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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 6, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 6, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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. ! Courtesy photo Mason Generali Hospital staff, from left to right, include Paul Nixon, medical laboratory sci- entist; Geri Bell, lab assistant; Becky Penoyar, medical technologist; Dee Ann Kline, Ph,D., director of laboratory servlces and medical technologist; Cindy Rose-Hammond, medical technologist; Ball Tucker, lab assistant; and Teresa Horne, lab assistant. Hospital b scores high in survey I Mason GeneraLHospltal & Fe ally of Clinics labora- tory completed a jo!nt commissiol L regulatory inspection in July. By law, lal?oratories are irequired to be inspect- ed every two years1 The joint commission has bee~ inspecting the MGH laboratory since 1993. The inspections are an opportunity to both acknowl- edge the quality Work in a laboratory and gain insight on how to contim~ally improve, said Dee Ann Kline, Ph.D., director of laboratory services at MGH & FC. Because laboratory activities are dispersed through- out the organization, the inspection also surveyed ac- tivities in the nursing units and the various clinics. "During the last year, the lab team has actively en- gaged in a number of projects aimed at improving work flow, standardizing processes and creating a culture of positive teamwork," Kline said. "The hard work had a definite impact on the quality of the lab and success of the inspection. Several of the staff came in on their day off or when off shift to meet with the inspector. Techni- cal staff and lab assistants readily answered questions or demonstrated skill." All voter registration appli- cations, transfers from another county and changes of address within Mason County, submitted by mail or online, must be post- marked by Monday, Oct. 10 or may be delivered to the Ma~on County Auditor's Office no la~er than 4:30 p.m., Monday, Oct. i0, to be eligible for the Nov. 8 gen- eral election. Persons not already registered in Washington state may register in-person no later than Monday, Oct. 31, at the Mason County Au- ditor's Office, 411 N 5th St, Shel- ton, Monday thru Friday, [8i30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.] The Auditor's Of- fice is closed from 12:30 p.m.-l:30 p.m. daily. A countywide ~eneral election will be conducted in Mason CoUn- ty on Nov. 8, 2011. The following offices and candidates will appear on the 2011 general election bal- lot. State Measures Proposed by Initiative PetitiOn, Initiative Measure No. 1125 Proposed by Initiative Petition, Initiative Measure No. 1163 Proposed by Initiative Petitipn, Initiative Measur$ No. 1183 Proposed to the People by ~he Legislature, Amendment to the State Constitution, State Senate Joint Resolution No. 8205 i State Senate Joint Resolution No. 8206 Local - Nonpartisan Offices and Measures City of Shelton, Commissioner of Finance City of Shelton, Mayor City of Shelton, Public Safety Sales Tax Fire Protection District No. 1, Commissioner Position No. 1 Fire Protection District No. 2, Commissioner Position No. 3 Fire Protection District No. 3, Commissioner Position No. 2 Fire Protection District No. 3, Commissioner Position No. 3 Fire Protection District No. 4, Commissioner Position No. 1 Fire Protection District No. 5, Commissioner Position No. 1 Fire Protection District No. 5, Maintenance and Operations Ex- cess Property Levy Fire Protection District No. 6, Commissioner Position No. 1 Fire ProtectionL District No. 8, Commissioner PoSition No. 3 Fire Protection District No. 9, Commissioner Position No. 2 Fire Protection District No. 11, Commissioner Position No. 3 Fire Protection District No. 12, Commissioner Position No. 1 Fire Protection District No. 12, Commissioner Position No. 2 Fire Protection District No. 13, Commissioner Position No. 2 Fire Protection District No. 16, Commissioner Position No. 2 Fire Protection District No. 16, Emergency Medical Services Reg- ular Property Levy Fire Protection District No. 17, Commissioner Position No. 2 Fire Protection District No. 18, Commissioner Position No. 1 Fire Protection District No. 18, Commissioner Position No. 3 Hospital District No. 1, Com- missioner Position No. 2 Hospital District No. 2, Com- missioner Position No. 2 Hospital District No. 