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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 6, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 6, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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6, 1,q4fl. t[ rOolli IIIIISP ]rade far Hood consider water- near Sheiton. Ii&apos;l- l.'ll in. lois at Birch and K6-]6tfn. -it mYw- sJx- One at're of ]and Route I Box ahmg highway. 9-29- -10-6 on salt Water.- no[iv At- rend. pretty :108 ft. along $1575. fronting Seiners, 871-J -1 5-L2 tin nll)dPl'n npstairs, partial 60 x 120. on trees. hruhs. or un fllrnished. 723R. D9-29t fn HOME plate- hardwood Second house for renting. four miles t,878-R-1 Friday 8-25-tin room home sale System throughout Part basement n Fairmont 10-6tfn. SERVICE• vacuum clean- Phone 61-J, B6-80tfn and recanped. vacuum Phone 3486 Olympia. Wash, P3-24tfn. also but-: Wells. Friend- 214 Grove in 2-28 tfn on " merit- ,age assistance, or your doctor's Store. Second 10-3 tfn Intalled. odd :Box -.qq31, 7-17-47tfn. Ihll,-.  ll. .  lr   .it • W . CAR00 Le "AT-LAW Uilding 9-22-tfn Shelton 166 ITrER 0UNTING Bldg. ELIOT ENGINEER Bldg. View Shelton . LEWIS AT LAW Fourth St. AT LAW Building Bank Shelton SPRING Tax Services BYStems Phone 585 lullding HOME Prop. Wash. 2 Classified Service COI{SETIEFHC: P,,,rnic,   . w a v t , t'haris) estahlish¢,d eliontt,h,, t':(r- reI't )(:irlll)'nl ['lr +*:C} fiv.llro lYl)p Nyhm. Alq,dntm,'nls :1721L 9-15tl'n DAY OR NICJIT guaran]eed sorv|t't ,JI) ho'lO ()1" cUll) radto.. ],'roe eslilllatP gladly gv,.n if desi/;uL Reasonable pl'h:'es. ]free I)icktlp and dblivery. Closed Friday evenings anti atur, days. or lerv" work el Kilhner Eh'e- trio. BURCESON RADIO SlUR'VICE. 1221 Franklin, hoar L(,Ol) Field. Note new phone No. 845-W. 5-20-tfv PLOWING. BLADING, .conp'nsg, exca- vating, harrowing with tra('tm-. Call Piillip tlardie, Route 1, Box 137. phone 766J1. 3-10] fn SEWING 'M.(:iI-INE REP:IRS- EXPERT WORK. Reasonable charges. Estimates ]ilade ill y,)llr home l)y a conrteous, bollded elf(l) Oy . N(, oh- ligat.ion. Leaws calls al The JOllrntl] ill Sllelton. ]='houe 1(|0. SINGER SFWING :MACtIINE CO. 510 E 4th Ave. Olympia MUSIC I;ESSONS: Thti Met;he,. S('llo,] of Music will resume on all |)and and ()f'ohostl'ai Jllstllllll(,nI In- cluding piano. ullal' lind :l('ell'dilJn. ]nslrufllOnIs |'(,r sill," ,)r i'onl . Pro- lessor L. D. McChee, l,h,)no ITnh,n 451. 9-22 -- 10-6 II Reliable, Expertly Prepared PRESCRIPTIONS On Contracts with the Mason County Medical Assn. Or Direct to You Service PREPP'S Drug Store II II ....... - .... -k ) i ,¢vv,vvvvvwvv'wv-- NOTICE Ok" HEABIN(t ON FINAL MANAfiEMf:NT, CIRCI'I,ATION, Pie. Classified Service .,,:,'OAT AN" I'ETITION I't)" 'EQI|IIEI} RY THI': ACT (]'" CON- DISTRIBUTION (;RE,, t)I" AU[ i'$T 24, |',It2, l* d .vvvw,..vv,,.,. ,wvwwwwwvw*vwwwww, IN TAE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE .]AKCH 3, t93.L STATE O1 e WASHINGTON FOH. Of Shell nil- M a.on t?OUllt y .J otlrtlt)l ....... NO..18 MASON COUNTY. l,tnlisie,l we,,kly :it Shelton, Wash.. I',,t NOTICE OF IlleABIN(}_ QN FINAl, IN PI(OeAI'E Stoves an0 RI'II'tlR'I' ANt} plb'ITION i"(IN Ill the Matter ,',f tile t,;state of Ida Octc, l,e/ I. 191.9. lleforo nw. a Noiqry Puldh' tn and IIIs'rKIlIUTION rYe,t, l)eeeased, for the Stab, { Waslinh,a and t..un. Furnaces IN TIt SUPERIOR COU14T oF TIIE NOTICI IS .IREBY GIVEN that ty of Mason persollally al)lv:lr,,d I.L,'w- STATE (')l," WASHINGTON FOP. IV• A. Wllsiers. Administrator of the (.llyll B. F,)rd. who. havm I),'n duly MASON COI,NTY, of ida West. Deueased. has .worn a¢'cof'dillg h I3W. tlCp-S,'S and IN PIOAF, llkett with the CtorR of the above ('n- SaYs that he is the l]tmines, Mana- V A C U U M Ill tile Matter el tile Estate of titled court his Filial Report and Pc- :er of 1he SIwlton-Mam,a t:, u ty J,)uv- Lewbl 11. Hesel. Deceased. titian for Distributiotl asking the nal and that the fnllowill?4 is. t,, Ill,' C L E A N E D OTICE IS HERU OVN that court to settle nd approv, the same .,st t,, Iis kn,,wi, d.,. a,,,,  ..... f ,, Pauline Hensel. Adinlstratl'lX of the distribute the property to the persons Irue statt, rimn[ el the nwl|Pr,l]ip man- estate Ol Lewis lt, l-Iensel, Deceased, thereto entitles, alia to discharge sa]u u.gemont, oh... of the aforesaid ptlbli- llas filed with the Clerk of tile above Administrator. cation for tile dab' shown in tile abtve Phone 299-W enU,led ('ou,'t he,' Fnsl epo,', a.d NOTlCE ,S FURT.ER GIVEN thai ,'ptlo,,. ",'lu , ,,. ,. A,', ,,, .,,. ;'etition l'o,. Distribution, a.skinK the sau x, mai 14eport and Petition for ust 2i. tglJ a. mr'wnded by till' A('I court to settle and approve the same, £i.trit)ution wul be heard on Friday, -of March 3. 