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Freedom-loving Americans can breathe a sigh of relief.
President Nguyen Van Thieu, known affectionately in
South Vietnam as "the mother of his country," has won
re-election by an overwhelming majority, thus assuring the
continuation of democratic government in that embattled
It was a fight all the way for the plucky Thieu, who faced
not only harassment from the communists but treasonous
activity from dissident agents of Hanoi within his own
The first obstacle popped up when two subversives
attempted to place their names on the ballot in opposition to
the incumbent. One was his own vice president, Nguyen Cao
Ky, the other, General Duong Van (Big) Minh, a
rabble-rouser who had gained some popularity among the
peasants through deceit.
President Thieu managed to remove them from
contention, using the police strength afforded him by
American money and tactics which would warm the cockles
of the hearts of civil libertarians such as John Mitchell and J.
Edgar Hoover.
This left him alone on the ballot, which was right and
proper since he was the only prospective candidate who
understood the democratic process of free elections.
We in the United States can learn much from Thieu's
actions. For years we have had turmoil during our elections
because of opposition candidates who, caring naught for the
troubles faced by the incumbent, assault his image and record
until the peasants are in utter confusion.
Fettered by an outmoded Constitution and its socialistic
Bill of Rights, our incumbents must suffer this treasonous
treatment without recourse to the military, the FBI or the
The Nixon administration has attempted to change this
unfortunate condition with its harassment of dissidents, but
its efforts pale beside those of President Thieu, who seems to
be years ahead of his American democracy instructors.
Thieu also silenced opposition newspapers prior to the
election, a move which, along with his instructions to the
country's television stations, greatly relieved tensions during
those critical days.
Spiro Agnew has tried to tell the American pebple of the
dangers of an opposition press, but is unable, due to a United
States Supreme Court which doesn't understand the problem,
to do more than sound the alarm. The nine old men still
invoke the Bill of Rights in an age when sinister forces within
and without our country are using the provisions of that
document to destroy us.
What Thieu apparently intuitively understands, and
leaders in our country are just beginning to realize, is that
you can't have a free country if you let the people interfere
the government. Freedom cannot include the right to
cciticiz ,the administration in office or change the direction
the country is taking. That is anarchy, not democracy.
Freedom, in essence, is the right to go to bed at night
assured that when you awaken the next morning you will not
be expected to consider any new problems thrown at you by
unpatriotic news media or subversive fellow citizens.
President Thieu did a splendid job of providing that
freedom to his people. He knew that in order to run an
effective democratic government he had to receive an
overwhelming vote of confidence and he let nothing stand in
his way to achieve that result.
An election official in charge of a Saigon polling station
said that "all polling places received orders prior to the
election to replace invalid - anti-Thieu - ballots with valid
ones. At my polling station, more than 400 invalid ballots
were replaced. We were told not to allow newsmen into the
polling place, that if they insisted we should call the police.
Two plainclothes police supervised the entire operation of
our polling station. We were told that if any election workers
objected to the procedure, we should notify the authorities
and they would be removed."
In Long An Province, a cameraman from NBC
photographed a patriotic voter casting two ballots for his
leader, a precaution that helped swell the total vote.
Using these effective methods of running a free election,
Thieu won 91.5 per cent of the votes cast in what officials
claimed was an 87 per cent voter turnout.
"This proves that our people as a whole were aware of
the election's decisive importance," he said. "And by taking
part in large numbers they expressed their respect for the
constitution and laws and fulfilled their citizens' right in a
free and democratic way."
Would that President Nixon could make the same
statement following next year's presidential election.
Unfortunately, it will probably not happen because of our
backward approach to the democratic process.
State officials are beginning to
have second thoughts about the
additional 5-cent tax imposed on
cigarettes by the 1971
Legislature. During the first two
months of the 1971-73 biennium,
revenue from this source was 7.3
per cent below projections.
Because Oregon's new 5-cent
tax has been tied up by a
referendum until after the
November, 1972 general election,
the contraband problem will
continue unabated for more than
another year. Oregon's tax
remains at 7 cents a pack,
compared with 16 cents in this
state. There are indications this
state's revenue from this source
has been confronted by the law of
diminishing returns.
If so, the administration will
seriously consider asking the next
legislative session to lower the tax
somewhat. This could be met
with considerable resistance. Not
only nonsmokers, but because of
the health hazard scare, others
may oppose any action to
encourage sales.
Liquor Watched Closely
State officials don't have to
keep as close a watch on liquor
sales. The Distilled Spirits
Institute is doing it voluntarily.
