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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 7, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 7, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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the docket in Justice Court Correa during Patrol Rt. 1, Box 95, $190 fine; 8, Box 349E, driving, $190 Rt. 8, Box obstructing a performance !5 fine; Ernest ox 85, Shelton, fine; Curtis Pine, Shelton, ~rnption of illegal consumption of intoxicants, $50 forfeit; Monty Fuller, Rt. 3, Box 89, Shelton, illegal possession and consumption of intoxicants, $50 forfeit; Theodore Jackson, 4118 Palisades PI., Tacoma, petit larceny, injury to others' property,$100 fine; James Alhson, P. O. Box 361, Belfair, speeding, $20 forfeit; John Dunlap, Rt. 4, Box 216, Shelton, speeding, $1 5 foffeit; Ruth Melugin, P. O. Box 45, Grapeview,speeding, $15 forfeit ; Scott Nelson, 10102 E. 4th, Spokane, speeding, $15 forfeit; Richard Lemke, 268 S. Cleveland, Minneapolis, Minn., speeding, $25 forfeit; Samuel Johnson, Rt. 1, intoxication, Box 362, Poulsbo, driving while public officer, intoxicated, $160 fine, license Squire, St. suspended 30 days, five days in defective jail, suspended; Charles Taylor, Orfeit; Ray 121 Olympia Ave., Bremerton, Franklin, passing on yellow line, $15 driving, $25 forfeit. Thackery Municipal Department petit larceny, )perty, $100 Floyd Dahman, General suspended; Delivery, Shelton, exploding rcadia, Shelton, firecrackers in city, $25 fine; $160 l)aniel O'Leary, 2312 Laurel, ended 30 days, Shelton, drunk in public, $25 'ended;Frank forfeit; Patrick Buechel, 516 S. , Box 98I), Franklin, Shelton, loilering on or $i 5 forfeit: near school area, creating a public 1, Box 103A, nuisance, $25 fine;Gerald Brown, $15 forfeit; 600 Fairmont, Shelton, no 1, Box 103A, motorcycle endorsement, no license vehicle license, $35 fine; John forfeit; James I)ahman, Rt. I0, Shelton, minor 316, Shclton, in possession of and consuming operator's liquor, $50 forfeit; David Castle, $30 forfeit; R t. 2, Box 1 1 9, Shclton, 4606 Sherman speeding, $35 forfeit; Joseph n, speeding,McLeod, 8th and Railroad, 7705 Shelton, driving without ma, allowing headlights, $20 forfeit; Ellis n outside of Blomgren, 531 Park St., Shelton, forfeit; (;ayleimpeding traffic, $15 forfeit; ainier Way, Mark Schueler, 1129 Bayview $15 forfeit; Ave., Shelton, carrying a W. tl St., concealed weapon, $50 fine, $35 id operator's suspended Wellington Wilbur, $15 forfeit Skokomish Reservation, :2 East t'; St., defrauding an innkeeper, six days id operator's in _jail; ('harles tloit, St. Rt. 1, $15 forfeit; Box 240A, Union, petit larceny, 609 S. 72nd, $100 fine. g' $15 f , Ol;ielt ; 1, Box (-,46, COUNTY BUILDING PERMITS g, $15 forfeit; Building permits approved by West Bay Dr., the Mason County Planner's ty right of Office during the past week were Leslie to John Chambers Jr., vacation ~d, Stlel[on, cabin, $6,800; Crest Builders, Richard residence, $10,125; Cushman Redmond, Development Co., public child under restrooms, $12,000; Jack Denny, Vehicle while garage, $3,000; Gilbert Dryness, $75 fine; residence, $1 0,000; Lorraine N. 6th, Elliott, garage, $800; Dean Fields, tying minor remodel, $3,000; Kenneth Unattended LeBresh, residence, $15,500; lCle while lqdon Lindley, summer home, rn, $50 fine; $4,500; J. Schramm, residence, • I, Box 55, $8,000; Danny Walker, residence, SUmption of $15,000. in Pub ic $50 SHERIFF'S OFFICE Mrs. Claudia Jacobson reported dogs killed 20 of her Rt. 5, Shelton, chickens. Ina Auseth reported to bb shots in a window. Sam Hanson reported five sticks of stumping powder found. Daniel Stamaris reported a summer home broken into. W. D. Lewis