193:] enlbndied in svl'ti(,n 703 Franklin St. dis]rlbute the estate to the perso the 4in (lay el NoVember, I*9. at t.,. 537• Postal Laws an(i Regulation:n therdto entitled and to discharge said hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon at printed on the reverse of this form, t,,- I ,In I nn Adminlstratrix. the Court Rtw)nl In t?/o t'OUl't ].IOU.P Ill wit: ....................................... : ..... NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that helton. Washing'ton. , That the nanle and addresses ,u F lal Report and Petit o Ear Dis- Dated this 30ttl dsy of Septenlber, 1he )ublt,her, editor, managing pdi- tribution will be heard on Erlday, the 1948. tor and htls heSS managers nr,,: 21st day o[ October, 1049, at [he' hour (SEAL) Public, her and Editm'. Wilfm'd I.. of 10 '('loek ill the forln0o at the HARRY DEYETTE, JessUp, Sielt, m, Washintnn: l-lust- Court Roonl in the Cour] II0use ]il t:ounty Clerk ness Manager, Llewellyn }:. Fm',l. helt¢,n, Washington, CI[AS, R. LEWIS. Shelton. Washlngtnn. Dated this ]6th day of SeptPndpr, Attorney. for said t,:state, 2. That the owner t.: Will'm'd I,. le[l Ht It Ing, 19 Soutl Fourth St,, JeSsul), SlleLton Washingt)n: veil- Easy to bvy from our / 1949. HARRY DEYETTE, Sheltoa. Mason County. Washington. ibm Diekh.. Si]el'h,n. Wa.,,hingt,m. and froshstock[  CoUnty Clerk 10-6-18-20-7--4t D,,lnmr B. C,)le. Sh,,It,m W:lshingt,uL CnAS. R. LEW|, NO. $115 a partnership. Attorney for sald],:state. NOTICE TO CR;DITORI 3, Thai the known bon(iholder:. WE REPAIR .9 South Fou,.th St.. Veil md.. I T.l SUI,:RtOR'COWT O' Tim ,,lor,ag,,es, and other .eel,,'iiy h,,.l- Shelton, Maon County, Washington. STATE OI ' WASI-IIN,(]TON Ft)R er. owning or holding I per ('pat m' i All makes of RADIOS, 9._2:2910-Jd-13-4t MASON COUNTY more of total amount or hoods, morl- In thn Matter of the Guardianship WASHING MACINES and of Forest C. Ellis. An Ineonpetea, t^, ,'ages. ,t. other securities are: none, 4. That the tWO i)ara4rlphs next NOTICE IS IIEREJY LIVt: '==t obove, givlng the name. of the own- SMALL APPLIANCES" NOTICE OF NALEOF NATIONAL the Undersigned, Lee Ellis, @n ..tile ers. stockholders, an.d security h,)ld- Expertly and .Rea,onally' ,'O.,:ST T,nEX ? day or September. ,9:,. *',, hy rs. if any. e,,ntain ,,,), ,,nl th,. ,is, sald court, appointed Quardian of of stoekhohh,rs and seeu 'ity htdd,q'. Pttblic notice ia hereby given that pursuant to the provisloas o' Section til property of Forest .C, Ellis. all as they appear upolq tile books of the 5 of Ptfblic'Law 27g 78th Congress Incompetent. " li )e! ('ompan\\;" nu] also, ill eases where ]h' (58 Stat, 132; 16 U,S,C,A. 553-553i), Notice k further gives tllat a I '- sto(,kholHe,s or seeur t.v holders ap[4,ar and the Cobperatit, e Agreemeat for ons hat'log claims: ag'ainst said I-- upon the books of the c(m]pany a. I the Management of Ihe participating competent or his estate are required trustee or in any .ther fidu('iary vo- Fot'et lt.ope|.tle in the helton Co- to serve them with necessary vouch- lat|un, the nltlne ,'*f the I)ersml nr c,)r- I00|fflll| operative Sustained Yield Unit en- ers upol' J. W. Grahagn, attorney for poratlon for whonl such trust .... I .... .t- RliDIO te,.ed i,y and be(wee, t.e 00,ll- Guardian. at hts office in the In. Is given: also lb,t ted States nf Amertca and the Slmp- Govey Btdldlng, lelton, Washington, ,'aphs eonta n statements embrac- son Logg/ng Contpany dated Decela- and file the same duly verified, wLth ln" afflant's full knowledge and beLief her 12, 1946, all live 'timber marked the Clerk of said court, within six as to the clrcunmtances and conditlon months a£ter publication of this notice under which stockholders and set urity or designated for cutting sad all met- and to-wit ieptember 29th, 1949, cr holders who do nol appear upml the chantable dead timber located on an ueh claims wilt be forever barred, books of the company as trustees, h¢)ld .................................. ______ area embracing one llundred and seven (107) acres, more or le, ill Sections LEE ELLIS, stock and securities In u capacity eth- Septic Tanks Cleaned 1"and 12, Township 22 lorth, Range I Gugrdla of the Etate of er than that of a bona fide owner: 8 West. and Section 34 Township Forest C. Ellis. all Inconlpetent and this afflant has no t',,as,n t,, I),.