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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 6, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 6, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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8 &apos;SHELTON- MASON COUNTY JOURAE; Thurshy, CLASSIFIED, ADVERTISING RATF Reader notices 15c per line. 75c minimum charge on each notice. Card 0F Thanks, $I,00; origln-aal 25 words or leas (minimum charge) 75c single insertion, $1.25 two insertiolu$, $1.50 three tnro tioml. Additional inaertion a each, Largar ads at rat9 of 10c for each 5 words above 25.. poetry  per ich; classified dis- play rates on quest. All classified advertisement must be paid in advance. Thaee tak.en over telephone must be paid tne following day. An extra charge oF gSc will be made when billing is necessarY. qp p.,qpqrwffqp,,qp, qp,qFtF,qlv'qp, qir-wr  V V V vqr REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: tWo '2-bedroom and one /-bedroom houses. Modern. Inquire Mark Faye, 518 lrk St. 9.29_10.18 EUITY IN modern 2-bedroon L hO.leni, bath, utility, garage, msulateu, v. - etlan llnds. Pho.e 770W or inquire 11114 Dearborn. M9-29--10-6 HOUSE FOR KALE: 4 rooms and a breakfast nook. liotme is not coni- lete on Ismlde. Cold water in the ouse, [[cod well with deep well Jet pump. Two acres of land. Right on school bus line. lace can be seen any evening. Ray Bowman, at. 2. Box R), Shclton. 9-29---10-6 FOR SALE: 60x 120"lot on Turner Ave. Cash or terms. Phone 473J. Mc9-29--10-13 ]0:)W.RN three bedroom home T sale. downtown location, nice yard, iot of shrubbery, 2-car garage. 829 Franklin St. G9---10-13 [H i FOR RENT 4 BEDROOM, modern, downtown. Heat furnished. Excellent location. FARM 40 ACRES, grade "A" dairy, 7- room hone, chicken houses, barns, excellenif orchard with fruit. Ready for harvesting. This is a fine buy for a farm, Price $6,500. Terrrm. a $ $ 2 BEDROOM, modern, near Bor- deaux school. Nice neighborhood.. Big yard. Has wonderful possibil- ities, Price $4,250. Terms. * $ $ LISTINGS WANTED JAMES B. TROVATO 24 E. Grove St. Phone 908 Days Evenings 537-R I L I Beautiful HOME SITES on Southside Hill All cleared, good views of mountains and bay. Streets and all city conveniences be- lng put in. Ft. or MRS. R. t, STOCKWELL  519 Wyandotte Phone 133J V" .' 9-22tfn. ZINTHEO'S VALUES FIVE ROOMS and bath on Corner lot on Hillcrest; two bedrooms do .w, and spae for two upstalrs, wlth necessary ]umber on hand. Hardwood floors, fireplace, base- ment, ell furnace," laundry trays, autom, elec. tank; room for two '" ears. A real buy at $8000, on terms you can handle. FORTY ACRES. four cleared, 3 acres in bearing loganberries; 7 fruit and 7 Filbert trees; 10 acres timber. Attractive 1 o g house with stone fireplace, com- pletcly furnished; large bath and i wash room; 98 ft. drilled well and else, pump housed in; garage : and wOOd shed attached to house; good soil, large garden. u $ MAINLAND SALT WATER fron- tage 9 miles East of Shelton, West of Steamboat Ialand 600 feet depth to road; running spring water, pretty trees, good soil, splendid fishing. Price $1275, terms. Suitable for summer or permanent home. -. 