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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 6, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 6, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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I I RECEIVE PER GALLON [ GAS DISCOUNT 0penMon-Thur6am-12amoFd-Sat6sm-2am*Sun6am.llpm ] PresentthiscouponforyourFREEKTPClubCard.Goodfor I Ddve-thru open Sun-Thur 7am-gpm. Pal.Sat 7am.10pm g6A A2. 4 ALL FUTURE GAS PURCHASES at Kamilche 2YadingP0st. Located at the intersection of Highway 101 and 108, just minutes away from Olympia and Shelton *Premis *Complete $43S/pack City of Shelton Animal Shelter Adoptions cost $75, which includes vac- cine, wormer, spay/neuter plus $10 city li- cense. New dogs are brought in all the time. Call 427-7503 or visit the shelter at 902 West Pine Street. Dogs may be viewed at The hours are Monday through Friday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. The shelter is closed Saturday and Sunday. ADOPT A PET This handsome boy is Jett. + m + m He is a black lab approximate- j .~2 ly four years old. We know 12 Calll 1 ° Special ill that he is good with children, 73 Czgar Lovers -- ,32 $ 68 cats and dogs alike so would 6 /pack 58 /cart0. f~ll~m,k (I,,* I"1111" 5 ~ ~0 /carton make a great addition to any +~ ~ +tu v~,.,,,,~.~ v.,., v.,.-+~ +~ family. He walks well on a i~i: 11T~llr T, TT,,m~en. ~ leash, is house-trained and :: VV cu.a~',l,aJ. J.I, MaUllJ, U, VlL ~ ~Y~%~!j,5~: j ~+ -+ ............. .~:,~++~' ........... very obedient, what else could '~ " " : ~ ~ any one ask for? If you would l pepsi '250°° like to meet this delightful dog please call Adopt-A-Pet at .............. " . [ ¢ 0rtedl2Pa q [ /2/Z: 7 I 432-3091 to set up an appoint- [¢ il Spree! Pe si dogs or learn about our orga- ii l vpCustomerShopping 12 & 16 oz. cans ment. To view other adoptable Illl October 3rd- November 30th___::$506 WinnerSGas Certificate /l~]( ..... Swi@e~'aC 9'a~]]..1o__0Soa ~[ nizatiOnorg, visit adoptapet-wa. II 1- $250 Grand Prize / I I l I II Enter every ttme you visit the" II ool I 111111,, ,I I II store during co test dates I il .-- ^^ I l y leacn I II See in-store for details // } YY +nil I\ Nopurchasenecessarytowm. J~ ~.__...__,~__~~,.~..-"~" ~ 21 I @ '"°'" ua o., o.+ .OOR - ~., subject to change without n0~. --* Male li~m@ at Skookm Creek'l'0ba~ Fact0~ ~,lbo I I I ¢3hV+ tvr I/ /I I IE~ Small 10 oz .......... $5'+9Me~tml. 16 oz ................ s7a9 Manila C]all~, 2 lb.bag ........ $859/I I IE . Sm. 10 oz .......... *899 o- .................... ............. IoJ Denny Al/to Senlice presents our l o.................... ,s,9 =ge 16 oz .................... ,7,9 Smoked 0 t rs 8 I Non-Profit Organization of the Month: I/Smart 10 oz ................... sS~9 Stew Meat 10 oz ............ +5a9 {0riginal.Ze.y~. Caj.,} II [k, Medimm 10 oz ................ s5°9 Stew Meat 64 oz... ....... +17`9 , , .JJ A Gift for Special Children K TTENRESCUE Sheriff - Casey Salisbury SEX OFFENDER INFORMATION BULLETIN - WHEREABOUTS UNKNOWN LEVEL 3 NOTIFICATION OF ABSCONDED SEX OFFENDER Date: September 22, 2011 Prepared by: Detective William Adam Bulletin#: 1.1-43 The Mason County Sherifl's Office is releasing the following information pumuarit to RCW 4;24.550 and the Washington State Supreme Court decision in ~, which authorizes law enforcement agencies tn inform the public of a sex offend~n's release when; in the discretion of the agency, the release of information will enhance public safety and protectiou. The individual who appears on this notification has been convicted of a sex offense that requires registration with the: Sheriff's Office ia the county of their residence. Further, their previous criminal history places them in a classi:fication level which reflects the potential to re-oflknd. This sex ofreuder has served the sentence imposed on him by the courts and has advised the Mason County Sherifl"s Office that he will be living in the location below. GENTRY iS WANTED BY THE POLICE AT THIS "rIME. THIS NOTIFICATION IS NOT INTENDED TO INCREASE FEAR, RATHER, IT IS OUR BELIEF "I'H~VF AN INFORMED PUBLIC IS A SAFER PUBLIC. The Mason County Sheriff's Office b_as ,an legal attthority to direct where a sex oflbnder may or lnaby not live: Unless court ordered'restrictions exist, this offender is constitutionaUy flee to live wherever he chooses. Sex o f!imdcrs have always; lived in our communities, but lit wasn't until passage Of the Commtmity Protection Act of 1990 (which mandates sex offL, nde; regi.strallio~O that law entbrcement even knew where they were living. In many cases, law entbreemeat is now able to Share that inlbmmtion with you+ Citizen abuse of this infbrmation~ to threaten, intimidate or harass registered sex offenders will not be tolerated, Fm~her. such abuse could ~otentially end law enforcement's ability to do comnmnity uotffieations. We believe the only person who wins if community notification ends is the sex 9tlbnder, since sex o:ffenders derive their power through secrecy. If you have any iufornlaliofl cegardlnff current criminal activilv of this or any othel, offendel: nlease can 911. For other sex offender infi)nnatio:n, http://so,ct!