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October 6, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 6, 2011
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Lady Climbers swept in league games Shelto.n volleyball travehng for next three Saturday, October 8th 2011 matches " By EMILY HANSON The Shelton volleyball team was swept in their last two matches, both &which were in league. On Thursday, Sep-f~. 29, the Lady Highclimbers opened Narrows League play with a 3-0 loss at Central Kitsap. The team lost 25-5, 25-20 and 25-10. "Th,, at was a tougb night for us," head coach Steve Beck said.' Courtney Han:~en, my top passer, got sick that day and couldn't play. We had to scramble for a new lineup and play positions we weren'~z ready for." Beck said the girls were never in control of how they played against Central Kitsap and they couldn't seem to serve. Two bright spo4~s for the Lady Highclimbers were seniors Caitlyn Ernst and Lolly Jones. Beck said Ernst hit the ball really well with five good, solid kills and that Jones scored six kills. On Monday, Oct. 3, the Lady Highclimbers lost at home to Gig Harbor 3-0 with game scores of25-15, 25-19 and 25-8. "The first two games were well played by us," Beck said. "My girls were in there, working hard and taking advantage of opportunities. They worked well as a team. In that third game, the girls just didn't get the breaks." Ernst said she thought the team played well against Gig Harbor. "We need to push through every game and keep our en- ergy up, especially the last one," she added. "I think we've played pretty well so far this season and if we keep playing like this, we should be able to make it to the playoffs." Beck stated that the team's problem was a need for more offense. Hansen and Ernst each scored five kills and Beck added that the team normally gets higher kill efficiency out of Jones. Hansen also set a season-high in digs with 16. As of press time, the Lady Highclimbers had not yet played at Mt. Tahoma on Wednesday, Oct. 5. The team is Journa photo by Emily Hansor Shelton senior Miranda Armga and junior Courtney Hanson wait for the ,i erve during the Lady Highclimbers' home match against Gig Harbor on Monday, Oct. 3. scheduled to play next at Port Angeles at 6:15 p.m. on Fri- day, Oct. 7 and at the Yelm Varsity Invite beginning at 8 a.m. on Saturday, Oct. 8. "Port Angeles and the Yelm invite are both to get us more experience," Beck said. "It's that tough time of the season where we're fighting for a playoff spot." The Lady Highclimbers are scheduled to hit the road to Olympia on Tuesday, Oct. 11 before returning home next Thursday. By EMILY HANSON and Alex Newman lost 1-6, 0-6. Oct. 4. "The guys are doing a better job of If fihe rain holds off, the boys Despite losing to Bellarmine Prep, putting the ball away at the net when are scheduled to play South Kitsap the SHS boys' tennis team scraped we have the opportunity," Perry said. at 3:3';0 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 6 at by without any double bagles. "We do have to work on our unforced home, and against Olympia at 3:30 On Thursday, Sept. 29, SHS lost errors, however. When we play really p.m. on Monday, Oct. 10 at home. 0-5 to Bellarmine Prep - who just strong teams that have players that "f3outh Kitsap will be another re- beat Olympia High School. last years' play indoors all year (which is vir- ally' tough opponent," Perry said. state champions, tually every time in our league) we "They are a 4A school with a large "This was a tough match, but play more of a defensive formation team and many players that play nobody got double bageled, so that for doubles." off season at the Bremerton Rack- was good," John Perry, head coach, For this defensive formation to e#: Club. They won't be as tough as said. "Actually, we ~had-some 'fairly' be successful, it is "essential that Olympia or Bellarmine, but they still close matches at one and two dou- we don't cry to do too much withhave waymore experience thanus. It bles, so at least we could hit with the ball, but put our opponents into will be up to our doubles teams to try them." a more defensive position as well," and pull us through." By "double bageled" Perry was Perry said. Perry said Olympia will be much referring to the fact that none of the He added that the team must like Bellarmine Prep was. Highclimbers lost a match 0-6, 0-6. therefore reduce its unforced errors "We will go out and play the best At No. 1 singles, Bryson Finlay and put the ball into play whenever we can and try and learn some- lost 1-6, 1-6 and ~t No. 2 singles, it can get a racket on it. thing from the experience and stay Brandon Goodale 1-6.0-6 "We are getting there, but some-positive," Perry added. "We really Number one doubles team John thing that just needs continual re- stress keeping 'things in perspec- Pentony and Alex Deacon lost 2-6, 1-6 minding," Perry said. tive when we go against teams like while No. 2 doubles team Indi Endi- As of press time, the Highclirnb- that and focus on what we can do cott and Josh Priest lost 1-6, 3-6 and ers ahd not yet played at home instead of what the other team can No. 3 doubles team Justin Demattos against Mt. Tahoma on Tuesday, do or is doing." 510 S]~ Old ArCadia Road, Sheldon. W& 985~4 [~o) 426-8111 JEWELRY - CRYSTALS ANIMAL COMMUNICATOR AURA PHOTOGRAPHY- ASTROLOGERS ENERGY WORK - ALTERNATIVE HEALING READERS: ANGEL, PALM, PSYCHIC. TAROT, MEDIUMS COI~TDUITSOI~LIGHT COM ~~ IDMISSI0 ~ ..... ~+, ~. ,~:~+ ~ , . iii ,ii :,i AJ ,i:i i: i!!i,iill ii ::::: :i,: :i i:: !;:iiii::::!ii :~ ....... £:~:. U ~:~: : ~ ~:: ~i~ ~!:,~i~ ~ $: A smart way to save for future healthcare needs. 