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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 6, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 6, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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6, 1949. SHELTON- MASON COUNTY JOURNAL; was named af- Edwin Booth is the only actor de Bougainville, who has been elected to tile ttatl of Fame for Great An]elleans.  Your Cleaner Paints A Beautiful Picture! we make it come true too! Just magic . . . we take your soiled and ed away from you . . . them back in clean-as new For prompt, efficient, econ- dry cleaning service, call us to- ' (USE SHELTON CITY BUS SERVICE) U. W. Health Sciences Building Opens October 9 THE HEALTH SCIENCES Building (foreground) Nursing School. The College of Pharmacy, fourth at the University of Washington will be dedicated unit of the Health Sciences Division, is located in officially at corner-stone laying ceremonies on the Bagley Hall (center, left). In the background are Campus at 2 p.m. Sunff/.'OClYSr 9.'The building other buildings of the upper campus. accomodates the Medical School, Dental School and SCHOOi.00NllW$ Student Leaders In Clubs At High CLEANERS & TAILORS ALTERATIONS  "AILORING  DYEING the Charm of Newness is Restored 215 So. 2nd St. Phone 86 SHOP TROUBLES Mr. W. G. Rublin, our shop teacher, is having trouble with his eighth grade class. For one thing, he has a tough time get- ting the shop door shut and an- other problem is trying to find time to help all the pupils who need aid. Tommy Kneeland has been help- ing Mr. Rublin fifth period with the questions the beginners ask. The schedule will be the same HILLCREST -- OPEN SUNDAY 10 A.M. TO 5 P.M. FOR FRIDAY & SATURDAY, OCT. 7 AND 8 It has been my pleasure and privilege to have served Shelton and Mason County residents for the past year as owner and operator of the 20th Century Food Store, and in observing this first anniversary I wish to take this opportunity to express my sin- cere appreciation for the very generous patronage and friendly reception you have given this store. It will be my aim at all times to continue to merit this splendid support by making every effort within my power to stock this store with quality merchandise and sell it at fair prices. Your con- structive criticism is welcomed at any time. , .... Very sincerely, BOB WATSON KRAFTS VELVEETA 2-lb. brick SWIftS PREM ....... 12-oz. tin TOILET TISSUE SCOTT T00ISSUE '' 1000 sheet roll FISHER'S '! BISKIT MIX ...... 2 -lb. pkg. SWANSON'S  LARGE CHICKEN FRICASSEE till NESTLES CHOCOLATE CHIPS ....... No. 1 Tall Tin DARIGOLD DOGFOOD lZ MILK ...... IW  Plain or Whole Wheat SIX FLAVORS .. 2-1bs. ]9 ¢ 79' 35' 10 ° 39' 93' 2/35' tall tin 11  JELLO, ........ pkg. S' L 00Y//vG$ GROUND BEEF lb 39¢ * l • • • i • • • • • • $ STEAK graded good ........ lb. 69 € ROAST round bone lb. 43* LIVER or HEAR" "'IS .......... lb. 3S* MEAT FOR SALE -- WE ALSO CUT AND WRAP LOCKER MEATS ,. lb, 3¢[ DIUM ,SIZE. POUN!D 10 ¢ L VIRM RED RIPE I 0 MA10ES. 2 1 bs. 1 S  MEDIUM SIZE  MESH flAG DRY ONIONS 10-1bs. 39 as it was last year--mechanical drawing the first nine weeks, woodwork the second nine weeks, drawing the third nine weeks, and woodwork the last nine weeks: Mr. Rublin has been working in the shop during the summer. He painted some of the drawing board stands and he sanded the old rough boards to make them look like new. Four new drawing boards were purchascd.