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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 6, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 6, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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SHELr0N GOES re CHEHALIS FOR CRITICAL LEAGUE GAME FRIDAY Having disposed of the In&apos;e-sea- son title-favored Elrna Eagles in their first conference start, the darktlorse Shelton l]ighclimbcrs get lheir fir.d assip'nmenl in erl- t!nly lerritory Lrlis lvri(lay w'hen IhPy I;tke on lhe m'w fay- ,riles for lhe C('nlral l,ealle -hanq:)im:hil, Abe (!l,qmlb l(m)- :ats, al Chohalis. The lm'cats handily disposed of gaymond, 18 to 0, at Raymond last Friday, despite the loss of lhree regular players by injnries and in so doing jumped into the Yote of title favm'ite. now thai El- Ill:| I|IlS been beaten once. The llighclilnbers, with new con- fidencc born of their victory over II,:llHa, will bc at grcqter nlAnlerciFt) - i:;li with tile BeaY(rats, for /4mu'd Jinl l)(',ail's leg injllries shol|ld I)c hl.!;tled by Fi'ida) 'night and ten> pol il'y fneligibilities which kept THEATRE "ra,l, fc l:mug Welter and" letter- Thu rs.-Frida y-a t:. rda y Octnher ti- 1-8 Advcnlmc ..... 'l'hvilb l {.I 1 I'l la rli.D i "TILE lli(; CAT" !1 (:hdor by Tcchni{:(dov i l.on McAIliler, Ih'14gy ,inn ('t, rnel', II'I'N|OII [dO*4[i!l' The qllick(':-;t '}thw of iho Foresl leaps :,cI'oss Ihe .qCl'(!011 ill a e;tl'(ml{ of ,:l',,- aR, e IClll'y. .......... o ,4, I nl. - ! on. -TIn +s. Octnber tt-10-11 George Montgotnrey, Rod Ca,meron anti lluth Roman "BELLE STAR'S DAI GWI ER }]er ns!Tle was zt proH(1, fierce challenge fhlnK defiantly at tile West. ................... O .................. Wed . Only, Octill)er 12 Ann Todd, (",huJde Rains, Trlwor llowii rll " N 'S O E WI)M J i ST( KY lqel' khid of woman never learn:; lhat you can't 1)rear all the rules all the lime • . . and gel awly with it! i i i man (,nil ten Hawl¢ out of lhc ICI-. nHl glllnC should be cleared up in 1 lime lo nlake thenl ready for thc ('tmhalis scrap, The ltighclinbers cqnlc througl lhei) g",HIw wilh 1,lma without I , lppho!.t hijllry of tny kind, hil(i Ill Vi!!.V O[' llle fine pel'i'Ot'lnllllCt, ,', Iht. (:lllil'e sll:lll agliinsl l,',lllla. ('H;I( II )',t:'(I Slll[ltl eontenq)lal es no , h;ill.'.{!: ill Ihe Sht!lton :lal) linz. lilw,Ip. CI'INTIIAI, l,l,]A(llT F l w 1 t pf p SHELTON ....... 1. 0 0 ]4 l; ('Jwha]is ........... l 0 0 ]8 0 M()vllesano ........ 0 0 0 0 0 lll p, a ................... 0 I 0 6 1  ltaym(md ............ 0 I 0 0 18 (.nres latst Week Shelton 14, Elms 6 C.hehalis 18,.Raymond 0 M(mtesano 6, St. Murlins 0 Games Frhlay Shelton a,t Chehali8 (night) Montesano at Elnla. St: Martins at Raymond B Squad Nips E lma, 13-0 In First Game On 2nd Half Scores Touchdown drives in the third and fourth periods produced a 13 to 0 victory for the Highclimbe)' B sqmul over the Ehna geserves on l,ool) Field blonday afternoon. Next Monday the Liltle Climb- ers g'lJ [O lolltl!sano. A 35-yard pass play whi('h con- necte(l from Quarterbaclt Dick Mort.tin to End Don MeCowan notched the opeliing score tO wind up a 70-yard advance. McCowan lan tile final 15 yards, then a lille play scored the extra point. I,ee Chalmmn had given the march impetus with one 20-yard scan]p- er. SIIELTON'S second score was made by Fullbacl< VVally Smith lrom the fi/e yard line to termi- ]late 50-yard march. .Ill lhe sccon(l qn&l'lCr till off- si,le penally nl,llified nn IClma Iotl{:hdown rlln of 50 yards on a 1):ts: intereeplion by H, uss Ripp. Ill