October 6, 1949 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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October 6, 1949 |
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THOR GLADIRON one year old, ex-
cellent eondition, $(;5. Phone 713R
or inquire 1107 Railroad.
p'6 K--ffXEg.r-5 iiUq a 7g-Yqqf&i Sii'hX
oil burldllg (:ireuia(ing h(!a(er. N(w
cnndithm, $40. M. E; Kennedy, ,t26
Franklin St, AI0-6
to every lady entering our store
Friday, October 7. No strings at-
tRChid; ' laottllng to ,buy. Hillcreat
Hardware. 10-6
for sale. Call 247M. LI0-6
BIgXi"=€0TTAGE : 10(atd' b(itwecn
Olympia and d'Jhelton, thrcc yeaf':
old, competely ful'llishcd, modern,
fireplace, utility, wired 2")0 approx-
ilnately S acres, 75 Ft. beach' lront-
age, fie'st and second tidelands,
€lam, oysters. Ideal For a eonple,
izhmediate occupancy. Priced way
below cost at $5,950, Make your
own reasonable offer aud terms. Call
or write Mr. Paul Brtg hanl, SK
127S, F0rrester anti tc, 117 Soulh
10th Street, Tacoma, Wash. BRoad-
way 5196. ,, !0-6
U-ANA'R-fS,-i;autft-df-g6di('iii S,);i:i&l
color range and melodh)s song. Pric-
ed moderately. "The perfect gift, a
real, llve canary." Select carly,
quantity linflted. Mrs, Harold M.
Johnson, Island I,akc, Box 315N.
eh&rds Station, Pines Auto Camp.
Mountain View. 10-6
In the Matter of lhe Estate of
Charles Bhoppard Deceased.
letters testamentary on above ontitled
estate were granted I. tilt. under-
signed on the 5tiz day oF August,
1949. and filed on August 17, 1949,
, in 'said Superior Court,
Notice Is further given that all per-
soils havhtg claims against said es-
tate are hereby required to serve
them with necessary vouchers, upon
the Executrix of a/d estate or upon
J. W. Graham, attorney of record
fur said estate at. Room 5 Govcy
BIg., Sholton, Wahington, being the
pltee designated for the tranaactlm.
of the bustlss of said eatale, and
fll, the saln with the Clerk of said
court, together with proof nF such
service, within eix (6) znonths after
date of first publication oF this notice.
to-lt September 23, 1949, or aid
elltlm will be forever barred.
' lmgecutrlx of said Estate.
Attorney for Executrix,
Room 5 Govey Bldg,,
9--22 - ---10---6 - 13 t t
I I _ J I
' Ihelton Lodge No. leS4
I00)00AL on)mr
1st and 3rd Tuesdays
of the Month
i 8 p.m.--Eagles llnll
Marvin Leman,' Governor
W. D. Coburn, Seoretary
An ordinance annexing certain ter-
ritories to the City of Shelton, Wash-
tngton and extending the city limits
to include reich territory.
WHEREAS, on or abont tile 30th
(lay of AugusI, 1:9,19, a petition in
I(:S.q than '4'//, ill '¢altl(', avcl)r((inK to
said Section 17; ilwnce North along
the East line of said addition anti sub-
division to the Northeast corner there-
of being at intersection with the East
and Wct center lira' €,f said Section
17; thence West along aid center ibm
and [h(! Nolqh lille of said :plat an
subdivish)n to the W,,sl line of said
Section 17; thence South llhlllg said
We;!t ]ilw It'ing also lho West ltle
and become a part of tho City of
w..,+oo .. ,,.,o,.0,,o,, AT THI00
provided, to-wit: l --
't10elts?:'8. 11,'12, 13. 14 and "15
'to Slleltoti. a ret:.wded in V(,b.ln 2t
ef Phtis, lmt}('i .'It. r(,enrtis of thp Colin- *
ty Auditor. Mason County, State of
%Vasl )gt m nd
Blochls. 2/ 3, 4 mid 5 Der Plat of
,Extt)n:41oll li') oUlll/liD Vii'%" Ad(iilk a,
The First Baptist Church will
writing signed by tl)e own,:rs of not
|]D aq,%C;,L','r] ')';d]llatJon I•or gclJOl';lI [ilx-
alion, ()f the p,'operty ht?rcillafl0r ill'-
scribed was filed with the City Com-
mission and the City Clerk asking'
that tile described property be an-
nexed to the City of Shelt(n, Wash-
hlgton. Itlld wh('n tO annexed beconl(!