--By Rog- er Salml. * :1 ,Is Oil, WIIAT A IIEADACHE! "Oh, what a headache!" is a favorite saying of Mr. Schwarck and Mr. Willard when it comes to picking song queens and yell leaders. This year it was going to be a bigger problem than ever with four yell leaders turning out. They were Billie Hilderman, Shar- lyn Brown, Kathy Jordan, and Myrna Wallow Ml:. Sehwarck couldn't decide which of the two couples were the best, so he picked both groups. The four girls are running around like chickens with no heads trying to obtain skirts before the junior high game scheduled for October 6th. The song queens. . Betty Ann Franklin, Arlene Manke, Delores Groshong and Ruby Jane Paul- son-seem to be pretty well un= der contl'ol and have been practic- ing like little beavers.--By Billie .H.ildcrman and Sharlyn Drown. CLOCKS OFF Py the time :15 rB,, a:'oLu:d the students of Shelton Junior High are usually patiently wait- ing to leave but are only disap- pnted by the fact that they have to stay and study for another hour, since the clocks are still on day-light saving time. The stu- dents who are kept in after school might be considered lucky because there is a rule that students aren't to be kept in after 4:30. Right now 4:30 comes in the middle of sixth period.-- By Jo Ann Dodds. '4: * $ NEWS CLASS PEP TALK Mr. Schwarck gave the second period news class a good pep talk on what the news class did last year and some tips on what this year's class should do. He also showed and read them some of the clippings written by the news ehtsses for the past two years. ...... By Karla Jansson. CLASSROOM GLIMPSES Mr. Green's eighth grade his- tory classes have been studying United States geography. He feels that if the students le'u'n geography first they will under° stand the history much better. Mr. Green's seventh grade health classes have been studying about the skeleton. They have al- ready finished the study of teeth and cleanliness. Miss Oycr's seventh and eighth grade gym classes arc playing speed ball and shuffle board. They have also been assigned some ex- erSiscs including the hand stand, touch toe and head stand.--By Pat Kelly. GIRLS' CLUB ELECTS Last year's vice president of the Shelton Junior High Girls' Club was elected to serve as this year's president in a meeting on Wednes- day, Sept. 21. Audrey Bailey is the ncw presi- dent, Georgia Plews, vice presi- dent; Mura Carr, secretary, and Barbara Bisser, treasurer. The girls elected for ninth grade rep- resentatives are Marion Ashford and Lorralne Bailey. Eighth grade representatives are Barbara Ash- ford and Audrey Kllmer and last School Are Named Up in Irene S. Reed High School big doings are plotted every fall by student leaders who look for- ward into the school year. And in the school where the stu- dents arc the most mature of any in the Shelton schools, many of the activities are prepared with such spirited enthusiasm that pub- lic attention is caught. During the first weeks in school the various class and club organ- izations were crystallized in pol- icy-making meetings and student elections with the most capable students getting responsible jobs. A. S. B. President ................ Don Clevehmd Vice President ............ Jim Millet' Sec.-Treas ................... Jack Valley Sergeant at Arms .... Jim Leggett SENIOR CLASS President ........................ Lyle Ware Vice President ................ Des Koch Sec.-Treas .................. Ann Halbert Board of Control .... Shirley White JUNIOI CLASS President .................. Tike Hillman Vice President ........... Don Winsor Sec.-Treas ............. Janice Barkley Sergeant at Arms .... Bob Eacrett Board of Control ..Lyndy Olstcad SOI'IlOMOI>E CLASS President ......... Murray Coleman Vice President ............ Bob Hunter Sec.-Trea.s .......... Margaret Oltnmn Board of Control ........ ............. Helena Knudson GIRLS' CI,UB President .............. Phyllis Rucker Vice ih'cidcllt .... A:lcnc Loul411uan See.-Treas ........ Feryl Wokojance Board of Control ................. BOYS' CI,U! • , President ..................... Ginger Deer Vice President ...... Jack Davidson Sec.