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Samish B,
11 weathe is here and the risk of bac-
teria Vibrio parahaemolyticus in shellfish is low-
er. For this reason, the Department of Health re-
opened commercial oyster harvest in areas of Hood
Canal and Puget Sound, on Oct. 1.
Vibrio parahaemoly~icus bacteria are found natu-
rally in the environment and grow more easily dur-
ing warm weather. The cooler fall temperatures re-
duce bacteria growth. All oyster harvest areas will
be open with no harvesting restrictions for vibrio.
This summer, the agency closed pyster harvest
in the Hood Canal 4, Hood Canal 5,! Hood Canal 9
and Samish Bay growing areas following vibriosis
illnesses in people who ate raw oysters from the
various areas. The most recent closure in Hood Ca-
nal 4 involved the recall of oysters ~hipped to sev-
eral states and four foreign countries. These areas
are all now re-opened, i
Typically, Washington sees about 50 cases of vib-
riosis a year; this year there have ~een 41 cases,
scattered around the state's shellfish growing areas.
Symptoms of vibriosis include diarrhea, abdomi-
nal cramps, nausea, vomiting, headache, fever,
and chills. The symptoms usually appear about 12
hours after eating infected shellfish, but they can
begin within two hours or as late asi48 hours after
Taking certain medications may make vibriosis
more likely to occur after eating shellfish. The De-
partment of Health website (www.doh.wa.gov) is
your source for a healthy dose of information.
County seeks planning
commission candidates
Mason County iis cally meets once per
seeking applicants month at6 p.m., on the
from Commissioner third Monday with spe-
District 3 for the Ma-cial meetings scheduled
son County Planning as necessary. Appointed
Advisory Commission. commissi0ners normally
The Planning Advisory serve a four-year term.
Commission is a seven- The term for this position
member citizen board will expire in July 2015.
appointed to advise the Applications to serve
Board of Commission- on the board are be-
ers on policy related to ing accepted until Oct.
amendments to the com- 21, 2011 and should be
prehensive plan, Shore- submitted to the Mason
line Master Program and County Commissioners,
land use regulations. 411 N. 5th, Shelton, WA
The commission typi- 98584.
The Shangri-La Chinese Acrobats perform.
Courtesy photo
Chinese acrobats to perform
The Shangri-La Chinese Acrobats kick uary showcases organ virtuosos Hector O1-
off the Mason County Concert Associa- ivera, March highlights Evan Marshal on
tion's 2011-2012 Concert Series at 7 p.m. mandolin and May features Chris Burton
Oct. 13, at the Shelton Performing Arts Cen- Jacome with flamenco music and dance.
ter (formerly the high school auditorium). Combined single-ticket price for all
The Shangri-La Chinese Acrobats five shows is $155 for one adult.
have been touring the world for more A season pass -- which includes ad-
than 25 years, mission to all listed events -- can be
The group's multi-faceted production purchased for $60. Entire family season
features acrobatic displays, feats of bal- passes can be purchased for $125. Stu-
ance, energy, costumes and a touch of dent season passes are $15.
Chinese comedy. Membership details are available at
Non-members may apply the ticket the show, online at www.mccca.com or
price, $35 for adults and $5 for children, to by calling Becky Schuyten at 426-1842
a season pass. There are four addition- or Larry Swift at 426-8159. Tickets are
al performances this season: November available at the door or at Lynch Creek
f~atures Carpe Diem String Quartet, Jan- Floral. MCCCA is also on Facebook.
Dr. Payal K. Shah
i Micrb oft'
Go to ..........................
for medical histories
Family practice. Family core.
Payal K. Shah, MD,, board-eligible in family practice, joins
the medical staffat Shelton Family Medicine and the more
than 100 physicians on staffat Mason General Hospital.
Dr. Shah received her medical degree from the Ross
Univeisity School of Medicine, North Brunswick, New
Jerseylin 2009; and completed her internship and residency
at Montgomery Family Practice Residency Program in
Norris!own, Pennsylvania. To make an appointment with
Dr. Shah call Shelton Family Medicine aI (360) 426-2653.