3-BEDROOM HOME on large tract 150 x 104 ft., beautifully landscaped; partial basement, well and electric pump. Can be had on ' terms. Ak about this. ATTRACTIVE 5-room home on south hill, electrically heated, fully tlxllated; hardwood floors, auto- matic electric tank, patio and roomy garage; nice lawn, flowcrs, some fencing. Price and terms on application. WALKING DISTANCE to mills and stores: 3-room and bath, with extra room in garage building; large tract, 108x107 ft,; fruit trees, 4 kinds berries, grden; nice lawn. Pa'Lce $4900. G.I. loan cal be as- sumed at $38,05 a month. $ * $ 5oCRE TRACT and 4-room home ogly 1 mile from town; 3 acres cleared; well and elcc. pump; auto- mtic eleo. hot water tank; oil eir- cu|ator lnclud. Only $4850, some ternts. Busnzss o/avm: Well- est&bllehd going concern in good location, netting $8000 a ycar; to- get.her with two lots, building and equipment, Ask about this. $ $ * , M. C. ZINTHEO TRIo Insurance Bldg. Phone 157 Shelton, Walt. IIIII I I II II ,. ,-,- -. ....... ,  , . ........ qlV IF IFq,.qrqpi,w Imliil) 'i-  Ir V"i"v'v 'll IB EEI FUPTIH D AP TMNT: one, and rwi¥ Gourt, Airport, paoue 7tz. A5 .tn, by the ),e,. 8if(ram .ipooera;_$3 to, ,$8 .meJt. 9:Wla u:Ims.  none Hp6rt 25J12. Wg-gtfn. ely available on monthly ttt. Tl, ;Punt#. FOR RENT COLD STORAGE BOXER for rent: Phone 932, Mt. View Lockers, Star Route 1, Box 82-B. 8-4tfn room, hot water, next to bath, Phone 699-J or Inquire 100 Pine St. VS-4tfn. FOR RENT: Cabins at winter rates. month or year. Electric ranges, oil heal $25.00 and $30.00 per month. Shake Cabin Camp. Phone Union 303. D 9-22--10-6 $37.50. phv. 954M. W.9-22---10-6 FU'-R--:%oom house, iAd S-room house both unfurnished, wa- ter in each house. Three miles out of town on Olympia highway, right hand aide. Edith Whittle. Phone 218R-2, 9-8 tin F-'OR-"-ENT; modern furnished 3: room cottage, $35 nmnth, Inquire Bayshore store, foul" miles north of Shelton. ....... 9-15tfn. ment with bath. Phone 513. C9-29ifn. 271]h - "i-6iF - -R-i- ;'Ix7---6 n-- -6-u-'fi(i View.' Phtne"'177R2. W9-29--10l 3 close In, newly decorated, suitable adults only, Phone 9M or in.uire 205 Harvard. B9-29.--10-6 ntshed, breakfast nook. Pho"e 92.f. B10-6 ar-O k- - "RTi--gTiaff "-iiW -apartment, completely Furnished. Phone 781R. Mc10-6 i(JR 'ii2N--V'ffJ6d" -caTi £H7i7{ 7i f i;9 ttie year, lilree roonl, modern, $35 to $45 nmnth. Phone lIoodsport 25- J12, W10-6-13 ehen privileges. Plmne 699J or lnor n- quire 100 P/ne St, VIO.6tFn. room cottage on tlze bay next to golf course, ,$35 month. Bayshore. In- quire Bayshorc Stle, lO-6tfn. i-OiI-IF--lOOiV-RV :- ff -- i:55i7 ---a-/[7i bath, suitable for one couple: a new las range and oil lleater. Plionc 0-R. 