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Shelton-Mason County Journal
The Highclimbers won
their first league victgry of
the season, responding well
to the challenge Stadium
threw at them early onin
their home game on Friday,
"~ h e
team| came
closer to
a Whole
FRIDAY: g a me , ,,
Shelton ........ 47 h e a d
Stadium ...... 31 c o ~ c h
Matt l Hin-
TOMORROW: kle said.
Shelton at "I was
Mt. Tahoma, realhap-
7 p.m. py with
how they
responded when Stadium
went up early and then
again later on. They did a
good job rallying in those
Part of the team rally
in the Highclimbers' 47-31
victory was junior running
back Ralph Kinne btceak-
ing the Shelton single game
rushing record, set by Kyle
Burbridge in 2007. Kinne
broke the 330-yard record
with 358 yards Friday night•
He ended the night with
465 total yards, including
Assistant Shelton coach Mike
plays during the team's home
Gettle advises Highclimbers between
game against Stadium on Friday, Sept. 30.
a 96-yard kick return for a m the second quarter, the Kinne also scored a two-
touchdown, third on a one-yard run point conversion on his third
"Kinne's ability to get in the second quarter, the TD while Welander connect-
that record was a reflection fourth on the kickoff return ed with Ajamu for another
of the offensive line's abil- to open the third quarter, conversion on Kinne's kick-
ity to open holes for him and the fifth on a one-yard run off return TD. Junior kicker
maintain blocks," Hinkle in the third quarter and the Shelby Salisbury scored one
said• "He's a hard runner sixth - and final score of the PAT after Welander's pass-
but he had help for sure." night - on a 16-yard runing TD to Ajamu.
Along with his record- early in the fourth quarter. "Our defense played well
breaking rushing perfor- Junior quarterback Jar- and the offense moved the
mance, Kinne scored six of ed Welander scored the sev- ball a lot," Ajamu said. "We
the seven Climber touch- enth Climber TD on a 12-practiced hard and it payed
downs: one on an 18-yard yard pass to junior wide re- off. I'm just happy it didn't
run in the first quarter, the ceiver David Ajamu midway
second on a five-yard sprint through the third quarter• Se'e' Climbers on page C-3
A night for th
Ralph Kinne knew he was rushing a lot for the
Highclimbers in their home game against Stadium
on Friday, Sept. 30. but he thought he had around
250 yards.
When the game ended and his
parents as well as many others
started congratulating him, he
was a little confused.
Then he heard the news: on
37 carries, Kinne rushed for 358
yards, breaking the yards in a sin-
gle game record set by Kyle Bur-
bridge in 2007 at 330 yards•
"I feel shocked because those
Ralph guys [Burbridge and Isiah Taito]
Kinne are the ones I've looked up to my
whole life," Kinne said.
Kinne even has a personal con-
nection to thin particular record. Taito -the record-
holder before Burbridge - is Kinne's cousin.
"My family has always talked about how great
Isiah was," Kinne said• "Now, my family says I have
a spark. Most of them couldn't believe I could run
that fast."
He said that throughout the game, his team-
mates kept guessing at how many .yards they
thought he had racked up, but he didn't know so he
just kept pushing himself.
See Record on page C-3
SHS tenth
grader leads
the pack
Cody Williamson dqesn't
yet know where he's going
in life, but he knows that
he's running. /
Williamson, a sophomore
~n the Shelton cross eonn-
Lry team, has already! won
Lwo meets this season and
has consistently placecl as
~he top Climber finisher in
the boys'
races, i
loves! to
run | and
and h~ is a
studer~t Of
the sport,
said !Da-
ry] ~ite,
Cody head Cross
Williamson c o u ~ t r y
coach.i "If
he i •
les to work as hard ~s he
toes, he could end up as one
)fthe best in the state some-
lay." l
Williamson said he b~gan
:unning cross country a~ the
)eginning of his fresl~man
lear after his eighth grade
;rack coach and a SHS se-
lior encouraged him. i
"I was into football at
;he time but they convinced
ne to try cross cour/try,"
• c, 1
Williamson stud. So, I
;ried out and when ~ did
;he time trials, I made the
rarsity team. I reallN en-
oy running• It's something
:'m good at and it helps
ne get away from things. I
;an clear my head out ¢om-
)letely when I run. I
Williamson said i he
;hinks he's having a i suc-
',essful season, since! his
;imes have improved con-
~iderably from last seas:on.
"I just wish I could get
hster times," he added.
There are some kids ig the
qarrows League who ate so
~st. The coaches tell me my
;imes will come, I just have
;o put in the training."
See Williamson on page C-3
Shelton's Felicia Hausinger takes a breath while swimming
meet against Stadium on Thursday, Sept. 29.
• •
the 500 freestyle
during the
Journal photo by Emily Hanson
Lady Highclimbers' home
By EMILY HANSON H if it's not about
Despite swimming hard', the Shelton girls'
swim team sank to Stadium at home on Thurs- Wi~i~gt it's about
day, Sept• 29.
"The girls did very well," co-head coach tmprowng and if it's
Chad Youngquist said• "They were sharp and
they swam with the intention to win. They ~ot about improving,
have the kind of attitude toward every meet
that if it's not about winning, it's about im- it's about training."
proving and if it's not about improving, 'it's
about training."
Though the Lady Highclimbers lost 78-111 25 of all swimmers for that event in Shelton
to Stadium, there were some bright spots for High School history."
the team. Carisa Kunkle joined the top 25 of Kunkle said she was very happy to join the
Shelton swimmers in the 100-yard backstroke top 25.
with a time of 1:15.43. Her previous best time "I had known since last year what the time
was 1:17.21. Another highlight was Sara was to become a top 25 swimmer because
Minighin qualifying for the league meet in the I wanted to get it and when I got out [of the
100-yard breastroke with a time of 1:23.16 and pool], I saw my time and it was faster [than
a final positive note for the Lady Highclimbers the qualifying time]," she said.
was Rebecca Dodge making a new personal re- Kunkle finished faster than the approxi-
cord in the 500-yard freestyle with a time of mutely 1:16.00 qualifying time to become a top
8:09.57. 25 swimmer in the backstroke.
"We keep track of all of our swimmers from "I'm pretty close to top 25 in the 50 free-
past years for each event," Youngquist said. style," she added. "I like setting goals for my-
"When a girl is in the top 25, she is in the top selfi"
Kunkle said she intends to continue push-
ing herself in the backstroke to finish even
Co-head coach Rob Phelan said the dive
team did pretty well.
"I thought they had some pretty good
dives," he added. "Mishawn Ewart had four re-
ally outstanding dives and her other two dives
were good as well. She's getting more consis-
Phelan stated that Bailey Kirk is improv-
ing an awful lot as a first-year diver.
"Her scores are going up each week," he
As of press time, the Lady Highclimbers
had not yet swam against Lincoln High School
on Tuesday, Oct. 4.
The team is scheduled to compete next
against South Kitsap High School at 3:30 p.m.
on Thursday, Oct. 6.
"South Kitsap, traditionally, is the largest or
second largest school in the state,, Youngquist
said. "They have a 50-meter long pool, which
is twice the length of ours, and they run a lot
of swimming classes with a strong swim club."
Thursday, October 6,
See Swim on page C-3
Shelton-Mason County Journal, Page C-1