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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 7, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 7, 1971
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Mrs. Joh'n Fain Crockett Jr. Linda Sue Mac Rae Weds John Fain Crockett Jr. Linda Sue MacRae was wed to John Fain Crockett Jr. in a double nng ceremony performed by the Rev. Chaplain Keenan on the evening of September 20 in Custer tlill Chapel, Eort Riley, Kan. Parents of the bride are Mr. and Mrs. iohn A. MacRae of Shelton and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs, John I'. Crockett Sr of l'ulsa,()kla. Welcome Chapter To Meet Friday Past Matrons anti Past Patrons will be honored at the 8 pro. meeting of Welcome Chapter No. 40 OES to be held Friday in the Masonic l"emple. Special honors will be paid to Past Matron Vi Ferris. At this meeting old ceremonial robes will be worn and past events at the chapter reviewed. A group from tile Shelton ttigh School will sing. With her slinl-styled white gown, the bride wore an illusion mantilla of flowers arid carried a bouquet of pink and white carnations. Matron of honor was Mrs. B. (;oldberg, and best rnan was David C. Schnoor. District Officers Visit VFW District Commander Itarold Seeley of Olympia and Mrs. Frank Pennel, District President from Montesano, made their first visits to tile V.F.W. Post and its Auxiliary on Friday evening. Other dignitaries attending the meeting were Mrs. ltarold Seeley, National Rehabilitation Chairman of the Western Area; John Mandel of Raymond, District Inspector; Jack Hammock, Department Inspector, and M is. ttarrlrnock, auxiliary president, from Montesano; H. (Pinky) Reavis, Commander of Montesano Post, Joseph Fitzpatrick, Coininander of Steilacoom Post: Robert Bell. Chief of Staff, t:ast Side, and Mrs. Bell, Department Color Bearer of Montesano; Mr. Robert Jenkins and Mrs Jenkins wbo is Department Flag Bearer of Olympia; Mrs. frnest West. Department Soloist lronl Aberdeen, and Mrs. (leia Patrick of Olympia who is departnlent hospital chairman for MadiLan tlospital. Many other district officers were present as were menlhers o[ ()tiler posts and auxiliaries tronl the district. Commander Wayne Robinson announced that the l, ife Membership I)inner will bc held later in the year following the hunting season, lie also stated that the annual I 1/11 Breaktast held for all veterans ill Mason Union Ladies Civic Club To Meet lhe first meeting of tile year for the Union l.adics' Civic ('lub will be a noon potluck luncheon next Thursday in HIe Union fire ball. Plans for lhe coining year will be discus:-;ed. All ladies of the coniiimnity are invited to attend. Friends Night Set Laurel ('()urt No. 26 Order of Amaranth will meet for Friends' Night on October 20 at 8 p.m. in the Masonic Jernple. A reception in the Officer's ('lub followed tile ceremony, and a bLlffe! dinuer was served ill tile ]l()nle of lhe groom's parents. 'lhe couple will reside in F'ort RID), where both are stationed. l'he bride, a Shelton Itigh School graduate, is a Sergeant with the Wonlcn's Ariny ('orps Special Troops and the groom, a Medal of tlonor winner, is a Sergeant attached to B Troop, l:irst Squadron l)ivision. Quimby Pledged County will be held on November 11, rather than October 25 which is listed as Veterans Day on the 1971 calendar. Past auxiliary presidentsof District 5 held a dinner in Westport on September 29 presided over by President Mrs. William Gephart of Shelton. Others attending from Shelton were Mrs. Wayne Robinson, Mrs. Darrell Sparks, Miss Marian Johnson, Mrs. Jessie Cox, Mrs. Sue Weaver, Mrs. Esther Morgan, Mrs. Everett Hatch and the president of the local auxiliary Mrs. Lee Chapmair. The next meeting and dinner will be held in McCleary on January 31. Christian Women To Be Addressed By Mrs. Worden University of Washington fraternity Alpha Sigma Phi has pledged Robert Quiirlhy of Shellon. Mrs. Glen Worden of Albany, Ore., a housewife and mother of three adopted children, will speak to the Christian Woinen's Club at their monthly luncheon to be held at 11:50 a.m. Monday in the Halhnark Inn. A special music feature will be presented by Joyce Lockrem of Corvallis, Ore. and a fashion show will be sponsored by Miller's Department Store. Nursery service is available. and all women are welcome. Reservations are due by Friday and inay be inade by phoning 426-6543 or 426-2488. | Today, Thnrsday, Oct. 7 PU I)a uditoriuin. (;olden Age Rotary ('lub luncheon. 