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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 7, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 7, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Lester V. Bozarth Dies On Sunday Charles E. Clark Dies In Spokane Lester V. Bozarth, 58, died Nebraska and served for two years Charles Edward Clark, 72, Langbehn's in Spokane with the Sunday in Mason General in Roseburg, Ore. with the died September 26 in his home in Rev. William Siewert of Spokane Hospital. He was born Sept. 29, Civilian Conservation Corps. Spokane, where he had resided V a lley Alliance Church ~Jrlb~rdl~Idl~lRI 1913 in Lebanon, Kan. He was employed for t4 years for 30 years, officiating. Burial was in Spokane vli~m~mviI Mr. Bozarth was educated in by the Puget Sound Naval He was a retired electrician Memorial Gardens. Shipyard at Bremerton and had for Electric Smith and Crampton Contributions to the Cancer Appointment ot" Delmar (Del) lived in the Shelton area for the Electric, inc. He was born in Association of Spokane County E. Orren, manager of Simpson e, / • • n* , past 16 years. He was an active Cedar Rapids, Iowa on April 14, were suggested by the family. Timber Company's McCleary oanara winters member of the Matlock Grange. 1899. Plywood Plant, as manager of the r,~. i ~ ..I Surviving him are his wife, Four years ago Mr. Clark ItlMLIE are being noted with this issue... And manager Kirk Criner is firm's McCleary Door Plant was L~IeS In ~eail"le Mildred, of the home; a son, underwent cancer surgery for the NARFE To "" t ~-NI) "National Fire Prevention Week" starting a new way to find announced this week bv John .... and "National4-HWeek"... specially priced items. Just look Connors, Seattle, generalr~lanager ,, San:ra W)nters,..~1:. meaRoland Lee Bozarth of removal of his voice box Having /vlee lauf, Morley Both ot them tell a story that for the "red dot". That style will for Simpson plywood and door ~vlonaabin me umverslty oi R i d g e c r e s t , Cal. : nine regained the use of his voice, he The National Association of grandchildren: two step-sons, addressed student nurses and the Retired Federal Employees will d Dave Thacher, is worth reading so take just a be discounted 10% on reauest nrnclucts Washington Hospital. . . - -- ..... Michael Norwood o1 tternnston ' Himlie Realty, little hme... Get ready for spring by In his new position. Orren TacSh[a l~;d tbheeen aatr~;;dm]~a:st '" " " s , Spokane County Cancer Society meet at 1 p.m. Oct. 13 in the g 1,500 realtors While you }!re reading, glance planting fall bulbs now. And replaces Jack Harris who has been . 'c -. : - ~ .... P ~" Yoth " Ore. and Denms Norwood of to explain his experience. PUD 3 Auditorium. All retired ;4 ~i~~~ 1 ' 1%~~~ "~ ". ~Y S from $32.95 17, 4th o v Eclean.R f[ Custom 7.95| [[ ] [~'11~1 '1 11[ tlllllle Shel t on Mem orial Park. ticking " " .~ nc~f 111e :w tOllr eeYO~':''/- et -datgd'ght er rsO'h 1 H:e wt at s ] 3,0s " yeare memt The ' values T h o r n h,,,- G e r a gh t y: are :*" "! II here / every err °1 f/ /an ',, • ,opo,ar,a,,,on day. federal pl°ye2es are welc°m6 ° '°[ [[C &V¢ II/ the five state over some oi the spectacular you'll find many of your favorite temporarih, assigned to Simpson an.a ~ssur~w~o t!,~ a son. tin . b. Mrs. Christina Kennedy and Mrsl the Spokane Eagles Lodge and a attend the meeting. , Oregon Idaho, speclalsthatarebemgofferedthls bulbs