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The Lady Highclimbers win sets against year-round cord and currently sits at 3-2. team lost last month, only
Sideline ave 4-4 on the volleyball club players from 4A schools. Last season, the North one of them was by more
Continued from page C-1 court. Last season, the team And the sports success is Mason volleyball team was than four points. Last sea-
won one league match, not just in Shelton. 2-6 overall at this point, and son, the team lost multiple
have found success in all The Shelton swim team Out in Matlock, the Marywhile they are currentlygames by more than four
other sports this month, continues to outstroke its M. Knight football team is 1-6, the Lady Bulldogs are points and a few by more
The SHS girls' soccer competition, winning most 4-0 so, far this season while adjusting well to new head than five.
team has already matched events or taking second,the volleyball team is 3-5. coach Gerry Cassel. I think The North Mason boys'
last year's win total of two. while the Highclimber cross Both records are similarthey are about to turn their tennis team is 1-8, and while
The SHS girls' soccer team is country team is setting per- to where the MMK teams season around and bring in this is similar to the team's
2-5 for this month, whereas sonal records and the boys were last season, but the some more wins. record at this point last year,
last season's overall record are winning league meetsOwls are playing stronger in The Lady Bulldogs' soc- singles players Cody Champ-
was 2-13-1. If the Lady High- behind strong fmishes from both sports as well. cer team won its first game ine and Noah Wilson have
climbers continue to improve junior Cody Williamson and Finally, sports success at the end of September last won many of their matches
and play together the way senior Zach Taylor. has found North Mason inyear, and while the team is
they have so far under new Finally for Shelton, theBelfair as well. currently 1-6, they are also
head coach Dan Deacon, I boys' tennis team is 3-1 in In the last month, the Bull- putting forth effort and play-
see at least a few more wins league whereas last season, dogs football team has tripled ing their opponents tough.
in their future, the Highclimbers struggled to last season's overall win re- Of the games the girls' soccer
and head coach Cliff Harris
is bringing up younger tennis
players who have come close
to winning sets this season.
Finally, the North Ma-
son cross country team ran
strong last month, despite
illness and injury.
So, while the team re-
cords are not always what.
you want to see, I'm happy
with all 13 Mason County
varsity teams and the effort
they've put together thus far.
I Sarah Newman, DC nadm-ost-lnsurances
2211 , Shelton WA 98584
By EMILY HANSON ~ need to
emiZy@masoncounty.com ~ play teams
................................. like Wil-
son that
The Shelton volleyball p r e s s ur e
team began with a victory at us and
home and ended with a loss throw dif-
on the road last week. SEPT. 26: f e r e n t
On Sept. 24, Shelton aced Wilson ........... 3 looks at us.
North Mason 3-0 in straight Shelton .......... 1 Their of-
games of 25-15, 25-7 and 25-7. fense was
Senior outside hitter TOMORROW: the fast-
Courtney Hansen led theSheltonat est that
Lady Climbers, making 8-of- Lincoln, we played
9 serves with three aces, sev- 4:45 p.m. so far and
en digs, a team high 13 kills this cre-
and solid passing, ated some challenges for us."
Sophomore middle block-Budge made 18-of-19
er Kennedy O'Connor hadserves with four aces, An-
seven kills, while freshman drewski made 13-of-14 serves
right-side hitter Kiara Budge and junior setter Cheyenne
made 27-of-27 serves with Overlinmadell-of-llserves.
four aces. Andrewski had 14 digs while
Finally, junior libero Nat- Hansen had 12. Hansen also
alie Andrewski made 10-of- scored 12 kills while junior
10 serves with nine digs and outside hitter Cherise Spears
played great serve/receive, had nine kills. Finally, Over-
head coach Steve Beck said. lin dished out 27 assists.
On Sept. 26, Wilson served "It's good to have Cheyenne
Journal photo b~/Emily~Hanson
Shelton junior setter Cheyenne Overlin passes
the ball Sept. 24 during the Lady Highclimbers'
home match against North Mason.
the Lady Climbers a 3-1 loss. back setting as she adds some defense is improving, block-
Shelton won the third game blocking strength, but we ing needs more work, serving
25-21 but lost the first and need more time to get her and has made good progress and
second games 25-21'and 25- the middies working together attitude and effort are good,"
20, respectively. Wilson re- and understanding each oth- Beck said.~71
bounded for the maich ~ii~ln er," Beck said. "Her injury has At 4:4~'~p.m. today, the
game four, 25-16. delayed this process, but I am Lady Climbers (4-4) are set
'~Nilson is a strong team," happy with our progress." to play at Lincoln.
Beck said. "I thought we He said the setting job is '~¢Ve start playing teams
played well against them all very complex physically and over again this week," Beck
things considered, they had mentally, so experience and said. "It will be interesting.
a little more" experience and mentaltoughness are the keys. I think we can challenge the
depth. We are young and we "Passing is a strength,top three."
Knight Willey completed 4-of-
Owls 12 passes for 92 yards and
• Continued from page C-1two touchdowns. He threw
two interceptions.
and the Owls went into Adam Pals led the rush-
halftime up 42-6. ing effort with 82 yards
In the third quarter, on 12 carries. Willey also
Willeycompleteda 17-yard rushed 10 times for 72
pass to O'Neil for a touch- yards while senior running
down with 11:10 left in the back Juan Jimenez gained
quarter. The conversion55 yards on seven carries
failed, and J.J. Pals rushed for 59
Oakville scored its sec- yards on three carries.
ond touchdown in the third O'Neil had two recep-
quarter, tions for 63 yards.
The final score of the Schultz said the stron-
game came with 2:30 re-gest aspect of the team
maining to play when se- this year is that there are
nior safety J.J. Pals scored multiple people who can
on a 50-yard run. score.
"We had three inter- "We are always work-
ceptions and two fumbleing on the little things that
recoveries," Schultz said. will make a team great,"
"One of their touchdowns he said. "We're working
was a ball that we were in- on better fakes, jump cuts,
tercepting and it bounced blocking and tackling."
out of our hands and was The Knight Owl defense
caught by Oakville." caused five turnovers with
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three interceptions caught
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nior nose guard Angus Ogg
recovered the fumbles.
Jimenez had 18 tackles
while Willey had 12.
This week, the Knight
Owls are preparing for
their first tough game.
At 1 p.m. on Saturday,
MMK is set to face off
against Kingsway, the only
league team which defeat-
ed the Owls last year.
"Kingsway is a well-
coached football team,',
Schuttz said. "Their quar-
terback can throw the ball
and also run. We need to
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play great defense and not ~m~~v~:~'~:~r~-~
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He said the Knight ~aA~[ron[ ~ BAR&GRILL INext~l
Owls are excited to have
the opportunity to play I ~ ~~oua~cn ~ i SUH~,'O"~,~*H'~'S~aR,,,~: I I to~l
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Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, Oct. 4, 2012 - Page C-3
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