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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 6, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 6, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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iii " il + [) L !/ , i:i&apos; , 1919. t r Laurel & C Streets 3 BLOCKS OFF HIGHWAY On Mountain View . Made Gifts, Doilies, Pillow Caces, Center Pieces, Potholders, Etc. PHONE..282-W o,% o:. o;o O o:. oio o;o O O , • ' • t • e • • • • , , , *i* +..;..:-:..;..+.;..:-+..;...,.;..:,....;..+..:..:... * HELTON - MA,q0N COUNTY JOIJ-RN AL Yvonne Nelson, Clarence Robinson Married In Bremerton (;eremony • :, The tirol>el orl tile Puget Sound "" Navtl Base "it Brc, mert(m Wqs the :::[ scene f(n' the wedding +,f Miss • !" Ywmne Nelson, dauvhter .f Mr. • *::l;Irl<l Mrs. Albert Ne!::+m <if F;rem- ,:o i (+rton ;I/:t(I Mr Cl;t '('II+'(P [-t)iJill%t)tl • .', SOn ol Mr. ;lllcl Mrs. .'\\;, ,. li)i)- :+: Jns, m of I,alu' Cuslnu:ln, ;!ud:,'; +! :Iflt'FI)0IIH, Snptembcv 15. ('*ilzlj,htli 1 I?. T. Bal'l¢.lll;tt'h IA. (.'onl(h . l v -" N • offivi:lied. Tl;e !|lapel ,v;is }),+itl-- • ;. tifully+l<,+or;ited with ivory !+'I 13ronze Itl]l'VSllllthOlTIIlliLq illl(I (J;lhl- i:|s, liohtcd " hy ivory (!illl(h.!:ll)F;i. Miss June I3eard of Seallh, sang t\\;VO YIIInlJl(!I"S ])rece(lin, the eel',,- sony. She was accompanied hy Miss ,lean Kilgm'e at the ()r;4an. The bride wore it gown :if ivory satin, :fashioned with a 1.w neck- tin4' ;|lit| wid(" bel'tlla e(dl:Ir. '*+'lie front of the fnll sRirt was (;ulp, ht up in loops to show a ruffle of impc)rted <:hanlilly l:we Which i')or- ,i ttlh. idvuuil lit,> :tll+l +xh<>,l di., + ,,l,li,mnl zl ,,xtra (.<)t new 1950 Studebaker! IT'S THE "NEXT LOOK" IN CARS All over America, all eyes are on this dramatically different 1950 Studebaker. It's the most sensati(mal advance in car styling since Studebaker introduced the "new look" in cars three years ago. This 1950 Studebaker is long, low, luxurious--and it's trim, sleek and flight-streamed--no bulging excess bulk to squander gasoline. Stop in and get a close-up eyeful of this breath-ta£- ing new Studebaker. It's the "next look" in cars. MOTOR COMPANY mark litldebaker ! Champion engines of in- liz- extra- t. Self-adjusting windows and "black p, IRST AND COTA SrREI gNELTON, WASH. PHONE 52 dered the train. He]' veil w'ts of in)l)()rted wis',s illusion. She w(n'e a sinple strand of pearls, a ,gift <)f lle I)l'i(h,gl'OOill, and (?aITied :1 silt)we)' h+Ju(lti(>t <)f ivory rosohllds <!Pill('l'(?l| \\;'<ilh ;) wtlite orbhid. Mi;.: Shirley S(I)l(h'n of S,milh, \\;Vii 5; )+;I i(I +if II O1"10 F. Slip ,\\;'; I S /()wn<,(l in ('hanqmgne satin an<li ([:tr)h'd :t bOllqn(,l <if !2,reell [)oln- l )()Ills' I l,)'idesnmids were Miss LI)Itie l M;witl¢i(,wi(,z and Miss Elsie Mae- iuki(.wi(,z of rernertmi and Miss Marilyn A n(hq'son (if Tact ma. rrhey \\;vol'e i(lentieal gowns of dqrk gre(,n satin and itrried ,bouqu('ts <)f |)r()llZe ])oill-[)()ll. + Mr. l+:)'vin l++)()p of Shelton wan best man. +IJshcrs were Albert Nelstm. ,h'., Mqt'k tltlssm/:in and ,hteR Sceva. Mrs. Nel:;oll, mother of i:ilc bride, wore a gown of toast brown ('r('l)(' with ;t eor:age <if bl'owll and Fr(,ell ()r('hids nud a matching imt of velvei, flowers. The bride- ffr()om's m()th('r. Mrs. Robinson, wo)'o a gown of woocl violet crepe with nmt<qing hal. Her corsage wns a white orchid with deep pur- l)h + throat. Immediately folh)wing the cere- m+)ny a reception was held at the hens of the b)'ide's parents. As- sisting w(q'e the Mesdames Ruth ,h)hn.q()n, b'rnntqs