discounted at headquarters in Seattle. Dave ot tne ~amIly J loci)c, two Carol Nelson of Hermiston and mumbo, of the Independent I Alaska) 'regional weekend in Mason County stores LUMBERMEN'~ OF SHELTON : - , . : oau~nters, loney and Mmmev oI . . • ~- • Carstalrs. prooucnon manager ioE ~ . " of the National Just a smattermg ol them are lust see A,~,, ~to,~ninot,',n in th....... - ..... the home: a sister, Mrs. Arums Miss Faye Norwood of the home: Order of Foresters and Local 73 Robert George Haley has of Realtors in " At MILLER'S you'll finci 'a;arden sto'~e"and~le't'her";~'el; ;ou ~Dm2t°;n:assn~,n~°;rrr2;vw,°?ll Dylllent. Taconla" and her lather, three brothers, Marvin of Greeley, of tire Flectrical Workers Union. applied for a Class C and D liquor 'eekend. , ,. " - • ot . • • .. . e ' " : . . - Georoe Br don of Hoodsport. Colo., Walter of College t'lace, Survivorsinclude his wife, license to sell wine and beer for great big 3 Day R1 Sale In !ull pick the finest of the crop..,rnainta n responslblht5 [or both : 3 ......... and Johu of California: a~d fort]l" Litlian, of the home; two on premises consumption, the e highlights of the swim, manager Kon Elled~e nas Ray w ......... ~,~ ne ........ -~ service wtu ne neium .... ~ " "~ ................... mcCmary operations uui a new ......... sisters, Mrs. Anne Stl-cbel tfdaughters, Mrs. Lewis E. State Liquor Control Board has slashednrices all through the ilFCI~WITI4'R IFWF/I~V , , , ~ . , batstone vuneral none at I p.m. as an addre;; by , ' to- m tke the " of .................... , plywoou pIant manaeer is nameu .............. l~llcl l, Wltll ouria, m bnelton Bremerton, Mrs. hene ('astell of tMarjorie)Bare, Missoula, Mont., announced. ans, who ga store ~ • • end announced this week thatthe Orren has been~m~na,,er at ' ~"" ' rOposed legislation Founder's Day the biggest ever store isnow headuuarters for ~, :, ,._~ ,,,... ~_, . ,,~',, ,, Xlemorial Park. " Port Orchard, Mrs. Theo Finch, and bhs. Arnold (Wilma)Saeger ....... - . ,,lcv~eaw Hywoo(J since 1"4o/ lie Albany. Ore. and Mrs. Elsie Kirch of Shelton: a son, Fay A. Clark of J Property taxation Rod Olsen, manager of Accutron watches by Bulova. Ray began his Smipson career in 1959 of Harchan. La. Anacortes', 11 grandchildren; 23 [ Call Us A~t- " ' 3~F/~--"~' t0Uld affect senior OLSEN FURNITURE, has one of stated that in addition to selling in ind ustrial e ngineerin,, A service wilt be held at t great-grandchildren; a sister;and a I t[~Allff DAIH~ ' the biggest chair values going...a the famous watch, he is ~,!soassignments at Shelton and Vance Human today m Batstone tVuneral h]lf-blolher. ] .... 2J w,~n.=r~ ]~l~'~'~/t-~l~l[" on, Loraine Day, La-Z-Boy factory authorized sale. authorized to service them..,subsequently was a foreman at " ' I A Planned IJ~(j'#.~ Hoine with tireRev.William A funeral was held at 11 a.m. [ umt Development ~~ • " 426-2646 ;S'at-large for the Now's tile time to get one of the That's 30 for this week Sim pson's for,nor Capital Dies In Wvomina HIMLI .2R_ A.I y. ,N' E:Jdi / SOciation of Realm o s t f a m o u s c h a i r s b u t r e m e m b e r what this Plywood plant at Olynipia and a , ~ Andrews otfici'lting and burial ino ~ S e p t e m b e r 2 9 i n ' "Make America manufactured, and at a low low anonymous person once penned nroduction engineer and ,,eneralVa ~ce Ho nan of Cheyenne. [Fantastic sale ;)rices [ ~II Was on hand to price l expect to pass