2, Com- missioner Position No. 4 Port of Allyn, Commissioner District No. 2 ~.m Port of Dewatto, Commissioner District No. 1 Port of Grapeview, Commission- er District No. 2 Port of Grapeview, Commission- er District No. 3 Port of Hoodsport, Commission- er District No. 3 Port of Hoodsport, Commission- er Position No. 2 Port of Shelton, Commissioner Position No. 2 Southside School District No. 42, Director Position No. 1 Southside School District No. 42, Director Position No. 2 Southside School District No. 42, Director Position No. 5 Grapeview School District No. 54, Director Position No. 2 Grapeview School District No. 54, Director Position No. 4 Grapeview School District No. 54, Director Position No. 5 McCleary School District No. 65, Director District No. 1 McCleary School District No. 65, Director District No. 2 McCleary School District No. 65, Director District No. 3 McCleary School District No. 65, Director District No. 4 Elma School District No. 68, Di- rector District No. 3 Elma School District No. 68, Di- rector District No. 4 Shelton School District No. 309, Director District No. 1 Shelton School District No. 309, Director District No. 2 Shelton School District No. 309, Director District No. 3 Shelton School District No. 309, Director Position No. 2 Mary M Knight School District No. 311, Director District No.1 Mary M Knight School District No. 311, Director District No.3 Mary M Knight School District No. 311, Director Position No. 2 Pioneer School District No. 402, Director Position No. 1 Pioneer School District No. 402, Director Position No. 2 Pioneer School District No. 402, Director Position No. 4 North Mason School District No. 403, Director District No. 1 North Mason School District No. 403, Director District No. 2 North Mason School District No. 403, Director District No. 3 North Mason School District No. 403, Director District No. 4 Hood Canal School District No. 404, Director District No. 2 Hood Canal School District No. 404, Director District No. 3 Hood Canal School District No. 404, Director District No. 5 Hood Canal School District No. 404, Capital Projects Levy Belfair Water District, Commis- sioner Position No. 2 Belfair Water District, Commis- sioner Position No. 3 Hartstine Pointe Water-Sewer District, Commissioner Position No. 1 Trails End Water District, Com- missioner Position No. 3 Mason County votes entirely by mail and regular polling plac- es will not be open. Return post- age is required to return a voted ballot. You may also return your ballot at one of the designated ballot drop boxes listed below. Mason County Auditor's Office Outdoor Box: 24 Hours a day 411 N 5th Street: Shelton, WA 98584 Indoor box: Monday - Fri- day: 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Timberland Regional Library Outdoor Box: 24 Hours a day 710 W. Alder St., drive-thru ac- cess Shelton, WA 98584 Hood Canal Visitor Center Outdoor Box: 24 Hours a day 150 N Lake Cushman Rd Hoodsport, WA 98548 Port of Allyn Outdoor Box: 24 Hours a day 18560 E State Route 3 Allyn, WA 98524 North Mason County Outdoor Box: 24 Hours a day 23910 NE State Route 3 Belfair. WA 98528 If you need a replacement bal- lot, you can use the My Vote link to access your ballot online at: tions/MyVot e/Pages/MyVote .aspx You can also obtain a re- placement ballot at the Mason County Auditor's Office, 411 N 5th Street, Shelton or by call- ing 427-9670 ext. 470, 275-4255, or 275-4467. Accessible voting equipment is available at the Mason County Auditor's Office during regular business hours Oct. 21-Nov. 7 and on Election Day Nov. 8, from 7 a.m.-8 p.m. In addition, the accessible vot- ing equipment will be available on Election Day Nov. 8, from 7 a.m.-8 p.m., at the North Mason County Resource Office, 23554 NE State Route 3, Belfair. The voting equipment is available to any voter wishing to use it, but the equipment has special fea- tures to allow voters with dis- abilities to vote independently. For information regarding as- sistance with voter registration, voting, or accessibility issues, please contact the Election De- partment at 427-9670 ext. 470. Obits Continued from page B-6 The family shared that she was known and loved by many in Olympia's arts and mu- sic com- munities and more recently in Mason County's social ser- vices com- munity, where she Frances w o r k e d Morgan with the Youth Empower- ment Strategies, ESD 113 as an education advocate and most recently with