a part of the City oF Shelton, Wash-
in,;ion, and
WHEREAS. (in the 20lh day of S()-
tenll)t'r, 19.19, th( City Connnission of
the City of Sh('lton, Washington, set
and /'lied ttc time f()r hearing said
l)(.'ltion for Tuesday. Sept('mber ?.7,
at the hour of 8 o'vlo('k P.M., at th(,
('ity Ctllnlll isslon(!r' roonls, ill the
City t/all, in the City (,f Shelton.
Washiagton, aad dirpcted the City At-
tm'n(,y Io gi(' noiit'e of ih(' tilrw, and
place for tim ])paring 011 aid p,'titlt,n
aS provided by lnw, all(.l
WHI"llriEAS, it appcAlrs fr,,nl affi-
davit of publieatioll, on fih' }lt'r('ia,
that UOIIC(! has b('l'n published ip on('
iSNU(' Of the Sh"] I Oll-l'laNi)ll Co tlllt y [
Jolll'nal tile sail e boil i4 a n( wspappr j
tfl' Nellel'al cir('ulation ill the City (,1"
Shelton, and by affidavit of T. ]).
l')q'" (f Ill" (lly O(" Slmltoa, V/ash-
ug (ll, that n¢ tw, of the hi'stinK on
S).ld pt'litl()ll Wt. 11 i, lht in thr'v Ill!-
tie placc!: ill Ih,' t, crritorv hpl',qllfii[i,r
tloJ('ribt,d oll I)l' a|.)(lUl till" 20ih (t; y t)'
cp(eln/,t,l', 1919, alld thnt sum hi).-!
lh'('.' Sl)vt'ifl(,ll IIw (iutI' alld pl I '(' of
! =l(tal'illg ;)od Jllvit"ll all JlllpFP.:lotl
I)el'SOllS to dpj)oar lllld VOi('l' aplHtwid
Of disal)lll'ovaI (ill t le illni'xatioll 'and
It /Ippt,al' ]lg to ! I(' City ConllltJssiiln
O| th(! City ef Sh(,l(on that it is for
tit(' I)(,sl inhu'(,.qt,- ()I tho City of SIwl-
ton !lnd the l'('b]Ol;1S q)f lho ilereln-
al t(.r d t!qCl'i bpd terrllory Illld Ntl{
eJty tilat the lltu'¢li!aft,r de,crib(,d
terrt{m.y NhoLI]d bc I:l nacxe(l to and
b(,com( a part oF the City of She]tea,
SECTION I: Tha$ the ¢ollowlng dc-
sertbt,d territory situated in iason
Connty, Washingt:on be lind the same
herel)y in annexed to the City t)f
Shelton and included in the city Ilia-
its and bet:ome a part of the City of
Shelton, Washlngtou es hereinafle •
provtdod to-wit :
AII tkat portion of th(, an ench d
an(t ('o/'J'(t('t c'd plat ()F the original
town of Shelton, - Washington ac-
cordlllg it) the official plat thereof
in the offcc of tle Auditor of Ma-
son Countv, Wablhhlgton COll(atnod
within th(: Sl h of the SW) of Scott(in
-, ownsnip 20 North, Rangs 3 Weal,
Also, all of James' First Addil on to
Shelton, %Vashington. :('cording to th
official plat thercof Ill the olflco of
tim Auditor of Mason County, Wah-
lngton, conlprlslng the NWl i of SWll
oF 8,'cth)n 17, Townslflp '20 N)rtfi,
Rang. 3 West WM.:
Th) " ' '
. above psi'eels being in(; uded
within the following nletes and hounds
description te-wlt :
Beg|nning at the cornel, to Sections
17, 18, 19 and 20. Township 20 North,
Range 8 W(st. W.M.. being at angle
point on present City Lhnlts; run
thencL East along the South line of
the..W,, Section 1?, Township 20
orln. Range 3 W(st. W.M, bqng
contiguous Io the existing city ltudts
]Jn('. to the South quarter 'u'ner f
Sect/on 17, and tilt, East line t)t' tlw
anl(?nded and corrected plat ; thence
North al()ng sam East lint, alld tim
center line oF said Section 17 to the
Northeast corner or' )rot( amended and
('.orrected Plat bclng also tile Nortil-
')81 eornt:l, of the Sl}. (,f SWat said
lin,, of the SFJ11 of SWL el said SOt .=
lion 17 tl tll¢ Southeast c(rnor of
James' First Addition being the Soulll-
cat corner of. the NW!I of SW!i
of said l)lat and stlbdi\\; i,-'it)n to th(,
S,)uthwc't ciH'llpl' tb¢r(,ol aad all ill-
ters('('tiou with lhc CXlStil]g City IAnl-
i(.; thence ctmtinuo South along sat(l
West section lJnc and said City Limits
lin,' %) lhc p,)int°of beginning.
