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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 6, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 6, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Karen M. Aadnes Karen M. Aadnes, 60, died Oct. 3 at home in Shelton following a battle with cancer. She was a resident of Harstine Is- land for eight years. She was born Octo- ber 19, 1950 in Elma to Jack Austin and Dorothy Conrad. She grew up in South Dakota and Wash- ington. S h e ~" '~i~'~':: m a r r i ed : : ;':::::: ~ W a y n e N " O 1 e :ii X ado s ~on Oct. ' 23, 1982 ~in Las Ve- gas, Nev. S h e worked a Karen variety of Aadnes jobs in- eluding shuck- ing oysters, working as a waitress, cooking at the Timber Caf~ in Mc- Cleary, working both the Simpson Door Plant and the Satsop Nuke site, fol- es will be held from 1 td 3 p.m. Saturday, Octobe~ 8 at the Little Creek Ca- sino Event Center, 91 W. State Route 108, Shelton, WA 98584. Funeral Alternatives of Washington, Tumwa- ter are handling the ar- rangements. Gerald Lee Jackowski, Sr. Gerald "Jerry", "J.J." Lee Jackowski, Sr., 72, died Oct. 1 at his home in Shelton. He was born December 7, 1938 in Tacoma. He attended St. Mar- tin's College in Lacey and the University of Wash- ington. He graduated with a master's degree in 1963. He was a parole officer for the Washington State Department of Correc- tions for several years be- fore moving to Anchorage, Alaska in 1969 where he became the Admissions and Discharge Officer, the Assistant Superin- ]owed by many years at t e n d e n t Precision Airmotive in She was office manageron the National Register~ and the Everett. She worked the at Miller and Miller Inc. of Historic Places. As a ~/ Superin- last eight years at the of Tacoma for 20 years, youngster, she was activet e n d e n t Washington State De- She was one of the in 4-H. Davis graduated of the partment of Corrections founders and a member ofa year early from Mary McLaugh: in Olympia and Shelton. Hope Community Church M. Knight School. She lin Youth The family said that of Tacoma. The fam- was on the Forest Fes- C e n t e r, she was one of a kind and ily shared that she loved rival Court in 1956. She where he the ability to love and the Lord and shared thatworked her way through later re- be loved came naturally, love with her family and The family shared that friends. she had a huge heart and She is survived by her loved to spend as much brother Donald Acheson; time as possible with her son Gregg Courtwright of eight grandchildren who Shelton; daughter Robin called her "Ahnna." Probst; grandsons Aar- She is survived by her on, Daniel and Timothy sons Mark Miller (Cher- Probst of Bellingham. yl) of Bethel, Ark., Chris- A Memorial service will topher Miller (Trisha) of be at 2 p.m. on Saturday, McCleary and Stewart Oct. 15 at the First Bap- Aadnes of San Diego, tist Church in Shelton. Calif.; daughter Allison Refreshments will follow Curnett of Marysvi]Ile; the service. sisters Barbara Kinney of Westford Funeral Shelton and Denise Vest Home of Bellingham is college as a waitress at the old Heine's Broiler in Shelton. Although she moved away in 1960, she always maintained close ties over the years with her friends and family in Mason County. She spent tired. Gerald He en- Jackowski j o y e d traveling with his motor home before set- tling in Shelton. He was a member of the Alaska five of the last years ofand Washington states her life caring for her B.P.O.E, the F.O.E, the mother. American Legion and the She is survived by her NRA. husband Dean Davis of He is survived by his Bellevue; mother Rita longtime companion, Naoz Palmer of Olympia; sons mi Myers; mother Wanda Gregory Roth of Seattle, Jackowski; .