reported a mail box taken. Rudy Zingler reported a mail box taken. Ron Shiply reported lumber taken. SHELTON POLICE The city dog pound was found broken into. Mrs. William Tabor reported two rifles taken from a pick-up. Tom Connolly reported his car hit by another while his car was parked along a city street. Vehicles driven by Thomas Yorke and Gudrun Hathaway collided at Fifth and Railroad. A door at the Welfare building was found open. Two bicycles were found at Second and Franklin. Vehicles driven by Charles Griffis and Retta Fahrnkopf collided at King and G Sts. The door to Shaub Ellison was found open. A vehicle driven by Pamela Brown ran off the road and struck a sign. CITY BUILDING PERMITS Mr. Gnestiloff, water heater building for laundry, $200; ('rest Builders, residence, $11,608; Crest Builders, residence, $10,272. SUPERIOR COURT Divorces Divorce decrees were signed for Rochell tlughes from Lloyd ltughes. Linis Taylor from Joyce Taylor. Becky Anderson from Richard Anderson. New Cases Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Hilscher against the Mason County Commission, writ of mandamus. Elsie Lilley against Shelton Home Center and Skyline Corp., recission of contract. Norwell Hunt against Robert R. Rains, superintendent of the Washington Corrections Center, writ of habeas corpus. High Low Precip. Sept. 30 58 35 - Oct. 1 65 37 - Oct. 2 64 49 - Oct. 3 71 51 - Oct. 4 65 55 - Oct. 5 73 49 - Oct. 6 73 53 - The extended outlook indicates a chance of showers on Friday with weekend high temperatures in the 60s and the low 70s and lows mostly in the 40s. ! 4 '72 GRAN TORINO 1. Save now while prices are frozen at '71 levels. 2. Save again on excise tax cut-- about $200 on the average. 3. Choose from any of our '72 Fords in stock. Immediate delivery. 4. '72 Fords will probably never cost less. The price freeze is scheduled to end Nov. 13. Act today! "Based on manufacturer's suggested retail prices, NOBODY BEATS THE FORD TEAM I) Olympic Hiway. North Shelton, Wash. These tides are for the Union area. For Shelton and Oakland Bay add an hour and a half and 2.4 feet. Thursday, Oct. 7 Low ....... 1:06 a.m. -2.6 ft. High ....... 8:12a.m. 12.1 ft. Low ....... 1:30 p.m. 6.1 ft. High ....... 6:48 p.m. 11.9 ft. Friday, Oct. 8 Low ....... 1:54 a.m. -2.6 ft. High ....... 9:12 a.m. 11.9 ft. Low ....... 2:24 p.m. 6.9 ft. High ....... 7:30 p.m. 1 t.3 ft. Saturday, Oct. 9 Low .......2:48 a.m. -2.2 ft. High ......10:24 a.m. 11.6 ft. Low .......3:24 p.m. 7.(~ ft. High ....... 8 : I 8 p.m. 10.6 ft. Sunday, Oct. 10 Low .......3:42 a.m. -1.4 ft. ltigh ...... 11:36 a.m. 11.4 ft. Low .......4:48 p.m. 7.9 ft. lligh ....... t) : 12 p.m. 9.7 ft. Monday, Oct. 11 Low .......4:48 a.m. -0.5 ft. lligh ...... 12:48 p.m. 11.3 ft. Low .......6:30 7.6 ft. lligh ...... 10:42 p.m. 8.9 ft. Tuesday, Oct. 12 Low .......6:00 a.m. 1.2 ft. tligh ....... 1:54 p.m. I1.4 ft. Low .......7:54 p.m. b.7 ft. Wednesday, Oct. 13 ltigh ...... 12:18 a.m. 8.5 ft. Low .......7:12 a.m. 1.8 ft. Itigh ....... 2:42 p.m. 11.5 ft. Low .......8:54 p.ln. 5.7 ft. Thursday, Oct. 14 ltigh ....... 1:48 a.m. 8.6 tt. Low .......8:12 a.m. 2.4 ft. 11igh ....... 3 : 18 p.m. 11.5 ft. Low .......9:30 p.m. 4.6 tt. To Meet Tuesday The commissioners of Mason County ttospital District No. 1 will meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday at the hospital. The commission normally meets the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month. Applying for marriage licenses in the Mason County auditor's office this week were: William Winger Jr., 21, Bremerton, and Edith Duda, 21, Bremerton. Francis Douglass, ~ Aberdeen, and Mary Jo Jolly, 23, Hoquiam. Oren Anderson, 20, Bremerton, and Brenda Glaser, 1 7, Shelton. Too Late to Classify FOR RENT one or 2 bedroom units $70 and $85 utilities included. Call 877-5328. $10/7-14 FOR SALE Spark oil heater with barrels, rototiller, good condition. 