SECTION lI: This ,u.dinaneo. nnd
the ann(,xation ()f th,, above th:scribed i
|o)Tilory shall l)('cm e (,ff(clive on'l
()('t()b('r t. 19.19. :tilt| on said dah' the
city iilnils of lhe Cily of SIlelI()a shall
I),' extondod I,) illcludc tht' above (h'~
:<c:'il)(.d D,rril()ry.
SRCTIt*)N 711: Th{. ordinance is d,'-
Clal'(,d 10 |)C /lI'Ollt and llocessai'y l'ld'
tiw i)r('s(q'vati()n ()f tilt' public ]maith,
pt'aco and s:ff(.ty of tile City of Shel-
h'ND(HtSE1) and PASSED In regu-
[aF (.olllIIlisslon lltpoling, this 'llh day
of Och)l,T, I9.19.
Niffrl('d IIAltRY CARI.A)N, Mayor.
Sign,'d 1.). J, (')'NEIIA,
( ?( ? 11111 isbi(ll('l" of I(inan()c
SiKnetl }t, ENZO L()()t )
(',)llllissi()ner of I)ul)lie
]lllpl (Iv(!nlollt
At h'sl :
S;g ,'(l ALMA K. CATTO.
(+'i v ('h'tk
A.I)))I' I" ' t 114 IO T*,)l'll):
SiFm'd t;I.,lqNN I']. C(.)II.EA,
('lty Attornoy. ]0-6 It.
-,)tt,)L A N}'ii-'0_ ;V
All ordillHnL'l lltlncxing cr!rt;liFl t(,l'-
rilorics t¢, the City of Sholton. Wash-
lllg|,O)t and cxt(.ndill K the' t'ity lilllitS
IO ill('hl(.h, r;uch terl'itt)l'y.
WHlqREAS, ()11 ()r it|,out lh(, 27th
day (,f dtllgllSl, it)4!), a I),titlon ill
Wl'l[illg it41wd bY ltlP owllePs oi • nt)t
],SS tlnIn 7[)¢,;. il{ va]lH', acC(/l'dlilg t)
thl' ;lmss(,d ,ahla(ion ft)r gvn "1[ lax-
all.n, of the pl'oln.rlv horcinat'tPr (i('-
scribed was filed wit'h the City Coin-
mission and lha City Clerk aaknlg
that the described properly be an-
nt,xed tt) the City of She t,,n, W:ta -
ill4"toll, alld when 80 annexed to be-
come a part of the C ty of Sheltoll,
W tuqhington, and
WttE(I,AS, on the ':Oth day of S('p-
tenlber, .t949, the City Conlnlission of
th,. City of Shelton, Washington. set
and fixed the time for hearnlg sa!d
petition for Tuesday, Sel)tembe r 7,
19,t9, at lhe llour of 8:00 o'clock P M
st the City," Colnnlissioner's ro()l|ls, ill
the City ]all. ill the City of Sll( tta,
Wa,hington, and directed'the City At-
torll('y Ol' OlllC, one a,ppoint(,(l by | nl
to give notice oF tl e t hie and p[a('e
for the hearing on said lletltlnl as
provided by law, and
WHEREAS, it appearg from the af-
fldavit of publlcatmn, on file harem,
that notice has been published n t)nc
issue of the Shelton-Mason Ct,unty
Journal, the same being a newspaper
of general circulation In 'the City of
Shetton, Washington. that notice of
the hearing on said l)cti(ion wan post-
ed in three public places in the ter-
ritory hereinafter described on or
about the 20th day of Seplcmber.