- 23 North, Range 7 West'Willamette[ licve that uny other person, as:mria- erldlan, Wynoochee River watershed, I Khelton Cooperative Sustained Yield Unit, Olympic National Forest, Gra¥ Hal'bor CQuja W, State of Wahingtotl, Will be sold to the Slmpsoa L0gglag Company Shelton, Wavhingtoi, on November- 1, 1949, in estimated am- CHARLES.JONES J. w, GHAM, Attorney for (Juardian, lion or corporation ha. any at ,rest Contents Hauled. Away Oovey Bldg., Shelton, Washington. dh.e(.t or lndh.ect in the s;dd st,,ck. 9-29--10-6-13--3t bonds, or other set'Ul'[tJes than a8 s, Quick Service stated by tam. 1714 East 9th, Olympia NOTICIE OF HEK]BING ON FIRF 5. That the average ntunbev ,,1' ,.t,i}- 2rid & Railroad Phone 89 Phone,3486 or 7026. PROT'TiON UISTRICT NO.  les of each publh, atilm sold i)r d|s]ri- - PETITiN , ,,, 1-15-,-tf. ountx and at appraised stumpage val- "TO TIlE IIONOH'ABE BOARD 2 huted, through the mails ,, ,,th,,rwi. ,. to paid subscribers during th,, 12 , I  I ues as follows: Approximately 4,- COUNTY CMMISIONERS months precedhlg the date shown PLUMBING HEATING ............... .............................. 000.000 feet or' Douglas-fir, appraised MASON COUNTY, WASH.: al)ove is 2500. value $7.75 per M feet' approximately We. the undersigned, re,,dents and /s/ LLEWELLYN B. FORD. Sexauer System Repairing FOR PROMPT DELIVERY 2,500,000 feet of weste::n heldock ap- qualified electors of that portion of Business Manager, |)rai,ed value $1.00 per bI fee[; apr0X- blason County, Washington, which ts Sworn to and subscribed b,for(, ,]m Pumps, Hot Water Tanks and ......... lnlately 1 000,000 feet of PaCific sllvcP hereinafter dexcrib(d, do hereby peti- this 29th day of September, 19,19. Plumbing Fi:tt]res. fir, appraised value $1,00 er M, :etl tlon the Honorable Board of County (SIt'ALl HERBERT G. AN(]LE. and approximately 1,000000 feet o[ Commhssioners of Moa County, My eonmlissb)n exph'es Fell 17, [952 Licensed Master Plumber STOVE OIL western redcedar, appl:gfS-ed ,. valpe Washingtoa, that they proceed with $3.75 per M feet. In addltl0n tO. tl the formation of a ,FLre Protection ....................... 10-(i--.ll. Ernest Swearingen DIESEL OIL a,,pra.ed values, a cooperative d'p0slt District tv be known as NO. 003 of $0,25 pet' M feet B. M, to L uat MAt)N ('OUNT¥ I"IBF.' NOTICE OF HI,:ARIN(: ON FINAL Phone 405-W by the Forest Service to oveP the PROTECTION DIITRIt;T Nt). 3 ltI,'.PORT AND PI,:TITION l,'(}lt Star Rt. 2, Box 97, Shelton ............... e,,st of.tree l]anting, seed sowi, nU W,. fm'ther represent that tile terri- DISTRIBUTION timber stand imlJrovement work l,[ie tory whlcit we propose ts situated in area cut over for tile total eut'0f 'tli Mason County, Washington, and i IN TI;IE SUPERIOR COURT OF TtIE 12-9tin. Phone 87 i)er under the terms of thin.age'S,€o described as follows: STATE OF WASItINGTON Fo]: n n ment will be required, If rbquested Seetion 29 and 32. Tnwnshlp 22 MASON C(')IINTY ........................................ by the State of Washington or by North, Range 1 Wet, W.M. (I,N PROllATI,D Bulldozing, Clearing, ....... m,ay. Harbor County or by any per- Sectiolm 4 and 5, southeast quarter MyrtleIn theM, MatteroltmanOf Deceased.the Estate of 17, 18, Town.ship 2l North, Range 1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Excavating son deemed to |lave a reasonable in- of Section 6, all of Sections 7, 8, 9, West, W.M, terest in the proposed sale, or in lt Jcudolph W. Olttnn, Executor of the terms, a public hearing will he held JOHN VINCENT Standard Oil Co. In the otnee of the Forest Supervisor, Southeast quarter of Section 12, all estate of Myrtle M. Oltman, deceased, Star Route 2. She]ton Post Office Building, Olympia. Wash- of Sections 1 and. 14, fractlonar Sec- has filed witil the Clerk 4;]' the above First House on Deean Road of California lngton, on the Ist day of November, tlon ], lying North of Pickerlng entitled Court his final rop,)rt and 1949, at 2:00 o'clock P. M, Pacific Passage. Township 21 North, Range 2 petition for distribution asking tile