'PI0-6.13 apartment, downtown, 825. Call 664 dsys, after 6 49-R, K10-6-13 'RISi]Eb--dTNdntoWh 'iiPL [ pii0fi7 29R. WI0-6 OR RENT: sleeping' 'room for nlan only. Heat In room, Downstairs. Phone 6J or inquire 311 North First St. P10-6 FO--E-NT: apartment, llii-fl-i{ll-L'hc. Phone 389W, 825 S, First St. 10-6 "9'OR'-RENT : fdrhlsh6d--apai;tmcfii'-'3= room and bath, Down town, Phone 140J. EI0-6 -- [ [i[ 4;, APPLIANCES FOR RENT Hilco Electric Floor Sanders €r$ • Sterling Electrlc portable hand Sanders Johnson Electric Floo Polish- Keavy Duy Clark Electric Floor Waxer. House Jacks LAWTON LUMBER 2-10-tfn 420 S. 1st Phone 56 I I q,qw, wp, qS V m q v ,qfq, - - q$W2 qP LOST AND FOUND IAgST: bhie Parker 5] fountain pen. Filled with green ink, Finder ldeaso contact Mr. Ford, Journal office. 10-6-13 Lli" "li:l "" dog [ A I red ale--fatures. Vicinity of • Mason Lalte. Mrs. C, J, Hell. Allyn, Wash. 10-6 nalne el Mel Chl, Return to <St, Rt. 1, Box 35. Airport District, Re- ward. W10-6 7o- ':-C -ff fiV-Fiii iSE--i%Td //-- o Shellon loh';lilione office, Janlcs F. Nage.l. " 10-6 L( 5 vlr,-FCd7 ff. 1-fiFi[Tw)" -ii 7, Xi71:- [[jg--i'i 7 ,werlng to llimc "Mike." Reward, l)one 541R or Journal with ally lnfurnlation as to his whcreabouts. ll0-6tfn, Wrlle description to tilts paper, Shelton-Mason County Jpurnal, Box M. M9-29--10.13 WANTE1) WANTED: ulesnian for well.known tar an truck agency. Prefer man with truck dales experience. Apply lo Box K. e-o Joui'nal. 9-gtfn wanted for Mason County. Estab- lished route. List of customers fur- nlslied, No charge for goodwill, Other territories avmllable. See local dealer, Rt. 3, BOx 08. Arcadia Road. lJ-29t fn and run crl'ands anyplace in county. Call Ronnl0 59}.R after 3:30 and Saturaaya and Sundays: @-221fn, lKlll/7-ili :iTiF"ih'T/V-hifii" litumpise. Writ@ Daniel luld Flet- cher LOliglnilf Co., .P.O. E0x.5. Oll- la, Wh. . . ll-4tfn. 'MA NU FACT U RE R--Wit -I--e r= qem'ed in" selling .Selwice Stilton I)calers. $288 free inerchsndh3e a Inonth as guaralltec, Protected sah's rights to Olyn)pia-Bremerton-Port Angeles ares. Oppurtuuity tor. ad- vlmeenlent to $1000 n lonth. 3406 E. Unlol Seattle. 9-29-11.3 FO}C :I:IiRE : "-9;li -"'TaP'--7iiti--blTdT: clearing teeth and Iogglnl wtneh. I. ' G. Carder phone 810. 8-25tfn 'AI'rE.D: rcpa!r work Or rcn)o.(llng of all klnds. A ny...odd 9n, .larGe or mnall. Also rotouner ploWiag. Cau 59-W. C-81tfa I eourteous vrviee, Phone us.collect. Elm& 131-X. Grays tlarvor ender- ing, Inc. 2-$7tfn feed. Myer and Hansen Mink Farm, OlYmlia. Phone 4676 collect. 1-1tfn boils on ualt water. Write Box F, c-o Journa. F9-22--I0-6 ehgage cattle of any kind. J. Cark, Box 3, Elma. Waal .17tfn. [I Stumpage XMAS TREF00 Wanted • HARRIS,& THOMAS .%bliss tree cutters, shippers Office at Gruncrt's Service Station- lt and Co'ta Office Hour at Present Saturdays Only, 9 to 4 9-9tfn WANTED FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE: .30-30 Savage and 16 TO SETTLE ESTATE of Andrew Me- CHILDREN'S seholi hincli kits, nail- Ft)t. SALE: l]endix washing machine gauge sllot gun, $25 each, Both In Grills: desire information concern- all)" $2.35, special for $i.98 during in p,*rfect rendition, rcasonahlo, al- excellent condition. Ted IIoosier, ing wllel'(,abouts of Joseph McGillis, onr October clearance salt, at Hill- s<, cast iron whitc laundry tray. niiles out on O]ynipia Highway. previously residing at Shelton, crest ltardware. 