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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 6, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 6, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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4 FAUBERTS ENJOY VACATION wATCH - Ray&apos;s Jewelry 117 Cots Phone 633 Mr, mid Mr.. E(I Fauhert trav- eled It) lalint, Mi<!h., to get :1 new C;iI' I'tq'l':lltlV. I"VOllI there lh,y (h'ovc vi:l St, to;Its, l)elwor, Salt I,nko City, Reno flllt;I at Alllll;e(hl, Calif., they vbdlcd with theh' dl;t;t4hter ;11rd soTl-in-lavc, Lt. Conl- ', IYland(q' and Mt'. . lI. Vinsnloro. !They wcrc dinner rlests of the i Lt. Comnlalrder otl his ship, U.S.S. l:oxer. They arrivel in Seattle in |.ir'l'le to take m the Notre I)ame- I.;. of Washington football iEuunc t)efol'e r'etlll'nillg tO ShoitOll. "MAON ,CO) ffOU'PNAL Belfair Women's Club To Entertain Neighboring Clubs The Belfair Women's Club will play hostess Wednesday evening, October 12, to members of neigh- boring women's clubs and to of- ficer8 of the Mason County Dis, trier Federation of Women's Clubs. The occasion will be the second annual "guest night," and Marriage Licenses Applications for' marriage li- censes were filed during the past week m the office of Mrs. Susie P;mley, Mason county auditor, hy Ihc following conples: Richard Westmoreland, 17, and Aloh,q Bezel'her, 38, hath of Eflg- elf (', (.)re. Fred Holm, 52, Olympia, and Esther Gallus, ,I,t, Portland, Ore. Gladys Hunter, ,i3, Shelton, and. Henry M. Cox, ,19, Hoodsl)or't. The SEWING Shop You will nexer' know the variety of sewing" jobs we eqn th) and for a. snillltt'h'rge, Ilrllil yoll've given us a trial. 322 South and St. Phone 944 Port Orchard. ..... .._L...' ................ 2 ........................................................................................................................................ Victor L. Auseth 22, and l)oris will be held in the Belfair school l-tovind, 23, both of Shelton. ]gymnast;tin Earl F. Brooks 31 Oregon City, t-'. ..... ".'" . .... arc "rod Edith' M N cks: 2,I,i rngml.gnt, at toe .evenings pro 7 • •' .. .. ' "' ; gram Will oe a SKIE, "tJrrls MrlSE Azter IN. M, , . ' . • , ITalk' by the Sorelle Jtmor Wo- .h hn A ;bat m, .0, and ,' ..... , ..... Eleanor lmishind 18 both of Port!n) ens Jur fit 'Ig laaroor, rZ|le rn . ' ' i sRrL was omginauy prepareu zor l ,oArjIseII(I. - the State Federated Women's R. E. l)unbar 55 anti lnIazel M. ' ' M'u'lir, , .i8, both' of 'Olymis.. clubs convention held at Everett Darrell R. Hunsaker, 18, Bre]n- in June, and it was well received. or'ton, and Caryl Ann Pars,to% 18, The evening will also include a ) . You ean Think uourseH into this! musical program and a short dis- eussion on the advantages of fed- eration to be given by Mrs. Wil- liam Wing. Group singing will precede the coffe hour. An Octo- ber' motif is planned by the host- ess committee for the serving of refreshments. Invitations have been sent to the Sorelle club, Junior Women's club of Hoodsport, Union Ladies' Civic club, Pickerlng Women's club and to district officers. Mrs. Dolph Edmiston, president of the Belfair club; extends tt cordial welcome for all interested women to attend. CIIORUS STARTS REHEARSAL FOR CltRIS'I2AS PROGRAM Over 40 voices joined in song :Monday evening, October 3, to op- en the first rehearsal for this season of the Shelton Mixed Chor- us. A cordial invitation is extended to everyone interested in group I singing, men, women, boys and girls. The chorus, under the direction of M|'. Lynn Sherwood, will hold its next rehearsal October 10 at 7:30 p.m. in the senior high school music room. MOOSE WAYS, MEANS COMMITTEE The ways and means committee of the Women of the Moose will meet for a potluck luncheon Octo- ber 6, Nineteen members 'and three guests vere prevent at the card party given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jackson last Sat- urday. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Linton and Mrs. Edwards. Luncheon wan served at the par- ty. O.E.S. RECEIION A reception honoring Minnie E. Sauer, grand representative to the State of Delaware, will be given e by El;nor Chapter ,177, O.E.S. at 8 p.m. October 13 at the Union Masonic Temple. GIRL BORN SEPTEMBER 30 A girl was" born September 30 to Mr. and Mrs. Dave Beeson, Rt. 3, gt Shelton General Hospital. If vail lt'e going Io ]uty a m,)lor (.ar--y,nl Call thitil; your,elf righl into a I'onll.c! Think of Ihe mosl IJeaullful car you've een this ear--think of Ihe (,.at" Illill'S nationally fam4m.4 as a IVOltdi'rflll iled•--lhillk of the Ihing Ihlll (illtke (;eneral Molor" car oullamlin year after year--think of Ihe Iow- iwieed car Illtll h.)k nl.l al home fiefore smart tloleis alld C]l(hS ever'whePe ! You will fir, d Iha! irl ew'ry case you are thinldn alnmt IJonliac? As a matter of fael. you will llnd thai it's !;me to slop thinkin and slarl walki.g-.r]ghl dow. to our display room, \\;le'll pul Vml g, dml th. wheel of a 104q I'ouiiae--and we're tee dV I  I{el I i ,om'll be there fiw "keeps". For here'. Ihe easidsl car Io fall il iih in lh,. whol. i.le .rhll Shelton Motor Company I 233 South First Street, Shelton, Washington ii i i li 1111,1 11 ,Jill, , Jlq i| i ill i ii , i 111 i i i i, ,u 11 t a separate meat oven l" and that wonderful Bar-B-Kewer is actually \\; t $50 TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE On Your Present Range : JANE: "See? I can pop a big rib roast • • leg of lamb or whole chicken into • the Bar.B-Kewer...and my oven's • free to bake a cake or pies or bis- • cuits... " DOT: "How wonderful. No tempera. • • ture juggling. No traffic jams at the • oven door . . . It's just like having a two oven range,, isn't it?. ' }]k .. 31" "Except that no oven could ever., • get.a roast as juicy and flavorful a.s I • the Bar-B-Kewer does, It cooks , widz radiant heat 'just like char- • coal." • IDO "Mm-mm! Now, I kno# I'm • going to be the world's happiest • woman when I get my new Estate." • Double Oven Range with Griddle Combination Range with Incinerator All Full T Automatic WEEK Other reasons why ESTATE'S the range YOU want TimeEstate fully automatic control • Famous Balanced Heat Oven • Fiberglas ' inmlation • Electricooker  7 heat dual unit surface units with Tcl-U-Lites • Fluorescent top light * Oven light and ove.n door window. Four'Models from which you may choose ! Single Oven Range l)ouble Oven Rauge LIMITED QUANTITY- TIME LIMIT ONE You'll Have to Hurry if You Want to Take Advantage of This Special Offer! TERMS TO SUIT YOU 01sen ..'.. }i t', • I . il;" 00)OClal Events ,.::'ii ii Frances Alger, Society Editor . . Phone 100 :: ? ? KATHRYN BOTTS IS SE,PTI,MBIJ{ BRIDE OF WILLIAM R. PAYTE MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM R. PAY'rE (Photo by Bu ';4oynel Before an arch of hand made roses in assorted colors on the altar' of the Assembly of God church in Shelton, September 24, William R. Payte of Wenatchee took as his bride Kathryn Botts of Wenatchee. Rev. Sam McGill officiated at the double ring cere- mony. Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. Donald Botts of Shelton, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed- mond Payte of Wenatchee. Miss Botts wore a white mar- quisette gown trimmed with deep lace. It was fashioned with long' fitted sleeves, high neckline and gathered skirt. Her lace trimmed ilhmion veil was held in place by a pearl studded halo shaped crown. She carried a white Bible topped with a corsage of pink rosebuds and white carnations. The bride's father gave her in marriage. In a pink formal accented, by a pink shoulder length veil Mrs. Ed Okonek of Grapeview was matron of honor. Marlene Bigler and E t- ther Botts, cousin of the bride, were bridesmaids. Miss Bigler chose an ice blue satin dress and Miss Botts was attired in a lettuce green gown. Both girls wore crowns in their hair to match their gowns. The matron of honor and the bridesmaids carried satin baskets filled with asters. Wearing a pink formal Verna Belle Botts, cousin of the bride, lighted the candles. Patty Ren- ecker was flower' girl and her dress was of yellow organdy. James Payte, of Wenatchee, brother of the bridegroom, was best man and Ernest Davis of Wenatchee, Donald Botts, Jr., Bob Eagle and Don Reneeker, all of Shelton, were ushers. BAPTIST WOMEN TO HOLD FALL RALLY AT LOCAL CHURCH The Women's Missionary circle of the Baptist church met Septem- ber 28 with 36 present for a back-to-school hmcheon. When the bell rang at 1 p.m. the group sang "The Sar Span- gled Banner" and gave the flag salute. Then each person was served a generous school hmch in a sack. Mrs. Wiley, Martha Hawley, Helen Simmons and Mrs. Verse Miller were the committee re- sponsible for this idea. Mrs. Mary Turner, president, was in charge of the bnsiness meeting, Plans were made for the fall rally of Conservative :Baptist Women of Puget Sound, which will be held at the Shelton Baptist church October 11, A devotional message, "In His Steps" was given by Rev. J. O. Bocce. Mrs. Ray Mainwaring gave an illustrated talk on mis- sionary work in Africa. AA Groups Plan In Olympia Alcoholics Anonymous will hold a get together at Olympia Satur- .day, October 22 in the Women's club building s'tarting with an open meeting at 8 pm followed by a free dance and 'luncll at 10 p.m. The Olympia groul has extend- ed an invitation to all AA groups from Portland north to Vancouver and Victoria and they sincerely desire a good representation from each 0rganizati6n. Hotel reserva- tions may be obtained by writing to Box 33, Olympia. Special entertainment and good dance mnsic are planned for the social part of the evening. RETURN FROM EAST Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Sutton re- turned Monday from a two-week pleasure and business trip to New York. Other cities visited on the trip were Boston, Buffalo, Nia- gara Falls, Detroit and Chicago. The couple traveled botl ways o9 the new Boeing stratocrulser" While in Detroit they ,isited Mr. Sutton's sister. SHELTON CLUB HOST TO THREE () FHLR LODGL. l-)eg'l•ee of ]loller WaS ]taxi [o Tenino, Olympia nnd ld'elllel '1011 ch!lpltq's :1 \\;volt Its l\\;vo sta(t, 111(] l]:ltional ofl'iccr Sep{eml)er 27. ]]l'ollel'lot] ]o(Igc presented the fla', Tonino introduced lhe slate officers and Ol)erm(l the meeting. Shell(m I.,odFio conducted initiation ;111(| o'l':tdlltfion ()11 .JlllliO]'S into tile :;(h:lt lod.e. Jim Nil;t, lv;m klrlff- in,'4ton, Mary Lou Petty and l)ov- olhy Fisher were grad;laLed. The ]lolhel':-; ()11 |hose fO/ll' Wel'e pl'cs- ent., I ()lvmpil lo(g'e (.h)sed the mecl- t ira;" 'and i3remerton retirc(l the t'l/i g'. Th . \\;v:s n bi;'thdav party .'o leach tal:)le was (lecorat'e(l fro' 'each 'month of lhe .VC;ll'. (]allies were played at the tables with those mvinK l)irtidays in lhat month respondinK. A b vthday cake dec- orated with hat)py birtt!day was the fealllre of the pothle.k Slipper. O17 spit was i,presenLed by six, t3 ';marl( n scat :10 guests and 12 wece ])re;ent fi Olll Tenino. For- tS' members tel)resented S]teJton and the two slate an(t natiomd (Kfice;..s were Ml's. Esther Morgan, sl;l|e dil'e('tor and national coni- nlilteexvOlllarl, fFoi;l ShelLon, an(l Mrs. ]nez San(luist. state presi- (Iont ;111(1 national "(o;;nitteewo- 1)li't!l, fl'oln Seattle. GrisdMe PTA Has Meetings, E|eetion The Grisdale P.