Slllidcn, Charles 131li'k.e :tll(l Ma]ci)hn Harwood. Miss Jttliet %iln(tt.ii VeaS in ChZIFge of the gtteSt book. Mrs. Robinson is a graduate of the 15nh'ersity (if Washington where she is now enrolled in the graduate school of social work. Sis is a member of Alph' Omit.,on Pi sorority. Mr. Robinson is at- tending the University. Follow- ing a trip to California, they will he at home in Seattle. B. & P. Women's Club To Sl)onsor Program In the atomic age every indi- vidual should be aware of the or- ganizations working for peace. Iro). this reason the General As- .'.(,nfl)ly hns officially designated Oetobn' 17 to 24 as llnited Na- t lions wecR. } October 16 Shelton will begin[ c)bservanec of this week a day[ ahead with a program in corn- i n)emoration of worhi I)rotherhood. Music will be furnished ,by tha higl school anti chm'eh choirs. There will also be a pageant llf the [¢nited Nations and an out- :.landing speake]' to be announced later? This community affair is being sponsored by the Bnsiness :tn(t Professional Women's ehtb. t WSCS MEETING SET FOR OCTOBER 12 The Woman's Society of ,Chris- tian Service of the Methodist ,hurch will meet at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oetober 12, in the (']ll)i'ch parlors for lheir reglllar monthly session. A sound fihn on mission, "Kyo- 1o Story." will he shown. Ih)siesses for the afternoon will lie the mesdames L.. D. Hack, No)'mau Hulbcrt, Ed Elliot anti Nina Hm'st. All interested women are cor- dially reviled to attend. LEGION AUXILIARY PLANS BAKE SALE I The American Legion Auxiliary[ of Hood Canal Post 230 will hold l another delicious home baked food I sales aml hmches that they at'e I s<) l amons for Saturday, October • 15, at Howard Lockwood s store. Come early for those serump- tons pies rt(1 cakes anti those l (:ooki(,s that melt in your mouth. i!i P) • 1 I" ! 00oc00al Events t I;I; Frances Alger, Society Editor . . Phone 100 ". • ,) • • ) Episcopal Guild Bazaar Set For November 5th For the purpose of raising funds to complete the furnishing of the Episcopal church, members of St.. David's piscopal Guild an- nounce plans for their forthcom- ing nrts and craft sale. This is their second year of of- feting to Sheltonians an early op- portunity to add skillfully hand- made gifts for all ages t 9 their most exa.eting Christmas lists. The sale will be hel(I November 5 in the guiht hall of the church. Arrangements for the event Hoquiam Marriage Of Local Interest Of local interest is the mar- riage of Gernldine Juanita Lynch, (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Lynch of ttoquiam, an(1 Elmer C. McMonagh.L son of Mr. anti Mrs. O. I4. Taylor, which was solemn- ized September 24 at the First Presbyterian church in tloquiam. l.ev. Paul W. Koper read the ceremony. The bride, who was given in ma)'riage by her father,, chose a white satin gown trimmed ill tiny seed pearls. Her veil was attae.hed to . white satin Dutch cap. She carriecl a white prayer book cov- ered with a white orchid and satin Pno 11 i . i Ii I UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Barnacle Dick's OPEN Daily 4 p.m. to 12 p.m. Sat. and Sdn. Noon to Midnight W'e are looking forward to greeting our old & new patrons. Catering to Private Luncheons & Dinners SCHNEIDER'S PRAIRIE ii i i iiii i i iii ]00a.m ,0m ,+m + QUICK" RELIEF FROM, Symptoms of Distrts Arising fro.. STOMACH ULCERS .o EXCESS ACID Free BookTellsof HomeTreatmentthat Must Nelp or it Will Cost You Nothing Over t:hret million h0(t,les of l, ho VH,],A]U, [|'ItI':ATMI'N<I ' |IVC In!ell sohl for relier of gy 111 p [:Olll g ( ) (| iN