 129, Drake
Adams, 20:40.21; 168, Dalton
Green, 22:24.61; 169, Hunter
Core, 22:29.34; 186, Guy Beau-
doin, 25:53.23
ols. 2:03.43
100-yard backstroke: 1, Ca-
risa Kunkle, 1:09.66; 3, Julia
Morris, 1:28.59; 4, Alaina Han-
her. 1:30.19
100-yard breaststroke: 1,
Hannah Womer, 1:19.82; 2,
Lanna Keltner, 1:31.29; 3, Jor-
dan Crossan, 1:34.83
400.yard freestyle relay: 1,
Sarah Myers, Paige Goldsby,
Hannah Garcia and Han-
nah Womer, 4:14.09; 3. Alaina
Harmer, Megan Jacobsen, Ca-
risa Kunkle and Julia Morris,
4:39.88; 5, Janae Nichols, Win-
ona Pratt, Eryn Muenchow and
Jordan Crossan, 6:27.25
Boys' tennis
Sept. 25 - Shelton 4, Foss 1
Sept. 27 -- North Thurston 5,
Shelton 0
Team results
1, Peninsula, 79; 2, Liberty- (~OLF
Issaquah, 104; 3, Cedarcrest,
116; 4, Tahoma, 134; 5, NW Bayshore Ladies' Golf
Christian-Lacey, 163; 6, Olym- Oct. 2- OOO Holes
pia, 177; 7, Emerald Ridge, 195; Flight 1: 1st, Mary Lou Wicken:
8, Bellevue, 203; 9, Ballard, 251; 2nd, Toni Stevens
10, Steilacoom, 272; 11, Rogers- Flight 2: 1st, Harlene Robbins;
Puyallup, 300; 12, Yelm, 348; 13, 2nd, Judy Zehrung
Lakes, 361; 14, Seattle Chris- Nine holers: 1st. Alice Johans-
tian, 462; 15, Stadium, 465; 16, son
Curtis, 470; 17, Shelton, 473; 18, Least putts: Mary Lou Wicken
Woodrow Wilson, 485; 19. Ort- Birdies: Eva Kissick, No. 8
ing, 492; 20, Klahowya, 493; 21, Chip-ins: Kaye Knudsen, No.
Renton, 506; 22, Capital: 551 13: Harlene Robbins. No. 17
Girls' results
5,000-meter varsity: 65, Court-
ney Burke, 21:55.56; 90, Lind-
sey Goldsby, 22:49.80; 114, Car-
ley Kunkle, 23:36.45; 126. Sere-
na Ranney, 24:05.46; 150, Katie
Boys'results Morgan, 26:17.53; 152, Bonnie
3-mile varsity: 2, Cody Wil- Casper, 26:47.81
liamson. 16:10; 4, Zach Taylor,
17:28; 15, Darius Burke, 18:57; S~G
18. Kyle Rutledge, 19:02; 19,
Ryder Phelan, 19:05; 23, Chris Girls' swimming
Frost, 19:13; 26, Adam Tweed, Sept. 27 -- Shelton 120, Mt.