West. W.M. Court to settle and approve said 8-11-tin Standard Tllne. Requests for public final leport and petittnn for distr,- C. C. COLE hearing will not be considered unless We fu?thex allege that the formation "ration,  to distrLhute the property tt .................. zeceived in tile office of the Fnreet of the above Ma.aon County _-Wire Pro- Dist]'ibutor Supervisor, P o s t Offh:e, teetion Dtstrlct No. 3 will be c0nduc- .;e persons thereto entitled and to ire to the public safety welfare and discharge tile sabot Executor. Title ]'nmtrance--Abstracts--Escrows Oiympla, Washington, on ot" betore NOTICE ]S FURTHFR GIVEN that S H E L T O N - B E L L 122 So. Third St, Phone 87 October 13, 1,949. Dated September 27, convenience and will be of beuefit to . aid fhml report and petition I',' tl s- Atmtraet  Title Co.. Inc. 1949. L. D. BLODOE, Acting Forest mid property owners and occupants trib(ttion will b,. heard on Friday thexeof." 119 S. 4th (Bell BId',) Shelton, Wn, . , , IN I i upervisor, Olympic National Forest. NOTICE I8 HEREBY GIVEN that 14th day o' ()( (b, . ]949, at th+ ' PHONE 65 9-29---10-6-13-2--4t a hearts, will "be helki on saiu shove hour of 10 o'clock in 'the, ]'wenonn petltion by the did B0ardof County at the court room in the Courl House Mason County agent for Puget for CommLaalotnPrs o Mahon county, in In Shelton. Washington. Sound Title Insurance Col'l- . . Dated this 9 day of Septomher. 1919. pany of Seattle NO. 547 the Macon.County Courthouse atShel- (Signed) 1tARRY DEYETTE. ton, Washington, on the 17th day ,,[ NOTICE IN CONDEMN2TION October, 1949 at 2 '@'cloCk P,M., at Clerk, Mamm Cmmty, Wash. :Member IMMEDIATE IN TIIE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE which time ally person so,dCslring may B. FRANKLIN HEUSTON, Washington Land Title Ass'n. STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR[appear cad be heard for or against Attt,'ney for ald Estate. the ¥a.t_. of said' petitioL Angh Building, Shelton• American Title Aas'n. MAPK)N COUNT Dated this 26th day of September, 9-15-22-29-d0-6---.It. CASH LOANS WA.H,00GTON .OA " N,,. i I THE STATE OF --- -,,-.------- .................. ,[ ......... I 1949. Petitioner, S[ORg"O'F 1liOl'/ NOTICE TO CKEDITOBS .... COUNTY. --vs.--" WASHINGTON -- S I G N S --" SEE D. H, McLEAN and JANE DOE MC- IN TItE SUPERIOR COURT OF TIlE By SUSIE E. PAULEY. STATE OF WASI-IINGTON FOR LEAN. his wife, if nlarrled February Clerk of the Board. MASON COUNTY 25, 19311 H. R. CHRISTY, a bacheh)r; 9-29--10-6-13,--3t. [n the Matter of the Guardianship Of All Kinds E D D Y MASON COUNTY, a municipal corpor. ,d' Benjamin I,h'anklin McGaughey An Neon atlon : NO..153 Incompetent. NOTICE TO.CREDITOg$ 2"0 ',::NT aN. ru.: CLaU.M Sales & Service B  S ][ N E S S Also the unknown heirs of an Of the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: that chore named persons..If, deceaaed, and IN TIlE SUPERIOR':)URT OF THE the undersigned Elgenia T. McGaugh- ey, on the 9th day of September, 19.t9. all other persons c/r partl unknow STATE OF WASltlNGTON FOR wa,s bY the ald court, appointed ' S E R V I C E cialn,lng or ha,'ing any ,'lght, title, MASON COUNTY , " (uardian (,f the property ,if BonJa- estate, lien or taberet in, fhe real IN P]gOBATE rain 7t'ranklin McGaughey, all Ire'ore- estate describe il Ule petition In In the Matter of the Ftate of petent. MODERN SIGN PHON 50 condemnation herein. Donalda A.. Deyette, Deceased. NotLce Is ftnrther gh'en that all I)er- SERVICE 20 South Third Street, Respondents, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that snns having elainls agaLnst said in- Harry Deetta, has'bee appolnt0d and competent or his estate, are required Shelton, Wash. TO THE ABOVE NAMED RESPOND- lla. qualified as Admlaistra.tor of the to serve them, with neee.sary vouel- Phone Shelton 21 ENTS: eatate of D(,.alda A. Deyette, De- ers upon J. W. Craham, attorney fro. 3-17-tin , i In the name of the'tate og Wash- ceased, cud tiler all pera,)as having said Guardian, al his office In the lagton, notice Is hereby gl,en that the against the said Deceased or Govey Btlildlng, Shelton. Washington. Mason County a,,o,,, named Petltion'er, the State of the said estate are' hereby reqtd,'ed and file the same duly verLfied, with Washington, will on the 28th day of to er,,e the same. duly verified with the Clerk of said eotn,t, within 6 Oetoher lt9. at the hour of 10 o'clock g C the necessary vouchers attached upon months after the fir.t publi(,ation ,,f ACCORDION and Heatin O, a.m .... r as soon thereafter as said the uldersigned A4ministrator or ilLs this notice, to-wit. Septemher 29, 1949. SOLOVOX PLAYING 415 South First St. Petitioner can be heard. In the court attorney of record at the law office of @has. R. LeWis. 