-T.A. hehl its first meeting SeI)tenber 20 at Lhe school Mr. l,]. G. Sttimmen. second vice president of the "Vashing•ton Parenl nnd Teachers Association spoke on I'.-T.A., its educational t(chiriqtlo. ;llal adv;llltilges. At the next meeting' Septemi)cr 26 the folh)win; officer's were elect- ed: Mrs. Orin Michael, president; :Mr.% Vince l:{ahier, viee-p)'esident; MFS. Cii[l'enc(} Lockwood, secre- tary; and My. Gerald Anderson tl'CH Sllrer. (ohlnlillces appointed were:, 1)l'ogl'am, JMr, Lollis essnler (,hair]llan, lll's. (]cl'a]d Anderson and Mr.;. A'illiam Anderson; child H0 Phone 102 Fur00 __--'ture Company "Fine Furniture For the Horne' Free Parking 328 ,Cots Street L0 , ,, NO Mason & Loan Title insuran( I HOLLY Be A NOW For: Fall @ 1 AND UNITS STILL RENTAL BY ONLY @ SHOWN BY Call MR. PHONE $J @ , Ii\\;velfa!'e, Mrs. Max Sehnli(It, .Ir. Mr. Ernest Swcaringen :1coors- (,llAirltlall, ,Mrs. Bob \\;VhiLlnarsh panied hy Mrs. I:{avllond (iraff0 and Mrs. Bob (?umming,; public- sang "Oh Promise Me," "] l.ovc itv li's. VVi]l[anl SyLvester, chair- YOU Trllly" arl(I "The Lor(l's Pray- " • rlltrl, MI'.;. Olaf Anderson and MFS, cr." Mrs. Botts chose s lnaroorl af~ ITolll (h;zict:; his[el'tall Ml's. ]3o|t I Puhn, thdrltran, Mrs. Earl Bi- ternoon dress 17o1' hcr (t:aighler"s .<,hop; so(,i;ll. 'lrs. (. O. Bi'owI1 al'l(l wedding. The I)ridegvoorn's nloti/er MTl'. toy Stifler, co-chah'nlen, \\;yore a navy bhie dress wiLh Mrs. ,lames tCelly; finance, Mr. ml{tching accessories. Both moth- (]erald An(tor.qon, chairnan, Mi', era had corsages of pink roses. Orin Michael and Mrs. Ilte Me- The chapel of the church was Mullen. the scene for the reception which One of thc first pr<)jcets will followed the ceremony. The lace be to purcilase a 16 mm I)roje('tor covered table he[d the tr;iditional for the seh<)ol. T];c nionoy will be tiered wedding cake toppett I)y a ;'aise(I 1>3' a. s,q'ics ()f (:an(ly and couple lTliniatrlre arid flantc(i I>ie ,lem lighted tapers. Mrs. Melvin New- . ......... man cut the cake and Awvin;t 'M1;M SIIOW IN SEATTLE Wheeler, and Mrs. Dorothy len- . The eighth luintuil prize ehry- ecker served. Mrs. Fred Schultz nnthenmin show will he held at presided at the pnnch howl. Ver- the Seattle Art Museum in Vol- na Belle Potts passed the gucsl, uniter l:'arl¢ ()ctober 21, 22 and hook. 23. For the wedding trip to Seat- More than 300 floral arrange- tle and Renton Mrs. Payte chang- ments will be cnter'ed in competi- ed to a chocolate brown dress- ties by memtlcrs of lhe Men's am] maker gabardine stilt witl brown ¢omen's  Amateur Chrysanthe- accessories. She wore lhe corsage mmn A.:socialions. Another sec- that topped her Bible• lion \\;viii be ot)en to garden clubs The bride attended Shelton Iron1 all over the state, with a schools and graduated from "Wen- permaner.t Lrophy for the winner. atchee high school. She is era- . ........... played at ;)cattiness Hospital in ATTENDS %%EDDING VCenatchee. Mr. Payte altended 5'lhs. Iohlnd l.. McDonald re- school in "Wenat.chce and served lu:ned Oc(ob(r 4 ft'om San Frhn- four yeats in the army, seeing ,qc- cisco whet,, sire attended the wed- ON / ties in the South Pacific. Hc is ding of hey (lauKhter Jean to El- employed by the Great Northe'rn met (cl]aliy. "* raih'oad in Wenatchee where the ....................................................................... new home will be made. o,<.o,_\