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October 6, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 6, 2011
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JOURNALEDITORIAL We made a mistake Two weeks ago, we published news. a story on the unemployment We made a mistake. rate in Mason County and the All of the facts reported in our state of our local economy. We front-page story were accurate. reported that unemployment And, the article was based upon rose from July to August of this information given to us by the year, and that was not good state's economists and statisti- clans. However, our m~stake was with August of 2010. boom days of the past, we are that we failed to make a correct When we made this year-to- seeing gradual improvement comparison, year comparison we discovered a over last year. You see, every yc ~ since ~ ~ of good news What's even better news is 2007, the unemplo: ment rate m Unemploym~:nt m August of unemployment has fallen nearly Mason County has increased in 2010 stood at nearly 11 percent. 20 percent from this recession's August, when compared to July. This past August, unemployment high in the past 19 months. In this context, the story chang- felt almost 4 percent to 10.5 per. We're not dancing in the es quite a bit. cent. streets just yet, but we are A more realistic analysis While we have not yet reachedvery happy to see some posi- should have compared the unem- the single digit unemploymentlive trends when it comes to the ployment rate in August of 2011 rate enjoyed in the economic economy. LETTERSTOTHEEDIT()R" Port is in and Cold Weather ShelterJohn i~Thurston County while These accomplishments in difficult times. More at the Parish Hall of St. my spouse was in extended by the school board and its are on the way. Our school David's Church. St. Ed- treatment amounts to thou- members, Sue and Gent district is in better shape way of jobs wardsYouth Group, Faith sands of dollars. Iknowof happened at a time of actu- financially because ofthe Lutheran Youth Group, many who also make theseal and impending cuts f~om decisions that have been Editor, the Journal United Methodist Youth m e m o r i a trips for health care month state and federal funding, made. I believe the current Group, Dr. Stephen Bow- m after month. [ wonder how Please join me in casting board, working with the Do we have some great era, Laurie McClanahan the Economic Development a vote to retain Sue Mc-new superintendent, will port commissioners, or and Dawn Pannell all vol- tribute Council of Mason CountyCausland and Gent Cra- continue to do a good job what'? They schemed for unteered to be "dunked" for reacts to this fact? ter on the Shelton School as they deal with the tough months in their secret the homeless. Thank you to Board on November 8. budgetary issues and con- meetings on how to jam Shelton and in particular to Editor, the Journal Janelle Personius tinue to make the decisions through the Adage bio- these outstanding citizens John Hoover was a great Union John Tarrant that need to be made. They mass pollution generator, for their support, man and a great artist. I Shelton are a dedicated and capable They proudly announced first met him 35 years ago, group of individuals that that we were going to get Fr. JosephMikelas an uncertain graduateWe were all bring different perspee- the enormous benefit of St. David of Wales student and Shelton native, Who are the tivesto the discussion. I'm friends disappointed that Dean 20 jobs as a result of this Episcopal Churchthrough Nell Parson, the at Hirschi has chosen not to forward-thinking proposal. SheltonBlackfoot Indian painter, members of One commissioner even an- This internationally run again. nounced, "Anyone against known artist took me un- Sue McCausland and this wonderful proposal was der his wing, selflessly th is Gent Crater are both up a kook." In return for these introducing me to the ma- for reelection. They are valuable jobs, we only had jor players in the budding Editor, the Journal m"s*e r" o u sy t, | both approachable, make themselves accessible to our to give up some air quality world of Native American i did OysterFest Satur- school community members for the next 20-50 years. Art, all of whom are now day. All the money goes to Another small concession gone: Fritz Scholder, the local nonprofits and every-coalition? and have listened to my was having diesel trucks needed -- painter; Will Sampson, the one who attended seemed concerns on many occa- pounding down our roads actor; Marilyn Butler, the really happy. Everyone was sions. They are both com- 24/7 to feed this monster, of Editor, the Journal passionate individuals that Of course, all the electricity get out gallery owner; and wealthy shilling and super iYiendly collectors. That gesture(could it have been the beer care about the students, was going to California. alone