+mas(m+wa+us/. JAMES LLOYD GENTRY WHITE MALE-DOB: 04/02/54 - 5'-10"-215 LBS. BROWN HAIR & HAZEL EYES James GENTRY has recently absconded and was last seen in ~the north end of Mason County. GENTRY is required to register as a sex offender due to a conviction on 05/29/I997 to Communication with a Minor lbr Immoral Purposes, Kitsap County Superior Court cause #96-1-00226-5. This conviction stems from GENTRY at age 43, sexually assaulting a known 14 year old girl on numerous occasions over a six month period. Due to the above conviction, GENTRY is assessed as a low risk, but due to him absconding from his registration requirements, he is considered a high risk. GENTRY is assessed by the Mason County Sheriff's Office as a level 1 sex offender, but due to his Fail To Register, he is now risked as a Level 3 Sex Offender. This is the highest level given to a Sex Offender. meaning that the subject is at a HIGH RISK to re-offend. If you observe GENTRY, do not approach, but call 911. GENTRY'S WHEREABOUTS ARE UNKNOWN W~ at Denny's Auto Service are seeing the impact that the economy is having on the community and also how it is impacting local charities. We want to do our part to support our community and the people who help make Mason County great. You can help by adding $I.00 to your bill at Denny's Auto, or by donating diapers, baby wipes, gas cards, food gift cards, or your time. Their website: We hope you will join us, your small change can make a big change in others' lives ! Quality Repair by People Who Care • Warranty Approved Maintenance • Nationwide Warranty • Courtesy Loaner Cars • Free Local Shuttle o Complete Auto Care • 24 Hour Drop Box • Lifetime Protection Program • Discounted Maintenance Packages • Financing O.A.C. • Senior Discounts Harvey or Dave for advertising information Page B-8 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thui'sday, October 6, 2011 Current listings: Labrador mix, male, four years old Labrador Retriever mix, female one and half years old Shepherd mix/Lab, male, three years old Spangles has raised her children and is ready for a forever home of her own. She needs to find a special family that will share love and affection that this little lady deserves. With pa- tience, she gladly will share rub and purrs, kitty play and happy meows. Span- gles is looking for a sunny windowsill, daily food and water, a safe warm bed and a loving family. Span- gles will bring years of on- joyment and companion- ship. For information on Spangles and other indoor only kitties call 584-0594 or leave a message at 426- 2455. There's a proud tradition in our community: the American tradition of "public power" electric utilities, Mason County PUD No. 3 is one of more than 2,000 community-owned electric utilities that serve more than 46 million people nationwide. Each citizen who buys electricity from PUD 3 owns a part of it. That's because their electricity comes from a public power utility, • PUD 3 benefits the local economy by keeping revenues in the community rather than paying profits to stockholders. • PUD 3 works hard to keep electricity rates low and help its customers use energy efficiently and safely. Stop by PUD 3 offices in She[ton and Belfair during Public Power Week and sign up for a free daily drawing at each location for a surge protector. There will be a grand prize drawing Friday, October 7. MASON COUNTY PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Mason PUl} N0. ;3 glean, Renew@le [net [veN www.masonpud3,org Shelton: 360-426-8255 • Belfair: 360-275-6518 + Elma: 360-861-4247 Shelton Spiritual Cinema to show monthly movie No charge for admission, donations welcome Shelton Spiritual Cin- ema will show its monthly movie 2 p.m., Sunday, Oct. 9 at the PUD No. 3 audito- rium, 307 W. Cota Street, Shelton. There is no charge for admission, but donations are welcome. Proceeds go to SOCK's (Save Our County's Kids) youth programs in Shelton. For information on the movie being shown, email bobbottman@hctc. corn or go to mcspiritualcon- For informa- tion about SOCK, call 432- 3229 or visit