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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 6, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 6, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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IIIHCOIIT Building Itrmor Coal For use over wet, porous concrete blocks, ucco, brick ar;d concrete surfaces, below or above grade, exteri interior wlls. TRIO KNOTTED ON INDUSTRIAL TOP RUNG IN PIN PLAY WOMEN'S INi)USTRIAL LOOP Olympic Tqywood .............. 8 4 Pro'chasing ......................... 8 4 Lumber .............................. 8 4 Accounting .................... 8 4 Wodfiber . ............... 7 5 Engineering ........... 4 ; lAlnlb(,,rlllen', h,rc ....... :I 9 l¢inlbel Motor: ............... 2 10 Hi ganle i,:dna Stewart 178 Ill sel'ies oJenlly Cal'ter 442 IIALF ITS ENTRIES are sar- dine-packed int tilt, top rung of tim Women's Industrial bowling' league after Sunday night's play. Olyml)ic Plywood made the big' jal?l I) witb a 3 to 0 vict(Jry over Lulubernlen's Mercantile thanks to average boosting scores htmg up by Mihh'ed I)aniels, LeErnla IJunlmr and Aloha Krumpols• Ai.cii nthlg pulled l:'urcha,dng back into tile ('an by scoring a 2 Ill I vel'dict which Edna Stew- art lJaeed with her 178 high game of tile niglit, followed by Jane White's over-aw, rage contribution m the second. I,IIMBI,]R JOINFI) tile quartet with an odd game victory over Engineering which Graee Forbes and Marion Gaff hey fashioned. Woodfibcr is only one game off lhe pace alL, el' 11 2 IO .i decision over tailend Kin bel Motors. Both %VlnS lVOl'e li;('hl tl:4 ptli('l' on the wall..lennie Ciirtor leading a six- pin edge deciding lhil'd game with it 165 which gave hel' the ni.'llt's hi/h scrles al ,t,17. 1:11'g'll ret Bl'owll all(1 Flol'once l(3yer eal'n- (,(I the 4et,ofi(I for V/oodfiber af- lei" Jean I.olar had won the opcn- (.r for Kimbels. REST doy 0r.ight WHEN YOU TRAVEL Enjoy the luxuries of your own Private Room aboard your favorite train i.. the   l ¢05r? Only 10% more than a standard lower berth, for example, for a roomette on a 200-mile journey. Figure With us on your gEI.TrN- MAgfSN C(St'V JOLU,NAL SIDELINE SLANTS Triple Deadlocks Feature Feminine by BILL DICKIE , League Standings I,ET', IIEVI,E A BIT bench positions for last Friday's WOMEN'S CITY BOWLING }'rior to last week's Central game. Smith sat in ihe press llox, W L League ol)eners, this sports serib- getting the birds-eye view atop Old :Mill ...................... 6 3 bier had, in conunon with Sports tim grandstand of the action on Cash Grocery .......... 6 :l Editor Bill Mattiek of the Cen- the fiehl far below, relaying his Fields Auto Parts .... 6 3 trails Chronic.le, t)redicted the fol- instl'uctioas to Donll)roski or to Pastime ........................ 5 4 lowing finish for central I,eague the players individually via tile Smoke Shop .............. 4 5 teams this year: two-way conllnllllicaliou system McConkey Pharmacy 3 6 .i Ehnt connecting tile bench with tile Mac's Corner . ............. 3 6 2. ('llehalll press box. Ritner's Corner . ........ 3 6 3. Shellon Ordinarily, for tim past lwo sea- Hi game---Enfily Kier 187 4, Montesano sons, Dornbroski has had tile press Hi series--Pauline Staley 467 5. Raymond box perch, relaying his observa-I Matches Tuesday tions and reconunendations to the 7--Pastime vs Mac's In tile light of Shelton's show- head coach on the players bench, Smoke Shop vs Ritner ins against the Eagles, however, suggesting plays that he thinks 9---l'ields vs Old Mill it seems a revision is in order, might click against the particular MeConkey vs Grocery moving Chehalis to the top of the defense of the opposing team, or list and Shelton into second place, warning when