through this " e nan in California Wyo died Friday m tus home as a ..... Ior ~ . plywood - . li0nal award to the B e t t e r s c a m p e r in t o world but once. Any good operations lte then returned to result ol a heart attack. He was 06 . Chairman in EVERGREEN DRUG CENTER therefore that 1 can do, or any Capital in i964 as superintendent years old. ~ts efforts in such and capture some of those kindness that I can show to any 0rren served as production Mr. tloman was bornin I cational training, "g~ .' ' g "~ g "'* , ' • superintendent of Sin/pson's ' , • • hal, fins bein, offered durin the fellow creature let me do it now ~" - Colorado o~ June 8 1905 He .a b u s e, e q u a 1 Penny Saving Sale. ]'his is the last Let me not defer or neglect it for Lyons Ore Plywood plant in was a member of the Eagles, and a ....... V lDur,ng Pennel Days I hOUsing and other three days, so hurry... 1 shall not pass this way agam." 1966 and then became McCleary veteran oI World War 11, ha mg • t..ennent programs. Fantastic sale prices are the - DL Plywood manauer in 1967 served for four years with the Sea m presenting therule during PENNEY days, andIt wl|n N WS Orren is a native of Ziilah and Bees. r ~,cr ~ tlarr " ..... ~ "!"- Survivors include a son ,realtors of the man:g" (hnt ' ington says 'TT RAYON"-" a forest products graduate of the' ' , . , ' . COnscientious, that tile store .just doesn't settle Men's Hi G~a~nt~: Jerry Mallory University of Washington. Forest ltoman, of Calilorma: tour : AtOlsenFurn,ture ,ol 297jl t /(US! II FACTORY AUTHORIZED • | / rf / ~nee on sizes 6-12. II ~Oast~ gift • . • T I" , II \ " \ ,re tt ou 11 f 7 " d mght¢ls Pan TcHy Suc and . ,. , .... : 1 us-us- ~taucs /-v" 552 • )0 in merchandise watenng meal that includes the Makeups 7 9 W'oodbirds7 9' - .... Shelton, and nulnerousother . , " ; " ; StanDings: Shelton ~ecreation . ¢ her name at thescru npl ()us burger and tastyWaterboysd-10 ]nA. l,,mhermen's 10#-,. r, tb,,~.~ n e p h e w s,n~eces and Show held last golden frenchfries. Don't miss Waterboys 3, John Denison 7-q-Mornan~ 5-11 grandchildren. it... 533; Wood, birds 1,.Marge Bacon "Cumbermen's'2, A( , Neau A funeral was held in a ntown streets. MILLER'S SHOE SALON is ~! ;~;ntenance....~. ~..e[~_ Hart 552.; Shelton Recreation 2, S onja Cheyenne chapel at 1:30p.m. Secondary prlz:~: where all youhunters can find Lefty's + 1 4 Jerry Mallory 667- a?q Mor"'m's ~ Con;a Pe-r-'" , ...... a~ ......... a ........ >e ..... OVer $200 we ' , ,.~, uaw rx.ut~e,, baD; Cocnran 461" Millos t JO Heinu~,,,,h,, with h,,~;.,I ;., r'i ......... ' • I l ,set of 8 wine comforlable Red Wing Shoes. Makeups 0, Chuck Smith 500. ~, u .... , ..... Memorial Ccn,etery. ur ¢ ' lice Miller's; Thorse Seount off one * YOU'RE ALWAYS WELCOME AT OLSEN FURNITURE * 4TH & COTA * qUALITY FURNITURE AT PRICES YOU CAN AFFORD * .i • , ae m~ Miller's Sh°e [ Sale avitt, $20 gilt 'erris,EVergreen $10 Drug gitt ~ -- =~ -- ----'- I-- ~~ I:~! ! Reg. 3.99, 24136" .... for$ , ,,,,,,,o,,;, _~ LA-Z" SO I:1 Ii ~1[ 27x48",reg. 5.g9, now4.97 [ / ' / *Polyester/cotton [I Certificate from ~ -: = 36x72",reg. 11.00, now8.9? // / . II I"-" • Sculptured border. ]1 / / Penn-Prest~for II Ser, $1 0 gift • Flare leg double • Machine washable / / .:: / , re leg; double II '~'°°*~-~'*';~ ~ Id |I ~ ~ • Nylon pile latex backing. ] / : ~ no ironing. ]| Oneida Stainless gift certif cate ' ~ ',~' " ',~:~i~i , . .... i': , >! ,,"~t------~ .............. " S ....... :*' ~ " " |~l e Langeland, free - ~2 ~ ange from Mell ,3 ,-"" ::#~i::: .............. :~. ~' t Miller, $20 gift 7, ~ :~ .iiI -,,,- 01sen Furniture; ~--~. ~ Now, for a hm~ted t~me, you can buy !!'end alignment ~ /~/ 'n~Pauley's l~{i}~ >~-~_4 that comfortable char you ve I.