10-6 lnquirc ,I2[ Third St, North or 10-6 Wash., and Margaret McGillls pro- lihone l]J. R9-22--10-6 FOR SALE: two Jerseys, one slaCK viously residing in Seattle. en'ploy- OR-SALE: inc-(=irtulating hcater .... heifer, all fresh in January. Write ed as stenographer. Contact E. W, new lining. Phone 543W. FOIl SALE: 1,Tigidalrc ll/ years old, Robert A, Sloane, P.O. Box 452, Klein, attorney, Snohomish, Wash. O9-29--10-13 radio phonograph, Rex Air vacuum, Shelton, Wash. 10-6 10-6 FOR SALE: Pro-Way oil heater slight- cocktail table. Inquire 1029 Cota. FOR SALE: 1948 Mercury outboard ......... di;ioiTTNiTY- ......... iy used, Suitable for large rooli] .... 1l(-I-(t- 04I,-['- ......................... ,+-22--10-6 n]otor. 3.7 h.p. Run abotlt d5 hrs. One man will be selected for this ter- Joe Cetnar, Route 3, Box 131A. USED MACttINES FOR SALE $85. Inquire J. A. Lystad, Route 2, ritory to represent America's largest 9-29-.--10-6 [.AIrl4o nlodern Ibiivi,i'ssl gas range, Box 23B. 10-6 manufacturer of Overhead Doors. B-]]-'A'N--()R C-ASit'li]y'tJg--wa,h- 20 gal. gas tiot water heater, 12 x 14 , larnings on sales plus installation or. latest and best wringer oiodel. In(,h gas heah.r, regulator und fit- of do,)rs should average $100 week- bed daveno, rug and pad. Montag tings for propane i,r butane h,stail- Packard ly, Requirements arc good person- wood beater. Phone 723R. alien. All for $200. ality, integrity, sales and nieehani- D9-22-29tfn 11 ru, fi. freezer with new niaciiine eal ability, and light truck ,,r trail- iv)i't--S)ii]E: 'pi,'k,'d Grav,.tistein ,lilTi guarantee. Motor Cars er. Write or phone Overhead Door King apples $1.50 per box. 4 boxes 22 h.p. Evinrude outboard niolor, al.- Company, 2609 Second Avenue, Seat- $5.00. orchard run. Bring c,)ntainers, most new. tlo 1, Washington, (Main 6861) for Jacoby RanclL Rt. 2, Box 27l. phooe Disston 2-nlan chain aw. interview and details. 10-6 874-R-5, 9-22-29 4 cu. ft, "'-(5P,7 -SALE i"-:i'ain---Fat teiied"-steei:, PUG-- SOUND waterfront racts. 34," per pound and up, dressed. Improved and unimproved, Write owner, Route 1, BOX 415, Olvmvia'27"SlO-6 ............. Phone 764R1. R9-I5--10-6 WE CAi%RY A FULL LINE el Cath- olic supplies and gifts, Also the WANTED: 3,000 Christmas trees in latest in excellent books. Open eve- Llundles, six and eight foot, State nlngs. The GiFt Box, 200 W. Fourth price. Write to Ed Young, South Olympia. Wash. 6-23tin Bend, Wash. 10-6-13 ....................................................... FOR SALE: 1 purebred J(U'Sey, one. all- h--Vi]7-LZ-MXN--wi-Var---w-A]Vt'd--o purpose pack horse, guernsey heifer. call on farmers in Mason county.' Go()d stock. Reasonably prir,,d In- Wonderful opportunity. $15 to $20 quire Rt. 2, Box 109 (1st road to in a day. No experience or capital ___rigJton_Afiatc road). P9-29---10-13 required, Permanent, Write today. BOWLS, MlXERS and ]tiicers fo; Mix.: MeNESS COMPANY. Dept. B, 2423 masters at Eells & Valley Appliance Magnolia