October 6, 1949 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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October 6, 1949 |
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Fitch Ford Sales Dayton Community Yosemite, Monument Potatoes, one of America's prin-cipa!.cr0Ps, are grow_n in everystate of the Union. Use Journal
Parks Stand Out For
BE [ Participating In Club Meets Friday Shelton Couple's Trip .....
KIM L ; , By lse Beers Their 1949 vacation car tom', -- PRICES FOR FRI., Sl.,,,-
Safety Contest The Dayton Community Club which returned them to their Cap- , CtltS ¢
will meet Octoher 7, ,riday eve-itolHillhomelastweek, took Mr. CL'kI:PP. .... .. E For 45 ,(Ib
LOGGING i F.w. Fitch, owner of the Fitch ning, at8 o'clock at the hall. Each and Mrs. Elroy Nelson to the most ]flk][Y lOIJl,,'9 ..... '
£,Ktt.lr-l.T.T | Ford Sales, Ford agency in Shel-person is to bring a half pie. Ice beautiful of all the many western < )PI '
.JPlll I ton and Mason county, has entered cream will be furnished, national parks they have seen-in I
| his dealership in a $100,000 car At a special meeting at the hall, many years of annual vacation
, | safety eontest sponsored by the new community club officers were traveling. -'It / . ' --)@ 7-
.. A ..... TheSheltoncouples .Y - _j <' . -l
" | Ford division, Ford Motor corn- elected President elected was • "aid the en
"" 1 pany. lennetn .tyres; vine presl(aent, joyed Yosemite NatiGnal Park and
I Seven hundred prizes totaling Mrs Archie Vaughn and secre- -, * J 1 k in
l[,.,1,a,..L,.;. . , $100,000 will be awarded winners tary, Mrs. RObert Leman" .... southern Utah, most of all the .( ,f
.,avu.aa tiUal*.aaav I of the safety contest. The prizes Mrs_Peggy .a,res of Los An- previous parks they have seen•
gems, tmif., is visiting at the home ....... . .... .. ^€ v_ s .... .
- " " B | are 25 new Fords including five
operate, y I Ford t.ruclcs: 25 $1.000 U. S. sav- of her soll and family, Mr. and .Tht',,'[;;tl::otli:Y cnioval'e"ln '
lh ...... : ...... 1 ,, I ings bonds, 100 $100 bonds, 200 Mrs Kenneth Myres. wn^n:-*-°*l"ug^i- (te cabi[
FOR | The contest has the support of ,ty are Mr: and M,s. r¢obert Le-, th e extremely unique rock form- T(
| the national safety council, the man ann two sons. The Lman ations of Monument Parl. ¢ pro 'wd-
• LAND CLEARING I Inter - Industry Highway Safety family:: has. bought, thewranch, from', ed the features .... which they'll re-
l eon, mittee and other safety organ- ar. and Mrs. beD ieiczer, mr. member about their ]949 vacation STOKELYRED $0UR PIE CHERRIES o.., €'an 29C ---.-
. .ULLDOZING " | izations. ' and Mrs Wickzer and son par- rn t "n * Nels dIDIINN{
• " . " . _..r .rl s. Mr. and Ms, on , PINF_APPLE,"PE- KRAFT • '
| In order to participate in the chased a ranch m the Arcadia din- commented
• DITCNING , ontest, 'itch pointed out, mot,,,'- BRUCE S BLENDED JUICE .. .......................... ,,o. 3k
| of any nmke, to the dealership for |ists must bring their car or truck, tl,,:e first fall meeting of the *'r'-rr'r"'r v'' " t ' ..................................... ctn. $ -
• BASEMENT EXCAVAT-Dayton Ladies Club was Thursday | :l ,,L.UAIJLAUjN l CIG,RETTES ............ 1.69 <mo,:.
ING I zt sai:ety check at absolutely no
I cost or obligation to the motorist, noon at the home of Mrs. Archie v"
• BULKHEADING I Free checks will be made on the Lemke. "''''''" ....... - ....... NESTLE S C(:0[ATE BI13 .. .......... .o g 1 ..ocm,,r:
I andl brakes,stopStecring,lights, tires,headlightS'windshieldrear Mrs• Ralph Kellough will be By Marguerite LeGault TTEWELL ................................. No. 2 00 c,
hostess for the club on October 13 A IHrthday dinner was held tit CUT 6RRN BEANS--a ....... ;.::....z...--.;;,,.... 2 C,s 3k "
I wipers, muffler glass horn and at the Dayton hall. the home of Mrs. Joe Peterson.