1949, and that said notices specified
the time and place of the hearing and
invited all interested persons to ap-
pear and voice approval (lr disapprov-
al on the annexation, and it appear-
ing to (he City Connnission ot tile
City of Shclton that it is For the
best Interests t)f the City oF Shelton
and the residents of the h(reinafter
described territory and uch (.it), that
the hereinafter described territo "y
sll ndd bc annexed to and bcCollle I)*
Imrt Of Lhe City of Stl(:lton. Wasll-
SECTION I: That the followill d('-
scribed t(,rritt)ry situated in MaSt)ll
County, Washillgton, be. ald lilt', sanle
hereby 18 anIl('Xt'd to the C ty of Sht,l-
ton and included in the cny limits
IlS rc('or(h!d Ill VolllIllo '] Of Plats,
page '13 of tile i'ocol'ds ()f (h(! Coullty
Auditor, Mason C, mnty. Washingt(m,
It Iract (.()IlsJsting of two Iflocks ly-
ing directly ('nsterly (d' said 1Hocks 12
and 13 of s:tid Motlniaia View A(hli-
tion to Sh(,lt()n, the ,qs.Illt being I}lol'c
parl i('ll]:tl'ly d(,st.l'it)(,tl as follow:: : 1-}c-
ginniIlg at tllo Nc 'thEitst COl'nPr Of
:;aitl l;lo('k i2 ,,1" said Mountain Vivw
A(htltion, i]lcoco t:t)ltinlliug E:ld(,rly
at l'Jght an,.tfh,N to WH,qhington Stl'('t't
aS SIIown ()ll said plat tt (Jisiant:o o[
20 /'('(t ; 1]l('llC(' SOU| hpl']y ll.l¢)ll,ff a
lin, I)aralh'l "with said Ve.shingl.n
At "()l a (ii.';11lll(" (f G(iO t't'('I; 1}l'n('o
west ,' y vigl angles t() said Wa,}l-
ill,<[,on "SLr()(I a di,qtance (d" 2N0 fo('l
t) lh(! S(,tl[hl<lsl ('(,l'll(,'l' [)' tHo('k 13
of :':rid [.|)lla| till Vlt'W Addilion ;
illOllC(' IIt)l'lllI'ly along a lino I)ltFIl[-
h I with ,:ti(I Wtsllillfftt)ll Slrect t<)
lh,' l)olllt o1' beginllil|g, and
qMFclhct" wiIh al} ,';trc,qs alld a]l(,ys
adj,Jhtnff OV wilhin said d(!'.ct'ibed
:41"]CTI()N 1 [ : '1"his (,rdinanc(., and
tll. lllllt,x:tli(#[i t)f the ab')o th',crit,pd
l('l)'iIi)l'y "'hflll lu,e()lll¢ ,ffi('tix,+, ¢)n
(),'h,L),')' If. ]9'19. and (,n ,ai(t list<' the
('iy lunits td' llw ('ily of Shell(in,
Wa;dlint+)n shall bc (,yt+,nd,:,d t(, in,
chl(h, tih. ahove des('ril)e(I Io'rJtory
SE('TrON III : This )v(linance is
l/('rt,l)y (1eel ;ll-t'd to 1+4 + U I''l'l l [ tlIId
r,'('('ssary for tl)," health, safely ttnd
w,'lfare of lho Ci(y of Shclion.
hn' ColIIlnisi(Hl lIl('clill,- Ibis 4th day
of (.)t'tt)l)er, 19<19.
/s/ ttAttRY ('A}'.L()N, Mnyor
/s/ D. J. ()'NEIL,
C(qllIiliitsil)nof of IPi@ance.
/8/ IT. ENZ() LOOP.