defines greatness,garden and the wine last- 1 have been a voluntem families and employees in Now a developer has the way When I invited John ing?), in Shelton schools fbr the their district. They have proposed building a hous- to speak to my Central Standing m line we past t2 years and have proven that they can make ing and retail development Shelton Washington University were all friends hap- regularly attended school tough, yet fair, decisions. south of the airport that art class afterwards with pily standing m line being board meetings fbr the past They have earned my sup- would create 1,000 new jobs typical prescient humor, he ~upei ~ocial A tbe[u*g ot five years. I've noticed that port in their reelection. and our good old boys are Make an iiffbrmed deci- fighting tooth and nail to Editor, the Journal dismissed intellectuals as no hurry, because we came community members and easily bored and in need of to enjoy and that is what parents rarely attend these sion, support our schools prevent the developer from After hearing a heated constant amusement, tblks did. From the littlest meetings. During this five- and remember to vote. getting building permits. Of discussion in favor of Vista His influence was in- OysterFester riding the year period, I was often the course I'm sure it's only a Oncology at the local meet- strumental in my artistic train and squeezing those only non-school district em- Helen Thomson coincidence that some of the ing of Fiercely Independent development, urging me rubber horns to the attend- ployee in the room. I attend Shelton commissioners are private Elders and then receiving to paint my heritage, the ees using their walker to these meetings to educate pilots, a phone eall from another Northwest, where lfbund getabout, this ~as the 30th myselton the challenges What Have you ever asked highly satisfied Vista pc- my voice. I became the first OysterFest and ]~got thefacing our school district yourself', "I wonder why tient ... and then reading woman to teach painting feehng the oldest attendees and about the people we there aren't more big stores your newspaper account, and drawing at Arizona had been here be,bre, some put m positions to repre- exac~'|1/i.,~ is in the Shelton area like I can only shake my head State University. of them 29 times, sent us. Costco or Home Depot?" I and wonder what in the John Jay was a zeitgeist It felt like we were all In her recent letter to the thought the reason for the world is going on in Shel- shaman, a storyteller and friends at OysterFest, hap- editor, Holly Sharpe, a for- the port commissioners was to ton's government? Let me a romantic, with one foot pily raising money tbr Shel- mer scho61 board member promote development and state that I am fiercely on on earth, he was able toton's nonprofits, mentioned an organization l itio n ? jobs, not dig in their heels the side of Vista Or/cology make art and support his My thanks to Skookum called the "Coalition ibrcon when a new environmen- having a complete opera-family for the remainder of Rotary and all of its mere- School Board Excellence." tally sound, non-polluting tion in Shelton, including the year from his summerbers fbr hosting anotherWhy has this organiza- Editor, the Journal proposal was presented, chemotherapy etc., mostly earnings as a Bristol Bay awesome OysterFest! lion only now surfaced, at because I honestly feel salmon fisherman, the begriming of election Concerning Holly Joe Carneytheir very professional of- John's elegant, stylized Katherine Priceseason? On what informa-Sharpe's letter to this pub- Shelton rices in Olympia saved my carvings and out-sized Shelton lion are they basing their lication dated Sept. 22, one life. I traveled all the way sculptures both broke and opinion that current board must do their homework to Olympia for several embraced traditional andRetai members should be re- befbre blindly accepting" nk nk months for chemotherapy he lived to see the Smithso- ]1 OLaF placed? Where has the "co- candidate endorsements. D t~ ta and associated treatmentnian acquire his pieces, alition" been during the last What exactly is The Coali- and my lymphoma cancer Like all magic, John's S h e ]to n two years of budget chal- lion for School Board Ex- raises is now clear. It wasn't easy, stint on this earth will re- lenges, when others havecellence? A Google search but at least it was over main indefinable. But I am School labored to make difficult turns up no results, no spring, summer and early certain his friendship, love decisions? Without a dem- website, just a Facebook money fall months. Local govern- and grace were a blessing onstrated involvement inpage with a mere eight ment's asking sick local and a gift to those who fell this process, during meet- "likes," four of which are residents to make that trip, under his spell, ings in the public arena, I the two Shelton