................. Those attending were Mr. and
• mLEDRlVERS |,.,,rviewmi,'ror. VernSatterthwaite a,.. CAKE MIX
For Land or Water I The Ford agene.y here will place
I an attractive safe driver reflector ........ Cliff Ford, Mr, and Mrs. Itobert O'H WHILE, DEVtt.'$ '='1. • tYli
• DU M' TRUCK8 , insignia on the car or truck in- IJeEs l'OS$ In 1, Lamb and Mrs. Fred Cape," and [" or OD ...... ,t.... PKg. O/]w . g
| an entry blank to participate in has been named to the Legislative was the guest of honor.
,Committee of the thirteenth an- Mr and Mrs. Roy Cook of Seat- TUNA Starkist]/,.canChUnk Style 3 f0r 00 m
• PILING AND LOGS | tile contest. Inual convention of the Interns- tie were guests at the Albert Le- . 111 II
For Sal- I the motorist must then com-
a I plots in no more than 50 additional ] tional Woodworkers of America. Gault home Sunday, also Dorothy
PHONE 601 | words the following statement: [Mr. Satterthwaite is president of Baldue and daughter. Her father, •
| ,All cars and trucks should be J local union 3-308 o fShelton. William Betsworth and her daugh- PEhCHES000000;;£
- .... , .... ' ,,.,,:, ..... =' safety-checked periodilcally he- ] With over 600 delegates and vis- ters called on the LeGaults Sun-
.. ...... cause .... I [°rs (;e::tenda:nc°theerC'°nBe, da;HeEeNGE WOOD is in for €
--]:": .......... :::1' il:'l'i":'-'l ....................... i'"; ................ --- .... I ......... -- ............ i ................... I o*. ;Gweek-long session Septem- the year. There were ten families .................. - ...............
Declmin- that the im . . represented there to cut it. Mr.,
o,.lu.,bor% logs is nJ°/2g °"- and M,: lau Da:er f, om .lmal . '€. REDEEm OUR COUO.S AT T.E .,.0
• 1' #' '7 r" sibm ..... were ouc zo vzslc a¢ ner mocner'sl KELLOGGS CORN SOYA ....... =., ,.oz.][... 1.. PALMOLIVE, SUPERSUDS, VEL&THE ,lli,
UD ID IL l of .__rot' an apln.e, claD!e amount home, Mrs• Mary Walk•, Mr. and[ KRUCTFAZ Dill .T V , CLEANSER--AJAX AND SAVE MeN E'
• -unemp,oy.men. z n the lumDer Mrs. Cups Hliboki and John were l
ay m ne united States, J. visitors at the Susie Hliboki homel IlL- %*"UJ" ,'HA ........ '........1T-US. lang. @ ... --II Pm.I.P. 1
. n, p'es,oon o,,ne w- this week. ' SUNSHINE KRIPY rRAC; .m. AAI ItL¢ANOmK &
CIO, pointed out that Canada iln- The 4-H dance which was , i IIiIRIGII , ............. Ib. lakg. L'd AAIaII=IIPII I/pc .............. -- i
][ A [7 .-PlPlPm°°llte s" .lt./moer. c.nanfr°n/the Unitedsne exportsStates Carlo scheduledpostponed fortmtllOCtober 7 haSthe 15th ofbeen'oc-, ARHOURIS DIR SOAP .e co, 25c ,u,.,,.. a . : ....... L,e."'
the o,.ntearates.. .... tober. It will be a regular barn I BEG- . ,.^. ............................ . .all ,,. SUPER SUDS GRAN. ,...,'
iaFex*_ .;rYentage oz tllat mat?r- dance SO come in your ginghams ,
MORE I/U ruuu .............................................. £ Tin, £01; na,m,u nmannaaFmmtmm= @
is " po'tea to .ne unites tates and jeans to make "it more real|s- I
m an unnmsneu stage and tic J / I0C COUPON INSIDE PACKAGE Illrl rAl.llLlll a
, Commons, . * needs further manufacture in the CLOQUALLUM CLUB will ' 2." ' Lge" 3 It ...... 2 ji I
United States and that many meet next Wednesday with Mrs.[ ,1 3Me./PEET S ................ ,kS. $ REG PALMOLIVE ..........