a Shelton player dl'opping tile Eagles to third. TOP AND BOTTOM rungs had Whether Ehna isn't quite the was ouk-of-posilion, things not easily spotted frmn the ground three occupants apiece in the fem- chlb it was cracked np to be or level of tile benell, inine city bowling league after whether Shelton is better than / ,,: • Tuesday night's restllts. given pre-season credit are 1)oints I Les Fields Auto Parts made the yet to be determined, but tile I WilUll't it a treat--after that Highclimbers have a golden op- I Beilarmine roligh lioilse--to see big leap of the night with a three- portunity to go all the way in I a good, clean game where ev- ply victory over McConkey Phar- this first year tinder Red Smith's I ery otln, r play wasn't marred nlaey to join Old Mill and Shelton tutoring if they can get over the I hy a penalty or conference lie- Cash Grocery on the throne. tween tile officials aml the rival Ruth Jacobsen, Edna Temple Beareats this Friday night. I team captains? and Lodga Kimbel all injected ira- If they perform that tough trick tbe Fields' cause. • . i they'll{ have a downhill pull the Only'seven penalties were portant bits into called in the Shelton-Ehna con- Meanwhile, the grocery gifts made rest of the schedule, even with a test, of which three were re- the triple tie possible by shading difficult assignment at Montesano fused. Only two were for more the erstwhile leaders, Old :Mill. 2 as their finifl league game. than five yards and one of those to 1, when Mary Roberts, Owen Tile Eagles aren't out of tile wa. reflised, Skelsey and Min Durand led a title picture yet, liy any means, . . . rally to win the final pair after for they are=it good ball (,lb Rules governing the annual high Old Mill had copped the opener. lind the advantso of school All-Star football game have THE TRIPLE KNOT in last meeting Chehalis at Elmi tids been revised to even ll T ) tile ad- place was created by MeConkt,y's year. vantage State has held over Seat- shutout loss and Ritner's Corner's I! wouht lie easy for the viretlit tie the three years of the contest 2 to i victory over Mac's Corner. to find iLuelf in a triple tie for so far, Emily Kier's 187, top game of lhe the title this year. Elma has al- Next summer's game will find night, started Ritner's off right. ready lost one game, but should the All-City team picked not only Smoke Shop shaded Pastime in tile Eagles dump Chehalis and the from Seattle but also from Ta- the evening's fourth match, 2 to l, despite Pauline Staley' 467, top Highclimbers fail to get past the coma and Spokane, twelve play- series. :Mildred Daniels. Lucille Bearcats those three clubs eouhl ers to be chosen from Seattle. Daniels and Mary Daw.ton olfstt readily find themselves tied with eight each from Tacoma aml Spo- Pauline's pinwork. three wins and one loss at the kant. rr'/lllrd.q, . !BLAZERS MEET HOQUIAM ON LOOP FIELD; KICKOFF end of the schedule by each beat ...... * - ...................... ins Montesano and Raymond in People who nmke a newspaper- Four New Entries their othev conference engage- man's life more enjoyable are merits, those like George Griudah" and his W igh d I D by Beating Montesano isn't going right-hand roan. lIerb Loop. e e n er to be any breeze for any chlb in George and Herb. who are Four new entries in the Simpson the league, but nevertheless the among the staunchest sports fans Salmon Derby were weighed in at Shelton Highelimbers can hear ohl this eonununity possesses, called Smith's Marine at Union this past man Opportunity knocking at The Join'hal the other day want- week. their door with a good solid rap ing to know how come they hadn't. The quartet included D. E. Nord- if they can just up-end this new been contacted for a sponsor's ness, 6-pound 