lilt, first quarter Elmtt had lost the ball on downs on Shelton's 20. ('oae)l (lrant Packard used a '4arting lineup of McCowan and Len Hawks, ends; Bill Ea(ls and \\;:¢alt, Miller, tackles; Merv Win- gard a|ld "l'om Betlchel, guards; Murry Coleman, center; Morton, quarter; Jerry McCord and Lee C.hapnlan, halfbacks ; and H.on Coutts, fullback, b i RELllV, F' ACTION was seen y ten Coutts and Dave Young, ends; Byron Winne, tackle; Fred Stuller, Bill Weaver and Calvin Getty, guards; Allan Carter, ten- tel'; Alvia Chapman and Ned Mill- ................................................... er, halfbacks; Chris Loop and VACATION BY AIR| We'll handle all details of your air trip--freel Reservations, information and axpert advlce--call or wrlta .nztl tl for complete travel service. OLYMPIA TRAVEL SERVICE Olympia 6226 Olympian Hotel pARAMOUN T THEATRE, Shelton, Wash. CELEBRATING PARAMOUNT'8 ANNIVERSARY WITH THE BEST OF ENTERTAINMENT, AT PRICES THAN ELSEWHERE , j i . Oct. 6 - 8 Sunday - Wednesday, Oct. 9 - 12 Two Fa:RS LADD... Man of Violence and Mystery VS. , i A love story to of tho times! Smith, fullbacks. Four more games have been added to the B team schedule for a. total of seven for the season. The renmining schedule is Shelton at Montesano Oct. 10; Shelton at Olympia Oct.. 17, Shelton at Che- halls Oct.. 22 or 24, Olympia at Shelton Oct. 31, Shelton at Elma Nov. 7, and Shelton at H()quiam Nov. 12. Scoring Marks Hot In Commercial (OMMERCIAL BOWI,ING W L i,ocal 161 ................................ 8 1 Grunert's Service ............ : ....... 5 4 American Legion .................... 5 4 Woodfiber ................................ 5 4 Kimbel Motors ........................ 4 5 Simpson Electricians ........... 4 5 Morgan-Eacrett Lbr. ............ 3 6 Pantorium". ............................... 2 7 t:Ii game--Joe Rank 232 Hi total--Joe Rank 634 ........ i Individual coring rocketed in l Commercial bowling league play last week and one team mark was set which will take a lot of pum- meling before it is beaten this year. Woodfiber pinme scorched Patti Berets' drives for a 1038 opening game and went on to set a hand- some 2859 series which will also be tough to top as they blanked Pantorium, 3 to 0. Chuck Hanson and Bill Dlckie paced Woodfiber's big opener with respective 192 and 226 contributions, and Skipl)er Harold Ahlskog I)roduced a 203 score to stow away the finale. JOE ltANK was the evening's top individual pinbuster, hitting a 232 single and a 634 series while pacing Grunert's Chevron Service to a 2 to I triumph ()vet' Morgan-Eacrett Lumber. He also had a 215 single. Lionel Leman fashioned a nifty 228 opening game bnt his Simp- son Electricians teammates let him down and Local 161 copped all three decisions to hold top spot in the league and win their sixth in a row. Bill Lunsford (lid the heavy work for the visitors, Ade Wright aiding. American Legion edged Kimbel Motors, 2 to 1, winning' the sec- ond game in spite of Leo Pearce's 213 for the Kinibelmen. Poly Ger- hardt, Les Spilseth and Vern Ea- ton all ha(1 a hand ill tile Legion wins, Scores Announced For Annual Rifle Shoot In County [ Scores gained during the past smrmter by members of tim Shel- ton Rifle and Pistol Club, class A senior, have been announced for the .30-calibre rapid and slow fire ranges. TIlE ANNUAL SIIOOT is spon- sored by the National Rifle Asso- ciation under the director of civil- ian marksmanship. The rapid fire range is 200 yards with a Fegula- tion (.,f. S. Army target. Firing is from the positions of kneeling, sit- ting and prone. Nine shots are taken in 68 seconds for each posi- tion. In the slow firing class each member gels four shots in sitting, kneeling and standing positions. Amnmnition is given by the gov- ernment, and the .30-caliber Gal'- :and rifles are assigned the club by the government. THE U.S. ARMY issues medals for experts with scores over 172, sharpshooter 160, and marksman 130. Following are the scores of those who participated: R J. Meyer . ............... 