110011, ('lub, Ming "Free ('aft. Navy Mothers, 7:30, Toasttnasters ('tub, 6:45 a.m.. heine of Mrs. D. Underwood. 219 liulbers Restaurant. So 8th St. Slinletle Tops, 7 p.m., courl Ruinnlagc sale. St. Edward's Woinen's ('hib, q a.m. 5, house annex. church baseinent. Yacht ('lub dinner, ¢) p.m.: business ineeting, 8, at the DPW, noon. Millo's clubhouse. VWWI Madrona Barracks No. Multi-service Center board 1462, noon I~olluck, Meniorial llall. nleetmg 7:30 p.m. at the center. Fair llarbor (;range, potlnck, Shot-Tea, 8 p.m.. home of Shirley Biyne. 6 p.m. ; meeting, 7:30 p.m., (;rapeview Fire ttall. Friday, Oct. 8 Sale rummage, plants, Ruby Rebekah Lodge, 8 baked goods, 9 a.m. 4 p.m., IOOF hall. I:irsl and Second degrees, ('ounty (;ranges, Agate (;range ltalt. Bridge Players Rununage sale, St. Edward's Wonlen's Club, 9 5 p.m., Name Winners church basement. Ruinmage sale, St.l)avid's North-South winners /'or the Episcopal Church, 10 4 Shelton Bridge Club's Monday night meeting were Col. and Mrs. p.m. Rumnlage sale, Rainier Dudley; Vic King and Norm Orthopedic (;uild, PUI) ttulburt; Mr. and Mrs. Warren auditorium, 9 4 p.m. Russell. • Chamber of ('ominerce board Winning for Eaqt-West were ineeting, 7:30 a.m., Ily-Lond Inn. Bill Batchelor and ttelen Ruddell; Welconle Chapter No. 40 Lloyd MacRae anu lisa Schlosser; OES, 8 p.m., Masonic Tenlple. Rex and Louise Umphenour. Saturday, Oct. 9 Salty Sashayers business meeting, 7:45 p.m.; dance, 8:30 p.m., at the fairgrounds hall. E p s i 1 o n O m i c r o n International Dinner, heine of Susan Merriman. Sunday, Oct. 10 Shelton churches invite you to attend the church of your choice. Monday, Oct. 11. PUD No. 3 comnlission meeting, 1 p.m., PUD conference room. County commission meeting, 10 a.m., court house. Shelton Bridge Club, 7:15 p.m., PUD auditorium. Goodwill truck in town. Phone 426-4847 for pickups. It's About Time Tops, 7 p.m., County ltealth Office. 8 & 40 Salon No. 508, 7 p.m., Memorial Hall. Christian Women's Club, 11 : 50 a.m., Hallmark Inn. Tuesday, Oct. 12 Kiwanis Club luncheon, noon, Timbers Restaurant. In a double ring ceremony performed on August 21, Shelley Chappell became the bride of Richard Fredrickson. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Josh Dunn of Shelton, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fredrickson of Iloodsport. White pew bows and a basket of yellow roses decorated the United Methodist Church as the bride, attired in a gown and veil of Spanish lace, was given in marriage by her father. Earl Chappell. She carried a colonial bouqnel of wllite daisy inures and yellow roses. In a daisy-flocked dress of pastel green, Nancy Chappell served as her sister's inaid of honor, tier sheer green hat was widc-brin~med, and her flowers were yellow daisy nltlnls. Bridesinaids Suz;.lnne Roessell. ('hris Carlson and Juice Van Laanen wore yellow daisy-flocked dresses with white and yellow hats. Niece of the bride Roni Sue Klinger, with a circlet of daisies on her hair, wore a frock identical to that of tile inaid of honor. Silo carried a basket of carnations, baby's breath and daisy imuns. Siinilarly attired aird also wearing circlets of flowers were candlelighters Richa Chappetl and cousin l,?,obi Robinson. Ring bearer was Scolt Chappell. brother of tile bride. Patll Wilcox was best nlan, and llie 200 guests were sealed by l,arry Brown, Willy Pierce and Rob l:redrickson. Mrs. Morton was nlusician. A white orchid was worn by the mother of tile bride, in peach crepe, and also by lhe groonls nlother, ill pastel green. White wedding bells, and baskets of yellow and white flowers adorned Holiday Beach rooins for the reception following the cereinony. Two heart-shaped cakes and a three-tiered