in this work, he said., serving [ [/ HEAVY SUDSER
S cra t eh, R o malls ---x-----r, xl \\; thousands of we r kern are eng aged Susie Hllboki and a co.hostes s --'/dl
p._---. ......................... Mr. and Mrs. Walt Kratchal --An Lge., CRYSTAL WHITE ..................
mker,ng Homemakerswere visited Sunday by a num-[ ................ "" CASHMeRe BOU00'T :
Clnh Tft Mt. N- 1 bcr of their friends and fellow l
--7..T= , "t .... Y" ".. ntemb'ers of the Evergreen Riding l :', ' ' .'
rmermg homemakers uluD Club I ,. . I
AVAILABLE iellreeaO°b?n23MWithRalTl Mr. Bob Graham's daughter and I x .... ////./zS/
\\; ............ . 1;'... family have moved into the snlaUl Softa, silk Cake Flour .... 44-oz, 37¢ I l,ff/[ .:
In Shelton eaarrS :sSeSSae.thinere wn! house on the old Sheilds place. The
t libeling e r 1 '
and members are to brine" h, llh. plac was ecent y bought from[ L. Glass CoeoallUt ............ 8-oz. 29¢ I (1./r"-¢ - td I
• " "'' ...... Don McCrea. I
/ -rI • shzubs and roots with name of .......... ,',*A,/.,) -*Y@','" .}: d r I'
::: article ^ .**.t._. .Mrs. Tnelnla oertsener {li'ove to
A New .o.d,n. uno,.P,% %;'%otck, nd Oly,npia this week he.lso,,alledl , s t ",'.:=.., -- -.-, ,
Vr'l'i Material Serivc¢ memberSlcc exce are to brina'_ _table ........ se,'v-I °nThoseMrs" NeffwhoMCQuCenattcndcdattlmDayton. Ipro Nalley's Lumberjack Syrup [ k ":_(/.., J: " '
selves and guests g'ress trange nlecting Io1" Lne[
\\;::=-j rccentlyadded , pt silve,are for the,,,- "- ' - -' ''J ___ The West's Favorite Syrup S /(Y, "-'&,
(4z-=- "" th corn , Ou'gtnl .wartD. JEdWaUer, ThelmaDoertscher and[ 24-OZ. 31¢ - 5-lb. Long John 77¢ AKER' Z
.-,'".IK tJ-2Jr. for 0s - J,auvx zata son Earnest, Mrs. LeGault, Bill! B
....//-/ mumty s c o n- ATTEND CONFAB Walk• ahd brother Andy, George [ Nailey's Pure Honey .... 5-lb. 79¢ ,o.,.,,
Several educational leaders from HIiboki and Mr. and Mrs. Happy[ I " . , 4 IN I g¢
V " ....... ./ venience by Shelton attended an administra- Balduc. However there were only
top's meeting at Olympia HLgh[ four of these who took the cleg'reel| . , - ".'-'. , INSTANT¢o¢OA SW||TvMIX 't .-.--
SChOol on 'lklesday. The program aS the rest were already members ll Nalley's Banquet Dills .......... 39¢/ '
was conducted by Dr. George Rea-[of Pomona. E1 Crisp - DelJcious :i: ] :
vis, Cincinnati, 6., of Field Enter-{,v,,vvw.,.v...,.,,..l I R
prises, Inc,, on the subject of cur-t'1€ * TT. C, II ' .i-- ,
riculum development. I JUnlor tllffn MOODSI 1 Nalley's Bee, f Stew .... 30-oz. 69¢ ,
Attending were Rudy Oltman, 1-- ---- € a- I• Just Heat and Serve ........... 16-oz. 37€
superintendent of city schools; ''''''*'*""*"
Bruce Schwarck, principal of the SCHOOL BUSES
Junior high school; Terser Lee, If you hear a lot of racket on
Employers nowadays oftencheck 'i,]
thc local Credit Bureau beforc they,
him a man for a responsib]'e,; high-sal-]
a fled job.