5-ounce King; R. L. next trip. You'll be pleased with oar service, title favoritS, Chehalis. tomorrow spot on the football spread this Gosser, 5-pound ll-ounce King; FIRST ANO TURNER -- PHONE 127  !evening. paper has been publishing just Cliff Coutts, 9-pound 9-ounce sin " (E(d!!'a"a'"-' L Another blocldng and tackling before each Itig'hclinlber home vet'; and Pete Roberts, 9-pound 3- H. F, DeSHIELDS exhibition like they staged against game. ounce Silver. Elnm could do just ttmt. So next week The George M. First silver to be entered from R • Grisdale Construction Company Arcadia Point was an 11:pound NORTHERN PACIFIC AILWAY riP SPORTS BRIC-A-BAC will be among the sponsors listed 12-ounce beauty caught by Wm. ff  Coach lied Smith and Assistant on that football page. LeDrew and weight at Saeger's • Coach Chet Dombroski traded And anytime there's a sports Grocery• ends in their press box-players event gems on in Shelton you'll The Simpson Derby is now in ................................ find George and Herh not to for- its final month, heading toward the get their wives, among those pres- windup on Oct. 31. Leading the .................... -- f .... ,i %J' . -. ent. field are C. D. Smith of McCleary . , ..... ., with a 27 pound 12 ounce King -- ,,'--'/ -: "  Director Lynn Sherwood has and Dan G. Bagley, Shelton, with ] 28 new members in his 60oplece a 15 pound 14 ounce silyer. prep bami th|s year, but despite %.. ), Its greenness the band did a very commendable job in its several maneuvers 011 tltfleid - " between halves Friday. ,' Broken bones have seriously re- dueed the sti'engSh of both Che- halls and Montesano football teams this season. The Bearcats have lost two key players with broken ankles, Cen- WAGES TAXES- MARKETS- BUSINESS ter Bob Nowadnlk and I-Ialfbaek t llarold Brown, the latter the team's best ball earrie', while the Bulldogs lost one of their ah'eady / Jew good backs when Gordon Kirkham broke a collarbone re- cently. De Ko('h and Boh Phlllll)s were guests of the University of Wash- ington at the Notre Dame game Saturday, having been chosen by Conch Red Smitil to use the two tickets sent him by his alma mater to give to boys from his squad. The choice was based on their per- formance in the Elma game Fri- day night. Attention Hunters! Ray Graham, Elma's fine right end. xs a eousm of Jack Graham, 4, one of the Highclimber's very cap- able glmrds of two and three years ago, and a nephew of theatreman Upon our petition, the closure to public entry Graham of Shelton. of certain of our lands due to fire hazard will be Maintenance rT0ns lifted by the State Forester effective Saturday, 1 i;- October 8. We have asked for this because the laon,er a.0wiint RAYONI] BOWLING danger of fires in this area has been lessened by (Standttg as of Sept. 28) W L weather  conditions. Maintenance ......................... 5 1 Poslokes ................................ 4 2 The Danger of Fire is still with us and a few office ...................................... 3 Clock Watchers .................... 3 3 days of drying winds could create new danger- Guttersnipes .......................... 3 3 ous fire conditions. Be careful with fires in the SupervisOrs ........................... 3 3 Chemists ................................ 2 4 woods and justify our action in asking for this Grease Balls ........................... i 5 Hi game---.Ron Dodds 209 early lifting of closures. Hi series--Ron Dodd 573 Sportsmen will please observe the following Second week play returned ' rules: Maintenance and the PoslokeS with three,ply triumphs which  ,,s*raveUn. left them in respective posse 1. Don't smoke while sion of first and second pla tile Rayonier bowling. 