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by Sarah Newman, D.C.
In this era of escalating health
costs, it is preferable to maintain
ath an l
to ignore it
and risk a
health crisis.
In accepting
for one's own
health, there
has been
a decided
shift toward Sarah Newman, D.C.
exercise, improved dietary habits
and stress reduction. As the world's
oldest, drug-free healing profession,
chiropractic encourages this natural
approach. By eliminating restrictions
on the flow of nerve energy as it
courses through the spinal column
on its way to virtually every area of
the body, the doctor of chiropractic
hopes to free the body's natural
recuperative powers. The more the
public knows about the chiropractic
approach to maintaining health,
the better it can make informed
decisions about everyone's number
one priority -- good health.
'Racing' author speaks to Shelton readers
Seattle writer Garth
Stein stopped in Shelton
on Tuesday to discuss his
2008 novel "The Art of Rac-
ing in the Rain."
Through the hour-long
event at the Shelton Tim-
berland Library, Stein had
his audience in stitches
talking about his novel,
narrated by a dog named
Enzo, who lives for race
cars and believes someday
he will be reincarnated as
a human.
"It's kind of hard to say
where an idea comes from
for a book. It's kind of like
a stew," he said.
Stein travelled to Shel-
ton as part of the annual
Timberland Reads Togeth-
er program, which chose
"The Art of Racing in the
Rain as its communal book
this October.
It was a long road to
publish this book. While
Stein believed the book to
We are pleased to welcome be a future success when Jour,va~ photo by Natalie Johnson
you to our column. Maybe it's he wrote it, his agent at the Garth Stein, author of The Art of Racing in the
time you give chiropractic heaRh- time was not impressed. "
care a try. At NEWMAN FAMILY Rain," came to the Shelton Timberland Library
CHIROPRACTIC, we will only accept "My agent finally called as part of the Timberland Library's Timberland
you as a patient if we sincerely feel me ... he said, 'It's nar- Reads Togeth r program.
we can help you. We're Iocatedl at d~iin~ih~Wei[~ E~ f~!wornen 25 and~ge~ : ' i:::: :: rated by a dog. I can't sell e
2211Jefferson St., where we start ~~(~6) ppgnw:or ia i i
by a
wanttoaccomplishwithyourhealth Stein said. "He said I was z~ ~S
andbody. We will inform you about i yo a!i foiiedu edfees i ~$z.~ destroying my career andmt k nd of hard to say
the services we offer, and hope to his along with it." e
answeranyquestionsyoumayhave. :::: i :: Stein fired his agent be- whet aa idea comes from
For gentle and safe chiropractic fore the conversation was
care, call us at 360,426.3886 to for a book° it's kind of ~ike
schedule an appointment, even over.
P.S. Nerve energy, emanating After finding a new
from the brain either directly or agent more sympathetic to ,, a stew."
indirectly, controls every organ and his book, "The Art of Rac-
function in the body. ing in the Rain" was pub-
www.newmanfamilychiro,com lished, spent two and a braries are safe. , a.m. to 1 p.m.
'" half years on the New York In addition to Stein s The Shelton library will
Times Best Sellers List,program, the Shelton Tim- also have a car-themed art
and has been translated berland Library will have display and a pet food drive
i • i!.:ii into 30 languages, several other programming through October. Proceeds
Soon the book will be related to his book in the will go to local animal sheL
i. i!i ~ ~i! i:ii: adapted to a movie star-neXtonTuesday, Oct. 11themOnth" ters.
~ .................... ,~i ~ii~i:!i ~i i!ii ring Patrick Dempsey,
~J: ~ Stein said. Book-It Repertory Theatre in Mason County will also
Stein encouraged those will perform "The Art ofhost discussions on Stein's
in attendance to contin-Racing in the Rain." Thebook.
ue supporting their local theatre group, based in These discussions are
bookstores and libraries. Seattle, creates live the- scheduled from 5:30 p.m.