School Editor, the Journal especially over the hazard- am left to wonder if this co- Board candidates endorsed Shelton, sincemyar- ousmonths, when it could Rebecca Hollandmembers alition is nothing more than by the collation, Ms. Sharpe rival here in March of this be done by qualified profes- Lake Oswego, Ore. a per'sonal agenda, to be and Wendy Wilson:Hoss. year, has demonstrated sional here is no less than played out at the expense of' I find it interesting that on countless occasions an criminal. I am aware of a Editor, the Journal uur children's education, the endorsement of these enormous spirit of caring local cancer patient who 5helton is l have had the privilege1 would like to have been candidates is sandwiched and support for our com- tried to voice her concerns of' knowing Sue McCaus intbrmed by this coalition, between Judge Settle's 9/11 munity members often with city planning, etc.,los in g land and Gent Crater forabout the three new people speech quotes. I wonder if referred to as "the home- and has not even received a number of years. More running for the school the judge sanctions having less." I am in surprised the courtesy of a returned recently, Sue and Gent board positions. What his name-dropped in what wonder at this outpouring phone call. And now Shel- money have dedicated their col- makes them qualified? appear to be an unsolicited of support as we work to ton government's printed lective energy toward a This coalition urges us to be backhanded endorsement. find ways to reach out and paltry paperwork excuses focused plan for the Shelton an infbrmed electorate, yet Concerning the current step up to this reality, the and finger pointing makeEditor, the Journal Schools as board members, they failed to inform. So, I school board, they hare do- reality ofhomelessness, me sick. Not only are they With reference to the ar- With their combined lead- suggest you get informed, ing an excellent job. Here Shelton, given its economic denying ill local citizens of ticle "City, vista battle over ership we have seen: theattend meetings, ask ques- are a few of their accom- reality, is truly inspiring, well qualified highly pro- permits" on the front page development of" a ne w stra- lions of' all candidates. Get plishments over the past In particular I am grateful fessional local services but of the Thursday, Sept. 29, tegic plan for the Shelton your infbrmation first hand. two years. They choose to for those who helped at the denying the community ofJournal, I concur with local schools; a three-year re- Find out for yourself. Board allow OBJH to focus on its Skookum Rotary drive at the economic benefits ofresident Robert Shaw. Heplacement levy that passed members are there to repre- plan for school improve- OysterFest. At OysterFest successful local employer was pictured testifying at with 63 percent; the avoid- sent you. Make the decision ment, rather than taking there was the opportunity and office site. Get out of the Shelton City Commis-ance of massive reduction yourself, federal dollars (which al- to "Dunk A Friend/Save A the way, Shelton. sion meeting and quoted in force and layoffs and the Based on my personal ob-ways come with strings at- Life" at the dunk tank. The stating how much money he Shelton School District's servations and experience, tached). By focusing on that dunk tank raised money Gordon Personiusfeels Shelton is losing. The reserve fund improved tothis school board has had ibr the Community Meals Union amount of money I spent five percent, to make tough decisions See Letter on page A-5 Shelton-Mason C~unty USPS 492-800 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Shelton-Mason County Journal, RO. Box 430, Shelton, WA 98584. Published weekly by Shelton-Mason County Journal, Inc. at 227 West Cota Street, Shelton, Washington Mailing address: RO. Box 430, Shelton, WA 98584 Telephone (360) 426-4412 • Periodicals postage paid at Shelton, Washington Shelton-Mason County Journal is a member of Washington Newspaper Publishers' Association. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $37 per year for Mason County addresses, $51 per year in state of Washington but outside Jesse Mullen, general mgr. Newsroom: Kevan Moore, managing editor Aria Shephard, North Mason, environment, reporter Mason County, $61 per year out of state• Owned and published by Shelton-Mason County Joumal, Inc Advertising: Dave Pierik, advertising manager Harvey Morris, ad representatwe Front office: Donna Kinnaird, bookkeeper Natalie Johnson, reporter Margot Brand, circulation Emily Hanson, sports reporter Cricket Carter, mailroom Adam Rudnick, copy editor supervisor Composing room: William Adams, graphics Koleen Wood, classifieds/legals Becky Corr, typing Pressroom: Kelly Riordan, production manager Travis Miller press operator Page A-4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, October 6, 2011