Volume sales continue to show a
sharp drop from the previous
year, before imposition of the
new tax of 2 cents per fluid
But the decrease for August
was considerably less than that
for July, which reflected the
result of heavy purchases being
made in June, before the tax
became effective. August sales
were down 28,022 cases, or 12.18
per cent as compared with a year
ago, but in July they were down
46,353 cases or 19.68 per cent.
Measured in dollars, gross
sales for the two-month period
were down more than $2.27
million, or 3.83 per cent. The
drop percentagewise in dollar
volume is less than that for case
sales because of the higher return
the state is now receiving on each
Breather For Taxpayers
Taxpayers should be able to
sleep better nights during the
1972 legislative session than is
customary during periods when
the lawmakers are at work. With
one exception, the chances of the
Legislature going home without
enacting additional taxes look
pretty good.
Gov. Dan Evans doesn't want
any more for budget balancing,
talk books:
and neither does the Legislature.
The Governor has instructed all
agencies under his jurisdiction to
hold the line, and looks like most
of them will make it.
His "jobs-now" program is the
one exception. It would be
financed by extending the sales
tax to gasoline sales. At current
prices, it would amount to 2 or 3
cents per gallon. The pressure in
the coming session for this
program will be much greater
than it was in the last session,
when it was defeated in the
Schools Need Help
At least $20 million more will
be needed to maintain the state's
guaranteed support for the public
school system, but it is expected
this can be handled through
transfers. The Governor won't ask
the Legislature to boost the
guarantee from $365 to $368 per
student, as some legislatures had
Meanwhile, excess property
tax levies for school operations
and maintenance appear to be
leveling off, after years of
consistent gain. The Department
of Revenue reports excess levies
approved this year, for collection
in 1972, so far total $172 million.
This compares with $175 million
being collected this year. But
there are fears in some quarters
We can be proud, however, as Americans, that it was our
tax money that allowed President Thieu to demonstrate how
a democracy should be run.
Founded 1886 by Grant C. Angle
Mailing Address: Box 430, Shelton, Wa. 98584
Phone 426-4412
Published at Shelton, Mason County, Washington,
weekly, except two issues during week of Thanksgiving.
Entered as Second-Class Matter at the Post Office, Shelton, Wa.
Member of National Editorial Association
Member of Washington Newspaper Publishers' Association
SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $5.00 per year in Mason County,
in advance -- Outside Mason County $6.00
EDITOR AND PUBLISHER ...................... Henry G. Gay
When Red Jacket was asked what he had done
to distinguish himself as a warrior among the
Senecas, he replied with indignation: "A warrior? I
am an orator! I was born an orator!"
In our innocence we associate all great Indians
with warfare. But many of the greatest were not
fighters, they were spiritual leaders and orators.
Teedyuscung of the Delwares, Cornplanter of the
Senecas, Brant of the Mohawks, Keokuk of the
Sauks, Sequoyah of the Cherokees, Seattle of the
Suquamish, Joseph of the Nez Perce, Black Kettle
of the Cheyenne, Little Raven of the Arapahoes,
Ten Bears of the Commanches, Blackfoot of the
Crows and Sitting Bull of the Sioux were far better
known among their own peoples as civil authorities
and orators than they were looked up to as warriors.
During the battle of the Little Big Horn, for
example, Sitting Bull remained in his tepee, praying
and meditating.
If you want to know what the Indians said, I
urge you to obtain a copy of Indian Oratory,
recently published by the University of Oklahoma
Press. Here. you will find notable speeches by
Page 4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, October 7, 1971
early-day leaders of 22 Indian tribes, speeches which
not only add a new dimension to our knowledge of
the original Americans but permit us for the first
time to obtain as near comprehensive a collection of
their views as is currently available.
The speeches are filled with a longing for peace
and a bitterness at the white man's duplicity. Ten
Bears of the Comanches said at the Medicine Lodge
council in 1867 what other Indian leaders said at
different places in different words about different
"When I was in Washington, the Great Father
told me that all the Comanche land was ours, and
that no one should hinder us in living upon it. So
why do you ask us to leave the rivers, and the sun,
and the wind, and live in houses? Do not ask us to
give up the buffalo for the sheep...
"The Texans have taken away the places where
the grass grew the thickest and the timber was the
best... The white man has the country which we
loved and we only wish to wander on the prairie
until we die... I want no blood upon my land to
stain the grass. I want it all clear and pure, and 1
wish it so, that all who go through among my
that the leveling-off is only
Welfare Paradox
Despite the sagging economy,
and an unemployment rate far
above the national average, the
state's public assistance costs have
declined five months of the past
six. An increase can be expected
as winter sets in, but the
administration is confident
additional appropriations won't
be needed.