Comnlissiom,r tff t'ul)lic
In'lp l'OVt.Fil,nt.
Att(.st :
/s/ ALMA K. CATTO. Ch,rk
Approv(,d as 1(.) ft)l'III :
City Attorney. 10-6-.-It.
John De Boer, Pas:tor
Sunday school is at 9:45 a.m.,
and morning worship starts at 11
o'clock. Sermon topic will be "The
Virtue of Humbleness," from
Matt. 18, 1-7.
Midweek Bible study and pray-
cr fellowship is at 8 p.m. Wed-
nesday at the parsonage. Choir
practice begins at 8 p.m. Thurs-
We will pt'take of holy com-
munion on October 16.
Wm. tl. Albach, Pastor
iIlghway and Cascade
Tonight: The Choir will meet
at 8 p.m.
Frtdy: The Voting Body will
hold its regular quarterly meeting,
beginning at 8 p.m.
Sunday: Sunday School and Bi-
ble Class begin at 9:45 a,m. Wof
ship services begin at l 1 a.m. CU2
will meet at 8 p.m.
Tuesday: The Snnday school
teachers will meet at 8 p.m.
Wednesday: The Adult Member-
ship Class will meet at 8 p.m.
Show them you care-give all you can
* Keeping children healthy, happy and out of trouble...
* prodding care for the handicapped and aged.., every one
. of your Community Chest dollars works hard for the wel -
* * fare, the digaky and the scff-respec of human beings,
Just once each year) a Community hest volunteer, calls at your dor. He
represents many agencies--hospitah and clinics, child-care centers, the Scouts
--o%g!tatiom which make your town a better piece to Uve. . + ,,,
So when you make your pledge, temaemher it mint go a 10ng Way, Pleal,'
give generously.., for dm dollas you give will bring a lot of happiness to
otl--tad a 1o€ to
[1( t
• !
.. ,. ,,,:.€. ,%;. ), , . , ,:. ,il
There are openings in both jim-
ior and seni@r choirs at St. Dav-
id's Church. The junior choir (ages
9 to 16) meets on Wednesdays at
3:30 p.m. and sings at the 9:30
a.m. family service. The senior
choir meets on Thursdays at 7:45
p,m. and provides the music for
the 11:15 a.m. services on Sun-
days. New members would be
most welc.onle.
Thc vicar preached last Sunday
ntorning on the parable in L.
Lnke 11: 24-:26 ht which Our
Lord taught that it wasn't suffi-
cient to expel evil from one's soul.
This must be followed up by fill-
ing the sottl with positive good-
"The mltn who (loes F, ot fill the
vacuum of his lm,'u't with the
great words of the Biblc will soon
find that his mind is fillcd with
"Are Sin, Disease, and Death
Real?" is the subject of the Les-
son-Sermon which will be read
next Sunday in all branches of
The Mother Church, The First
Chttrch of Christ, Scientist, in
Boston, Mass.
Golden Text: Psalms 67: 1, 2.
"God be merciful unto us, and
bless us; and cause his face to
shine upon as; that thy way may
be known upon earth, thy saving
health anmng all nations."
The following verse from I Col
inthians is included in the Lesson-
Sermon: "If Christ be not risen,
then is our preaching vain, and
your faith is also vain. But now
is Christ risen from the dead, and
became the first-fruits of them
that slept."
From "Science and Health with
Key to the Scriptures" by Mary
be hozt to the Fall Rally of the
Conservative Baptist Women's
Missionary Society of Pu get
Sound on Tuesday, October 11.
The Rally will begin at, 10 a.m.
with devotions led by Mrs. Diltz
of the South Tacoma Baptist
'The main speaker of the rally
will be Mrs. Arthur Bratrud, a
member of the board of Conserv-
ative Baptist Missionary Foreign
Mission Society. She will speak
at 10:40 a.m. on the subject, "C.
B.F.M.S. The Miracle of Modern
Missions." Again at 1:15 p.m. she
will bring a devotional message,
and at 2 p.m. Mrs. Bratrud will
speak on "White Cross Is Impor-
Mrs. Mary Turner, president of
the local missionary group is in
charge of the Rally. A cordial in-
vitation is extended to all.
