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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 6, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 6, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page g t ....... SHELTON- MASON COUNTY JOURNAL I Tender, sweet, good quality. Stock up, It's a big value| 20-eL Cherub or DarlgoTd. homogee|zed. IM/2-oz. 6 Big Days! Friday, Oct. 6 thru Thursday, Oct. 13 Evaporated Milk See Our 4-Page Handbill! STOCK UP NOW! [00v00iporateil'00Milk Coamery, uarantoed cmallfy. Parchment wrap Gardenside Peas 3-- 29' Gardenside (19-oz. can---2 for 25c--Do=an X.4S) Tomatoes ...... 1.74 Sunny Dawn, tastes Just like fresh tomatoes[ ROYAL SHORTENING PURE VEGETABLE SHORTENING 3 -B 73* TOMATO CATSUP TASTE TELLS Tomato Juice 2 Tomato• Like a part time cook on your shelfl D0ZB • • 1.16 Campbell Soup Taste Tells• Livens up many a recipel SHELTON STORE HOURS Tomato Sauce OPEN FRIDAY To 9 P.M. OPEN SUNDAY 10 A.M. TO 5 P.M. GREEN BEANS GARDENSIDE CUT New Pack . No. 2 Tin .,••e* CAMPBELL'S SOUP Your Choice - Vegetable, Good Quality - 14.Oz. For YoHr Convenience Fresh Butter ............ Grade "AA" small 2 29, r00:J00sh. Co-op Ee:g.00 .... Guaranteed sweet end tre:hl Finest quality Sunnybank " Bean & Bacon, Green Pea 41 2 29' , Ad Effective White or wheat, 'gfltenriched Bread 2,,,, 2s0 Mrs "'r:-L"s lge. 2 BetS,as 23* .rices In M Canned Fruits Canned Vegetables Finest blend, fresh ground, Package savingl 1-1b, 4. 45 Nob Hill Coffee Ocean Spray, whole or ieJIed Fncy, solid peck, selected quofffy, lg-oz. Ige. Cranberry SHoe .... 16-oz. I§© King's (into Tomatoes .... 2/3S© ... , Helves in heevy syrup. 29-oZ. can Hero's a real berge;n[ Mild and mellow. Fresh ground, l-lb. pkg. 47€ Libby'sBarllefl Pears ...... 29© Dewkist Pumpkin ...... I.,b S= -.--:Airwav Coff 3 for Harper H0use, in henry syrup. 29-oz. can VoH;c,I Peck. who,o green, {en:y qualHy e ...... Bartlett Pear Halves ....... 28c Briargate Beans... 19.oz, 29€ 10½-oz. 29c Oe.c,ou for breakfast, 30-oz. ca,, F, ncy quat;h,, diced. I-lb. Spare, TreeS, Prem Libby's DeLuxe Plums. can 21¢ Del Monte Beets ...... 2 jars 25c LUNCH MEAT •. • € Dozen 7i-.oz. 59¢ prince Leo, Alabkan. Ideal. for casseroles, sandwiches, souff3es. Pink salmon .... 37' m • • • • • • • • • ,,,,.,,,.,..,..,.,=......,,.o. 2 for France-American ,,.oz. zsc 1.,51) Mees a wonderful dessert Ballad Boysenberries. 17.oz, 25c Highway, sliced or halves Cling Peaches ............ 29-oz• 2,t¢ Town "l;ouse, fncv qulity, pure iuice Grapefruit Juice .... 46-oz, 29€ Full O'Gold, fncy, sweetened Orange Juice ....... 46.oz, 4gc Eight deliciously blended vegetable .juice: V-8 Cocktail Juice .... 46-oz• 35¢ Sauerkraut Juice .... 18-oz. 12¢ "Twice-rich." Fancy quality. 18-oz. Libby Tomato Juice ..... can 12¢ 10 CEN 7 SA L E// Jonathans Delicious [i'§B;'S'CIEAI"'CORN... 8.oz. 10c Apples popping with juice. Aristocrat of eating apples. Makas delicious pins. 29-0=. Fancy and extra fancyl Fancy and extra fanoy! M00N BEAM POMPKIN 29 10c u, 5 € -,. -OZ .o. 1.29 325' ,.,bBox 2.491 " " " YAKIMA GEM POTATOES U.S. No. 1 Premium } U.S. No. 1Grade I U.S. No. 2Grade .L.. O-,B ;&" 13 BAo 59* BA 1.98 . c J J Jl * Yellow Dry Onions ............................................ lb. 5¢ -k Valencia Oranges, chock full of juice ............ lb. 8¢ * Fresh Celery, all green stalks .......................... lb. 3¢ , u, , L Dean;son's, in tomnfo sauce PORK AND BEANS...-.... 15½.0z. 10c Smith's, n real economical meal HAMS °" skinned fancy, short.shank, tenderized. 8 to 12 Ibs. POUND SPAGHETTI AND SAUCE.. 15¼.oz. 10c Fancy Apricot or Peach Jul©e. LIBBY'S FRUIT JUICE.. ,. 12.oz. 10c Fancy quality, twice rlch LIBBY TOMATO JUICE.. 13½,0z. I0c 55c _ Heinz Favorites SMOKED, PICNICS Rath's, cello-wrapped, short shank. 