-Treas ..................... Don Young Sergeant at Arms .... Roland Quinn Board of Control ...... Jim qunter PRESS CI,UB I'esicient .... ,,. ........ Barbara Bates Sec.-Trcas ............. Jennie MacRae Board of Control ............ ........... Norms Davidson llONOI SOCIETY President ..................... Jim Leggett Vice President ........... Harold Carr Sec.-Treas ............ Winifred Eells Board of Control ............ ......... Margaret Walton G. A.A. Prcsidcllt ............ Donnli Dcmmon Vice President ........ Barb LeG.'trde Secretary .................. Gail Ahlskog Treasurer , .......... Piedenlae Garcia "S" CLUB " President .............. Merle Lindgren See.-Treas ............ Jack Mallinger Board of Control_..Jlm L. Simmons Sergeant at Arms .... John Getty PEP CLUB President ........ Mary Ann Kecnan Vice Prcs ..... Donnagene Paulson Sec.-Treas ............. Audrey Putvin J Board of Control .... Lois Bernert are the seventh grade representa- tives, Gwen Watson and Marslm Lund. J Mrs. Venice Fagergren, club ad-I riser, and Mrs. Ncva Durkee and Miss Helen Duncau assisted in the election and in counting the votes. (by Juliana Buinlng.) ASB OFFICERS ELECTED The Shclton Junior High stu. dents held their final elections 'Monday to determine the student body officers for the coming sem- ester. The following people were elected: President, David I.mop; vice president, Sally Sharps; sec- retary, Roberta Wilcox; treasurer, Bobby Dean. These people will hold office until the second semes- ter. Runners-up were Roger Salis- bury, Corrine Silva and Fred Sip- holm. (By Pat Kelly.) A u nou nc i n g CHANGE OF HOURS TO t • .3.00 -- 9:30 P.M. Comlnencillg Sunday Octot,*r 9, 19,19 DAIRY OUEEN At the Corlmr ot i,'iz'ut and Cedar Reverend Sweeney Accepts Position In Tacoma Church To the disappointment of many, Reverend Paul Sweeney has an- jmunced accepting a position as minister in the Lake City Com- munity Church at American Lake in the Christian Business Men's Seattle radio broadcast and con- ducted two weeks of special meet- ings at Whitehorse in the, Yukon. He is now president of the Mason County Ministerial Association. A minister has not been picked to replace hirm VISIT FORMER RESIDENTS Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Zintheo spent last week end in Darring- PLUMBER Phone 48 neat" Tacoma rot" the coming year. ton, Wash., visiting Mr. and Mrs. J.L. CAIO Members wel'e sorry to hear of Roy Loughnan, former Shelton ][I.ARDWARE his leaving due to his splendid work in this vincity but expressed' residents. their best wishes. Reverend Sweeney has endear- --------- ............................................................................................ -"" three years work at Hoodsport, WELL DRILLING @ Get sparkling water in abund. anee from your own well. Cool, fresh, pure water at all times. JOHN WEBBER PHONE 413-W Evenings Route 1, Box 128, Shelton e'd himself to many during his where daughter Kathie was born. He organized the Beacon Point Bible Study group, Horn,builders, monthly I)oUuck church dinners and get-togethers, favored the purchase of the'Sunday school bus which made it possible to bring children from Union to Sunday school and to take local to Bible camps. [ A(lditional attendance dm'ing his time as pastor made it neces- sary to enlarge the church, and interest was gained among cllur¢.h members by the publishing of his weekly bulletin, self-edited. Since residing at Hoodsport, Reverend Sweeney has taken part STARTS TOMORROW! COAT FAIR PURE WOOL COATS IN GABERDINE, StlEEN COVERT, BROADCLOTIt Coats for All-Season Wear 24.75 to 39.75 NEW FALL COLORS -- SIZES 10 TO 18 i i i i i. i _• J • i Attention Hunters ii i i MEN'S SWEAT SIIlR:I IN RED MEN'S COTTON SUEDE SHIRTS IN RED 2.39 Sanforized WOOL CHRUsHER IIATS Scarlel, lied Sl,791 '