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Calls reported to Shelton Police,
Mason County Sheriffs Office and
Tribal agencies included:
At 12:39 p.m. on Sept. 30, items
were reported stolen from a shed
and a home in the 6600 block of
East State Route 106, Union. All
items in the bedrooms, including
two beds, were taken. The burglary
likely took place sometime in the
past two weeks.
vidual reported that he was as- of East Park Drive.
saulted by a man on his property
after the reporting person said At 3:08 p.m. on Sept. 28, a man
they would not go cut wood with reported that plums had been sto-
the person. The incident took place len from his plum tree in the 1300
in the 23500 block of North U.S. block of Northeast Mission Creek
Highway 101. Road. Approximate value of the
plums was $30.
Sex crimes
At 2:27 p.m. on Oct 1, an indi- At 9:12 a.m. on Oct. 1, a child's
vidual reported a sex offense in ru- bicycle was reported stolen in the
ral Mason County. No other details 200 block of North 1st Street.
were provided.
At 2:04 p.m. on Sept. 30, an in- At 1:19 p.m. on Oct. 2, an indi-
dividual reported that entry was vidual reported that an 11-year-old
gained to their vacation home in girl known to the reporting person
the 400 block of East Christian might be being molested. The re-
Lane. All of the reporting person's porting person said this has been
alcohol and junk food were taken, ongoing and they were worried
about it.
At 12:54 p.m. on Oct, 1, a pos-
sible residential burglary was re- Disturbances
ported in the 300 block of North At 5:53 p.m. on Sept. 28, an in-
12th Street. dividual reported that two people
were throwing fists in a car near
At 9:58 p.m. on Oct. 1, an individ- the Red Apple on Cascade Avenue.
ual reported that somebody tried to
break into their house in the 1600 At 5:10 a.m. on Oct. 2, an in-
block of Washington Street. dividual reported a man yelling,
screaming and playing loud music
At 3:53 a.m. on Oct. 2, a bur- in the 3300 block of West Martin
At 1:42 p.m. on Oct. 1, a maroon
Jeep drove off with 21.35 gallons
of fuel in the 23900 block of North-
east State Route 3.
At 3:32 p.m. on Oct. 1, a 1987
Acura Legend was reported stolen.
At 7:03 p.m. on Oct. 1, a boat,
copper wire and construction equip-
ment was reported stolen from the
400 block of East Christian Lane.
At 7:01 p.m. on Oct. 2, an indi-
vidual reported that copper wire
and other items were taken from
the 2500 block of East South Island
glary was reported in the 500 block Road. At 5:10 a.m. on Oct. 2, a man re-
of West Deegan Road West. portedly stole gas in the 100 block
Domestic violence of East Elk Place.
At 11:48 p.m. on Oct. 2, an indi- At 1:07 p.m. on Sept. 28, a dis-
vidual reported that somebody was turbance between two brothersAt 12:47 p.m. on Oct. 2, an indi-
breaking into an apartment next was reported in the 100 block of vidual reported that a battery was
door in the 24100 block of North- East Birch Place. taken out of their camper in the 2300
east State Route 3. block of Callanan Street. Estimated
At 8:38 a.m. on Sept. 30, a man value of the battery was $100.
At 3:09 p.m. on Oct. 3, a possible and a woman were reportedly in
burglary was reported in the 1900 a verbal altercation in the street At 12:56 p.m. on Oct. 2, a 1990
block of Hay Street. near West E Street and Madison Mazda B2000 pickup truck was re-
Street. ported stolen from the 100 block of
East Earll Drive.
At 2:30 p.m. on Sept. 28, an indi-
vidual reported that he walked into
his back yard in the 100 block of
East Elk Place and was ye]led at by
a subject. The subject then started
beating him up and demanding
At 10:28 a.m. on Oct. 1, an indi-
vidual reported that they were just
hit with a car in the 2900 block of
Southeast Arcadia Road.
At 7:15 p.m. on Oct. 1, an indi-
vidual reported that their father At 12:57 p.m. on Oct. 2, a theft
hit her and made her get out of a of a chop saw was reported in East
vehicle on the side of the road on Shorecrest Drive.
East Johns Prairie Road.
At 3:04 p.m. on Oct. 2, a chain-
Thefts saw was reported stolen from the
At noon on Sept. 27, a catalytic 2300 block of West Hurley Wald-
converter was reported stolen off a rip Road. Estimated valued of the
truck on East Pickering Road. Val- chainsaw was $510.
ue was estimated at $1,400.