19:22; 27, Daniel Bouchie, 19:26; Tahoma 48
30, Guy Beaudoin, 19:29; 30, Ri- 2OO.yard medley relay: 1,
ley Rifle, 19:29; 31, Jonathan Carisa Kunkle, Hannah Wom-
Andrewski, 19:30; 40, Nathan er, Hannah Garcia and Paige
Newell, 20:08; 58, Drake Ad- Goldsby, 2:04.24; 2, Megan Ja-
ams, 21:35; 65, Payton Wheeler, cobsen, Jordan Crossan, Alai-
23:38; 67, Hunter Core, 23:'44 na Hanner and Julia Morris,
Girls' results 200-yard freestyle: 1, Sarah
3-mile varsity: 5. Courtney Myers, 2:12; 2, Janae Nichols,
Burke, 22:13: 9, Lindsey Gelds- 2:32.57
by, 23:33.8; 12, Delaney Atkin- 200-yard individual medley:
son, 24:30; 15, Balya Budge, 2, Megan Jacobsen, 2:57
24:40.4; 17.Serena Ranney, 50-yard freestyle: 2, Hannah
24:46.1; 26,Bonnie Casper, Womer, 28.56; 3, Paige Geldsby,
26:08.7; 29,Katie Morgan, 29.04; 4, Julia Morris, 29.91
27:00.6; 33,Melissa Fulton,Diving: 1, Lanna Keltner, 96.65
28:04.2 points; 2, Dani Ewart. 87.65
Sept. 29 -- Curtis Invitation- 100-yard butterfly: 1, Hannah
al at Chambers Creek Prop- Garcia, 1:13.48; 3, Megan Jacob-
erties Central Meadow in sen, 1:29.18; 4, Alaina Nichols,
University Place 1:42.28
100-yard freestyle: 1. Sarah
Team ~;esults Myers, 59.70; 3, Carisa Kunkle,
1, Ballard, 111; 2, Bellevue, 122; h05.28;4, Janae Nichols.
3, Cedarcrest, 125; 4, Capital, 1:12.57
181; 5, Curtis, 188; Lakes, 189; 500-yard freestyle: 1, Paige
7, Thomas Jefferson, 196; 8, Em- Geldsby, 6:44.75" 3, Rebecca
erald Ridge, 279; 9, Shelten, 281; Dodge, 8:06.64
10, Liberty-Issaquah, 293; 11, 20D-yard freestyle relay: 1,
Hazen, 308; 12, Tahoma, 316; Sarah Myers, Hannah Garcia,
13, Renten, 330; 14, White Riv- Rebecca Dodge and Janae Nich-
Alderbrook Ladies' Golf
Sept. 25 -- Bridgeman Best Ball
1st Team: Gerry Lou Hasel-
wood, Sharon Dufresne, Mari-
lyn Keller and Judy White. 131
2nd Team: Maxine Baillie,
Rhonda Westover, Kendra Wer-
ner and Shirley Muhich. 133
3rd Team: Karen Aumend, Dee
Bishop and Linda Creswell, 137
1st Team: Dee Barrett, Marilyn
Butler and Bebe Silvey, 62
Sept. 27 -- Monthly Medalist
Net: 1st, Shirley Muhich, 69:
2nd (tie), Nancy Gemsey and
Shirley Swenson, 74
Dell Bailey, 41
Lake Cushman Ladies' Golf
Sept. 26 -- 7-11 Team Play
First place: Kathy Johnson, Glo-
ria Carlson and Betsy Sharp,
Second place: Izzy Hobson,
Georgia Eliason. Vicki Brazil
and Molly Frazier, 152
Third place: Linda Sund, Faye
Criscione, Sharon Bennett and
Marian Reed, 153
Fourth place (tie): Diarm Muller,
Charlotte Gilje, Carletta Klarich
and Peggy Newton: Charlotte
Ockerman, Ruby Isaacson, Jan
Olson and Joleta Smith, 159
Chip-in: Gloria Carlson; Marian
Draw for KP money: Gloria
Carlson; Charlotte Ockerman;
Charlotte Gilje; Molly Frazier
W. 150 Sanderson Way
Shelton, WA 98584
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Journal- Thursday, Oct. 4, 2012
'September to remember'
A~er the Shelton football team's
omecoming victory over Foss
High School on Friday, head coach
Matt Hinkle called the past month
"a September to remember."
While that's definitely true for
the Shelton football team -- which
switched back from the spread of-
fense to its previous multiple option
run offense for a 5-0 September
compared to last September's 3-2
record -- this is also true for several
other Mason County teams.
Since Shelton dropped back down
from the 4A Narrows League to the
3A Narrows League, Highclimbers
See Sideline on page C-3
I ]