~ons Gerald John Roth (Shannon) "Tom" Jackowski, Jr. David Kalinoski of Port- land, Ore., and Julie Miklethun of Shelton; 10 grandchildren and two great-granddaughters, Hannah and Jordyn. He was preceded in death by his parents, brother Gerald and first wife Patricia Young. There will be a memo- rial service on Oct. 15 at his home in Gresham, Ore. Frances Ann Morgan Frances Ann Morgan, 58, died Sept. 20 in Olym- pia. She was a resident of Kamilche for over 20 years. She grew up in the Se- attle area and spent most of her adult life in Olym- pia, where she raised her son and stepson, and later in Kamilche. She at- tended Evergreen State College and had a radio show on KAOS for eight years. See Obits on page B7 James L. Ware B0m July 14, 1924- Prosser, Wash. Embraced in Heaven Sept. 19, 2011- Shelton, Wash. Preceded by wife: Lillian Ware Daughter: Tummy Sandstr0m Stepson: Richard 0'Nell Survived by stepdaughters: Darlene Anderson, Phyllis 0'Nell, Peggy Campbell, and Pamela Alderman; sixteen grandchildren, twenty-seven great grandchildren and four great, great grandchildren. He was loved and will be so missed, -- Paid Obituary Notice -- S Barbara King Walton In memory of BARBARA KING WALTON, 91, who passed away on October 3, 2010, following a brief illness. She was born and grew up in Spokane, where her father was a well-known writer: a journalist for the Spokesman-Review, lecturer, song lyricist, and poet. She was educated at Mills College and the University of Washington (BA '40, MA '60). She lived in Shelton, Washington, raising a family, and, later, pursued an interesting and satisfying career as reference librarian at the Washington State Library. When she retired, she moved to Seattle to be closer to concerts, opera, and theater. She was a constant reader, and read widely. She enjoyed travelling, especially to England and Italy, and she made many, many, trips to the Washington and Oregon beaches. She had a long and full life; her positive of Lacey; brothers Terry handling the arrange- of Seattle, Peder Davis and Timothy "Tim" Jack- attitude ("pick yourself up, dust yourself off, start allover Austin of Hoquiam, John ments. (Karen) of Woodinville owski; grandson Matt again...") helped her, face life's difficulties with courage, and Danny Austin of You may view photos and Robert Roth (Lynn) of Jackowski; granddaugh- and she enjoyed life s pleasures with gratitude. She was Olympia, Dennis Austin and share memories with Marysville and daughter ters Amy Williamson and predeceased by her husband, Art Walton, in 1958, and by of McCleary and JeffAus- the family at www.west- Karl Murphy of Olympia; Jessee Jackowski; three her son, Stoddard Walton, in 1993. She is survived by tin of Toutle; grandchil-, daughters Kerry Lodge great-grandchildren as a daughter, two grandchildren, three great-grandchildren, dren Daniel, Rylee, and (Marty) of Redmond and well as numerous friends,andanextendedfamilyofniecesandnephewsandcousins. Kyann Miller of Bethel, Barbara Ann Davis Kristin Daron (Ken) of A memorial service She is greatly missed by all who knew her. Memorials Ark., Madison, Meagan Barbara Ann Davis, 79, Vancouver; brother Stet will be held at noon, Sat- and Katelyn Miller of Me- died Sunday, Sept. 25, at Palmer (Lynne) of Olym- urday, October 8 at the may be sent to Seattle Public Library Foundation - Mobile Cleary, Olivia and Sophie home from complications pin; cousin Dr. Jerry Rol- Eagles Lodge located at Services, 1000 Fourth Avenue, Seattle 98104. CurnettofMarysville. of a brain aneurism. Sheing of Shelton and 15 111 South First Street, ~ -- Paid Obituary Notice " She was preceded in was a resident of Bellev- grandchildren and two Shelton. death by her parents and ue. nephews and a niece. Forest Funeral Home husband. She was born March Father C.C. "Dec" of Shelton is handling the A memorial service will 10, 1939, in Lakewood Palmer preceded her in arrangements. be held at 11 a.m. on Fri- (Cleveland) Ohio to Ritadeath. day, Oct. 7 at the Harst- and C.C. "Dec" Palmer. Her remains will be Jack Ramon Kalinoski OREST ine Island Community She graduated from buried at the Satsop