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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 6, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 6, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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10 TTET, -M  tiC)N- OC)T.TN" .TC)T.7NA L This Week A.c. R,chards. 2,2 .cK,n,ey Mill 2 Gains With ,   v J0E _ 3 Wins Place L.M. Street. She.on. W,NS A OOART Fredson&apos;s Scoring : MA,ONE Atop City League (brick or bulk) OF OUR ICE CREAM of their favorite flavor ,b,o,ute,y free ,f oa,,ed for by .ot We..d,,. In Simpson League , As Oilers Go Down INSULATED SiMVSO MEN'S B()WIJN(; ('IT'' B()WIJN( I,EA(Y['E W l,  W l ,f./.TLJ BAGS R0sea,.ch ............................. 9 3 ,. ..,;iii '- F.o,.Ke,p,n,,,cu,. ninoe,'s ......................... 7 . ,,.nn*e,'men'sMe,'c .......... :.., Office 7 5 I Frisken Oil 6 . ff[[  " ................................. ,Simpson Log. ....................... 4  --ICE CREAM l,unhermen's Mercantile .., 6 6 " qmilh's Electric ................. 4 GoOd for At Least Reed Mill 2 ...................... 6 6 Active Ch|b .......................... 4 k] ...r ii:i'.:%. ": : 2 HOURS. We also Woodfiber • ..........  ............... 5 7 Lake Cushman .................... 4 5  Have Reed Mill I ........................... 5 7 3 k j 5-GALLON and Olympic Plywoo(I ................ 3 9 ,_NSATIONAL FIELDER JqD a,TTER Beekwith Jewch'y ............... 6 " /! ::, For Large Picnics ......... L.L WAS Hfl'... A LINE DIIVE • REED Mll,i, 2, utilizing Mark (: THE NOSZI'OUC ENOS OCESffT Fredson's top in(iividual scoring, RECOMMEND ff A'S ACUtE, HIS 51NUS Frozen posted the only cleansweep of ]list TL::JIBLE NEVER CA/V EACK. weeWs Simpson men's bowling Custard leag.e play and moved into a p ___ f, nu'ih place tie :,s :) result and Pints " 7¢ dumping ()lYnll)( t'iyw()(,, into ")" Quarts 49¢ the ''i"( [|il (,eil,|*. - R'::','avch hchl it.s two gHln(' lead with :t 2 to 1 triurnpi] over Voo(I- In the Ice Cream r,b,., ,,,he,, , ,.e.,-:heck ,,r sco,'es )'('v(;:-;t-I ;i firsl ginle verdict ol'- <:. Everyone Raves About i;4in:.ily ;.:iv,,n to ,Voodfib(,r. Bavl . J) ' , whil (:ene Tucker's 202 salvaged the l'i)ile Fo)' 'vVoo(llil)er. ..._, E';.,;iN!!:EI and Office hehl ] ,6,fU:NG? >'ACiC, i !:CKYt2NT, N.C.,A'3UNGB3r (hei ,',,n,! place tie by winning I J "kC)NO FOE' "): V:':,O '."f) HOOKEDA BASS.THE FISH, FHTING I ,,dd !:;:,m.' ver,ii, ts respectivel I fki.'IP- :::,:,r /.ALL I¢ :( r,ECEL¥,PULLEOTHEYOUNGSTEf I )vel "th.,,d Mill 1 anti l,uml)e:- [ '_ TOLIRN&MENT .t,; SL 1  '1 ,XK,' THE WATER.FATHFZI LEAPEDXO [ 217) ii),.h, (Icuided the (.linche). I I"=*"JA#.rq..#IfHAN[IGy''/$1',./,:),, AN)) Tile A.-! I £or i,:(, i:hghwevs after Fi'ed Sncl- j IJADE OLES-I-ONt: oH 7HI: (IAME t, ' !1 I grov,, w,)n the second. Don Mat.- I I ii i ; I ])on;i](] and AI Petzold we)'e Of- Our Ice Cream Flavor of the Month AI,IONI) ROCA 16 a.m. to Midnight Daily, Ineluding Sundays and }{olidays flee l)nces(,lters. Second and Franklin Streets Phone 202 . • ............................. Read Journal Want Ads DEER, BIRD SEASONS OPENING ............................................................. SUNDAY WITH GOOD PROSPECTS Deer hunters generally can look .............. ! ........................................ DEER HUNTERS forward to a good beginning next Sunday, on the basis of studies FIRE HAZARD EVER made by game department per- PRESENT, WARNING sonnel in recent weeks. The "serious hunter" can pret- GIVEN TO HUNTERS ty well be assured of getting his llarohl A. Pehbles, Chairman ATTENTION buck, the game department says, of the Washington State Ganle and special deer seasons will help Commission, warns hunter tlmt to harvest an oversupply of d('er altllough critical fire conditions m several areas, where damage prevalent throughont the state has been done. during the early part of Sep- RESERVE A LOCKER NOW nd, generally speaking, the tember have been alleviated con- same goes :for Chinese pheasant siderably, In ome areas of the •  hunters, with heavy plants and a state (,xtremely dry conditions good natural reproduction team., still exist. WE STILL HAVE A FEW AVAILABLE ing to insure much better shooting l'ebbles stated he felt the con- than ill recent seasons, dillon was not serious enough   Dis'ict Game Supervisor Clyde even to entert:aln the hlea of Remember,... Norton predicts good hunting pros- closing any hunting seasons