St,, Oakland 7. Calif. Center. S-2tfn. Mc10-6-13 "FOR SALE: almost new 12 and 14 "WkNTED-'-2-I o-un'g--neli tobati'.fi ft. flat bottom boats. $75 each Tilli- with me. I have a 9-room furnished euni Beach. Hood Canal near Pot- home downtown and three blocks latch. . A9-'2P,--10-6 from post office. Phone 582W, 20c/ OFF on all garden hose during S10-6 ou," clearance sale October 6 thru 31. WILL BUY USE)--Ford-V-8-trans- Hillcrest IIardware, 10-6 1 nlission. Phone 128. Ask for Dave. [ B10-6 --- =w.,,,:= He hadn't said a word; trict Christmas tree production and slupplng. Capable of supervising No, not a word, Field work. hiring elnph)yes, re.ports, and records. Muat have good liahits To Nobody. aiul records. Salary and expense al- Iowa,,e,,. J. IIofe,'t Co,,,,an 318 Then he began to talk; Sniltb Tower Annex, Seattle. Phone Zliot 034. -10-6-',0 Said he must talk, To somebody. Tell 'em about prices; LOGS WANTED The much lower prices, Highest Cash Price Paid TO everybody. COSELMAN MILL CO. He must have had a creeping realization that tinder our RFD 3, Shelton. Arcadia Road "Mill to Consumer" selling policy we can and do sell for 2 Miles East of Hillcrest less. Free delivery. To the "Sign" 2x4 $4S, plenty good .... $49.50 , , 2x4 $4S, good lengths.. $30.00 v 2x6 $4S, plenty good .... $49.50 WANTED Shiplap, OK ........................ $30 Cedar Shiplap .............. Spccial Waterfront lot on Hood Canal 2" Dimension Shorts good $20 Selected knotty cedar panel- including tidelands. Write giv- ing v Jointed .............. 12%€ ins location and price and if Surfaced lumber in all sizes and quality in fir and cedar, cash or terms. Fir logs custom sawed. Wood $11.00 load delivcrcd, J. W. SIMPSON about 2 cords. 7031 No. Pierce Ave. R,F.D. 3, Shelton, 2 miles East of Hillcrest on Arcadia Road Portland 3, Oregon to the "sign." 10-6-20-3t COSELMAN MILL CO. Phon 867-R-1 ,qp.qt,ql ,qtr qp,4p. V,qp*4r - _ =  ,qJr,qrw v'qt 'P'  • Miscellaneous ,,....,.., ........... ...--- BALDWIN PIANO & ALCOIIOLICS ANONYMOUS meets Friday evenings aV 8 p.m. ill tile SOLOVOX DEALER Sunst;t Bldg,, Olyinpla, Wash. ;-15tfn. Also WiLL-R'ARE " tARE-- t]f -'c'h'le"--{n ,l,y :l,,,,,o day or ,,iht. Pin,he 376w Rental.Pianos or 72R. M9-22--10-6 AN Y6NE --Fsiih---{8-- ;Jfi ii'i fi LTfiT - 018 socks and clotlling Io make rag rugs Your Piano Tuned for charitable cause please leave theni at Mary Lou's Gift Shop next dour to Taylor Radio Sliop. 10-6ifn vacuumeG, ante whlh: teaching wonicn skin care and correct nlaKeup. We Irain, flexible iiours, no canvassing. Phool, 178J. T10-6-21J iOR tilRE:- r J-8 "Ciit""wiih bhme, clearing teeth aBd logging winell for hu ldozing, logging and road buihl- Ins. 1. G Carder, Capitol Hill, Phone 810. 