130 J. M. Axelson ........ 132 John Yingst ............ 131 Ray Schwietering .... 129 Abton Potter ........ 12@ Gem Franklin ........ 130 Jams Page ............ 130 Marvin Amstey ...... 127 Wentz Eagle ........ 125 Rockie Duckham .... 130 H.. G. Cramer . ....... 126 Roy Peacher ........ 128 Jack Gray .............. 127 Bill Corley .............. 122 Luke Schameh ........ 123 J. A. HicRman ........ 122 W. Estes, Jr. ........ 125 A. Tratnick ............ .124 W. Sallee ................ 122 Glen Hufnail ........ 117 Andy Harris .......... 119 R. W. Halbert ........ 122 Floyd Temple ........ 118 Carl Morgan ........ 115 Ellis Wells ................ 112 Steve Beer ............ 112 S Total 55 185 53 185 53 184 53 182 57 182 50 181 51 181 53 181 53 178 47 177 50 176 48 176 48 175 52 174 50 173 51 173 4:8 173 49 173 47 169 49 166 44 163 40 162 43 161 45 160 48 160 41 143 CLIMBERS UPSET ELMA, 14.6, BEHIND EXCELLENT BIA3CKING; DAVIDSON SCORES: BOTH TOUCHDOWNS Shelton shattered its ten-game failed to make the extra po:nt. , still later Jerry M('Cord inter- I high school football famine Friday The second quarter was score-] cepted an Eagle pass on the 39 and,: less only because the E.igles! ran it to the, 15 as Yarr, H'illman night by scoring early in each half to upset the favored Ehna Eagles, ]4 to 6, as the Central I,eague gridiron schednle rolh{d u I) its cnrtai,t for 19,t9. Fleet-footed Jack Davidson and hard-driving Bob Phillips spear- headed the Highclimber offense with Davidson scoring both touch- downs and Phillips sharing de ball-pgcking burden in spectacular fashion. Coach Red Smith's honte club h)st no time marking up its first score to put the pressure on the Eagles, who had been pre-game favorites to win the Central League title this year. ELMA GOT NOWHERE after taking the opening Icickoff, prin- cipally be(':.mse PhilliIIs broke through as a line-backer to toss Eagle ball carriers for two con- secutive loS:ms ,)P the first two downs, then bl'cnl<ing up a pass oxt third down. Elm:l's t)unt was downed on the Eagle ,tg "rod from there the flighclimbers rolled to their firsl lmmhdmvn in just six l'uunin g plays. Phillips started it wilh five, Des Koch F, ot one, I)avidson 12 for first down on. the 30, then Phil- lips hit for 5 all(I 16 on consecu- tive plnys for firsl down on the nine, and Davidson ran left end for the scorc. Koch booted the extra point. Elma showed it wasn't to be easily dismayed by taking Shel- ton's kickoff clenr ba('.k., to the Highclimber 21, fooling the Smith- men pretty thoroughly with a re- verse which let Jerry Thayer get back up the north sidelines as most of the defenders sucked to the south thinking Wally Thompson had the ball. THAYER FUMBLED when he was tackled, however, and Danny Yarr recovered for Shelton, but four plays later Koch fumbled and Ehna recovered on the Highclimb- er 4,t. Ten plays later the Eagles scored with 20 seconds of the first quarter remaining, Dick Gravatt making the final two yards on a  quarterback sneak. A line play The lineup: Shelton (14) Pos. Elma (6) J. Miller LER Graham Mallinger LTR Fitzgerald Deer LG R Willis Hilman C MePherson Yarr RG L Arnold Hunter " RTL French Austin RE L B.Miller McCord Q Gravatt 1 Phillips LHR Bailey I Davidson RH L Thayer ] Koch F Thompson I Substitutions Shelton----Eacrett, Coleman, Leg- gett, Simmons, Lindgren, Chap- man, Strobe, Buechel. I Elma--Butterfield, Cole, Will- iams, Lamphiear, Ripp, Watkins Everson. Scoring Shelton ........ 