119 South Fourth or such e]air will be ]'oreww barred. room at the courthotme of Mason ELGENIA T. MeGAUGHEY. for Dances, Parties OIL BURNER SALES County, Washington, In the City o[ treet, ]Bell Building, Bheltoa, Maon Guardian of the Estate of Shelton, In said county and state', County, l?asbingtoa, the saxtm beLag Bnjamln I,,anklin Me(laughey, J. G. Halvorsen AND SERVICE prent to the above entitled superior deslgndted"as the place rot. the tranS- an Incompetent. Re-condition your Oil court and Judge thersof the pet|tlo action o the bu$1$s of the sa4d ,l. W. t']B.AHAM. PHONE 202 Heater or Furnace for In the above entitled proceeding which 8tt¢ and tile such alalm together Attorney for Guardian 6-30tfn Winter Now has been filed, ia -the office vf the with p;oof 0f ervice with the Clerk Govey Bldg., Shelton, Wash. of the above entitled ¢ourt within 6 month the date 01 the first I clerk of said court. The object of said petition Is to se- 9-29--10-6-13--3t We service any make furnace oil eure an adjudication bf public uae of, pkatlon of this notice: .to-wit: NO. 2126 E. A. (Bony) Loertscher burner or stove. 24-Hour Service. t aad to condemn and .approprit the ptehber , 1949, or au elatrgs ant NOTICE TO CBEI)ITOR TO following described lands, real estate,  served 'and filed shall be forever PREENT AND Fil,E CLAIMN Office Phone 208 I premises and other property s/tu&ted barred. FARM & IAVESTOCK After 5:30 p.m. Call 1023-R I ] N THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE in the County of Macon, State of }IARY DEYETTE, STATE OF WASHINGTON Washington, of which the,above named Administrator. MASON COUNTY AUCTIONEERING I Respondents are all of the owners, (IN IPI)]BATE, Write Lost Lake Route . .- • . } enumbrancers and persons otherwise CHAS. R, LEWIS, In the Matter of the Estate nf Box 57, Elma, Wash. Ladies' Tailorin!ereln,•.eo far a can .be pttgry or.ssid etat¢, . Llnah Rudd, Deceased, 7-14--12-30-25t .... o ascerlameu iroln toe public recoraa; Bell Bgill 119 South Fourth St., 15 years ta]or snop ana store and to vest title tlereto In fee simple helton, MasOn COunty, Washington. NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN that ' ....... experience'in DesignGra( of rWtohn i the undersigned W, A. Witslers has er and lemtIIreucStitoate e n [ta?l, nOlrntthe . -- ,-€-J--10-'-13-20--.4t Administrator of the estate of Llnah .-.TvY -.v--v-..- ,,-r,,t Dresslnak g duct€ .... ance teo of a state roa! an high:l . NO. 21 heen appointed and has qualified as L)III J.JlN U'Lx ]i'U. 11r ( A i way as a part of Primary State High-I NOTICE TO CIgEI)ITOIg. TO Rudd, deceaSed: and that all perseus 1-tlux.. -v'.vx t way No. 9 wlucn )s a highway estab-I FREtNT AND FII.E CL&IJL having elainm against the eald es- ' BULLDOZING Cg-f}ln-R I lished hy the legmlaure heretofore: I IN TH SIOR COURT QF THE late or the said deceased are hereby required to sete the eamc duly verB- LAND CLEARING ' ..... ,- i DKCIg|PT|ON , ' '  STATE OF WASIrsI"£ON FOR fled In duplicate with tllc necessary LOGGING .... , - '] A parcel of land, cos(am'lug 0,1"I MON C,NTY¢Iua,K. " vouchers attached, upon the uode,'- _ acres, more or leas, oelng allthat per. =,- "-----o ' signed Administrator or his attorney Phone 667-J - Shelton I tlon 0t Government Lot 1, the In, theffi. Mttr t th:d Estate of of record at the law office .f B, , - -- ,ulg''lL_k.Lil South 350 feet, Section 17, Towhlp .n.-%',,,"4, ,%'or Wit" Franklin Heuston, Angle Building. ' " ' '' 1 23 N(u tll" Range t3' leWest'e W.M., ly. ........ llam C. 'eck .................... ha be apointed and clalnlsShelt°n'togetherWaShtngt°n'with proofand offileserviceSUeh Ing and helng Sou I .ast .rly of a .line ., ...... t,,', =,,,,^, hf' the Will , .  lTll".Tcn.l;: 1  -" =- _ drawn parallel, with and dl.ant 75 '..L. ?'*':".."T..,.ff"%,Jla-/ : Y"C with the Clerk of the above entitled feet Northwest .rty, when measured i Court within six (6) nmnths after the ' i Deceased. nd that all ersons hxVng date of the first publlca]lon of this DECORATOR adally. and/or at r.ght angles, t rpm elac, ns anat ,tile aal' Deeeed Or .. ae r ttt e ................ notice, to-wit: Oe.,ber 6th. 1949. or inc. ouowm aesc I ea center tree the tld e#tste 'are*"ereby requlxed all claims not s,) presented and flh,d Painting, Paper Hang- urv:yoJ e; oHtighwaYaN t9 se,we the same, duly ,.eft tied .lth • " ....................... " ......  "" ' ' U n will be forever barred. he o f e c the necessary vueher attaelle po rag, Spr y g ,he ,=dersl Fctor or  w. WiTSiEas ts .a Paintln t . f ic, of the Dh'e tot" of High- • " A, , ways at Olympia, Washington: of Administrator t,f the estate (d' PHONE 97-J-1 6om,enci- o* *e E--* ..... "-- tbrney f record at the law office  .. .- ..o - =.t=. ul'th Linch Rudd ...,,o.,,,,, enr er f ect Tow Cha. R. Iwi.¢. 119 8outh Fo ,=,, .... ., n O e ion 17, nSi| 21 Address: .... '"*€" North Ran e 3 west WM" te Street, II Ull ng.. etton. 1 on , g ...... e , .....  ,d . .... i, 7o3 Ra,,,,o.d A,'enne. o . ,. r Shelton, Wash[ngtou. ................. " e . u B. FRANKLIN HEUSTc')N. • e • L , action of the )usle of th. , =,,,,,,,,,-,,vm v, r',,,,r',A,. SERV,r"v ttlonU"ii.,.t0hl,.'.T?ngteei. estate, aa tte such clau.s to,ether Attoene for .aid Estate. INLIIIF.IF_I.., J2JI.JJLJ.JL.JJ --.x.r  a 1. a, ),',  a itance, ^€ 1o with' proof of.rvt(e with the Clerk Angle Bldg.. Shelton, Wash. ........ .o,7 ,  10-6-13-20-27--4t. .... ee of the above entitled court Within • f.  to highway engineer's st:ttlon 118 .,.,.,h ,,€*=,, *h= a** ^€ *h ¢i,st +00 P.O.T.; thence turn a, a le --" ' .... '*it' T WIRING of 18" r o he tr ublleatlon of thL, .OttCe. to'W , HIGHES QUALITY 0 to the lghtt t . UP pon  ...........  .............. Mt. AIIlanoe Chacel t nfan,l=r.  la n, =11 elnlm= .nt so View )f beginning of this center line des- --a'---' ...... T"' r:':' :-=--r-'[.- e- Rev. Herbert AnderIon • ..In,l .... ' .rlr@ anQ ll|e(l Sllall a . FIe %" r e e • ' " "' ° ' Paetr Th nc N 61 04 44) E a distance r ' • WILLIAM C. YECK. 9:45 am. Sunday School CRAIG P ELIOT of 10s.l teet to highway eaglneer'a xutor. station 114-{-08.1 T.S.: thence along 11 a.m. Morning Service a Increasing spiral curve to the left CHAS. R. L]WIB, 7:30 p.m. Inspirational Servict REGISTERED LICENSED and BONDED wt "a" :-= 5, a distance of 12a feet Attorney for sld EState. .1 h.ghWndelneenrds ot n cJlSter Bell .uil/ing. 11, South Fou,'th Street, A Hearty Welcome to Ah Engineer - Electrical - Contractor ,,no dom,,'lptlon; xcepting therefrom xelton. Wn|nlta. _10.._6.1.20_.4t , .___ ' right of way witich may nave been . , - -----r---L--vr--Tr- ' , P.U.D. Warehouse Bldg. K St. Mountain View heretofore conveyed for highway pur- P. o. Sbolto. 7,,. 00°SCST.E.TATE O00W,00..N00TON First Church of Christ, Scientist Petitioner By SMITH TROY, INI[kTON  " I  Attorney General BPxneh Of LROY .1". WIEHL JUN FOWLE8 The Mather Church, The Firlt Curch of Christ, Scientist State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Assistant Attorneys General |t, MS||. AttorneYs for Petithmer. lubt Net Sunday: • Office and Post OffLee Address: Collision Coverage On Carl as Old as Temple of J'uatlee ,.3, For Oua,,,,.d ...,,oa.= O,y,.p00 "Are Sin, Disease and Death Real" 'fllla Is to €$rtJfy that the forego- orlgil Natlce in Cndemnation It the Rates, Service for Policy Holders i.g i alrue lnd¢orr¢ct coy of the tUNIY CHOO, AT 9:45 above entitled cau-e. UNDAV MORNING SERVIPa .liT 11 O'C'LOCK Transfers Now Available at JU..AasitantFOWLES,Attorney Oenerai. I WEDK}AY ENING MaITING AT I O'CLOCK Reading .,oq_ .talnt._Uy tl ,ureh at B02 Alder lltreet, and Wiulay f0m :!8 to 7:4o o ClOck BOB ERVIN M0'I00lI8 .... ........ "I came ill here to get some- All ar 0odl£11y Ulvtl o gttell the services and visit 633 SOuth First Street phone 673 thing for'.my wife." the RtSg oom. "What are you asking for her?" t CHURCH AY 302 ALDER TREET . PKe t ii i II I I R E N O I, 1" T 1 O N PllNCI] 13OAl¢ L;b t1I,: IT I{.l',:Ht)LVt':l) 14x llle 13,:,.rd ,,1 (,,lll)t,' (,,ilHlti.,y},,lh l' ,,I ,'.L,I' ...... ',,tlll- (JOk- PEL t3'. VVa.]lint|oll l/I;)A ['I'(HII :llld tif[*' tt',, (.ffe:tiw dah. I lhis IL,:.hlti,n. 1 ']l:tll I),' t111];19.' .......... 5]"'1> ........ ",1 BOOKMOBILE ¢)1" ('01']l()l']l[t'll Ill +p]H'l'[t ;!|1,% £' Lq " t,(l i 1€) % I¢]h,Vll tlltll (It II ,Itl]ll;[ tl :.  % , f t.iitd [./\\;N SUI'Iq',I];:S Hllh.h hl):l I'd I1 I :t .: ll tHtllll  , >." ;t Ct'[ll tlS h,*l,':lVl['I'l ,,,h'd ]]ibie:; - [[:tlltlCS - ilolC N¢) [l(.l'b(l[l. Ill'Ill 11 ¢'ql]l*t}l'zl[l(*ll ]l:l]J di:qdlty, i.'rm]! III, tl,' , ,,r ., I II Ct]'dH - (..'|ll'i./[l/l:lS C;tl'(l lltllCl'l [tar¢( I|l llll:4ll ''.llll WIth Itll htl illl: I ll'tH ,,bl;lill('(l ;i ]h.,,n:.t |'l'O})l []10 tl(|ll,,t n 15 ah,ll ( 'ltllll . (4aid [h' ....... [I, I .... '.",tlt'(l ,,i,,,,, ,, ,. J hn H Boy nn'nt (,, :In :nnllal hcens, I,',. wh,cll O 1 . ce y'.h :Ill Ill (Jill /I}1(I [lay/ll)l /1; 1 till* Itr';t day ,,r .j]%- ,,[(.] x {. 11. ` Hoodsport, Wash. Tile 10Ft)l . .,,,'l'Ul¢ H" ' FIL:II] ;11)1)]% tJ*'ht sh:tl[ ilipIIiV tt.litlll Ill(' tl; )[' ,r sell t IIV ])11 I '[ teal'd. "Ph, t,' ¢lJll][ .................. [)t' [I)Ul' II) ('lttY.u,'. €I| (])t'[';il(l':a thl Stlll' 1)OI1112 dvfillp(l n: l'¢lih,w: (1) (LA,tq A- ()ln'l'alH'- '.vii,, di- ,,,,l,.,e =,1., ,,:..,,,, ,.,,, .......... ' r' UNITY TRUTII llLS(In ((I | V /l]l(] I)l;tq' ' |hl'/I ;l| *al l,,tl. I,)l'tlt i,'tl (h,'t','itl CENI'FI 12) CLASS tl -t .'zalnr ,n t i.l)l, I,l' pe]'llll] t)}t' LI,( [ lllit ]1 I.l)arts LII thoir pla,'p i)f Im:dn,. ,,, ,1]1*1 IH,'tll Mina Hoekett. Leader i.,'. wilhill theil' ,',,ntr,,l. 4{)8 Cots Street (:) ('[.ASS (' ()l)'raI,H'. W]h) mtkt' I,l" ])Ul'cll;tSt' ]hi'IF ,,Wll Lqllh'll htald Sunday: 11:00 a.m. Sundly lUld a'/'llll I h¢.ir us*' ,1' {I hp[;I) Ill thpJr I)ht(',' ,,f husLIt,,s.. ,,t ,,th,.= pr,.m- SChOOl; 8:00 p.m. Services i..:' within Ihpir (',utr¢,l Tuesday: 8:00 p.m. Class Woi'k, I'll (i.AS 1) tll.),.Z'ahl: ',;'It( Ill.. i)hl.V or IH'l'lllll |ht. Ily,' ,}1" ],tllLUh Friday: 8:00 p.m. Bible Study hoar(I.l ill Ilh'tr Itl;*('P (H' htir]:lt,:,: ,H' ,)th,'r il,,nll..l*.s wIIhln lh,ir ,',,n ,,, 1:30 Wednesday Meditation I',H Ih,I h)llu,'l' lha(l Ill,' >', ;IS,,ll:t] ,'t'l,,H Healing Work - All Welcome I"FOIII JIIll,' lr)tll [ l'])l'[lll)'F I.qlh ,: ea(.h )/I  t '. Tht' allllUtll iit.*n..;,, l.,s I,,i. th,, el,,),,, rlasm.s ,f o])¢'l'Itllrs s}lal] h, : ['d- , . ,, .... IoW. (J) ('LASS A 25().(}(I ,",, Of.ASS l ,* ,, TO ALL (3) CLASS C-. $ 50.0[I ,,, ,'(.Ass t,  l:,,,,, INTERESTED IN" (fttl. [{. ('. a[l(i ]) ,qn,rlltor. sh:t[[ wh,r, lit'3,' display ,,r }l*'/'ll/l[ Ih,' tl' of t]h' l)Llllt'h It(tardy. N<,thin,.r m ]his I¢,'.t,hlli,m 1,,,] n Meetlno's ally W  , ' Itll'u ti h ],t.*QliT. t[ll i,un,.h ,,,a,'d ........ in,,. tl,•,i,..,,. ,h,. Each Sunday A.M. II*' I1 /qH*l';tlll)ll |h'l'C¢l' %viii( tl IILay hi' • wilhin th,, purxt,,w ,I Ih,' :l:tltll,,s ,,[ For Bible Study lht. Stale el Wahlt)hm r'htting 1. and Communion galn|)llll t|nd ;tnll)[lll ([1% J(''S IZ egulatin:4' tt, ,u ,q),'i'ai],,n ,t t,tt,wh Call MRS. H. L. MILLER h,u.r(ts Phone 72-R  Or All In','vh,tzs ','-uli ms t'qat,t]: l,, W. KOBEL, Phone 614-R-1 the ,T,,rati,,n (,I [,unch II,mrd>: in Ma- For Information s(in (,(1 V 1I', ]) 'rei)v Irl'l)('trt|,'(I Th,' 'rfe,'th'e th'th, ,ff lhn. i"e:()hllillll shall lu, tilt' l.V)lh (laV  AIIl'llst IH.tll J , ..................... --. A V PI'.( II :rh)It t'" III(, l,'l'l], j t]lJ t{'s,,Jtlllon shaJI I)p pll]lsh,,d II)alb. a ,, ...... f ,.,t ,,,,,,,, t,,t,,, *:.,,,,,, BAPTIST CHURCH t]lirl , t nV. |ll jnJl ,r t()lh llld I| shaH" h, lho thlty ,l Ill(' ]lcrJ[ L,I MtIs,)n (Ti)lIN[v t, sPlZ,, nny ,lllh'h Fifth and Cota St. i.)t,tl|'d. (IJ.:| llve(l. .ld I,l" Ut'd lil Vh,- latl*m ,,f ll]i. Ilt'.,,ltz|n,z= and |eke the Warren Hale, Acting Pastor salile |)€,['1 q (, tl lllall |'a t (. "wh() he]l m',h.u th,, smn, h,'hJ for ,,v.h,nc,, ,,, Ray Mainwaring, Assistant d(,str,)y,. I whi('h{%(,r [11 IliS .|tl(l|)(.ll Bibh} Scho{fl 9:45 wil }.'I ..l'v,. :lLl.Ith.(, In i*a(:|l t'.l.'. l)at,.I tiM>< 15th tiv ,, Auu't)st 191!J MorNl]qg Worship, 11 a.m. I]()ARD ()F (?t)IINTY Yollng' People's 6:30 p.m, COMM1SSI(NEIS ()F MA- SlIN ('()UNTY WASIIrN(;. Evening Service, 7:30 p.m. TON. • Midweek Service. Thursday, LYLE O'DELL ROY M]TC]II,.IA., 7:3(I p,m, ROY CARl(, A Cordial Invitation Is Attest: Extended to ALl. S]/S]E E PAIrLEY. Clerk ,|' the l bmrd. 10.-6 .-ll ............ ' .... Nt,',',i',?t;i; i::iiA:V, i:Al.,. Foursquare Church N,,th:e is he,'ebV given th ]1 , r - 910 E. Dearborn St ]owing Masc)n C'(mnty V n 'ant. :tro ,'alt,.d Ira' I)ayln ,or at th ,,rrh., Sunday SchooI9:45 th,, Tr'asur,,r ,,| ad I',,un|x :rod Worship Service--],1:0b thai I|)tme.t will ,:pas,, on tlu dat, Crusader Setwice-.