the Mason County Home- less Shelter. She enjoyed nature, music, conversa- tion, art, poetry, fr'iend- ship and generosity.. Her family said that she was a famously talented and creative chef who always had room at her table for new friends. She hosted hundreds of people for her annual summer birthday fish fry. They said tlhat her love and laughter will be missed. She is survived by her life partner, Michael Dia- mond, and his children, Carly and Kevin of Ka- milche: her sons Morgan Tougas (Chic) and Dean of Olympia; step~,~on Aaron Olson of San Francisco, Calif.; parents Luke and Lilian Morgan of Bath- bridge Island; brothers Luke, of Silverdale, and John of Bainbridge Island: sisters Patricia, of Arizo- na, Kathleen, of Indianola, Eileen, of Camano Island. Mary, of Battleground, Leanne, of Bainbridge Is- land, Jane. of Olympia, and Jean. of Seattle: doz- ens of nieces .and nephews and countless friends and fellow artists. A celebration of life will be at 1 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 9 at the Evergreen State College longhouse in Olympm. Evelyn Maxine Murphy Evelyn Maxine Murphy, 72, died Monday, Sept. 26, at Providence St. Peter Hospital in Olympia. She was a resident of Shelton for 34 years. S h e ..........was I born ::ii~. I to Richard Preston ~and Ev- elyn Mu- riel (Mill- er) Stone in Chico, Calf., on Dec. 22, Evelyn 1938. Mvtrphy S h e married Carl Mur- phy Sr. in Ellensburg. They were married for 24 years. She worked for Simpson Railroad on the section crew, retiring in 1985. She enjoyed bingo, go- ing to the casino, picking mushrooms, collecting el- ephants, camping, fishing and spending time and watching her family play baseball, running her own concession stand for base- ball tournaments and mo- ~:orcycle rallies. She is survived by her sons Carl and Don Mur- phy of Shelton; daughters Penny Murphy of Shelton and Tummy Brewer (Dale) of Shelton; grandchildren Halley Den- ton (Rob) of Lacey, Dennis Murphy of Tumwa- ter, Daniel Brewer of ghel- ton, Dale Brewer Jr. of Shelton, Jesse Woodward of Shelton, Michael Brew- er of Shelton, Brandie Brewer of Shelton, Crystal Thomas of Shelton, and Tiffany Kor~hi of Shel- ton; great-grandchildren Zane and Khloe Murphy of Tumwater, Troy Murphy of Shelton and Hannah Denton of Lacey; numer- ous nieces, nephews and cousins. She was preceded in death by her husband Carl Murphy Sr., daughter Pam Murphy, brothers Vernon, Jim and Marvin Stone, sister Donna Wright and brother-in-law Wayne Wright. A memorial service will be at a later date. Memorial donations can be made to Mason General Hospital Foundation, Kar- en Hilburn Breast Cancer Fund, P.O. Box 1668, Shel- ton, WA 98584. McComb Funeral Home of Shelton is handling the arrangements. Online condolences may be sent to the family at Laurella Jean St. Denis Laurella Jean St. Denis, 63, died Sunday, Sept. 25, in Shelton. She was a resi- dent of Harstine Island for seven years. She was born ~o Daniel and Laurel (Hansen) Arne- son in Northfield, Minn. on Dec. 27. 1947. She graduated from Farmington High School in 1965 and ~took some classes in home health care. S h e worked as an in- home health Laurella St. care pro- Denis cider and a home- maker raising three children. She attended the As- sembly of God Church as a child and young adult. Her hobbies included horticul- ture, gardening, cooking, hunting, fishing, traveling and music. She enjoyed her pets and spending time with her family and grandchildren. Her family shared that she was a very loving, social, outgoing and peaceful person. She is survived by her companion Adrian Garcia of Harstine Island; mother Laurel Arneson of Arizona: daughter Sophia Sledge (Markus) of Olympia; sons Mikie Pietsch (Dana) o f Washington, D.C. and So- ren St. Denis (Jaime) of Minnesota; sisters Danette Holmberg (Harold) of Ari- zona, Betty ]3 rishky (Tom) of Arizona and Joyce Halbaken of California; brothers Ed Arneson (Kelly) of Colorado. Daniel Arneson of Iowa and Paul Arneson of Iowa; 10 grandchildren, numerous nieces, nephews and cous- ins. She was preceded in death by father and broth- er James Arneson. A memorial service was held on Oct. 1 at Capital Vision Christian Church in Olympia. McComb Funeral Home of Shelton handled the ar- rangements. Online condo- lences may be sent to the family at www.mccombfh. com. Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, October 6, 2011 - Page B-7 • ,o ~ e"