7 0 7 0--14 Elms ............ 6 0 0 0-- 6 Touchdowns-.-Davidson 2, Gra- vatt. Conversions Koch 2 (place- ments). Oflfcials Blair Taylor, referee; Bill Holmes, umpire; George Sutieh, linesman. Statistics Shelton Etn 12 First dow 7 267 Yds. from scrimmage 81 1:1 Yds. lost scrimmage 33 8 Yds. from passes 58 262 Net yardage 106 5 Passes 17 1. Passes Completed 5 3 Passes Penalties Intercepted 10 20 Yards Penalized 5 ,2 Punts 4 35 Average Punt 34 stopped the Highclimbers just a l yard lind [1 foot shorl )t a tollch-I down. Koch started Lhis march: with an l;-yard limit l'ettlrn t() Elm'Cs 37 and Phillil)s n(hh,d 17 on the next I)lay for a first down on the 20. BUT IT DIDN'T take hmg for the HighclilnbCr: to et that sec- end marlcer after the second half opened. Danny Austin tool< the kickoff and with 'rike Hillman throwing a Rey block hiked he ball to Ehna's .t0. Davidson raced for nine and Phillips for 22 around right end (with an offside penalty taking away five) for a first on Ehna's 14. Davidson got eight, Phillips lost three, then Davidson skirted left end and with a bcau- tifnl feint made the final nine yards. Koch again convcrted. A fumble stnl)pcd another po- tential Shelton touchdown in the early moments of the fourth quar- tel', Ehna recovering on its own 18 a f t e r the 1-[ighclimbers had marched from their own 21. Phil- lips and Koch each made 13 yard gains during the advance. Another Shelton flmble late in the fourth 1)cried was recovered by the Eagles on their own 2"I, and :  !. ! ] J ....................................................... g .... x .............................................. Dame-University of Washington Mrs. Harold Johns game last Saturday were Mr. nnd! C. t-Ienry Bacon, Mrs. Louis Van Arsdale, Mr. and: Bill JudalL Mrs, Mrs. Harold Ahlskog, Mr'. and:Mr, and Mrs. W. Is. and Davidson threw critical blocks, but tirol opportunity was stopled (m 1Clnm's 11. Five piny, Inter the ..,4ame ended, ] EXCEPT for passing, the High- climbers completely (mtplayed the Eagles after the first quarter, pil- ing up to 12 first downs to 7, 267 yards from scrimmage to 81, and holding a net yardage edge of 262 to 106. In passing the Eagles gained 58 yards on rive comple- tions in 17 attempts against Shel- ton's eight yards on one completion in five tries. Shelton intercepted two Eagle aerials. The heartening thing a b o u t Shelton's play wasn't so much the victory--which was certainly wel- come-.-but the excellent way the Highclinbers blocked and tackled. There wasn't a weak perform- ante individually anywhere in the Highclimber lineup, but the work of Koch and Phillips in backing up the line was outstanding in Shelton's defensive play, as was the line play of Yarr, Hillman and Hunter. ATTEND HUSKY-IRISH GAME Some of the football enthusiasts from Shelton seen at the Notre Hunters know... 