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Dr. Stephen Ou
i--¸ • 7;•;- 17.•ii • .....
:~ HealthVault :
Go to ~:~
for medical histories
Meet Stephen Ou, D.O., board-eligible orthopedic surgeon, to
the medical staffat MGH and MGH Shelton Orthopedics. He
joins Fred Davis, M.D., board certified in orthopedics. Dr. Ou's
specialties are shoulders, fractures, and hip/knee replacement,
and he has a fellowship in sports medicine.
Dr. Ou received his medical degree from Nova Southeastern
University College of Osteopathic Medicine, Fort Lauderdale,
Florida in 2004. He completed his internship and residency
at Maimondes Medical Center in Brooklyn, NY; and has a
Fellowship in Sports Medicine from University of Arizona Health
Sciences Center. For an appointment with Dr. Ou, call MGH
Shelton Orthopedics at (360) 427-0663.
Moson Genera/Hospitcfl
Shelton O hopedics
(360) 427-0663 "--"
93:) Mtn View Dr, Ste i00, She/ton, WA
v,/w,W M a so n G(-211 e I d I/ ~ ~ t.orn
Motor Oils and Hydraulic t cing ga
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(]reases and Gear Oihs * Pump Repair, Tanks, Nozzles, Grease Guns
Solvents, Adtlfreeze * Heating Oil Delivered
~ Cutting Oils * Furnace and Stove Oil, Kelosene
Located at Sanderson
Industrial Park
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Scrat Diego ragon re oo u esMan.y r Hoa :]k ammy
Stop C-~J,. F~o~2
2911 E. Brockdale Road
Free C PR class offered
Partnering with the community in say- the entire community, the class will demon-
ing lives, Mason General Hospital & Family strate the correct technique for adult, child
of Clinics is offering a free adult, child and arid infant CPR, and go over the signs and
infant basic life support CPR class,symptoms of heart attack and stroke. Ev-
The class will be held from 6 to 9 p.m. on eryone in attendance should wear comfort-
Thursday, Oct. 13, in MGH's Learning Cen- able clothes, and a Spanish interpreter will
ter, located next to McDonald's on Olympic be made available on request.
Highway North. Pre-registration for the class is required,
This class may mean the difference be- as class size is limited, so please make your
tween life and death by recognizing the reservations by Friday, Oct. 7 by calling the
signs of a stroke or heart attack and acting learning center at 427-3609. This is not a
fast in such an emergency situation. Open to first aid class.
Olympic offers continuing
education classes this fall
To register call 432-5400 while avoiding costly mis- ing. A wine seminar book
or stop by the Olympic Col- takes. Set pricing, use PayP- included. Students must be
lege Shelton campus located al and write product descrip- at least 21 years of age.
at 937 W Alpine Way. tions.
9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m., Sat, Coastal Navigation
Buying & Selling on Oct. 15, $59 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m., Satur-
Craigslist day, Nov. 5 and Nov 12, $119
Saturday, Oct. 8, 9:30 Beginning Computers for Navigation in the Puget
a.m.-l:30p.m., $49 Seniors Sound, San Juan Islands,
Learn how to buy and sell 9-11 a.m., M/W/F, Oct. Canadian Gulf Islands and
effectively and safely on this 17-Oct. 28, $119 Washington coastal areas.
easy-to-use online classified An introduction toper- Learn dead reckoning, posi-
site. sonal computers designedtion fixing, nautical charts,
specifically for seniors. Stu- compass use, tides, currents
Anyone Can Write dents will use Windows to and trip planning for sail-
Wednesdays, 1-3 p.m. or learnbasic computer and ap- boats and powerboats.
7:20-9:20 p.m. Oct. 12-Nov. plication skills. Within the
23, $85 course, students will learn Flagging Certification
Anyone can discover the to use word processing, the 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m., Sat,
pleasure of writing. Em- Internet and email. Nov. 5 and Nov. 12, $119
phasis will be on having Lem'n what it takes to
fun while learning an easy The Art of Wine Tasting become a flagger. Objectives
process that will stimulate 1-4 p.m., Saturday, Oct include maximum protection
natural creativity & involve* 22 or Nov. 19, $29 ibr employees and the public
ment with creative writing. You will learn about thewith minimum interference
grvat vineyards of the worlci tium vehicle/pedestrian traf:
Students will taste six diftb~ tic, proper use of trattic con-
ent wines. You'll taste and trol devices and other flag-
talk about what makes wine ger duties. Certification test
so special. Discussion will in- administered upon comple-
elude classification, evalua- tion of class. Student must
tion, tips on buying and stor- be 18 or older.
The Basics of Selling
on eBay
9:30 a.m.--3:30 p.m, Sat-
urday, Oct. 15, $59
Take a step-by-step ap-
proach to eflbctive selling
Small farm class available
Small and ~hid-sized family farms have keting options up close.
unique advantages that larger-scale op- Enrolhnent is beginning now, with the
erations do not enjoy, first course scheduled Oct. 20. Class-
They can quickly adapt to new mar- es will continue on Thursday evenings
kets. They tend to be viewed positively by through Dec. 29, with some weekend field
their neighbors. And they can meet grow- trips.
ing consumer demand tbr sustainably Classes will be held at the Mason Con-
raised products, servation District office located in Sand-
But how do smaller farms identify anderson Field. Sustainable Small-Acreage
use the advantages of their size? This is a Farming and Ranching is eligible for col-
question in a semester-long course offered lege or continuing education credit.
this fall in Shelton. The cost for taking the course is $195
"Sustainable Small-Acreage Farm- per farm or family, although there are
ing and Ranching" will help participants some scholarships available.
find answers to this question. This course is part of the Cultivating
The course gives students a broad over- Success series, a collaboration of Wash-
view of production and marketing options ington State University's Small Farms
on today's small tarm. Participants will Team, University of Idaho Extension and
include established farmers seeking to the non-profit Rural Roots. Some funding
sustain their existing operations as well for the courses comes from the USDA's
as beginning farmers. National Institute for Food & Agriculture.
Course presenters include successful For more details and to register, con-
local producers and university specialists tact Kirsten Workman, Small Farms Ex-
w~th expertise in direct marketing, value- tension Educator at (360) 427-9436, ext
added processing, crop and livestock pro- 14, or kworkman@wsu.edu.
duction and more. Participants will have For more information about Cultivat-
a chance to attend t'arm tours and field ing Success, visit www.cultivatingsuc-
visits to see dif'tbrent operations and mar- cess.org.
cheer game scheduled
The third annual alumni There will be a prac- $10. For additional ques-
cheer game will be on Oct. tice at 6:30 p.m. Oct. 12 in tions, contact Misty Pagel
13 at the Shelton High the Mini Dome. Alumni T-at 229-1058 or Gail Robbins
School stadium, shirts will be available for at 490-5937.
@ Youand
Call Harvey or Dave
for advertising information
[~%]':: Shekon Maso, Cou,b,
: ::227 W. Cota
: ....... 360-426-4412 .......
Page B-4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, October 6, 2011
is accepting wait
ist applications for
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better, HUD subsidized,
controlled access,
garden setting, minutes
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