One hundred and twenty guests
were present at the fried chicken
the words and ideas of the secular
wgj'll.l, q th exclusion of religious
tlloi{ghts.r,- , .......
Sunday school starLs at 9:45
o'clock. There is a class for every
Morning worship is at 11 o'clock
and the sermon topic is "Chris-
tian Service."
Young People's services begin at
6:30 o'clock, and the evening ser-
vice is at 7:30 o'clock.
Young People's devotional hour
is 7:30 p.m. Monday. Homebuild-
cr's Bible cbtss is 7:45 p.m. Tues-
day. Midweek "crvice starts at
7:30 p.m. Thursday. Women's Mis-
sionary Rally begins at 10 a.m.
John Boyce of Hoodsport will
present the work of his Gospel
Bookmobile at the midweek ser-
vice at 7:30 p.m. October 6.
Mz'. and Mrs, Warren Hale and
a group of Sunday school teach-
ers are planning to attend a Snn-
day school convention in Port-
land Thursday and Friday.
Jack Stewart's
Opening Friday
(Continued n'om 'ave 1)
the Lumbermen's Mercantile.
He served in the Army during
the last war, attaining the rank
of sergeant.
His new stm'e will be a parti-
cular haven for fishermen for his
service to anglcrs will include ac-
ou'ate and frequent reports from
all over the counly about fishing
conditions. He will also provide
fresh bait 'kept in a refrigerated
unit and will havc custorn-made
fishing poles, including the special
,ptln glass poles he has been naak-
]n p0rsonally lhe" past year or
lnorc and which are beconting ex-
ceptionally popular with the ang-
hnK c.htu hercabottts,
Re-stringing tennis and bad-
ntinton raequets i, another special
service he will offer, using a Ser=
rang hydrautio conLrolled-tension
string;ng naaehine, the finest
equipntent of its kind. which ie
bo)lKht a few months a3o. Jack
Iws |lccn ,stringing racquets since
lee was 14 years old and has be-
come one of the best in the North-
west at it.
Trips to Scattlc and Tacom't
twice a week to pick up snpplies
will enablc him to provide an es-
pecially fine scrvicc on special or.
ders of sporting goods, Mr. Stew-
art believes.
Baker Eddy is the following cot'- dinner given at the Hood Canal
relative statement: "The great Community Church last Wednes-
spiritual fact must be brought out day night in place of the usual
that man is, not shall be, perfect monthly potluck affair. The hsual
and immortal. We must hold for- routine form was changed in hen-
ever the conscionsness of exist- or of Pastor Paul Sweeney who
once, and sooner or later, through : plans to leave the community
week after next.
Christ and Christian Science, we Visiting preachers at the affair
must master sin and death. The iwere Reverend Forsyth of Seattle,
evidence of man's immortality will
become more apparent as mater- Reverend Ledyard of Tacoma,
ial beliefs are given up and the !Reverend Harley Eisentrager of
immortal facts of being are ad-iTumwater and Reverend William
Sloan of Everett
mitted." • Reverend Kilgore of Seattle will
be a morning and evenin+, speaker
at the Hoodsport church next
The Bcacou Point Bible study
group will meet tonight in the
home of Mr. Jack Dando.
Newly appointed deacons of
Hoodsport church are Harold
Sund, Richard Bates, Ernest Worl, I
George Yocum, George Eaton,
Mrs. Mabel Avey md Mrs. Mary
Commercial Sales, Service and
We invite you
with us on
Sunday School
classes for all
children and join
o'clock. +U.
The Youth
6:30 each Sunday,
group for senior
for junior high
The junior
tice on
the senior chOW
If you sing
The Woman's
tian Service meet
on Wednesday,
For Taverns, Groceries, Fountains, Restaurants, Dairies,
Sheiton Refrigeratimt
First and Mill Streets
Food for Thought
When you follow the
merchandise ads in The
Journal .... you keep
price changes.
. abreast of
Whether it's food
or clothing- used
cars or h u n d r ed s. of other items --
you'll always find the best at lowest
prices advertised in your Shelton-Ma-
son County Journal.
Follow the advertisements this week
and every week in your favorite news-
paper --
Shelton-Mason County Journ