"In this time of tough ater out of books, bringing to 6:30 p.m. on Thursday,
economic stress we have scenes to life with live ac- Oct. 6 at the Shelton Tim-
From routine maintenance service I to take care of our own ... tors. berland Library and from
to complete overhauls, D&L has [ it's not just about checking Local racecar drivers 10 a.m. to noon on Thurs-
the know-how to treat yo~u ~ outbooks of~bttying books," will gather at the Shelton day, Oct. 20 at the North
right:Pictured: Jason Banks, Dan [ he said: "We have to make library for ~ Car 'show on Mas0ff Timberland" Li-
Moldenhauer and Noel Longan, [ sure our boo~:s~ores and li- Saturday, oCt: 15 from 11 brady: ...............
owner. I
AUTOMOTIVE I Harstine collecting for Northwest Burn Foundation
2033 Olympic HighwayNorth'She:lton I next Saturday at the Triangle coming
426-1467 ] Continued from page 8-1 donations°n to the Island.from 9 TheYa.m. toWilll p.m.be collectingand all
Allison were all selected as honored funds go to Northwest Burn to aid burn
David of Wales
Episcopal Church
..ci8 Pet Blessing
; S hda Oct; 9: 2 p;m:
"As autumn arrives, people in various places may notice something odd. A procession
of animals, everything from dogs and cats to hamsters and even horses, is led to
churches for a special ceremony called the Blessing of Pets. This custom is conducted
in remembrance of St. Francis of Assisi's love for all creatures• St. David's will
celebrate our own love of creatures with a Pet Blessing on Sunday"
citizens. The 2010 Citizen of the Year
award went to that fabulous couple of
Anne and Dudley Panchot. This is a time
when we can recognize all the great work
islanders do for the community.
Food, food, food, seems this week's ar-
ticle is mostly about food. Recently, the
LaJune Senior Lunch crew served is-
landers a great baked ham lunch at
the hall. On Oct. 19 they will serve up a
meat loaf and baked potato with green
beans and apple crisp. As usual, serving
starts at noon sharp.
Island Volunteer Firefighters will be
victims and their families and for burn
prevention and research. Aid includes
funds for cosmetic surgery, temporary
housing for family members of those with
burns and direct financial assistance.
Northwest Burn also sponsors summer
camp for kids with burns where they can
enjoy the outdoors and be among others
who are going through the same situation
as they deal with the healing and scars
or their burns. So be aware and slow
down coming on and going off the Island
and help your local firefighters with this
worthy fundraiser.
CrossPoint Service Traditional Service
A nlore contenlpo~•,wy service A in(ne t rad]Hon,lI ~el vi~ ¢
that begins a~ 9:00 AM lh,~I bo~ins,.
• • Praise Band • Praise Ibam 10:45 AM
• Con(enlporary Message Choir
Children and Adult Sunday School 9 AM • childcare both services
04,:dco,-e Oe^fe:
~undav Services 7:O0 ,,,~1 Mid WeekServi{'e
9:OO A£, I Celebration Service ~: ~e3~6cdDesday.Njght Service
10:30 AM I Celebrotion Service ~ Ntu'~(u v I o R ~ o,u~
c hildron's C h~ssos
Attended Nursery ~i SotltFig~ YOt~IH 6~. 12t~l Gvddo
Children~ Cldsses
4:oo ,>M I GaLeway to R(!(!overy i Th~ i,,,,i,.~ i,, i,,
Cliildt~lre I'tovided..: Wlrness %~/nrf,~r~. ,Inrl ~%',~rk f,,r i Ils Kingd,~ln
Faith Lutheran Church
A .hnsVeenlered Church
Sheho United Methodist Church
Mt. Olive
Lutheran Church
Mi~qouli Synod
206 E(3sI Wydndotte Avenue
Collt elllporary SeFvice .......... g:~0 dill.
Christian Education ................. 9:45 am
Traditional Worship ............... 11:00 aJlL
Office 426-6353
l)aycare 42'7 3165
www.mtoliveshelto n.org
Refreshed - Restored - Renewed
in R/ucrs of Grtlce
..qc#: l# Pain?Come
Sunday Night Worship 0 p.m.
Worship for all ages
Senior Center ~ 826 W Railroad Ave
www.sheltonfbc.org 3s0426-8461
• Sunday Morning Worship 9 + 10:30 am
Sunday School lot all ages
• NightChurch
• Domingo La Iglesia Bsutista 6 pm
Servicio e~l Espanol
• Wednesdays 6 pm
Youth Church, AWANA x 6 Adull Classes
• Jueves6pm ElgrupodelosLagnosddvenes
St. David's of Wales
A place where all are welcome
324 W. Cedar St. • Shelton
7:30 & 10:30 a.m.
9:15 Conversational Bible Stud3
Office phone: 426-8472
New Community
Church of Union
Sunday Gatherings
,:,~, (AII are wdcume.')
8:30 and 10:30
at the
Union Fire Hall
50 E. Seattle St., Union 98592
web site: www.thenceu.org
Page B-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, October 6, 2011