October 6, 1949 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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October 6, 1949 |
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6, 1949.
Cliff Wivell's CERTIFIED
Representative in Mason County for
ia Oil & Wood
l i
Grade Fuel mid Diesel Oils
1st and Franklin Phone 397
enameled metal tray
Limited quantity
: Limited time
Fullcoat--the one-
Wall paint. Rolls paint REGULARLY $2.49
I and ceiling so fast, so
8o easily !
for all
Established 1895
You'll Be Proud Of Your
, ' Proud of sandren'S
elet.gq: '-..re unadUit*ra"
/oeea n . ,
vinyl pxasC,
smooth,, g ,__. w,thout :r "
.o eaSY to cxv=,, --
ing or waxmS-
tell your
it your-
YOU'll Be pleased at how wen
into your decorat"
gndranfits ,.rt colOrS let
rntl T)l;r* t --.I G e W*Otti .
wanLh=' n coverage ""
Bring your room
Established 1895
I GRAPEVIEW FIREMEN DISCUSS Development Unit Ministerial Meeting WHAT-- WHERE--
* Will Be October 10 WHEN?
' NEEDS FOR DEPARTMENT FUNDS Is Incorporated • Th,, ,son o,nt inito.,,
[ By Strickland and Spooner att.le. ]ow livinff in California. Ai)utd at l)!'(n(,iin4 ' the (')m- Association will nmet Monday, \\;Vc are waiting to Transfer
The Vohmteer biremen, }nceting TYRONE RAUSCHET :;uf- pleLe 're.t()uvce d(:veh)lm}ont, at tic C)ctoi)er .10, .1949 at l0 R.IL at any article-- and quautity any-
I[:st Tuesday evening, discussed fcred a broken arm last Friday Northwe:4t, the \\;V :hil t;ton ,%L:(tc the Foursquare (lhtu'('J1, l.everencl where you order. At any time.
' lhe urgent need of funds for the playing baseball, l)eveloi)ment A:sociation i:; being4 Fitch, pastor. IL is hoped that all At savings of time and trouble
department. The report of $70 in The school board will meet on incorporated this week. The as.;o - the ministers will be present for to you. And at the lowest rates
donations collected by Mrs. Joe Thursday evening, October 7, at elation, according to its president, this meeting, at which highest standard of
Tschida was very cheering, and the school house. The board meets I E. H.. Wells of l)rosser, is a non- Transfer service ever was made
the grateful firemen have prom- at least once a month, generally[ profit, educational organization all state organization to promote available!
ised that energetic worker a ride on a Thursday. These meetings [ which .will push hard for the I)rO- it. Montana, Idaho and Oregon al-
an the truck as a reward, are open to the public. Anyone' ...... SHELTON
per eonserwtmn and utflzatmn o[ ready have vigorous development
IF THIS EVENT occurs .-.Sarah with questions to ask about sc'hooli the vast natural resources of the associ:Ltions i being and wb,, here
T:;chida riding in full dress fire- TRANSFER, INC.
business, or suggestions to make I st'tte in WLshington, have to move fast
men's uniform----it will be a re- that would benefit the school, ]nay I " ' ' " ...... e ( f t' to catch up with them." 221 S. 2nd St. Phone 66
' ge ,y , "t e l;,tj ) .': , :s-
minder to get behind the drive ,ze:nrn thoerdatne e o .a meta,:tign;r tel ai*(: e * ( the' c
for funds. However, whenever we ci 'i I;i' ol:,*rd;n -
....... c^.ro t lated (leveh)pment pl*m for the
pass the fire hall we are reminded M, Strickland, J. F..%tevens. ] Northwest now t)efore the (:on-
that a chimney, wiring, and heat
.z'e needed as soon as possible so The Grapeview Co m m u n i t y Senators Varren G. Magnuson }.Li'l(:I
that the fire truck can be moved Club will not meet in October. ]{arry Cain, is now being coastal-
Lo its permanent location. Dana- The grape harvest is taking up ered by congressional comnlit-
ti(ms may be turned in at the the time of the residents.