cake were Noon Luncheon, Special Program Slated By WSCS ttazel I)anunann Circle will hostess the noon luncheon of the Women's Society of Christian Service to be held in the United Methodist Church on Tuesday. The 1 program will b6 presented by Mrs. Daniel S. Bi g,e 1o w~ .O f, ,, O 1 y m~p i a ~ a professional and t~;,ll~¢r of creativity noted for her, wood carvings. Mrs. Bigelow, whose topic will be "You, Too, (?an Ely", was honored as Mother of the Year for the State of Washington in 1964. All women of the comnlunity are invited to attend. PTA To Listen To Candidates School board candidates Robert Kranler, Thomas Weston, Dr. George Radich and Ernest ltamlin will speak to Bordeaux PTA on October 21. The time will be announced later. " ........... ....... = ...... 1 G ild S i City Commission meeting, 2 R i i p.m., city hall. a n er u ets I p.m., A R S I School Board meeting, 8 i Evergreen School. U m mage a e i 4-H leaders council meeting, A rummage sale to benefit the By Jan Danford 7:30 p.m., extension office. our respective hollies the juicy meats that once were sonleone else's poison ! Consequently, the next day's sale found us with an abundance of old underwear, cracked saucers, broken junk jewelry and tattered curtains. My son, the only masculine influence in this ill-advised undertaking was - and 1 make this confession with shame for nry sex the only one of us with a shred of honor, tte priced his lovely guitar far too low. and refused to let nle buy it, His electronic equipment wenl at a mere fraction of its worth and he steadfastly reserved it all for Saturday's custonlers. Not content with merely remaining true to his own principles he berated the rest of us unmercifully; and at long last our calloused consciences responded feebly to the pricklings of remorse. In short, we are going to bring everything back and have a garage sale. Deep in the depths of a Dirty old trunk ! found some perfectly Wonderful junk. I looked at my treasures and Told myself: "They'll Most certainly sell at the Next rummage sale. But Oh! They were lovely dis- Played on the shelf And ~tly 1 bought them all for myself. Richard James High S hool Spotlight William P. James, Rich lives on Island Lake where he enjoys sailing, swimming and water skiing. "I may begin snow skiing this winter." he states. Richard James has two older sisters and two older brothers; a younger brother, Paul. attends junior high. James has two dogs, a dachshund described as a ''grouchy mutt" and a well-trainedGerman Shorthair with whom he hunts. "I like hiking, too," says Rich, who last summer helped his dad with the building of a new house. Richard Jalnes, known as "'Rich", was born in Seattle on March 26, It)54. tie came to Shelton as a freshman. As a sopholnore he became a nienlbcr of the l:lectronics Club and of tile Rifle ('bib, and he has participated in the Cross ('ountry and ill track for the past three years, during which time he has been an S Club inember. In his junior year he was a senator, and he became an ltonor Club member, also joining the Science Club. tte serves on the Student Faculty Committee and he works on the staff of the school paper. Rich studies civics, physics, senior English, trigonometry alad journalism, tte will attend college, and his choice will probably be Washington State University with a science as a nlajor. "1 have no idea what 1 want to do as a life work " he says "I have an o ,en mad. With his 9arents, Mr. and Mrs. Call U5 About OAK PARK A Planned Unit Development 426-2646 HIMLIE REALTY Moose Lodge, 8 p.m., airport hall. Degree of Honor, 8 p.m., Memorial Hall. Elinor Chapter OES, 8 p.m., Union Masonic Itall. Mason County Credit Women, 7:30 a.m., Timbers Restaurant. Eagles auxiliary, 7:30 p.m., Eagles hall at airport. WSCS noon, United Methodist Claurch. Wednesday, Oct. 13 Christmas Town Tops, 7 p.m., Multi-Service Center. Soroptimist Club, 8 p.m., PUD conference room. Thursday, Oct. 14 Rotary Club luncheon, noon, Ming Tree Cafe. Toastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m., Timbers Restaurant. Slimette Tops, 7 pro., court house annex. St. Edward's