JackRamonKalinoski, Hall. Pastors Willie and Mary M. Knight School inCemetery. died Friday, Sept. 30 of Georgia Self will offici-Matlock in 1956 and from"Memories of Barbara" cancer. ----1 CE~TE~C~E~IOS ate. The memorial will beGrays Harbor.Junior Col-gathering from 1 to 5 p.m. He was born Sept. 14 immediately followed by lege in on Sunday, Oct. 9 at 475in Spokane to Frank and Elksa celebratiOnLodge in° at the ~~[~~ hosted a1958" She Bring a written155th Place, Bellevue.note re- CordelierHe graduatedKalin°ski'in 1944 ~ ~ii ~~i~ ~~: ii!iii:i Forest Funeral Home ~~ 50th class calling a fond memory orfrom Shelton High School ~ ~ ~~| ~ ~i~ i:!iii of Shelton is handling the ~~ r e uni o n a humorous incident thatand attended Washington arrangements. I~~for stu- can be preserved for herStateUniversityandbe-~~i~i~!~:~ei~: !:i~~ I~~ dents of grandchildren. If you are came a civil engineer. Agnes V. Courtwright ~ KnightMary inclined to do somethingmemory neerHe was the city engi- Sh;i~;n ~ i;60i 427:;;44 (Acheson) in Barbara's for Prineville, Ore.; ' .................................... .......... Agnes V. Courtwright ~~:~ her home make a donation to a lo-and Klamath Falls and (Acheson), 93, died Sat- ~ ........ in 2006. cal animal shelter. Multnomah County. He Olympia , {360)94~-1~6~ ..... [ urday, Oct. 1 in Belling- Barbara S h e worked !0~i't~r~l~Q~! ham fol- Davis married StephenR. Dwelley ~ for the iiii ii lowing a Dean L Stephen R. Dwelley, ~!~ Associa- ii~ilj :~ iiii '::':~/~::~ stroke on D a v i s 64, died September, 29, tion of ! [~~ General ~:i i~i~~Ni:i i ii}!ii :: :::i;!'i:li :!1~~ juthe 4th of Vallarta,April 18, Mexico.1996' in Puerto Olympia, after a Contrac- iii:i!iiii~!~!i,,,:,~ii'~I ~i~:)ilili!ii~ lY'h e Davis was a secretary He was born March 4, [~ tors a iiiiiii~ii:~iJi] was born with the Washington 1947 in Detroit, Mich. ~~ their lob- Funeral Alternatives offers a variety ~i~iiiI Jan. 11, State Superintendent of to George and Dorothy ~~ b y i s t , ofsimple, cost-effectiveoptions. ~i~ 1918 in Public Instruction from Dwelley. Port An- 1958-1960 then secre- He worked for Little ~ paffairsu b 1 i c Direct Cremation tary to the vice president Creek Casino and previ- Jack manager Agnes geles to James A1- Courtwright e x a n d e r and Edna Viola (Morse) Acheson. The family shared that she liked to joke about of Hand]ery Hotels in San Francisco and staff of American Heart Asso- ciation in San Francisco until 1971. In 1972 she shifted careers, became a mother to three young ously for Taylor Shellfish. He is survived by wife Xinh Dwelley; son Bill John "BJ" Gosk; daughter Carrie •Dyer; grandchil- dren Braxton and Olivia Race Dyer; sister Rhys Kalinoski and even- tually president of the Oregon chapter of the AGC. He continued arbitration into his 80s. His many friends were her birth and say she boys, and over the rest of Dwelley; senators, governors and was born in a mill yard. her life enjoyed the job of ~ b r o t h e r a few presidents, his fam- She grew up in Tacoma, mother and grandmother. ~/ G e o r g e ily shared. He enjoyed a part of a large family ofShe provided care and a Dwelley full life and never slowed Mx siblings, graduating home over for her moth- (Vicki); down his family said. His from Lincoln High School er during the past five n e p h e wfamily, said he was an in 1936. Upon complet- years. G e o r g eavid golfer and his great- ing two years of businessWhile growing up in Dwelley estjoy was spending time school, she met Robert Schafer State Park, she Jr. and with his family. Miller Courtwright on a helped her father with n i e c e He is survived by his blind date and they mar-much of the stonework ,-,. _ Courtney wife Marva of Gresham, ~epnen D ell Ore.; children Wendee ried in Tacoma, August of that was a contributing Dwelley ~ ~e;;Ye Roberts of Pueblo, Colo., 1938. factor in the park's listing Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, October 6, 2011 - Page B-6