They know that the man witha"
reputation for paying his bills
pxomptly is a better prospcct than onc
whose name is carried in the Crcdit
Bureau records as "qlow Pay" or "Poor
Pay." They know that*the man.who is
conscientious in the discharge of obli-
gation,:, to his creditors is more likely
to be conscientious in hi'obligations
to his "Boss."
The man with a poor credit record
usually has two strikes against him
when hc applies for a job that invoh'es
financial or manatee, cnt_Lc:s_ponbili-
head of Shelton elementary
schools, and Frank Willard, Jack
Swanson and Mrs. Mary Anderson.
ties. Fo-employers and their personnel
managers, are not usually willing to
entrust important hun|hess affairs to
those who cannot efficiently manage
their personal affairs.
There is only one way to maintain
a .¢xl credit record. That.is to pay
)our bills when duc. %Vhilc it is, of
course, c¢tly and troublcsome to your
creditors when ),our payments are late,
ou are the big loser if your tardy pay-
mcnts sv,il your credit record. For
there's no telling when you may need
ercdit to meet an cmcrgency, or a good
credit rccord to takc advantage of a
big opportunity.
Buy only what you can pay for--
pay for it whcn it is due,
t h e Shelton-Olympia highway
about eight o'clock in the morn-
ins, think nothing of it. it's just
Bns 14 coming in.
Poor Mr. Floyd Nesbitt trudgcs
drearily out to the bus cvcry
morning to start his routcs. The
first one goes out by Moultrop's
station, tlen to school. The othcr
onc goes to Arcadia. There are
about 63 childrcn on thc first run
and about 73 on the second. The
bus driver hcavesa sigh of relief
when he gets to chool. Bus 14
was new last year.
You may have sccn Mr. Nes-
bitt around thc junior high. lie
i handyman and does work ar-
ound all the schools during the
day.By Karla Jansson.
$ $ *
The Bordeaux P.-T.A. is build-
ing a playshed for the children
of Bordeaux. The fathers .and the
high school carpentry class have
been working on it for some'
It will be used for a rainy wea-
ther play space during recen and
before and after chool for bu
Anyone can use it after school.
Basltetball equipment may bc put
in later.
According to Turgot Lee, prin-
cipal of Lincoln and Bordeaux,
the playshed will be ready for use
in about one week, although it
will not be completed for about
one month. Onc of the reasons for
building thc playhcd is that thc
basement is full of claaes and
there is no place for the children
to play on rainy days.By Karla
Due to the overcrowded school
here at Shelton Junior High
School, 52 students werc scnt,
down o Lincoln Grade School.
These pupils werc from districts
otimr than 309. All arc cventhl
graders, Mrs. Marble teaches lmlf]
of the class and Mrs. Sheldon the
other half.
Mr. Schwarck aid these sev-
enth graders will come to S.J.H.S.
for the eighth grade next year,
and the eventh graders from out-
lying districts will go Lo Lincoln
next year also. Most of the pupils
like it but arc anxious to get to
junior high schooL--By Roberts
After a short illness Mrs. Ollic
Cleveland was back teaching
school last l1onday. She is feel-
ing much better and ssid he
would rather be teaching than
home in bed.
She is teaching Washington,
State History and English thi
The subjects she most enjoys
teaching are dramatics, speech,
English, history and algebra.By
Jo Paulcy.
NO. 1 SPUDS ....... 10 lbs. 35 ¢
3 ¢
CABBAGE .............. lb. 2€
CELERY ............... lb. 3 €
NO. 2 SPUDS ...... 50 lbs. 19 €.
DRY ONIONS ....... 10 lbs. 39*
......... lb. 23 ¢
.......... lb. 10 ¢
CIDER ..... :½-gal :39 . gal. 69
APPLES ............. 3 lbs. 25
ECOIOMICA.. Here at the L.M, all
personally selected and government gr=d
"good" or "Choice." Your complete
absolutely guarantced.
Round Bone or
Blade ................................................
Lean Streaked. Grand for
Seasoning ........................................
Graded Good. Lean
and Meaty ........................ = ...............
White Flake
Pound Package .......................
A delicious combination of beef,
veal and l)ork ..................................
Established 1895
Any size
• piece ....................................................
i :!i