Extended unemployment
compensation benefits have been
exhausted for a total of about
40,000, but most of these have
resources which make them
ineligible for public assistance.
Many, also, have another wage
earner in the family.
While these won't have any
impact on the public assistance
rolls, the decrease in incomes will
have a further detrimental effect
on the general economy.
Immune To Freeze
The freeze on prices isn't
having any effect on the general
fund budget. As passed by the
1971 Legislature, it was so tight
that there wasn't any cushion for
The only effect came from
the wage freeze, which froze
increment pay raises for state
employees,, totaling $3 million
through November 13.
The ill winds of fortune have produced
American rags-to-riches saga-in-reverse. And
revolving in his hard-earned grave.
Involved is one Jolene Gearin, middlea
the California Money Belt whose nouveau
evaporated in four quick years, leaving
unbowed, low-moneyed but high-breasted.
High-breasted because, among hitherto
luxuries in which she dabbled with a
"I had lny breasts lifted." And that's not all.
"We bought cars and motorcycles," she
hi-fi, a truck, we all had our teeth capped..."
But now the Gearins are poor again, just
before Mrs. Gearin's father's estate beq
upon the family, which includes a
husband-father, and four children.
Returning to $75-per-month apartment
easy as it sounds.
"It really wore us out spending it," Mrs.
were exhausted. We couldn't spend it fast enough'
A.nd, "We paid cash for everything."
Which also included "a down payment on
furniture, $10,000 invested and $4,000 lost
market, ski equipment..."
Mrs. Gearin, however, is not particularly
loss of affluence. And she is unrepentive.
altogether improper irreverence for the
which she treated like dirt when she had it.
Equalizer is all gone now but she s still'
happiness was touch-and-go for a while.
'After the money was gone," she said,
fighting. They kept saying, 'Why didn't we
way?" But they all were there to spend it and we
And after tile fun, the Gearins differed
families left awash ill tile wake of fleeting
"All of a sudden," Mrs. Gearin said ....
we were broke, we decided there was a brand ne ,
And now that the lucky bucks are gone,
out in that brand new world. One is
Australia, three others are in college and
husband Leonard is once again a marinating
Mrs. Gearin has become a kind of philosopher ab
Speaking practically, like a banker or
might, she muses that if she had it to do over,
would be smarter to go out and buy a few things
and a Cadillac - and then invest the rest and
But speaking as a more warm-blooded
that if another such windfall ever wafts her
exactly the same thing I did blow it "
_= We must decide very quickly what
country we want to live in.
This nation was founded and built by
=- believed in individualism. It has
i system carried on largely by individual
The increased concentration of
=-_. power is dooming free enterprise. The
trend of great corporations to
economic power is the antithesis of
-- competitive development.
-=- It is no accident that we noW
= government, big labor unions and big
- Local economic independence cannot be
- in the face of consolidations such as we
- during the past few years.
The control of American
_-= being transferred from local
= large cities in which central managers
-- policies and the fate of the far-flung
they control. Millions of people
-- on their judgement.
Through monopolistic mergers
= losing the power to direct their
welfare; they also lose the means to
= political future.
- The late
=-_ Kefauver,
- congressman,
- House com
- Editor's Note: You should be around
- baby; it would curl your coonskin caP.
people may find peace when they come in, and
leave it when they go out."
Cochise of the Apaches urged the whites: "You
must speak straight so that your words may go as
sunlight to our heart," and bitingly added, in
reference to the arrogant use the whites had made
of the Bible: "Tell me, if the Virgin Mary has
walked throughout all the land, why has she never
entered the wigwam of the Apache? Why have we
never seen nor heard her?"
Red Cloud of the Sioux, pointing to the
hypocrisy of the white expropriators, declared in
bemusement: "The riches that we have in the world,
Secretary Cox said truly, we cannot take with us to
the next world. Then I wish to know why
commissioners are sent out to us who do nothing
but rob us and get the riches of this world away
from us?"
Much of the oratory contains such wisdom as
would have made many a white famous and is
replete with historical overviews which show a
remarkable sense of the world.
"It matters little where we pass the remnant of
our days," noted Chief Seattle, more than 100 years
ago, in almost chilling
many. The Indians' night
single star of hope hovers
Sad-voiced winds moan in the
seems to be on the Red Man'S
goes he will hear the approa
destroyer and prepare
does the wounded doe that
footsteps of the hunter.
"A few more moons. A
not one of the des(
once moved over this broad
homes, protected by the Great
mourn over the graves of a
powerful and hopeful than
mourn at the untimely fa
follows tribe, and nation
waves of the sea. It as the
is useless. Your time of decay
will surely come, for even
God walked and talked
friend, cannot be
destiny. We may be brothers
from The