--6:45 ,I the' )ul)ti(•atiml of tl is I)L ," CUI{RI]NT EXIH,',NSE I,'UNI). War- Evangelistic iiervice---7:45 lallts N,,s. 799 t, 8t2 in(.lu:dxp. RE. E, E. FITCH • SCH()t)I. f)ISTRI('T Nt). 2 W r Paator rant N()s. 3,/34 arid 1 t(, I2 im'l.l.i;',.. SCHOOl, D/STRICT NO. Ill War rant N,ts. 7,1L ],) 7t3 in, lusi,.. SCHO()[ I)ISTI{1CT N(). ,t,- W:n.- l'ant NILe. 5777 t,) 5l(i irwhlmvp. S. E. SMITH. Tt'etl.tll'pF el J]tNo/i (f)Ulll V Shltc Oi 'tt.l) i ilg I ( /1 (SEAL) Dated U|. SJll']ton. Wtl.hlllkf[(H1. ()€.[i)- her 6 19.tit 1{I-.I; lt. I TJse ]hc JoUl'nl)i Classil'h'd Ads. Minnesota was derive([ fl'onl two Sioux wm'(L,; meaning "Sky- colored water,' .  ............................. --. ..... . .....  =.2- ............................. .  , , t i St. David's Episcopal Church ,Ith & Cedar St. Vicar: The Rev. J, Gregory Lee 9:30 a,m. Family Communion Service with 5-minute sermonette, 11:15 a.m. Morning Prayer and Scratch. Church School classes at 9::),0 ages 3-8) & 10:30 inges 9-141. First Metho00iis¢ Ch0000rch "A Friendly Church in a Friendly Commumty" 4th & Pine .... Pal'sonage 320 N. 4th -- Phone 276 Sunday School 9:45 a,m. -- Morning Worship 1'1 a.l. "WAYNE \\;VRIGIYr, Minister ASSEMBLY OF GOD TABERNACLE 130 EAST PINE ST. Suuday School, 9:45 a,m. Worship serviee 11 a.m, Evangelistic, 7:45 p,nl. Vm|n Pople's Service -Tlesday, 7:45 p.m. Jubilee Service --- Friday, 7:45 p,m. THE CHRIST FOR THE CRISIS WEEKLY GOSPEL BULLETIN by Charles Thomas Shatter. Minister , OCTOBER 6, 1949. The day of Jesus' ascension from Olivet was the most momen- tous in all human history since that one in which man wall driven from the garden of Eden and the only begotten 8on of God offered himself in atonement for the fallen lord of our family (the Causasian) of mankind. The one next in import- ance was the covenant made with Abraham, by which the alien races (Ethiopian, Mongolian, Malayan, and Aryan) which had visited our world, intqrmarried with our peoples, became fami- lies without a homeland and were adopted temporarily into our race, to 0e returned to their own iomeland at the resur, rection of the saints. Those rnembors of these alien families, who rejected this grace, and died impenitent, will be in the sec, end resurrection of the dead. assist in the preparation for the capture of the saints' inheritance, and perish with all other wicked, angels and men, in the final holocausts of fire which I to cleanse and purify the heavens (7), and the world upon which we live, making both ready for the new heavens and the' new earth. The ninety-nine other worlds, whose inhabitants maintained their riglnal world, whose inhabitants maintained" their original purity and faithfulness, will also go through this baptism of fire, and the whole house of God be changed, "in a moment, in the twinkling, of an eye." from corruption to incof ruption: from mortality to immortality. These, now corrupt five races of mankind inhabiting this world when the Abrahamlc" covenant was made, are the "five brethren of the parable of the rich man and Lazarus, for whose welfare the rich man made appeal to Abraham, to send one from the dead, to warn them how to escape his estate of torment. However, there was provided but one way of escape for them. Thus replied Abraham, "They have Moses and the prophets, if they hear not them, neither wiii they hear one, risen from the dead." The third momentous day was when Jesus Christ, th$ divinely ordained Scapegoat of the atonement made by the only begotten Son of God, arose from Olivet, and, escorted by "more than twelve legions" of holy angels, went "high above all heavens," to appear in the presence of God, taking with him the "filthy garments of att the sin of both angels and men, was divested- of them, "and given the charge of the Melchlaade¢ priesthood- (Zechariah 3:1-10). Now he takes his station among ,the, other ninety.nine sons of God, all of wttom ars of the =lme prleltly. class, and with them takes his place cn "the right hand of the MaJelty In the heavens" (Hebrews 8:1.). Together this h01y. group will minister as the Advocate of their respt©tlve fami- lies. when their names are called from "the books" (Dan. 7:10.) dttrln,the remainin0 one thousand and ton ycari Of tte ertginal two thousand, three hundred years ordained for this great" judgment. (Daniel 3,13, 14,), (Continued from this point in the next issue of The Journal.