~I ier,, $10 gift i .reeNeilslubel'harmacy ;and oil - /-- ~-- "I~ J " ,~oo~o,o.~,o~ ~ ~-/ .: ~ ~~ always dreamed 0 iIn size blankets "~, .... ~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::... ::::: ..... ~'~- - -fi'-~'---"--"--- ," ........... =.~---~ ,:. ::" • " Rassuaier,from Western*'0 ~° .......... : ....... at a substanba ~ .... '' *~ i1, free lube and i, .... ~{iiii{{iii{i{i~{i~i}{: v /:/ ':::: .... , N iiiiiiiiiiiii)i!i!:; ,o.0~t .w~: : , /o/ . .~:~;. ..... oo% HERCULON M :" ,.:~.:,::a' ~, E, :" ........ : : .g:. ::::::::::::::::::::::::: C " > \ . ::: . Choose from / [ ..... rters for " : .: ,:, :, . combforest.tones.nat onfittedPlaid armin I II *I .... fOrl® • ® ;: .N and headrest covers./#/ ' ]I" ilt ii :: ,,it1 Regular $239.95. SAVE lql OVa • 95 < I t l \ II - RECLINA- ROCKER " / I • B r i c k effect. 1 \ II 'Owered r~ • S~.,,.. ,-,.,,, ,-..,,,- ~![ NOW /~i " ~I ~ . ~oo-~,d0~,n0. L_ 1 \ II tsplitsa :~ VLIIJ ~.~ r~N~r ~'~:~I ..... ~~x~-< I I '9'qua • LIFETIME MECHANISM WARRANTY e.----.. . Machine washable. tees'ecisethata ~t}{~~'~ i¥1 ithin • Choose from EXTRA HEAVY :h.* See Z PREMIUM QUALITY FABRICS /J o0of lil ~,s. ~ at Olsen Furniture $17700 "d[~~~*v,,~8~9 / II ~ 5We Priced Iii Igl , T o c :~ ." 100% NYLON LUXURIOUS VELVET/ / M A T T E L A S S E C O V E RS are ~ong/~I IPl///ll~i~t.~ u~_~ ~,e...~~ / I¢ " \\ ~ I ~, CO V ER. Choose wearing and easy t o/~l ~~'~"~ \\~1 ;:.I ,| '~ "-R orange or fitted/ I . YLO, coy, ............... ,,~]~_~ ,, ~ 00 " ~ .............. -"": green. Fitted arm ~.~.~-~., arm covers and headrest|>l .~%~.~ ~~ ..~,e2.,~,\\l ",, :,: " ll il o,d fitted arm and k ic rt. av.oca , o!,ve, ust or/?=l ~lt,,!!lt~l,. ~ [~i~::; Choose from green or lliL..i~. *. ,[ ~l]and head,est covers, I!al[~ :,,~ :IIL~IL~.~", tt!covers. Choose from:rnl ~ ular : ........ :e [~~ ~headrest covers. Heg lll~-~/~:. ~',,7~ " }1 'Regmar ~zzv.vo.~i,,~11 "~;,h~..~ "~ I gOld. Hegular $269.95./~I rt , : , : 00 ...c... .... 0* ,ltli - 177 II s,n.oo s??2ol:/ = 17/ , ...... ----- ------ :: -::::::: ::::: " • ~ ,& , "~-~. !i!L~l~_~. ~' ............ :i!;':':';':"~:!i ".", ::::, >:~ ".%: ..... " .!: ' ) "" ....... SAVE : : ....--; " SAVE 2,o, s5 2,°,,8 2,O, SLO Ill " ,. "~' . ~ " ' .,. :;! '~ r" ! ~ ~.,.. ~1 ~ IolRe,. $3 each. Standard,ize. Reg.$5 each. Standard size. Re,. $6 St.nd|rd$iz. Famous DuPont Red Label New Dacron ~ Fiberfill II Personal Touch in soft, meal- pillows. Dacron ® polyester polyester. Machine washable ium or firm. Polyestsr fiber- . ~ fiberfill. Blue striped cotton and dryable! Cotton/polyester fill, polyurethane foam core. - Co "ntTermsor : -- : ,"1| Zip-off Penn-Prest cotton • nvenee Open Daffy 8 30 530 .- o :oi :"f'~ Use Your Bankcardl ,' El ticking. ,:~'i .~ , ~, " 0 L s E ~/ .,,. o~~ - ,, ~ , i°~1 o. JCPenney Servje, ~ "~/11 426-4702 I I " I_Zl I ~1 hilt Quolity Furniture since /936 // and Cota : Free Delivery I~1 Shop Daily g:30 to 5:30- Shop Fridays 9:30 to 8:30 P.M. • - -- AT PRICES . , ' ' -- QUALITy YOU CAN AFFORD YOU RE ALWAYS WELCOME AT OLSEN FURNITURE * 4TH & COTA I , Thursday. October 7, 1971 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 5