10-6tfn. P-S-- Springcr Spaniels frce. C.a-T[ Moth-Proofed 616J5. LI0-6 FOR SALE r.q vlrr  v,v qv  vv v v v v q 'qP, v qq vq DO YOUR CIIRISTMAS shopphig early snd tako advantage of onr clearance sale savings. Many articles' slaailed as lnuch a 25/r. Sale lauts Oct. 6 thru 31 at llillcrct 11ardware, 10-6 tor, 6 cu. ft,. also electric, washing machine. Both in very Good condi- tion. Reasonable. Inquire 410 No, First St,, Shelton. $10-6-13 sack. Also Alder fh'e wood. Mrs. A. J. Btitlcr, Rt. 1, Box 168, Elma, " Wash. 9-1-]5tfn, niake excellent glfii. Also commer- cial orders, Jack Powell, phone 831R. 9-1--I0-I. '%L7-3 used t)lt ranges, $15 l,) $70, and 4 used oil hetcl', $15 to $rg), all excellent buys. Ktlhner Elec- trio, 207 Cota. 9-29--10-13 installed or lay it yourself. Easy terals, 3 Mears to pay. Lawon Lum- ber° 42@ S. First St.. phone 56. 3-3tfn. Fo ft'-S X L .%Vd- L'aU'i{drZi I "k-UiTff; tic washer, good condition. Phollc 806. SS-11tfn. t't'-"--LE-:. Chicken fertilizer, cow manure. Skokomish top soil, tractor plowing. Phone 488oW. @2-24tfn ]PeR SAL] i ,'See OfiififC-Mot,;r Sale- for auto parts and accesarles. First and Mill Streets. Phone 595. 7-4tfn ig"-bLuXE- LA U N-DEll A LL'7"-g tend/lion, roller bearings, rll or trade for apartt,lent ize electric rangc tur part payuient, Pit a 872- R-5. Sl0-6tfn, iiEfii,7#inb"Bi3LL-7"6--/fd-FiTti6: %Vilt n)ltke a fine herd );ire. Inquire C, F. liarrler, Route 3, Box 26t. 9-29--10-13 Itore Friday. Oct. 7, no string at- tached, SIX CHP-RESISTANT PY- REX GLASS//, Nothtug to buy. tllllcret Hardware. 10-6 USED FURNITURE Daveno and chair, good con- dition ..................................... $6(] Norse electric stove ................ $60 Wood dinette, tabld lld 4 chairs ................................... $18 Davenport mid chair, u.ncd 10 molithl ............... $7b Oil licatel', ellcellent Colidittou, regularly $189 value, take it a,t ........................ $89,50 Refrigerator, noisy but des tim Job ............................ $60 Olympi c - Furniture 10-6 ,  .. ; ..,,.. ....  ,.-,. ,, , . Action Regulated For Only $10.00 Staff tuncrs for KOMO Seattlc New store located across from the Pincs on Mountain View. Bill Hajek Exceptional Values In Used Furniture DINING CHAIRS Wahlut and mahogany finislb plastic and upholstercd scats. Closing out at $3.95 O DROP LEAI: TABLES Shop.worn but sturdy. Made to sell for $21,50, NOW $8.95 O FUl]liturc Department Lumbermen's Mercantile 9-22-tin i 'CHRYSLER MARINE & Industrial Engines Burchcraft Outboard and Inboard Boats KIMBEL MOTORS Thurston-Maon Distributors 707 S. 1st St. Phone 601 II I MILL WOOD $10 a load Delivered In She.lton Our Wood Is Always a Cord or Better to the Load. Enitai Lumber rCO. Minerva Park Phone Hoodsport 38-W-12 3-2,t-tfn HORNET CHAIN SAWS Sales and Service 1 or 2-Man Operation $310 AND UP KIMBEL MOTORS 707 S. 1st St. Phone 601. Ill Iq I • hitarnational-ilarvcster hoIIle freczt.r.  or :!i ton pick-up dtnnp hoist. • KIMBEL MOTORS S, 1st and Mill St. Phone 601 9-22tin. USED FURNITURE 1 Bed davenport (good cov- er) .................................. $59.50 2 Club Chairs ........ $14.95 - $19.50 1 Swing Rocker .................... $29,50 1 Oil range, good condition $99.50 1 Oil Heater ........................ $49.50 1 Spark Oil Heater ............ $49,50 Olsen Furniture Co. 328 Cola Phone 102   ,qrp,,qr.,v ,qr V "f vqr v,qp ,qp, v v v ,qp, r ,qr v v, USED CARS • 00100,0o0 FITCH FORD SALES PHONE 16 SHELTON FOR SALE FOR SALE PRICES SLASHED on ninny nrtieles dllr!ng our October elearance sale, Mai y, artieh;s will make wonlerful Christnla. presents. It will pay to (trop in at the tttllcrest Itardware between now and October 31. 10-6 FOR SALE: hunting bOOts, sllgiltl.v cinerator. Caii 406J. BI0-6-20 used, size 6. Boy's blue wool Ibm- "F-0i[DSCJNTR-/kCTOP[--fo-aI'toi: nel slacks, 29' waist white wool trade; in A-1 condition. Phone 616- sweater, size 31, suitable for band. J-4. H10-6 Phone 279M. L10-6-20 PRICED F()R QUICK SALE: Frigi- daire, full s4ze, like new, $175. Speed Queen washing machine, $15. _:nqu!:%_o_!] n i_!,_t_.: ...... 0_=. 20t)' OFF' on all fishing (,reels during, our clearance sale October 6 thru 31. llilh'.rest Hardware. 10-6 WALNUT BUFFET in perfect condi-i tton, $25. Phone 735J or 121"C10.6.13 i Do you know you can drive a new Packard sedan for only $873.57 Down 24 months on balance FRANK THORP MOTORS Olympia 222 N. Cap. Way Tel. 6558 8-25tfn MILLWOOD Load of about 2 cords, slabs, edgings and planer ends mixed, $11.00 load delivered lo- cally. COSELMAN MILL CO. Arcadia Road East to the Sign Route 3 - Phone 867-R-1 I WE FINANCE oil bank terms. Up tc 24 months to pay at Bob Ervln Mo- tors, 633 South First treet, Shelton, Phone 673. 5-5tin FOR SALE: 1941 Oldsmohile hydromatie drive, completely over- hauled, 6-ply tires, radio and heater, $950. Frances Evans, Route 1, Box 33, at Eldon. 9-2910-13 OR-gXLEi i97 01dsniolili-ft;uiCdoor sedan, good condition, for quick sale $300. W10-6-13 dan, falr condition, Inquire at Rod- ger Brothers Garage, 2 miles south of town on Olympic highway, C9-29--10-13 i 0til-CH E V B.(-JL ET- 2---i[oli-d tiTlip -tr tiik 4 yard bed. 7-ineh hoist, Brownie aux., Hydrovac. Phone 743M. H9-29 1934 PONTIAC coupe ,n goo! run- ning condition, radio nd heater. Phone 603W. B9-29--10-13 USED CARS 1937 STUDEBAKER SEDAN, good value .................... $295 1949 COMMANDER SEDAN, courtesy car, very low mileage, new car warranty .............................................. $2295 MODEL A COUPE, good all way around ........................ $195 1935 CHEVROLET COACH, good motor ........................ $185 1941 BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN, R & H, new Air Wing Balloons. See this one .......................................... $795 Ask For a Ride In the New 1950 Studebaker Anderson Motor Company RECONDITIONED, GUARANTEED, US@ CARS At Your Chrysler, Plymouth Dealer Down 1948 Ford 1-Ton Truck .................... $550.00 Dual Wheels - BoWs and canvas =Stecl bed, never hauled a load - used as a passenger car. 1940 Buick 5-Pass. Cpe ..................... $365.00 R & H, Motor reconditioned and new tires. 1940 Plymouth Sedan R & H, Good paint and rubber[ ..................... $300.00 1940 Mercury Sedan ...... ................... ,$250.00 R & It, New motor tilid Air ride tircs. 1936 Chevrolct 4-door ........................ $200.00 Exccptionully clean, a oue owner car. 1936 Chevrolet 2-door ........................ $150.00 R & II, new brakeS, slocks aZ*d clutch. A lot of ser- vice left in tills onc. 1942 Willys COUPoed-7-:.. ........................ $195.00 Clean, goo6 nlotor, go Ubber. A real gas saver. 1947 Dodge Pickup a/-ton ................ $350.00 Motor rcconditioncd' # 1946 -t.on International Piclup .... $325.00 Thoroughly rccouditioned. New paint. ASC, SOMl (;oo mAv uTy 'rRuc um'rs WE Necd Some Good Uscd cars TOP I ItlClS 1,'O11 YOUR CAR ON A NEW CAR KIMBEL MOTORS FOlg AUTOMATIC OIL BURNING water OCTOBER heater for sale, $30. J. Schofield, Al- 6 thru lyn, Wmli. Third house south of ins, we Union Oil station. 10-6-13 and see .......................................................... articles FOR SALE: used gas range with ill- 25% at good condition, Phone 294R. 6 CHIP-RESI free to each Friday, Oct nothing to FOR. coal and oil $50. Phone $.99.50 downtOw HUNTERS ATTENTION: 1947 Kamp 865-R-5. Kit Trailer, sleeps two, Kitchen in MAGIC rear. For sale reasonable. Frank's regulator Service, Lake Newatzel. 10-6 Stratton gas FOR` SALE: 2-single beds springs, ! lent condition. mattress, dresser, chiffonier, child's l K streets, chest of drawers, new 9x12 lino- leum, Phone 614J3, Mrs. Harry C. ELECTRIC Johnson. i 10-6 lc per "S-J i 13E-.di liii i-Xi/i  EiS--an-d-- I atii'- ; clearance ilton Beach mixers in good supply. : crest Hardware, Get yours now and avoid the Christ- mas rush. Hillcrest IIardware. 10-6 WOOD FOR SALE Old Growth Fir and Alder C. C. McHENEY PHONE UNION 413 9-15--10-6-4t ELECTROLUX SALES, SERVICE, SUPPLIES Free Pickup and Delivery Phone helton 650 125 Cota -- Shelton Jack Manley 7-15tn OLD LIZ00i OIL BERT Phone MOVED TO Your USED SEATTLE .19'47 PRICES AT SAVE FROM $20.00 TO at Shelton BUICK All Cars Completely Reconditioned and HERE THEY ARE . :i Seattle, Oct. 2 Our 1948 Chevrolt Flcdtlinc ....... Aero Sedan '. .......... :...:.::.. $1689 , • v, ' 1948 Nash Ambassador " " 175 4 dr with overdrive ........ 1850 i 1948 Pontiac Six Sport Coupe .................... 1895 1795 Chevrolet Fleetline Aero Sedan .................... 1495 19400 Buick Super Sedanet ............................ 1595 15 1941 Plymouth 4 dr, sod, 1946 Dodge motor ........ 795 ALL OF THE ABOVE LISTED CARS " HEATERS AND OTHER All of the above were purchased new and on new Buicks by the original --ALSO-- 1942 Ford V-8 Business Coupe, R & H, Smit- toy, Sport & fog lights.. 795 1941 Chev. 5 pass. Club Coupe. One owner. Cxceptional thruout .... 779 Aud Scvcral Others at Bob Ervin Motors- Shclton, Wash. We need used cars. We invite your car up our way.. and OUR PRESENT STOCK FITCH FORD BUYS ARE 1946 Studebaker Pickup New paint, overdrivc, hcater, hillholdcr. 1942 Mercury Sedan ". ................ Motor overhaulcd receutly, $250 cessorics included. 1935 Ford Sedan, R & H ........... ,':i:" 2 1949 Ford Sedans-- Loaded with accessories, at liberal 1934 Oldsmobile sedan ........ : ..... ";' Don't wait uutil freezing weather to high priccs! Buy now at low I Get In FORD'S BIG $100,000  TY CONTEST--COME IN YOUR FREE SAFETY ENTRY BLANK. Fitch Ford Sales & FORMERLY AL HUERBY ' Phone 16 5th "I,;