2. If you smoke, sit in a safe place. Be standings. Guttersnipes and Supervisors sure your "smoke" is out before you were 2 to 1 victors. leave. Joe Rank and Ed Johnston ,whacked out the Maintenance wc- 3. If you Ilan to camp out, check with tory over the Greaseballs, Frank. Hawks and Lowell McGinnis lea the fire warden in your hunting area th Poslokes cleansweep over tIe Chemists, Ron Dodds paced the before entering ttie woods. Guttersnipes to U'iumph over the Clockwatchers with the night's i THANK YOU and GOOD HUNTING  to it p "ndividual scores, and :rnie " Lemley steered the Supervisors home in front of the Office. DAVIDSON, ALLIE IN SCORING LEAD - Shelton's fleet-footed Jack Dav idson and scatback Leon Allie o I , Chehalis Will "be dueling for .the Central League scoring lead w.en they meet in the Highelimne"" Bearcat gridiron scrap at cheha" Its this Friday evening. Both score4 two touchdoWnS la:n week in their first league actlo -- -- ]as Shelton upset Elma and cne-  I halls plastered Raymond. League scoring so far: td % pt00. SIMPSON LOSG4N$ ...... €OMPAre-- ........ '" Tliompson, Elma 1 ...... 0 ...... 8 [ Annis,, Chehalis ........... I 0 6 INILTON &N@-MICLIAI¥,WAIHIN@TON Shelton : S.W.W. ,iR, iil FOOTBALl, w I pf pa Aberdeen .................. 1 0 27 0 Olympia .................. I 0 19 2 Centralia ................. I 1 .19 27 Shelton .................. 0 0 0 (i Hoquiam .................... 0 ,1 13 19 Cbehalis .................... 0 1 2 ]9 cores Centralia 19, Hoquiam 13 Olympia 19, Chehalis 2 Coontz 31, Central Kitsap 6 Aberdeen 26, Dewey 0 North Kitsap 14, South Kitsap 0 Today Hoquiam at Shelton, 2 p.m. Aberdeen at Olympia Chehalis at Centralia Pinning his hopes on a powor- 1 a d e n, hard-running backfield, Coach Ray Patrick sends his Shelton Blazers into tieir first S. W.W. junior high confel'ence foot- ball game of the year against Ho- quiam this Thursday afternoon on Loop Field. The kickoff is slated for Cwo o'clock. The Blazers showed promising possibilities in a non-conference game they won from North KiL- sap two weeks ago, 14 to 0. with :l big, posed of Q' warck, Ha son and Red Cog, Jack Allan. and passer reliefmen add to versatility. On the line will open today's ton Koch and he ends; Harold bert Gouley at Gray and LeRoy • and Roger WILBERT E¢ Assurance Life Long term, low Farm and Home Aldercroft Phone Your Shelton Journal Serves as 37OO * When you place an ad in the Section of The Journal, you have salesmen working for YOU, for nal reaches that many families. To buy or sell anything from to real eslate call The Journal ,.. • are your phone will ring steadily tomorrow and over the week-end too, calls from prospective customers. THE PHONE 100 STEWART BRINGS TO SHEL It's First Exclusively 100% Only Sporting Goods Stor00 A Place Where You Can't Get Anything Except SPORTING GOODS AND REAL SERVICE OPENING FRINY, (El. 7 At 119 North First Street (ACROSS THE STREET FROM THE BOWLIN( ALLEY) Here's Where You Can Get . . . FISHING TACKLE- HUNTING Athletic Supplies of All Kinds * Refrigerated Fresh Fish Bait * Guns and Ammunition CUSTOM MADE FISHING POLES - SPUN GLASS FISHING pOLE;'/! Tennis and Badminton Racquet Frames TENNIS, BADMINTON RACQUETS RE-STRUN6 ':' On the FammJs SERRANO Controlled-Tension Hydraulic • i'/ Racquet Stringing Machine. ' To Give Shelton and Mason County Real ServiCe, • Two trips each week to Seattle and Tacoma will be made to pick gP orders on Sporting Goods. ALL PURCHASES OF $1.00 OR MORE ENTITLE Purchaser To a Free Chance to Win a Fine VALUABLE SPUN GLASS FISHING POLE Ma0e Personally by Jack Stewart To Be Given Away FREE Late This Month f YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO VISIT THE NEW JACK STEWART SPORTING GOODS STORE You Are Invited To PHONE 680 FOR INFORMATION O Fishing Conditions, Athletic Events, Et¢,