600 So. 6th. B10/7 PEEKAPOO PUPPIES from $25. Call 426-3091. SlO/7tfn 1965 MUSTANG, $800.00. Automatic, V8. Phone 426-6217. E10/7tfn TWO 8:25x14 studded snow tires and wheels, like new, $75.00. Phone 426-4085. B10/7 WHITE-FACED Hereford cow and calf, (born June 15). First calf. Bred again." Belfair CR5-2684. Me10/7-14 lotten Shores lot 40- 80x665 ft., good building site, paved road, lights, across from waterfront property. $2500 or best offer. 532-3111 Aberdeen. U10/7 LICENSED BABY-SITTING, Mt. View, fenced yard, good care. Phone 426-1580. I-I10/7-]4 THREE BEDROOM unfurnished house for rent, Hillcrest area, $110.00 per month. Phone 426-4815. S10/7 rrivals Mason General Hospital M r. and Mrs. Timothy R. Slenek, Rt. 2, Box 126A, Iilma. a boy, September 2tt. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Lawler, Rt. I Box 57, McCleary, a girl, October 3. Mr. and Mrs. Klaus W. Ilocpfncr. RI. 10, Box 132. Shclton, a boy. Octoher 5. TWO BEDROOM home, utility room, newly painted, large corner lot, by owner. No down payment. $10,500. Will accept a mobile home for our equity. 426-6539 or 426-1872. Pl0/7tfn FOR ALL "45" RECORDS Where At ? "'IT'S OVER HERE" Record Tape Center 5th & Cota OPEN Noon To 8 p.m. Richard W. King Succumbs At 65 Richard W. King of Dewatto, 65, died Friday near Cady Lake as a result of a heart attack. Born April 24, 1906 in Topeka, Kan. he had lived in this area since 1936. He was a rancher and had been a member of Dewatto Port commission for nlany years. He was a 1924 graduate of Eatonville ttigh School and attended Washington State University from 1924 to 1927. Mr. King is survived by his wife, Anne, of the home and by a brother, Jack, of Concord, Cal. A memorial service was held at 11 a.m. Wednesday in St. Nicholas Episcopal Church in Tahuya. In lieu of flowers donations CIGARETTE-SMOKING is like drinking beer out of a thimble. Elizabeth A. Dillwyn were made to St. Nicholas Episcopal Church and to the Heart Fund. Mathias G. Reinie Dies In Hospital Mathias G. Reinie, 59, Agate Drive, died September 19 in Mason General Hospital at the age of 67 years. He was born November 22, 1903 in Butte, Montana. He was a retired lithograph pressman and a member of the Lutheran Church. Mr. Reinie is survived by his wife, Eleanor, of the home. At the request of the family no funeral was held and interment was private. Donations were made to the Heart Fund. TO CALL OF MASON COUNTY ? CARPETS . RUGS . WALLS FLOORS . FURNITURE HOUSEWIDE CLEANING INTERNATIONALLY KNOWN, ALL WORK SUPERVISED BY LOCALLY OWNED & G R A D U A T E SO F OPERATED. SE R V ICEMASTER ACADEMY O N E T I M E O R O N A OF SERVICE. REGULARLY SCHEDULED ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY BASIS. GIVEN. The one to call for a household spot -- or a spotless house. FURNISH RT. 10, BOX 27 SHELTON And a take-it-or-leave-it checkbook cover. There's a place for . folding money. A handy change purse with expandable A handy note pad with tear-off slips. A credit card and ID container with enough windows for kids' pictures, too. Your own pen-holder pouch (complete with pen). (Free when you open an account at PSNB.) There's no catch. Anybody who opens a new checking or savings account at Mason County or Belfair Branch of Puget Sound National Bank gets a free purse like the one above. (While quantity lasts.) We know you'll like the purse. And we think you'll like the service you get on your new account even more. The hometown bank. MEMBER F O I C Thursday, October 7, 1971 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 9