i r(!S arisln g t'/'Oln Stomach a)l(l Duodenal Ulcers (I rio to IrXCSll Acid-- Poor Dlgesllorl, Sour or Uplel Stomach) Gassiness, Heartburn, Sleeplessness, etc., ([u( to EXCelS Add. Sold on 1.5 da,,vs' Iria|l AMI for "Wi.'llar+is Mcslage" V,]IiC]I fully You can't afford to miss havir sl)lle of the holnenaade chili and clam chowder Which will be serv- e(i for hln(h. Treat yourself and take a treat ho)ne for your family. Post 230 Auxiliary To Hold Social Meet American Legion Atlxiliary of I tlo<)d Canal Post 230 will hold their social meeting Thursday, ()etober 6, at Rosemary Dawson's I]ome at Lilliwanp Falls. The rehabilitation committee , with Rosemary Dawson as chair- man have organized their work for the coming year. This is one of tim auxiliary's big projects and there will be lots of work to be done such as sewing for the hos- pitals and making useftd things to be sold in their gift shops. l':veryone should attend and help to make this project bigger anti bettcr than ever before. OIITIIOPEDIC GUILD MET Paul Bunyan Orthopedic Guild met October 3 at the home of Mrs. Dorothy Watt with Mrs. Glenn Coy,ca as co-hostess. The meeting was spent making plans /'or fall projects. Future meetings will be held on the first Monday of each month. 'l'wo new nlembers who were taken into the guild were Mrs. th/fnail and Mrs. Hillier. 1 1 TWO YEAR ()LD IIONORED Master Gary David Hughes, son of Mr. and Mrs. [_)ave - Hughes, Airway Court, was honored Octo- beF 3 at a hmcheon, on his second bit tit(lay. Helping Gary celebrate were his sister, Dianne, and Mike and Ca- thy Johnson. Mrs. Herb Johnson and Mrs. Dave Hughes were host- csses, VISITS ITII MOTItER Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Trotter and baby Dean of Florence, Ore.. spent last week end in Shelton "eisiting Mr. Trotter's mother, Mrs. Mary Trotter, before continuing On Monday for Kirkland. are under the supervision of Mrs. A. N. Parrett who has revealed plans for the sale. There will be presented six en- tirely different concessions, in- cludmg a men's hobby booth. Al- so, featured will be a refresh- ment table where hot coffee and scones will be sold. Other booths will include the tiny tots bazaar, gift hooth, food sale, kitchen booth and children's fish pond. Many lovely prizes will be awarded and an electrical appli- ance will be presented as a door prize. Guild members assistirig Mrs. Parrett will be Mrs. John I.ob- erts, Mrs. Don Clark, Mrs. Pearl Dutcher, Mrs. C. ttenry Breton, Mrs. Ftonald 1V[acDon.fld, Mrs. R. L. Mitchell, Mrs. Gm'trude Hayes, Mrs. William Smith, Mrs. Roy McConkey, Mrs. Richard Robbins and Mrs. Peter Zopolis. W.C.T.U. WILL MEET The Shelton Woman's Christian Temperance Union will hold its next regular meeting tonmrrow, October 7 at the home of Mrs. Cora Hepner beginning with a ! p.m. potluck hmcheon. In the ab- sence of the president, Mrs. W. M. Elliot, :Mrs t Roy Fells, vice-presi- dent, will preside. All interested women are in- vited to attend. Minerva Park By Mrs. S. E. Griggs Mr. and Mrs. Rex Wheatley closed their summer cottage here and returned to their home in New Mexico Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Wheatley spend their summer va- cations at Minerva Beach and en- tertain extensively while here. Residents of Minerva Park were saddened to hear of the death of Lucy Ferron, who had many friends here. The sumpathy of all is extended to her family. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Franklin of Puyallup visited at the S. E: Griggs home Tuesday. I Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Archer and exi)lldns this trca(m('nt+, -|ec-- at, ' tPII honeymoon is over when 8he family and Mr. and 's. Sam Mc- McCONKEY PHARMACY quits crying on your shoulder, and Ktssick and daughter of Shelton, starts jumping on your neck. accompanied by Persh McKissick .......................................................................................................................................... of Olympia, spent the day fishing and picnicking here Sunday. They new thousands acclaim *today's Blitz Weinhard, the I t i YYes, th0usandsd new customers are now ;:'buing todal's Blitz Weinhard, the new tas I ii i in beer! And there's a good reason whtj ,  ' , , these thousands order Blitz Weinhard every J " llt["'s the new taste they like, and s0 ! will g0u. It's precisel brewed to suit Leinhard *odag'staste, Fodueedinoneo|Ameriea', newest and finest treweries. Call [0r todatj's Blitz Weinliard... experience this light, : '!i(   ! ® livel new taste in beer. 'BLITZ WEINHARD COMPANY'+,PORTLAND, OREGON were joined later in the day by Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Rawding, par- ents of Mrs. Sam McKissick, and her brother, Bob Rawding and family, all of Shelton. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Foster spent another pleasant week end at their cabin here. They reported catch- ing several nice fish. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Ward vis - ited in Aberdeen over the week end. Their daughter, Etta Mac, spent the week in Bremerton with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ere,son. Eddie Burling of Hoodsport was an overnight guest of Donald Lu- cas Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Les McGhee and baby son, Mrs. Mildred Lucas and son, Donald, and mother, Mrs. S. E. Griggs, drove to Elma Friday. Les McGhee and Donald contin- ued to Chehalis on business,' while the women folks returned to their homes. Mrs. Ben Johns had as her guests over the week end her grandmother, Mrs. Nellie Christ of Milton, her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Christ, an(] a great uncle, Charles MsPhail. Mrs. Nellie Christ will visit here for two weeks with her grand- children befortc returning home. . Due to a fishing derby farther lup the canal, there were not as many fishermen out here as usual. However, Mrs. Helen Schlaupets I of Puyallup hooked a)t ll-lb, king. Mrs. Roya Foster took a 4%-1b. I blackmouth. Mr. and Mrs. George Evans of Seattle who fish here frequently over-week ends took home eight blackmouth. ilTid k l es of the Wee I Computed for Oakland Bay J II (Hood Canal tida are one hour I [] ..... and 55 minutes earlier) [ TImrsday, October 6 Low ................... 0:14 a.m. 2.6 ft. High ................. 6:14 a.m. 12.7 ft. Low .................. 12:09 p.m. 2.8 ft. High ................ 6:16 1).m 13.7 ft. Friday, October 7 Low .................. 0:40 a.m. 1.7 ft. gh ................ 6.o4 a.m. :1,].1 ft. Low .................. 12:43 p.m. 3.5 ft. High ................ 6:33 p.m, 13.5 ft. Saturday, October 8 Low .................. :1:06 a.m. 1.0 ft. High ................ 7:35 a.m. 13.4 ft. Low .................. 1:18 p.m. 4.3 ft. Ittgh ....... . ........ 6:50 p.m. 13.3 ft. Sunday, October 9 Low .................. 1:35 a.m. 0.4 ft. High ................ 8:16 a.m. 13.5 ft. Low .................. 1:55 p.m. 0.4 ft. ]High ................ 7:10 p.m. 1',].2 ft. Monday, October l0 Low .................. 2:07 a.m. -0.1 ft. High ................ 9:01 a.m. 13.6 £t. Low. ................. 2:34 p.m. 5.9 ft. High ................ 7:33 p.m. 12.9 ft. Tuesday, October 11 Low .................. 