and pects for the Grays Harbor-Olym- nndonbtedly would be bettered We Will Cut, Dip, Wrap and Store Your Meat pie Peninsula area. In a break- considerably hy the tim,, the clown by counties, Norton reports: seasons ()pen on Oetoher 9. lie MASON-- Good plmts of pheas- did point out, however, to hunt- I Y Locke Fo Yo , ants and natural reproduction er, that it is tl,elr responsibll- n our r r u should bring good hunting in the it.',' a.nd extremely Important Kamilche and Skokomish valleys, that they use every possible pre- Few quail are in the county, how- eauthm in safeguarding forest MT VIEW FOOD LOCKERS ever, but blue and ruffed grouse areas against fir. . have increased with the best hunt- lie also asked that they imrti - lng' on the south fork of the Sko- cularly avoid the ue of so-call- O komish River. A heavy winter ed warming fires which have kill of deer brought dowu the pop- been built frequently by hunter. MT. VIEW - 3 Blocks East of Highway PHONE 922 ulation of these game animals, but aml left unattended. They have good hunting is expected in the linen a princllml ouree of fires J II area ranging from Lake Cushmau started as a result of the hunt- ......... i LII 31 5 I 5 5 I I I Hi game---Charlie Cole 224 Hi series- G. A. Gustafson 570 Matches Frida,y 7- Simpson vs Frisken Smith's vs Cushnlan 9-Activians vs Pastime Beckwith vs L.M. SVEEPIN(: TIIREE games Fri- (lay while Frisken Oil was drop. ping a pair, the Lumbetanen's M'er('antile enjoys solitary posses- sion of first l)lace in the city bowling league. Slim Gustafson produced the night's top series at 570 to pace the L.M. cause against Pastime and received some fine support from George Ashbaugh. Mean- while, the Oilers ran into diffi- culty in the persons of Joe For- rest and Leo Pearce of Lake Cnshman Resort and went down to a 2 to 1 defeat which broke their co-hokt on the top rung. CllARLIE COLE' and Bill Rob- erts paced Smith Electric to the odd-game over Simpson Logging Company, C, harlie halging up a 224- game which was nntopped for the night, although Lee Friend came close with a 222 which won Frisken's only game. The Activians spilled Beckwith Check These Prices Before, You Buy .. from 75' 97" 00,39 CLEANING RODS ....... 69' }AMP STOVES C:leman 9:9'5 :A[K SHOES .... 14 ss ALL TYPES GEAR ..... from 1.95 NSECT REPELLANT 1§ TARPS ........... ALL SIZES COI00A00ES ..... fr!m 69' up CAMP COTS .......... .49 00!FLE, SLINGS ......... 97' HATS ............ 1." RIFLE CLEANER ....... Is ° PATCHES ...... pkg" S¢ TENTS ...... from 12.9s up PACK BOARDS ........ 4"ss ,SHOE GREASE .......... to' FOOT POWDER" ..... to' AIR MATTRESS ..... 11 "ss from ,95 SLEEPING BAGS t2 z.00o e AND MANY MORE GOOD BUYS Jeweh'y, 2 to ], with Pete Sch- neider and Harry Peterson lead- ing a comeback after the jewelers won the opener. Th u r,q(1 n, II DON'S SPORT AND CYCLE OBicycle Repairs OLawnmowers Sporting Equipment Keys HUNTING AND FIStlING 223 Cota Street Phone 243 OLD HERMITAGE ,m.a' Kent,,t¢ly llis1d -A B/end $2.45 $3.88 Pint .i.'5 Qt. A Gentleman's Whiskey from Natlona] Distillers Product Corporation, N Y. • 65% Hunters Warned To Get Permission From Landowners As the hunting season ap- proaches, the Washington State F a r m e r - Sportsman Rehttions Council composed of representa- tives of the State Sports Council, Grange, Farm Bureau and Game Department, again points out the responsibility of those who hunt on private land to obtain first the permission of the landimlder. "The sooner the sportsman rec- ognizes the fact that, although wild game belongs to the state, the control of most of its habitats is vested in the farmer, the sooner he will enjoy better hunting," says Brian Ingoldsby, Chairman of the Council. I To attain this end, the Council has p r o v i d e d County-Relations Council leaders w i t h special ] "Hunting- by- Permission" signs ing seasons. /which cooperating farmers are us- ' ing to post their properties, re- I placing many of the old "No Hunt- to the Hamma Hamma River. Best bull elk hunting will be in the area along the south fork of the Skokomish, which will be closed to permit holders. The Matlock area has a large elk herd that should be easy to get. JEFFERSON -- Best pheasant spots Will be in the Quilcene, Chim- acum and Discovery Boy areas. Little quail hunting can be ex- pected. The easter,s part of the county has an overpopulation of deer, with lots of damage, and is open