At 2:15 p.m. on Sept. 28, a hum-
At 3:37 p.m. on Oct. 1, a physical ber of items were reported stolen
assault was reported in the 1900 from a boat in the 300 block of East
block of Olympic Highway North. Dana Drive.
At 2:31 p.m. on Sept. 28, a mail
At 8:27 a.m. on Oct. 2, an indi- theft was reported in the 100 block
At 3:12 p.m. on Oct. 2, an indi-
vidual reported that her wallet was
stolen from her purse at the Red
Apple, located in the 700 block of
Cascade Avenue. A Social Security
card, driver's license and debit card
were in the wallet.
At 12:12 a.m. on Oct. 3, a rear
license place was reported stolen
in the 2500 block of Southeast Old
Olympic Highway.
booked at 7:25 p.m. for theft second
Rocky Ray Garrick, 26, of the
200 block of West E. Street was
At 1:22 p.m. on Oct. 3, traffic booked at 8:13 p.m. for malicious
cones were reported stolen from mischief third degree, obstructing
an individual's property in the 100 law enforcement and resisting ar-
block of North Hamma Hamma rest.
Drive East. The theft occurred two
weeks ago. Sept. 30
Ashley M. McCord, 21, of the
At 1:54 p.m. on Oct. 3, golf car 100 block of East Sleaford Road
batteries were reported stolen in was booked at 6:32 p.m. for DWLS
the 2500 block of East South Island third degree.
At 5:48 p.m. on Oct. 3, a video
game was reported stolen from the
mail in the 200 block of East Park
Loop. A neighbor found an empty
mail pouch in a ditch. The game
was Gears of War 3.
At 8:33 p.m. on Oct. 3, an indi-
vidual reported that while she was
house sitting for someone in the
1200 block of East Leeds Drive and
her niece stole jewelry from the
homeowners. Value of the jewelry
was unknown.
At 3 p.m. on Sept. 27, goats were
reported in the road in the 7300
block of West Cloquallum Road.
The reporting person said they
chased them off but said they will
come back.
At 6:39 p.m. on Sept. 28, an in-
dividual reported that their dog
was shot during the day in the 300
block of Southeast Johns Road.
At 3:52 p.m. on Sept. 30, an in-
dividual reported that they were
asked to watch a person's dog in
the 100 block of Turner Avenue
while he went to the restroom.
When that individual returned, he
said that it was the reporting per-
son's dog now.
Sept. 27
Milton David Choate, 48, of the
200 block of Southeast Klah Che
Min Drive was booked at 11:27 p.m.
for two counts of assault fourth de-
gree and residential burglary.
Sept, 29
Desiree Dawn Forsberg, 20, of
the 1900 block of Laurel Street was
Darrin Duwane Lisk, a tran-
sient, was booked at 7:28 p.m. for
violation of protection order.
Jorge Luis Perez Jimenez, of the
17300 block of 121st Street, Gig
Harbor, was booked at 8:52 p.m. for
NVOL without identification.
Oct. 1
George David Alexander, 41, of
an unknown Shelton address was
booked at 8:52 p.m. for violation of
protection order.
Martin Venegas Canseco, 27, of
the 1100 block of West Railroad
Avenue was booked at 9:47 p.m. for
DWLS third degree.
Oct. 2
Anthony James Arrott, 23, of
the 5300 block of Narada Court SE,
Lacey, was booked at 5:42 a.m. for
two counts of assault third degree
and two counts of harassment.
Russell Allan Coopride, 50, of
the 200 block of Southeast Noble
Glen Drive was booked at 2:55 p.m.
for assault second degree.
Daniel Louis Doyle, 20, of the
300 block of Southeast Alpine
Avenue was booked at 9:14 p.m.
for possession of a controlled sub-
Oct. 3
Kris Alexander Saeger, 33, of
the 3300 block of West Martin
Road was booked at 4:11 p.m. for
harassment investigation.
Oct. 4
Eugene Wayne Davis, 43, of the
400 block of Cookson Street was
booked at 12:49 a.m. for intimidat-
ing a public servant.
"Dad sits at home all day while
I'm at work. I'm afraid that he's just
wasting away. He can't dothe things
he used to do and his friends are gone,
but he'd never go to a nursing home.
What can I do?"
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Branch Teller Staff .......................................
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Lindsay Brooke Terri Rachel Megan Krista
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View Branch Teller Staff
ili:iii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiii!iiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiii!iBiackRow: Leah Henson, JulieGarvin, Elizabeth Bates,
iiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiii!i!iiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiilili!iii!iiiiiiiiiiliii ili!iiiiiii!;i Front Row: Kayla Paradise, Dan e e Lane, Angela Velkov ..........................
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Page A-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, October 6, 2011