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Whether you require rehabilitation after surgery care for muscle and joint pain. or would like information about exercise.and keeping fit, our~ o~r- ing staff is here to help you. We i~ve tors about undergoing a bone density several fitness and wellness programs test. This in turn often leads to a re- available, and all our patients can ex- ferral to a physical therapist, who can pect individual care with a licensed guide women through sets of exercises physical therapist. For more informa- designed to stave off osteoporosis (the tion. call SHELI'ON PHYSICAL common bone-weakening disease that THERAPY AND SPORTS MEDI- affects o!deradults, primarily women). CINE at (360) 426-5903. We have To this end. it is recommended that over 32 years of experience provid- women engage in weight-bearing exer- ing physical therapy care. You'll find cises, which make the body work hard- us conveniently located at 2300 Karl er against gravity, thereby building Ct.. Ste. B. New patients are welcome. bone mass. The National Osteoporosis Same day appointments are available Foundation recommends 30 minutes of and most insurance plans are accepted. weight-beating exercise per day, most days of the week. B3, combining dif- P.S. Aside from lifting weights, us- ferent weight-bearing activities, such ing resistance bands helps stress bones as walking and lifting light weights, sufficiently to make them stronger. women can strengthen the bones of Shelton girl breaks two state By EMILY HANSON eight years ago and has been compet- ing for seven years. At just 15 years old, Shelton's Katie "Her stepdad, Roy Justice. used to Jo Lester beat a state equine record ride bulls and was involved in rodeos," that was set six years before she was said Debi Justice, Lester's mom. "He born. got Katie Jo involved in riding and got Lester, the Mason County Rodeo her her first horse." Junior Princess, competed in four Lester said she enjoys everything events at the Puyallup Fair Equine about competing. Western Games last month, bringing "I like going fast, leaving my county home three gold medals and beating to compete, seeing the state," she said. two state records. She has "the closest bond ever" with Riding 13-year-old Scribbles, a fe- Scribbles, her horse for the last three male quarterhorse. Lester competed in years, she said. the pole bending, International Flags, Lester said the Texas Barrels event Idaho Figure Eight and Texas Barrels is her favorite, since most rodeos in- events. On the first day of competition, clude it and most people compete in it. Lester with a time of 8.096 - beat a "My horse is the best at barrels," 2007 state record in the International she said. "Everyone calls her a barrel Flags event that was previously held horse." by Laura Johnson of Snohomish Coun- After learning she had broken ty with a time of 8.178. Miller's record, Lester told her mother On the second day, Lester beat ashe wanted to talk to Miller. Miller - 21-year-old record- set by Katy Miller whose last name is now Bremner - is of Grant County in 1990 with a time currently the president of the Wash- of 14.840 - in the Texas Barrels event ington State Barrel Racing Associa- with a time of 14.786. tion and Justice was able to get her "It didn't hit me right then [that I daughter in touch with the former broke Miller's record] until everyone record-holder. started running up ~o me saying 'Ka- "I told her my name and the name tie just beat the state record!'" Lester of my horse and I told her "we think said. "I feel like l accomplished some- it's pretty amazing you held the record thing. I put my home county on the for 21 years," Lester said. "And then I board so I feel like I did my hometown told her we finally beat it." good." Justice said Miller (Bremner) was In addition to besting two state re- really nice. cords and earning a gold medal in each "She congratulated Katie Jo and of those events, Lester also brought asked her to Facebook so they could home the gold in the Idaho Figure keep in contact," Justice said. Eight event. She placed last in the pole Le,,~ter, a 4H member, has been the bending event. Mason County Rodeo Junior Princess The Oakland Bay Junior High for the last year and said that while ninth-grader said she began riding she's enjoyed being a princess, she will .S Courtesy of Dana TayIor Katie Jo Lester, 15 of Shelton, rounds a barrel in the Texas Barrels event at the Puyallup Fair last month. not try to be a princess again. "I think it takes away a lot of my ride time," Lester said. "I want to fo- cus on barrel racing. Being a princess is fun and I've learned a lot from it." Lester said she has learned orga- nization skills, how to respect people, makeup and hairstyles and how to stay tidy while riding her horse through be-- ing a princess. Finally, Lester stated she plans to compete in the senior division next year. "Competing is my life," she said. "Some people like school sports; I prefer barrel racing and riding my horse." Three other Mason County girls competed with Lester at the Puyallup Fair. Winter Baker, Gabby Ostenson and Bligh Hueske each won a blue rib- bon in showmanship. Shelton-Mas on VOTE FOR City of Shelton Commissioner of Finance Paid for by Mike Byrne 2006 Callanan Street, Shelton, WA 98584 !ii!i County Journal - Thursday, October 6, 2011 - Page C-5