Woman's Club, 7:30 p.m., board meeting; 8 p.m., regular meeting, at the church. Union Ladies' Civic Club, noon, Union fire hall. LOWREY PIANOS RENT or BUY on Easy Terms ' Johnny's Music Box !05 cota 2 Children's Orthopedic Hospital in Seattle will be sponsored by Rainier Orthopedic Guild from 9 a.m. to 4 Friday in the PUD auditorium. Merchandise will include household goods and good used clothing for bolh children and adults. FROM NElL Carbon Monoxide Disrupts Cells Prolonged exposure to carbon monoxide may disrupt metabolism and interfere with all cellular function, according to a new study. Carbon monoxide is not usually considered dangerously toxic to mammalian cells; however a study at the U.S. Public Health Service Hospital in San Francisco, has shown it to inhibit oxygen consumption severely enough to interfere with energy production. The consequences range from development of cardiovascular disease to malaise that may cause highway accidents. Nell's Pharmacy Emergency Ph. 426-2 165 Fifth & Franklin St.--426-3327 Open Daily 9:30 to 7:30 Saturd 9:30 to 6:00 1 conducted a sale Beneath thebarrage Of the people who wanted To buy the garage. ! feel that 1 owe to all the good people who patronized my recent garage sale both an explanation and an apology. The rather haphazard event was my first experience in this highly specialized field of commerce, and, admittedly, I made a lot of errors. First of all, I advertised two weeks in advance. My son, however, dealt summarily with the over-eager beavers and the far-too-early birds who besieged the premises approximately ten minutes after the Journal was placed on the newsrack. "Yes, indeed," he assured them, "this is the location of the coming garage sale. The garage is priced at $18,000 with absolutely no additional charge for the attached house." tte had a buyer, too. Unfortunately, the heart-rending shrieks of my daughter-in-law spoiled the sale. lhere were three families involved in this fiasco. On the evening prior to the grand opening we all convened in my son's garage to ready our goodies for the public eye. With what "Ohs" and "Ahs" of undiluted delight we peered at the unpacking of one another's treasures! ltow we snatched and erabbed ha and baltered! llow happily we went our nlidni~ht ways carting joyfully to rlc ;on q ~c ~'~iii Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fredrickson accented with yellow rose buds The bride and lilies-of-tile-valley. Kay's Serving were Eleanor Stevens, tire operator o l)oitic Robinson. Verna Belle Shop. Both fire Klmger and Kaihleen Mikkelson. School graduates Susan Busack attended the gift After a wed( table and Richa Chappell the Shores, the c guest hook. Potlatch. heI-Toa Schedules Shel-Toa (;uild will meet at 8 discussed. p.m. today in the heine of Shirley A wine-ta Byrnc with Karcn Rich as planned for N~ co-hostess, l:inished Bazaar decided that projects should bc brought, nleeting shOUb The guild's first fall meeting packages". was held on September 9 in Guests on Shirley (;ray's home. l)onya Sue Peterson, Sanford was co-hostess. Projects Jo Ewart. for lhe coming year were Firemen Get Certifi pr( (,raduation certificates were S h e 1 t o n presented by Lyle Goodrich, certificates bY. Director of the State Fire Service Allan F. NeV! Training, to local Firemen and George ttu Fire l)epartments at a banquet Earl, Capt. Oct. 1, at the North Shelton Fire Laurence tlall, and Firemen Mayor Frank Travis was Eliason, G presented with two certificates VanderWal. showing that several Shelton District Eiremen had completed courses in receiving Basic l;irefighting and Advanced Charles llydrolics. Bloedel, Fire Commissioner, Gerald Dennis D°dge, Pyle, was presented the certificate District for District No. l l and Assistant receiving Chief, Philip Simnrons, was Sa presented with a certificate for Charles District No. 4. LeRoy 14, Individual Firemen from and Live AT CAPITAt SAVINGS l Your account transferred Anywhere in the Uniteo frOO FSLIC INSURANCE INCREASED TO $20,000.00 SHELTON -- FI Home Page 8 Shelton-Mason County Journal Thursday, October 7, 1971