Mason General Hospitat
Shelton Family
B-5 - Shelton-Masoh
(360) 426-2653
939 Mtn. View Dr., Ste. 100, Shelton, WA 98584
County Journal - Thursday, October 6, 2011
Parks department
announces Fred
Meyer sponsorship
Mason County Parks and Trails Department
has received an $8,000 sponsorship commitment
from Fred Meyer, which will be used to supplement
maintenance funding at MCRA Park in 2012.
The sponsorship was made with the expressed
interest that the funds be used for the purpose of
"operation and maintenance expenses for the Ma-
son County Recreation Area -- MCRA."
MCRA Park is located at 2100 East Johns Prai-
rie Road, just outside of Shelton and is the county's
highest attended park site.
With the county budget reductions from 2008 to
the present, MCRA Park has experienced a steady
reduction in funds for operations and maintenance.
In 2011, for the first time ever, under county
management, MCRA staff was unable to bring on
any part-time staffing assistance for the baseball
and softball season, impacting maintenance opera-
tions and the complex users.
County staff recently contacted the Fred Meyer
Stores Philanthropy Coordinator to inquire about
possible sponsorship assistance for the 2012 season.
Recently the county was informed of the pledge
for $8,000 for next season.
The county intends to use the funding to supple-
ment the maintenance program.
Fred Meyer has a strong sense of community and
is happy to be able to step in and provide assistance
and support during these challenging economic
times, not only assisting the county and the youth
and adult ball players and the citizens and visitors
of Mason County.
For additional information about the MCRA
Field sponsorship, contact John Keates at Mason
County Parks, 427-9670, ext. 669, or by email,
Lyla and Emma Geeslin
Lyla and Emma Geeslin
were born June 25, 2011, at
Mildenhall Air Force Base
in England to T/SGT Bran-
don and Lisa (McGrew) Gee-
Lyla weighed five pounds
and seven ounces and
Emma weighed six pounds
and 15 ounces.
The twins are the grand-
daughters of Patty Perry
and Ray McGrew of Shelton.
looks for
The Washington State
Department of Health is
looking for members of the
public to serve on a variety
of health-related boards,
commissions and commit-
There are 24 groups
accepting applications.
They include the Board of
Physical Therapy, Athletic
Training Advisory Com-
mittee, Board of Pharmacy,
Dental Quality Assurance
Commission, Board of Mas-
sage, Veterinary Board of
Governors and others.
"This is an opportunity
for citizens to have a voice
in their government, and
to influence the health and
safety of our state," said
Karen Jenserb assistant
secretary for the depart-
ment's Health Systems
Q!uality Assurance divi-
sion. "Gov. Chris Gregoire
and Sec. Mary Selecky
take great pride in ap-
pointing qualified, respon-
sible members who reflect
Washington's diversity."
Many of the groups have
immediate vacancies; oth-
ers need a pool of quali-
fied candidates for future
openings. Appointees must
be citizens of the Unit-
ed States and residents
of Washington. Regular
meeting attendance is an
expectation of service and
is vital to the success of
each team.
Members are reim-
bursed for certain expens-
es related to travel and are
compensated for time spent
at meetings and other ap-
proved activities.
Information and appli-
cations (www.doh.wa.gov/
hsqa/BCC.htm) are avail-
able on the agency website
or by calling 236-4887.
Lodging tax
funds available
Each year Mason Coun-
ty provides grant funding
from the Lodging Tax Fund
to support the advertising
and promotion efforts of
event and festivals that
promote tourism in Mason
County. Any group or or-
ganization may apply for
funding consideration.
The Mason County
Lodging Tax Advisory
Committee will review the
applications in November
with its recommendations
due to the commissioners
in December. Presentation
of the committee's recom-
mendations to the County
Commissioners coincides
with the county's annual
budget discussions.
Mason County will ac-
cept lodging tax grant ap-
plications until October
31, 2011. The application
can be requested by calling
427-9670, ext. 419 or on
the Mason County website
at www.co.mason.wa.us/