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City agrees to continue
its pot moratorium
By NATALIE JOHNSON "We've already seen indication that entre-
preneurs will stretch it further than we'd like
The City of Shelton Commission agreed to them to," he said. "The moratorium will give
continue a six-month moratorium on coopera- us a chance to make those decisions."
tive medical marijuana gardens Monday. The moratorium will extend for about the
'"We need to step back and a moratorium is next five and a half months, O'Leary said, and
a good way to do that," Commissioner Dawn during that time, city staff will research and
Pannell said. draft zoning ordinances regulating the gar-
State legislators recently legalized collec- dens.
tive marijuana grow gardens in Washington "There are just mo many uncertainties -
State through the passage of Engrossed Sec- there are too many ambiguities the way the
ond Substitute Bill 50731ESSB 5073). law's been handed down." commissioner Mike
According to the bill, in section 402, "Quali- Byrne said. %Ve would probably make a simi-
fying patients may create and participate in lar action for anything that came down ...
collective gardens for the purpose of produc- with these kinds of regulations."
ing, processing, transporting, and delivering Mayor John Tarrant said that without reg-
cannabis for medical use." ulation the cooperative gardens could become
Mason County enacted a similar morato- an "attractive nuisance," or an attraction to
rium this summer. Both commissions have crime. He also expressed concern because
cited a lack of zoning ordinances to regulate marijuana IS still illegal according to federal
these cooperative gardens, law and said under state law, there is noth-
"The complication with this is its brand new ing stopping someone from forming a garden
law," City Admimstrator Dave O'Leary said. close to a school.
O%eary said one of the mare questions the "Having the gardens if you will presents a
city has about the legislation is one of defmi- real problem for our police force." he said
tion. He said the cit:~ has room to more strictly After the six month moratorium is over,
define the cooperative gardens, the city will have the option of renewing it.
Journal DnO[O O~ Natahe Johnson
Charles Greninger is full of gratitude for his friends at Mason County
after they helped save his life during a heart attack.
Employees come together to help
colleague during heart attack
November 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19. At The Pavilion at
Sentry Park in Shelton. Tickets on sale until November 9.
Saturday. November 19
Candy Cane Carnival Co-sponsored by South Sound Radiology
Children's activities, Santa, refreshments, surprises, raffle & gift shop.
10:00 a,m, - 11:30 a,m.
Reservations Required
$10°° I adult and I child • $400 each additional guest
Saturday, November 19
Gala and Auction Co-sponsored by Hiawatha Corporation & Hoffman Counstruction Company
Gourmet dining, silent & live auctions, gift shop, raffle & no-host bar. Black tie optional.
6:00 p.m, - 10:00 p.m.
Reservations Required
$1,50000 Emerald reserved table of 10 • $15000 Single Ticket Purchase
Emerald table includes a limited edition ornament for each guest, preferred seating & personal wait staff for your table.
$1,20000 Sapphire reserved table of 10 ° $1 ~t000 Single Ticket Purchase
Sapphire table includes an amJreciation gift for each guest.
Tuesday. November i 5
Fantasy Laugh Factory
Sponsored by Dynamic Collectors, Inc.
Come enjoy an adult night out with live comedy featuring
entertainment by comedian and ventriloquist Justin Ver
Burg. Includes a raffle, a gift shop, buffet dinner,
extravaganza and No-Host Cash Only Bar.
5:30 p.m. Cocktails • 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. Dinner
Event Ends at 9:30 p.m.
Reservations Required ]
530°° per person
MGH Foundation also acknowledges the following
sponsors for their support of the 2011 Fantasy Forest
Event: Advertising Sponsor-Christmas Village, Gift
Shop-Heritage Bank, Co-Memorial Tree-John _. Scott Real
Estate. Entertainment Cellnetix Pathology & Laboratory,
Volunteer Village-Taylor Shellfish Farm, inc. Raffle
Sponsors - Peninsula Credit Union. Mar3 Anne Munson,
Skookum Rotary Foundation: Oysterfest Dollars at Work,
ano MASCO Petroleum ~~t
For reservations and tickets, call (360) 427-3623 or go
online at www.MasonGeneral.com/201 I fantasv_forest.htrnl
**Portrait packages available for
aurchase. Offered by Cooper
Studios at these events: Father-
Daughter Night out, Dance Fever,
Candy Cane Carnival and Gala &
Auction. A portion of sales will be
donated to MC HF.