for a three-day season on a deer of either sex. The western part of the county also shows an increased deer population. Elk herd increases have been noted in the Dosewallips - Duckabush area, and some good bulls should be taken. The Hoh and Clear- water-Queets area all have elk, but the best hunting should be on the Hoh. CLALLAM .... Pheasant shooting should be "better than in recent years" in the Sequim, Dungeness, Dry Creek and Forks Prairie dis- tricts. Hcavy plants of game farm brood-stock and young birds were made, and natural propagation has becn good. Quail are coming hack and should offer fair hunting in the Dungeness and Sequim areas. Ruffed and blue grouse have been showing up well in the Twin Riv- ers and Upper Dungeness districts. Deer show an increase over the whoh' county but hoavy second growth will make hunting diffi- cJlt. There is need for consider- abl(' 'qhinning out" of the deer in thi: area. Best elk hnnting in Cinlhxm county will be in the Cal- awha and Sol Duc areas, between U.S. Highway 101 and the Olym- pic National 'Park. The next best will be in the Dickie and Ozette lakes area, where there are about L00 head of elk which have not l been hunted much in the past.  t GRAYS HARBOR ...... A goO O[ pheasant season is forecast, wi h many more birds than in the past. Tlae Chehalis valley will offer the ing" poster's. Landholders are also given a supply of "Danger--No Hunting" signs for use around buiklings and livestock which sportsmen are reminded to respect. "A little common courtesy," In- i goldsby adds, "and correct posting and proper recognition of these two signs will aid materially in 'the settlement of a very vital and controversial isstie that is assum- ing larger proportions each hunt-' ing season." buck kill will be in the clemons tree farm, Porter creek and North River areas. A good kill alsO s hoped for in the Chehalis valley in : the special season. The best clk areas are the Wynooche, I-luI. :tulips and Quinault districts,. ,1'{ I ;the kill will be restricted to Dtu i I and the ratio in these herds is loW. [ [Hunters are being encouraged o[ ]go into the lower areas wlere[ [375 permits will be good for onl [ of either sex. Both blue and rue I [grouse have shown an increas ] [over the county with most in -?, [North River, East oquiam aria I Blaek Creek areas. I ! This year's deer season is on_e! of the longest in the past qua!e t I of a century, lasting from ,'k::'l I sunday through Oetober 30, wl,,e I the upland bird season star.t "21 J the same time and continUal 'through November 6, also on.._t I the longest in the state's rece- ALL-W00L SHI Black Bear all.wool shirrs are fhe trad;tlonal fhe Western outdoors.. • offer the honest warmth all.wool fabric, authentic Western sfylin 9, and the and Ion 9 wear of meticulous ailorlng. Choose fror variety of checks, plalds.a solid cobrs. 51ze (RIDE THE SHELTON CiTY BUS LIN E$)!' Dwight . MEN'S WEAR 123 RAILROAD PHONE Heavy Corduroy All Wool Valor Felt Crusher RED HATS Fold Up In a Jiffy Red Plaid CAPS With Ear Flaps I - JERS.EY GLOVES 29' Brown top, Knit wrist, 9-ounce. , I I I= II , I,= ill I,IIl/ll m Heavy outing Flannel  KIDDIES' PAJAMAS  Playmate* Knit 2-Piece, Figured and Plain, Sizes 8 to 16. ? GLOVES > In Bright Colors RED Long Nell constructe poplin, water cloth. :) Fleece-lined Extra Heavy, Jersey New Shlp • Created best hunting with the Wynooche =1.59 pair Sizes 8 to 10 Years and Satsop 'valleys next in line.  IndW ment, 4-H club birds and natu'a 4 9 lovely propagation have resulted in an }n" I Heavy Outing Flannel shades, vari reased chink population. Thef[ PAJAMAS . KIDDIES' 10-Inch. el are not enough (luail for any hUn I decorated with nursery 1 I ing, however. Deer have shown  I figures, sizes 2 to 6, with • I large increase over the county, a: r, , extra bottoms.. T$ mostly in the low, farm area.,t where there has been much dam'i age. any buck. will be ,oun i $1.98 p.,r 1  € I 1''1"" the Capitol Hill area. The pest -- PROTECT WITH VITA-GUARD BAGS Garment Bags ................ $1.98 I Elegtric Mixer Covers-'< Zipper closure, metal frame, re-in- ) Set of 5 Food Covers ..... <:! forced seams. Made of plastic film,  • __ . ., holds up to 8 garments. / Rehigerator Bags ............ We Provide Shopping Baskets For Your Conve SEIIVIO M N'S MEROANTILE" SIPIlOIItt00.:00R00.IT| 407 SOUTH 15T STREET PHONE 748 9:30 A.M. :30 P.M. $€- 10€- 15€ STORE history. 410