Grapeview Grocery. tees.
ph>, e.,t,e immedi.toly, s Grandchildren For ,,n, a vi.-l,,,e;;i,lc.t o the tate
872-R-1. This may be used at all l)(.vclorm(nt As'.ociati()n, has been
hou, s Cushmanites Come rel,,ee,.,n the (,an,;,at,on i,,
THE LOCAL GRAPE season is %Vashi]2.ton, l).('., in SUl)Poi'L of
in ,,ll wig ,ickors are ,,s, 'Thi k And Fast' ,h, ,gn,,son(:,,in 1,ro,,,. :,,e
providing the juice plant and *he C bill wo,,,,, COMPLETE NURSERY & LANDSCAPING SERVICE
wineries will] grapes, and cars By Frances Radtke ated deveh)pnent pb(n )1' the A)'-
from near and far stop at vine- Grandchildren are arriving thick my EnMincers and 13m'cau of Je(:- "
yards Lo huy, boxes of the fruit and fast for the O. K. Linscotts. lamation. ] Mile East of Olympic Highway on Fairmont
to take home. Sunday in partic- Last week they received the wel- "There's a tremendous job to
ular, the roads' were filled. 'ith come news that their s e co n d be (lone here in the NorLhwe;t," WILBERT S. CATTO ...... PHONE 591-W
cars. The grapes are sweet and grandson in two weeks, Karl Aus-
juicy, and the vines yielding as I tin Hadley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. "eVe]Is declared today, "and we
nluch as five to six and a half tons John U. Hadley, entered the world have felt thm'e shouhl be an over-
an acre. i September 29 at the Bremerton
Among the regular visitors oil Naval Hospital.
this season were Miss Louise The baby was named for grand-
Nachtsheim of Tacoma and see- father Karl Linscott, whose birth-
eral friends who spent Wedncs- date is the same, and for another
day through Friday with the Wal- grandfather, Austin Hadley of Ma-
ter Eckerts. lone. With son, David, this makes
THE "PRINCIPIA" of Tacoma two boys::th:rtHedi'week-end Amotln, VJfombt Oiler M € C O N K Y F ! R
was seen in Grapeview waters last l.,mscot P .... i
week end Saturdav and again for their Oregon farm ana ne nut 2 e9 AYTiNAL
- " .... :--s and hisl harvest as did Mr and Mrs W. =---
unday ta.ptatn laUt rtgg , _ ." . " - - -
hr,,ther, Captain Mendle Riggs, :. e[er°on n anr M.:nd a7 s vr
brought in a party of fifty. Those :aY u .... OLAFSEH PHONE o} DRUG STORES PHONE 65
who came Saturday were teachers, o om their
from Tacoma schools, m y of ......... -*"- en-
....... .e.ds .,€. I Mr. and rs. rea au*u ,*
Lrl¢ln Known CO Erie 1%... , (. ........ . _. --;,-..
............... I. +,o,, lo,dod The I [ertalnecl in a Dig way we(mcuuay VITAMIN
' ......... e ......... ......... ntis 2-I" Ott
"Principia," a chartered yacht, mght when Mr. a t r CAPSULES lie DAYS
roams far from he," home at the l. aaIKe and ne,r g,l. m, Oak]and illi
'n thi vn's tettoy Anent Iro , 2 Bottles
T t(:om Boat Mart, hav g s ................ , eattle
,.,.. ,o,e two trial to Alaska IanL, vernon *--, ,. • , of 100
.......... ?" - " " ha-el each IMrs Bell Well and Mrs. Fay Pe .... : : ...... .-- --,, --,-r-r*'; __¢.
among otners, out real [4, "
fall to appear in our bay with terson, also of Seattle, came to • .....