2:41 a.m. -0.3 ft. High ................ 9:51 a.m. 13.5 ft. Low .................. 3:18 p.m. 6.7 ft. High ..........  ..... 7:55 p.m. 12.7 ft. Wednesday, October 12 ]Low .................. 3:21 a.m. -0.3 ft, ]High ................ 1Q:49 a.m. 13.4 ft. I Low ..... • ............. 4,:08 p.m. 7.5 ft. High ................ 8:22 p.m. 12.4 ft. ,bl, ons iil N TRAD£ IH Y0U' OLD 101I. Mrs. William Lynch was matron I TYP[:WRITER FOR A of honor for her sister-in-law and ] llYlt fl[W CRAY MAGIC ll]rli[ Mrs. Glen Dean, Miss Carol,Grand- st,ore and Miss Mary Margaret tlly  II0YAL PORTASLE IIYAt Eek were bridesmaids. .'--..=. Mr. William Lynch, brotltet' oi: i lllltt  li01t the bride, was best. man and Wal- lace Taylor, Lester Hansen and[ tlYAt IIYI[ Glen Dean were .ushers. I A ,'eeepUon renewing the eere-]IIR[ NIL mouy was held in the rose room of the Eme,'son Hotel with Mrs. I lilRt Ai,ce =rickson, ,rs Al Taylor #,' °"'""lllll liN- a,,d Mrs. men Dean se,"ving, i llYl ""'1" llltL For her honeymoon to Canada ROYAL ,l,,, b, ide wo, oa li=ht b, own s,,it IIRL tlYAt. with green accessories. They are PORTABLE n,>w at home i,t Hoquiam at IIRL tlYl.i :27 17:!Q Simpson Ave. The bride and llridegroom both at, tended Hoquiam high school and Mr. McMonagle is employed +with th<; Hoquialn P.U.I). Engagement Told Mrs. Charles Chase announce: the engagement of her sister, Marion LeMaster, to Richard Ka- te, of Boulder City, Colo. No wed- (:ling date has been set. Miss LeMaster graduated from Irene S. Reed in '43 and from the Bible Institute of Los Angeles last year. She is now employed in Los Angeles. Mr. Kate, is attend- ing the Bible .Institute, where he is a senior. ,IERI SIENKO FETED ON SIXTH BIRTHDAY Jeri Sienko was honored guest at a birthday party September 29 given by her mother, Mrs. Val Sienko, at her home. The cake was inscribed "Happy Birthday" and held six lighted candles. A tIallowe'en motive was carried out with the decorations. Games were played. Guests included Lynn Lovell, Vicky Lot| Holmes, Judy Coffman, Joan Case, Lorraine Demeler, Dave Burgoyne, Donnie Smith, Don .Case, Peter Balkema and Jeri Sienko. CIItCI ET SEPT. 28 The Fddelis Circle of the Met odist church met at the home of', Mrs. Ed Whaley on September 28. A :1 p.m. hmcheon was served. Vh.s, Merritt Wingard was assist- ing hostess. Mrs. W. Batche, lor, president, lead the meeting, devo- tions, were lead by Mrs. W. Wright. Group study for next month is the book, "Women of the Bible." CIRCIE tlAS DESSERT LUNCH A. dessert luncheon stated the meeting of the Mary Bedell Circle of the Methodist church Septem- bet" 28 at the home of Mrs. Paul Marshall with Mrs. Paul Brock- man assisting. A business session was lead by Mrs. Thomas Rowe, president. Mrs. Bernice Stewart gave a goodwill article entitled, "A Song For the Day." CIIANGE OF-fi-A-'TE GIVEN The date of the Cloqtia, llum 4-It I club western dance has beenl changed front October 7 ti) Octo- ber 15. | llRt M.on I11[ C()lllity llltL Statmners , " IIRL llM IIN llM BEST YOU'VE EVEI00 TASTED' Economical Too !  ' Brighten Your -+ ..... = -' P,c..e f Have a  REGULAR SAVINGS ACCOIINT 5 HAVE EDUCATION Thrifty families look at life Hap- i FUNDS ' pily. Ample funds prive the bet- . • ter things . . . ready money i PURCHASE NEW eliminates worry over sicknes= APPLIANCES or other emergencies, Put your I BE READY FOR lar you set aside earns worth- EMERGENCIES . while profits regularly. Thurston County Federal ., Savings & Loan Association  " Security Bldg., Olympig, Wat V o,¢TOaS ,ill'" cAnroN z. sms x.L. Paow -Y- m++zmr+ wa ZD .oua ,c. Bovm t