'Tt's a Case of Enjoy00 / *'Tt's the Water" OtYMP'A BREWING CO., OLYMPIA, WASH, :. /" .,,, : :: .' ....... ,. ,," : .,] r wo6t stop it ° '5 ! : ,•J .,:?:;7 7 ¸: The beautiFut Chrysler New Yorker with Prestomatic Ruid Drive... the slmptest of all automatic transmisdon. L E R When others cough and quit... Unry ..... doesn't even Storm--damp--high.water--can't faze it! Throw a bucket over the engine and yol can't stop it. Once again you the year's most needed engineering feat. The completely waterproof ignition system on any passenge's standard on alt Chrysler models! tor-.wiring harness--spark plugs--everything sheds wa tr duck! And mind you...this is only one of 50 stand.out ad this year on the beautiful Chrysler. Better see how they the sweetest driving, best riding Chrysler ever built for your nearby Chrysler dealer for an eye-opening dem KXNBEL NOTORS, 707 FIRST Tuno in Your Chrysler dealer's "THE SAMMY KAYE SIIOWROOM" everMon., Wed., Fri,, KGY, 7:45 p.n The Veterans' Corner SEE US FOR COMFORTABLE LIVING OLYMPIC FURNITURE .Walt Elliott, Owner DUNOYIER'S TAXI PHONE 620 "Pop" Dunoyier ELECTRICAL SALES AND SERVICE Wiring - Installations - Repair RAY L. DREBIS Phone 766-R-2 So. Olympic Highway RIDi0 RlffRIt = Gay Taylor  Clint Willour AROWN BAKERY (Our Own) Loving Brothers Ira, Duane, William EELLS & VALLEY APPLIANCE CENTER Merritt Eelli George Valley Complete Men's Apparel And Shoes MILLER'S MEN'S SHOP Vern Miller, Owner CLIFF WlVELUS TEXACO SERVICE 100% Veterans FIR DRUG STORE Russ Hunter, Manager BELFAIR GARDENS Gordon Squire, Owner 1000 Ft. No. Allyn-Canal Road Junction ,,I RAY'S SERVICE RICHFIELD PRODUCTS USED CRS 100% Veterans PHONE 1122 CITY CAB Mel Robertson BOB ERVlN MOTORS 100% Ex-Servlcemen FOR I Phone 25-J Power Line Construction Co. Jack Chisum, Mgr. VET'S DOIN'S VA ANNOUNCES RATE OF PAY FOR INSURANCE DIVIDEND The Veterans Administration has announced the proposed dividend scale by Which it will divide up a s p e c i a I $2,800,000,000 National Service Life Insurance dividend among some sixteen million World War II vterans. Maximum possible amount that any veteran can receive will be $528. The dividend will be paid on both term and converted insur- ance pollies, and will be naid on- ly for the period that the policy I was in force prior to the poliey l anniversary in 1948. No pay-I ments will be made for periods of lapse. [ In. computing the maximum pay- ment of $528, the dividend was based on a $]0,000 policy in force for 96 months (the longest possi- ble period), on a veteran aged ,!0 or less at the time the policy was taken out. This represents a pay- ment of 55 cents a momh per $1000 of insurance. As the mor- tality rate for the age group of .10 and under did not vary greatly. a single dividend rate will apply to this whole group. The rates of payment will be: Those Under 40 years of age at the rate of 55 cents per month per $1000 of insurance; those 41 to 45 years of age, scaling down from 52 cents to 40 cents; those 46 to 50, 37 cents down to 25 cents; those' 51 to 54, 24 cents down to 21 cents; those 55 and over, 20 cents per thousand. For Home Delivorles 'Call 26 BOB KOLAB Distributor of Kltaap Dairy Produotl Milk . Cream - Butter KILLMER ELECTRI VERNON BELL Licensed, Bonded Eleotriclana 207 Cot Street - Phone 66 Your Directory Of Veterans Doing Business In Mason County FOR FINE CAKES AND PASTRY SHAFER'S BAKERY Walt Sherr, Owner "Our Aim Is to Serve You" SERVICEMEN'S MERCANTILE 407 South 1st John Hunter, Manager EATON FENDER and Vern and LES Chevron Hillcrest " DWIGHT MORRIS MEN'S WEAR 123 Railroad Ave. Phone'494 DON'S SPORT & CYCLE SHOP (Formerly Sleyster's) Don Woods, Owner Groceries - Meats tNION MARKET UNION 462 Roy Watson, Owner CRAIG P. ELIOT ELECTRICAL ENGINEER Quality Wiring K Street - Mountain View Lp,o, BOX 158, Shelton, Phone 788 WEE PAUSE CAFE ALLYN Dick Valley, Prep. CALL 691 Dick's City Dick # SHOE 320 soutl Neal F EXPERT W AT6F RAY'S Liberal Ray VrahOO El PhOne vernon Phone 942