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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 7, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 7, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Dr. Edward Ruge Taken By Death Dr. Edward C. Ruge tdward ('. Ruge, M.1)., the last ol tile three early-day Sealtle psychialrists, died (m September 30 at tile age ot 93. lie was born izl Neenah, Wis. on A u gust 8. 1878. lte was graduated Ironl tile University of lltinHib ill 1901 and practiced Illediclne iii Nebraska bclore LOtUilIg l() Shellon at a tllue when the v.ity's ouly Lontact with the oulsidc world was hy sicalHboat. Ills htmxu ~alls iH lhc Kamiichc, Matlock and Ilood ('anal areas wcle Illadc t)ll llH)torcycle, lie ,,pC~lali/ud ill tubcrcuhp>l,, in lletlinghaHl, tHln,t, in~ fhc lirst X-say tlntt It) the urea. lie Jm,ved it+ Scalllc It+-,pcciali/e Itl Ntitgery tt,,r Ill(ire [h}tll 2t) yeats; lit_7 Wll~, Sup¢l roland Bellingham; Coachella Valley ('hapter No. 360, Order of F:astern Star, Coachella, Cal. :King ('ounly Medical Association; A m erican Medical Association; and tile Palm Desert Community ('hutch. In Seattle he was active in Swedish, Columbus, St. Luke% and MayHard ltospitals+ Alter his retirement, l)r. Ruge was the inspiration behind the building ot Palm Desert ('ommunity l+ibrary in Palm I)csert, ('al where hc made his winler home while maintaining his residence at Shelton. IIc ix survived by his wife, Adclc Nelson RHge; his daughter, (;wen R. Port, +>1 +iuc~oN. Ariz.; his son, I:dward S. RuL'c ol l.os <os, Cal., and a lo~,tur daughter l'rances W. May, ;i tcachcl ill [trctllerlon; four gran(l>,t)iIs; alld +me granddaughter. In compliance with I)t. Rub'o's expressed de~ire burial will be Jn Oak llill ('cnlctcry at Ncenah, Wis. where his parents and grandparents arc interred. Services were conducted in Batstoue I-uneral Ilomc on Wcduesday at 11 a+m. Inn Quest Acl Group In rc~cnI weeks, Ihe lira ()Cost h:l', i,ci:ll a bu',y place. It ha~ p]a}ed hoM to lhc Mas(m (ount), Republicans. who held a dillnet lllccllug lhcIe+ wilh pizza_ salad aill! c()llce -,clvc'd I"O the ]He ()ue',l i:lI~.hetI Mail I1 h,l', also h{)M',!d lhe Y,]tcll()ll Jaykee'.," wives, the Javctles, who held ~1 bu si lie s,., lnecllng with re|feshtncnts served alterwards. I'hc adnlinistraliw: shill haw.! been doing a h)l of rllnnlilg and 5peaking, 'Jhcy plcscntcd a i!roposal tO, the ('ommunity Action council in Olympia t~)r fundin~ +cicncc unable to raise bail and ha>, bcc+, in Mason ('ounty Jail since that time, tie also fucus Iwo other drug charges. J udge Robert l)oran, who heard the plea entered, ordered a pre-sentcnce report on Dodge before he is sentenced. Dodge was represented b$ Clifford Stilz Jr., Olympia attorney. (;len Fhvood t3inghan~ has been pronlolcd to the position of Washington ('orreetions (enter Reception Supervisor effective ()el. 5. replacing Tom Rolfs who X~r ;I S a p p o i n t e d t o t h e newl,~-creatcd position of ass()ciale superintendenl, rece ptiort-diagnost ic center. Binghanl gradualed fronl lhe l.Jniversil?, oI Washington with a BA in bnshlcss adininistralion and altended ('enl ral W;l~;h ingl cm State ('oliegu and Pacific Lnlhei-an Universily for gradu'o7. ............ 2/1,69 r-] $1.49 Pain Relief Tablets EXTRA STRENGTH. 100's .........2/1,49 O 69¢ AntJseptic Lip Lotion ~ALGREEN. 6,4 ml ................. 2/2.19 O $1.29 Eye Drops Anefrin. ' -oz .......................... 2/1,49 $1.99 Decongestant Tabs ANEFRINo Antihistamine, 50's .... 2/2.19 O 89¢ Lozenges wilh Vit. C ANEFRIN. 12' ....................... 2/89¢ r-] $1.s8 2/24 Cold Capsules L..-J ANEFmN. Sustained aotion,m's.. 2/1,49 r-] $1.19 Nasal spray ANEFRIN. ..................... 2/1,25 $1.18 Anti-Allergy Capsules Walgreens. ...................... 2/1.49 $1.29 Cough Syrup Antihistam Pine. 8-oz ................. 2/1, ii r-] 9911 Vap0rizlnl Liquid ANEFRIN. Extra strength. 4-oz .... ~'91~'~ r-v 8911 Paln Relief Rub L._I WalgreenoSore muscle relief, 1.S-o ..2/lt¢ 8911 After Shave, Walgreens , Menthol or Lavender, 5-,oz .............. [--]$1.75 .Men's Cologne Lord B.iargaLe. 5-oz ................. O51.58 After Shave, Lime or Lord Briargate, Spicy. 4,7/8-oz'"' Toiletries $1.19 C01d Cream Perfection. Freshly Made, 7~/~°°z ...... O S1.19 Bubbling Bath Oil in 4 fragrances. 16 fl. oz.. r--] $1.69 Milk Bath L._.J w/Cold Cream, Chambly. r-] $1.19 Family Roll-On Deod. Walgreens. 2 fl. oz .... 0 $1.29 Spray Deodorant Lord B/Gate. Spice. leime, VI h/r Sl.49 Dandruff Shampoo " .,. RMULA 20. 4--oz. net ............. 1-7 $1.98 Protein For hair. Walgreens. 3 r-] $1.29 ProteJn Shampoo L..-A Formula 20. 4a~.-OZ. tube. F-1 $1,19 Hair Dress L._A Lord Briargate. 5-oz. tub [-7 $1.98 Home permanenf Fashion Rite... ,t + $1.98 Vit. B-12 25 megJ°°'~' ' [7 $6.98 01avite-M Thera, l°~'~ ..... $5.29 Super B CompleX, 100'~ .... [-7 $2.79 Aylinal Mull. Vif, 10°'~ ..... $1,59 Cod Liver 0il [-1 $3,29 Liver & Iron Tabs I Available 12 to 5 p.m. EVERGREEN SQUARE Come in and shop the many items on sale inevery depart- men; during our big PENNY SAVING SALE, There are big savi s ou many items which space does not permff US lo lish FANTASTIC SAVINGS FOR YOU WHEN YOU