passengers interested in viewing call. Mrs. Peterson, torch song ,.
and picking grapes, artist, made records on the wire
Mr. and Mrs. John Kestner of r e c o r d e r accompanied by Mrs. 29€ ':::
Quinault chose the grape season Radtke at the piano. JUSTRITE :: FORMULA
to visit the Wm. R. Spooner faro- Said Red and Frankie, "This 90
ily last Sunday. Mrs. Spooner, who way we can dance to our own mu- CLEANING ........
lived with the Kestners while sl, and no one has to pay the FLUID SHAMPOO
teaching at Quinault, spent a hap- fiddler!"
2 30
py afternoon recalling those pleas- Mr. and Mrs. Otto Radtke left
ant days and introducing her Friday for a week end in Portland
friends to this community, visiting friends, Mr. and Mrs. Bob ::: :::
Mr. and Mrs. Kestner inspected Robson. I
the fire truck and discussed fire, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bitney, I "r' 7
departments with Bill Seiners, who Mr. and Mrs. Don Brown and Mr. 2.Fo THE PRICE OF I plus I". • • twfce as
has visited the Quinault volunteer and Mrs. Red Radtke have pur- much /or a penny more? Buy one item at the
fire department hall. They also chased property in Hoodsport 29c : : ,eOUlOr everyday tellino price: odd openny end
exclaimed over the expanse of along Finch Creek. Enthusiasm is Glide e, TWOlotjust 1' mole! YOU lavealmost 50%1
GraI)eview's vineyards and admired high among" these landowners who Corn, Callom
the variety of views of The water. ],ave "visions of new homes with
THE CAMP FIRE Girls metrustielandscapcS'rs. Bunion Pads. " ..c00E,0x,,E 2 40'
W,dnesday *'or their first meet- T h ya ' FOrt
ins of the s c h o o 1 year. They a u OF HYDROGEN, 16-oz.---SAVE 38 € ..........
warred on oilcloth aprons for "Lhc ..,.,,..,., Strong, Sturdy
o, 00c00oo, ,o 25. rome .q
w t,r whil, paiUng. By Efn. L. rh, o,.,m,. .eovv r,ft eel., A
Mrs. Emma, Anderson was sur- Once again something new has " Mercur0ch
prised recently by a visit fromher been added to our fair village. 37€ ',,u,.,,[ SHOPPING
sister-in-law, 'Mrs. Edla Seppi of This time it is a touch of Holly- "ORLIS" ...... - , e0n .........
Florida, whom she hadn't seen for wood. A. W. Kendall has trans- TOOTH 0.0 ,,0,, BAG a.o=: IltfflrU,..$AVlE 4, ............................... "
thirty-three years, formed, by his artistry, the I llt II ,, , J I
Mr, and Mrs. Ed Okonek are Rendsland's erstwhile modern PASTE FR, EEwitheach 49c CALAMINE 2 50 c
Lhe proud owners of a 1950' Buick home into an up-to-date antique. ' purchase at our
Special. It is a pretty picture as you cross o t DRUG DEPT.
Mrs. W. S. Mitchell had hmch- the bridge coming toward iL, in R during this FOR
con guests last Thursday, Mr. and its frame of birch, climbing' roses SALE! LOTION--8-o¢, BOTrLE. SAVE 48€ ........
Mrs. Harry Spencer and Mr. and and flowering plum with the ever- I I II I I II II I , I I II I I
[rs. Guy Ward, formerly of Se- HIRL]EY HUO1N entertained
members of the family on the eve- 42€ . , C
ning of September 23 honoring 'OZ. PO-DO FOR
the birthday of Frances Huson. INFANT OR ADULT---SAVE 34 .................. i V V
Games, refreshments and the op- SHAVE - ,,
occupied the pleasant hours, with
the traditional birthday cake and 2 400
cndles. MAGNESIA i i
A farewe]l dinner for Anna
Marie Phillips of Seattle was cn- pints MINOYI.--2. -f; ', L
joyed at the Knowlton ranch on Our finest q mlity. uxury
Sunday, September 18 before she . OiL I:;}I [ili"iJ F nts or
sailed to spend the winter in MINERAL - Itilil M.