4 to 8 Ibs. lb. 43 ¢ I I d Beef Standing Rib I I ItOAST o.,. graded 59* .. Ib, Fresh-Drawn CmCKENS Ready to fricassee leg, horns. .. ,b49' Fresh.Drawn Colored FRYERS .......... Ib. 63¢ I I LOWER PORK PRICES! Center ellis, gl';dJx-J'ec{. 'With a,pl)lc 8alice! LOIN PORK CIIOPS ...... lb. 69¢ LoJnelld. to.It(let, flavorsome LOIN PORK ROAST ..... lb. 57¢ itl] lnd. grain-J2d. Gel aplle-atlcc! LOIN PORK ROAST ...... lb. 53¢ Yotlud L)ol]C, Serve wJLII .,pplu-sauce! Lb. SHOULDER PORK ROAST 45¢ CAT FANCY BABY GREEN FOOD TUNA FOODS GIANT Sfe,kist, fancy =oltd pacE, 7-0:. cen P.. 'n' Boos,--it's purr-fsetl 15-oz. Libby's strained end end homogenlzed. No finer quality! ll-oz, can Cream of Tomato Soup ...... 3/35¢ Ahnost a meal in itself! 11-OZ. Heinz Vegehle Soup ........ 2/27¢ tlelnz, with bits of chicken Chicken Noodle Soup ........ 2/35¢ Heinz. Also makes a wonderful sauce! Mushroom Soup .......... 2 cans 35¢ That ]mr&to-copy lavor! 14-oz. bottle Heinz Tomtto Ketchup ........ 27¢ In tomato sauce Ileinz Baked Beaus 16-oz: 17¢ In tomato sauce. Heat and serve. 15-oz. Heinz Spaghetti .............. csn 17¢ Heinz. Just the thing for dinner party! 24-oz. Fresh Cucumber Pickles ...... 31¢ Makes meats, etc., taste better! Heinz Chili Suee .... 12 -oz. 35¢ I I I DOG Deviled FOOD HAM Underwood. Perfect Pard. Made by for sandwiches. Swift & CO. iS-eL 21/2-o=. con Great big tender peas. Fincy 3-25' "==20' o, 12' 2€= ..° 2 -25' 41 ¢ Fncy ctuMity d;ced: l-lb. Kraft Cheese Food Dei Monte Carrots .... 2 jars 2§c VELVEETA woef, tender, perfect n every way. 20-oz _ Libbfs Gard Peas ...... 20 l or, a, falcy crisp shreds. 27-oz. Libbfs Sauerkraut..| cans 33c ED egetables ...... can 1.7¢ l'ancy, cut, greell--,19-oz. Briargate Beans ...... 19-oz. 24¢ J'ancy, cut, .Lringless Libby's Green Beans ............ 26¢ Rich coffee always tastes Country Home. l-lb. can better and Edwards is al- C, ream Style Corn .... 2 cans 29¢ ways rich. ,t costs you less too ! 001,:oo sale.,, UHPEELED A TS.... 5 cans $] Yellow Clings halves, 29-oz. can CASTLE CREST PEACHES... 4 cans $1 Pure fruit juice. Healthful end testy. CHURCH'S GRAPE JUICE... 3 qts. $1 Highway, in bee W syrup. BARTLETT PEAR HALVES.. 4 cans $1 Fancy quality, tender young leava=. 27-0"- LIBBY'S SPINACH. . . ... .- .. . 5 cans $1 Fancy quality, "" LIBBY'S TOMATO JUICE... 4 cans $1 IIIIIIII ---lilQHWAY CORH-- ! Vacuum.Pack, whore CAN Kernel (12-0=.) or 1 1 Golden Cream Style Corn € (Ib-oz.) DOZ. 1.29 Prepared Foods In sauce. Real Mexican style Van Camp Tamales 15½-oz. 20¢ Faultless. Serve with rice or potatoes! Meat Balls & Gravy ...... l-lb. 39¢ Llyden's, with geherous pieces of chicken Chicken and Noodles .... l-lb, 29¢ . I'ark Lane. Packed by Swift & Co. Chicken for Frying .... 34-oz, 1,29 ]2-oz. 2-lb. LUXURY COF 1-Lb. 2-Lb. Red Hill. A top qusliff' 14.0,- DOZe I ,'/§ Sugar Belle, fancY, 17-oz. DOZ, I,'/§ CANDY e Hershey, Mountain W' Avenue. 4 for 15€. BOX OF 24 BARS Bonn's favoritn cream center. I-LB, BOX ROOT Craqmont Root {plus deposit) 2 QTS, Libby's. For quick tasty meals EMPRESS Corned Beef Hash ........ 1-lb. 33¢ King Oscar, in oil. Finest sardines. s;;;nni9 Brisling Sardines ...... '/4-oz. 9¢ ' " Smith's. Add variety to your menu Kidney Beans .......... lo -oz. 10¢ Libby's. Real delicious flavor. 1-tb. R/,[i:iW 3 f 1 49 Doo. Brown Beans .... 2 cans 25¢ Re 2, tomato sauce or , Star Boat Sardines .... 15-oz. 25¢ S-lb. ln leo Dancy quality. Excellent for salads! -- .... : ..... Brigade Crab Meat ...... 7-oz. 59¢ PKG, Pl'ices Effct:Liv'. i,'l'iday, ()cLobcl, 7Lh, Thrtt Thursday, Oct. ]_,3, 19't9, ill ShelLon, ket changes and stock. No sales to dealers. Sorry, we must reserve thc righL to Camel, Lucky le;gh, Old 0TN,