By NATALIE JOHNSON pound lady with a high heel heart attack," he said. "There
standing on my chest." was a couP~le ~of lad~e~ - ~the.y
Charles Greninger was Greninger now knows he brought out 'ice. Somebody
having the golf game of his was having a nasty heart at- brought out~a bag of tater tots
life on August 2, but what he tack. but at the time, nobody but didn't know it was open.~ ]
remembers about that day is thought it could be a heart remember feeling things fall-
how friends, strangers and attack, ing on my head - there were
fellow golfers came together His golfing buddies werebits of potato all around me."
to save his life. worried, Greninger said.Eventually the ambulance
At Lake Limerick Golf Some people believed it was did arrive and transported
Course on that Tuesday af- a stomach ailment, others Greninger to Providence St.
ternoon in August, he andthought it was a pulled mus- Peter Hospital in Olympia
many other Mason County cle. where he had a stint placed
employees played nine holes "I didn't want to quit,"in a 100 percent blocked ar-
with the county's golf league, he said. "I just went and lay tery. A month later surgeons
"It's a way for employeesdown in the fairway while put in another stint for a 90
to get some exercise and get they hit their balls." percent blocked artery.
each other," he said. But after a short time, ev- Greninger knows he's
"1 kn°playingwas probably the ery0ne knew something was lucky to be alive, for a variety
best I've played in 20 years." seriously wrong. Doug Elling- of reasons.
But at the seventh hole son insisted on calling an am- just finished going
things took a turn for the bulance even though Gren- through Stage 4 cancer -
worse. After hitting a great ingerjust wanted to go home. lymphoma," he said. "It was
drive, Gremnger said he While Ellingson and fel-just a month afLer my last CT
dropped to one knee in pain. low golfer Marty Best called scan after a year and I have a
"I had a pain in my chest, the ambulance, Greningerheart attack playing golf. The
Immediately I thought it was tried to make it to his car to doctor said because of the ac-
indigestion," he said. go home, but collapsed on the tions of people helping that
He blamed the intense fairway. Immediately he was there's no major damage to
pain on a Power Bar his golf- surrounded by other golfers my heart."
ing partner Leslie Mosleyand residents of the Lake Greninger's cardiolo-
gave him earlier, but the "in- Limerick course who waited gist said he owes a lot to his
digestion" he felt, didn't go with him all 25 minutes until friends at Mason County.
away. the ambulance showed up."He said if [Ellingson]
Greninger played on to the Greninger said he doesn't would have let me go home
next hole, but after hitting remember much about the someone would have found
another spectacular drive, wait for the ambulance, ex- me dead," Gremnger said.
this time the pain physically cept people trying to keep "I hope the [Mason County]
knocked him down. him cool. commission would recognize
"It was like an ice pick," "I remember - still no- these individuals for going
he said. "It felt like a 500 - body knew I was having aabove and beyond."
Scavenger hunt set for weekend
Hood Canal Adventures doing a statewide one." Mason County.
is hosting its second-annual Over the course of this The grand prizes will be
geocache bash this week- two-day event, which com- awarded at the end of the
end. Oct. 8 and 9, through- mences at 8 a.m. on Sat-two-day event, and partici-
out Mason County. urday, Oct. 8 at the Alder- pants must be present to
The modern-day treasure brook Resort & Spa, eachwin.
hunt, whereby teams use team will use a GPS device There is more than $5,000
GPS devices and clues to to locate hidden contain- in prizes.
find hidden items redeem- ers. called caches, that are The event will also fea-
able for prizes, attracted placed at specific GPS coor- ture a visit from Jack Pe-
200 participants last year dinates throughout Masonters, author of "The Com-
and the event coordinators County. Each cache is filled plete Idiot's Guide to Geo-
expect attendance to double with clues, items or trea- cache," and participants
this go-around, sures, will receive free water
"Last year, we had 200 There will be 30 hidden bottles sponsored by differ-
and this year we hope to caches to locate on the first ent local businesses -- the
have 400," said David Wag- day and 20 hidden cachesproceeds from the water
net, co-owner of Hood Canal to locate on the second day. bottle ad sales will go to-
Adventures. '~We're trying Participants are required to ward the Hood Canal IGA
to promote this thing to oth- find each cache for a chance
er counties and we're also to win prizes and the caches
looking at the possibility of are scattered throughout
Sponsorea by:
~Breast, Cervical and
Colon Health Proqram
Savk~g Lb/es Throu¢~h Early D~t,~ctkm
Saturday, October 15, 8 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Main Entrance of MGH
FREE dioital mammogram screening for women uninsured
or under-insureo, aged 40 to 64 t0thefirstBOwomen whouualily/.
Funded by the Karen Hilburn Breast & Cervical Cancer Fund the Wasmngton Breast. Cervica
and Colon Health Prograrr and Susan G. Komen for the Cure/Puget Sound. Women who
are insured for mammograms may make an appointment for a digital mammogram a~ a
ater date by calling B60} 427-9590.0ution 1.
Nutritional services
M Cardiac health - DIOOO oressure screening ano
information on heart health for women
Diabetes - testing ano self-assessment
[] Information on HPV vaccine used to prevent the types of
genita numan papillomaviruses (HPV's) that cause most
cases of cervical cancer ano genita war~s
[] Clinica breast exam Dy MGH nealtncare DrOvider
[] Healthy refreshments
Mason General Hospital
& Family of Clinics
~lt Mason General HosPital
Goto~~ 901 Mountain View Drive. Shelton WA
MyMosonHeolth.corn For information: (360~, 432-7706
for medicol histories
store's Wounded Warrior
project for injured service
men and women.
WWW. rn asoncou nty.co m
Shelton-Mason C.ounty Journal -Thursday, October 6, 2011 - Page A-3