France, Spain and Morocco. Mrs. Bottle ,oo rult Drops
FlorenCeintelligence,,Beeleraccompaniedand J, Willis" SaY-Mrs. =r.. _ ea, 5.ro|, T,b,e,s 2:6Oc
era, dramatic critic for the Post- SODA MIN1 o
of IOO t@,. 2Sc
Other dinner guests were Mr. . ,, _ _
and Mrs. H. L. Rends]and, Mr. and
Mrs. A. W. Kendall, Mabel Soutl,
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Nolan and
the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Pale-Ell
V. L. Knowlton. The table was Hart.ream LIQUID
decorated in marine motif with
marshmallow sailors for place
cards, and here our artist friend,
2 :::'90e
Mr. Kendall, again displayed his o
talent and humor. ..... ...... a
held tle cake which was built to
represent a ship fully manned by DO SHAVE BISMADINE
marshma]low crew and with Anna PO
Marie standing upon the bow " up tWinDntacR d ' @rend ferN,s,
wavingfarewel]withahandke,'- CREAM , &
chief in one hand while with the Q,,-- '-- '" k-ac " g " • '
other she clutched a bouquet to [#Jl*l La,heror Bru.Me.,s Mouth Wash 22H1
derson drop|*cd ill for Lhc afLcr- "'€' .lat_. *le - iCull d-o,,nc¢ Size
noon 51"2 eo -,..,.,w-
Mrs. R. H. Case of Seattle, for for for
while entertalning relatives fro]n
Burlingame, Calif., at their sum- 79€ COLD CREAM ) o 10! .,
mcr cottage here following ie,' Perfection, 8-oz. jar ................ -a -'--- :/ .
et" a log on the beach and suf" $9€ Analgesic Balm q0 TIDY
fcred a broken leg.
Newly elected officers for thc Keller's-Save 49c ................. "'"" ' Deodorants
Volhner, president; Christine Ahl,
vice presidcnt; Clara Koenig, sec- Stcridcnt, 4 stylcs ................ i-- a ,,,v How[ 1.09 iYSOll ,r
__ Safe and effective.
retary.trcasurer;andInaHanlin, I 2 48 w,,s,0m,,,
historian. 3€ CHEST U B o G '$1.1t Iuaaln 4 4Sc
, The side walls of the spacious C,ampho-l,yptus--l:,i oz .......
60 by 38 foot log home of the A B O 8-oz. Size
'Frank Schillers family are cam- $1.19 Beef.Iron-Wine ') o a 39
plcted and preparations for rai- BAY "'""
lng the rafters are undcrway Saybrook's'o,'io 00'orn,00la, pt..
Jack Doherty recently burned to IA.
the g']'ot, nd. The home was unoc- a a foe.U. "
cupied aL the time and no one 1.ounjar"
witnesucd the fire.
$1 79 ,. a,d M, eslio W,,c, ,,.
• amall daughter, Frances Anne, .........
came from Matloek Sunday to at-
Per Sq. Yd. range their beach home hcrc for
rcnting to the m6thcr of our cs-
teethed bus drivcr. Mr. Ellis. The
Wycrs wcre dinner guests of Lhc ,
J. W. Ihlsons while llere. McCONKE'S
A boom in rentalu of their cv-
eral cottagcs lately has the Hu-
shifLinff about their buildings.
New and pernmncnt renters with
some who Jivcd here before and
wisl to return are the cause of *l' ,...r- .t. '-
the flurry. Jess Whitman is help- 213 RAILROAD PHONE.63 L..,
ing wiLh tim carpeuLr wurlc. '