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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 7, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 7, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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¢ ByJ VIC b, COI.DBROOK Pure Vegetable, Tasty Cubes Best Quality, Clean Washed Gem 10-lb. Bag O W Sparkling Tender & Tasty Each er Jonathan/ pples" , Wo.h,n tan.-,h.Fancy Bo. S198 Fancy Celery Hearts W0,do, 29* Sweet Plums Fresh'orge Size ,h 1 5* Tomatoes Red Ripe Pkg. Salad Treat 0!4 29* Select Carrots Fresh 2-lb. Pkg. 29c Artichokes LorBe S,ze,,ach ! 9' Yellow Onions M,,d 3,h S,anish Bog 35* Sweet Corn Local Grown Season's Finest In. 7c ELBERTA Freestones, Family Favorite 16-oz. Cans CAMPBELL'S SUPEI SAVER! M-m-m Good! Nutricious DAIRY DELIq :ATESSEN ea Regular or Hot, Delicious 15-oz. Can LOW EVERYDAY PRICES LOW EVERYDAY PRICES CRAGMONT rul rln Assorted Flavored Drinks 46-oz. Cans HOUSE ns Breakfast Treat, Rich 46-oz. Can SPRAY Juice Flavor Juice Cocktail, Refreshing ¥ Grape Berry Ocea. , SlOO Spray 49c Sweet Peas To~vn House • ~qended 5 Cans Fruit Cocktail ,onset°W" 4 ,6-OZCans Sl00 Vanilla Wafers BaBy ,7-oz. Baker pkg. 33c Busy Baker Ginger or 14-oz. Tomatoes 4 ,,-Orcan, Sl00 Snaps Oatmeal, Tasty Pkg. 33* Mandarins JadeTempleora,,e, 5 "-OZcons Sl00 SauerkrautFreshPnckForman's 77-o,,or 33* LysoI Spray Oisinfectnnt, a.oz. Ca, s14' Banana Wafers Busy Baker , Pkg. 33c Cream Corn .rWho eKerne Taw,.ouse 5 "Cons .... spa Blu-Boy Cleaner Foz o,et, ,-0z.B,,. 79* &Butterhorns Gal. q.3l Half Mrs. Wrights Pkg. C , .... Raisin Bread Sky'arkFresh, 'S-a. oa, 37' Orange Juice Bel-airFrozen 6-OZ.can Lucerne Sandwich Bread 0ozLoo, 39* 23' Grape Juice Be,.ai, ,-oz. Frozen Co. 21' Pkg Mrs. Wright's Donuts o,. 49* oven Joy BreadBakedFreshly 77'~-OZ.Lon, 29* Town House Kids Love Ifl 46-0z. Can Whip T opping PartYPride or Shady Lone Grade AA q Cube Style lb. Low Fat Choc. Milk Lucer.e .alfGa157* Chocolate MiJk Lucerne Qt. Lo-Fot On. 31c Fresh Milk B,ossomT me Oa, Slo Homogenized Ctn. ppiLucerne 6',-oz. Cream To ng Can 49 Green Beans Be,.o,,. Batter Sauce Bel-air Frozen " Cut Corn in Butter Sauce ulce ,.,o,.,o Green Peas atterSoace V g ble Be,-a,rM,.ed e eta s in A Butter Sauce Spi h Be, o,rFro,en nac In A Cream Sauce 4!,r-oz. C,n. 29' 9-oz. c,. 29' lO-oz. pk,. 29c IO-az. 29* lO-oz. Pk,. 29* lO-oz. ,k,. 29* Safeway Coffee ,-,hs.s,.4, ,-,h.B. 81' Edwards Coffee ,hs. sT. 87c Sharp Cheddur ~aieWaYcheese ,b. s1°5 Kuminost Cheese sa,.oy Tos,, ,h. 95* Potato Salad acerne 7.,h o. 69* Pooch Dog Food 1 6' Right Guard .od.,a.tsproy ,-as.con89c Pudding Treats ,.n at Sl , ,.usa 4 Cans 59* Listerine Antispetic B,, Lucerne Grated B-oz. "9~c eg,II I I~ . orSliced F,.... rarmesan OualityCheese Ctn. /~ , • u ILl •1 ForRelier )0-oz. Sla9 ~.~" O0000UUUOUOUC,.~bU~LiOUUbbu~UUUUU,.)UU.L~_~ nlgnway ~.uun Vacuum Packed Can LU *'~"~ ~-~ Town House Spnnach c..19 Vaseline Lotion cazL,0-.z If ever a purchase of Safeway Meat Bt0. 97* failsto please for any reason what- Ocean Spray -:~ _ ~ For16-oz. Cranberry Sauce ,,.o,c. 30' ..... soever/ ust te I U~t We will refund Suave Shampoo Hair B,l.79* your money promptly, courteousTy • Crisp bib. c 16-oz. Melrose Saltines ,,.,h ,k,. 27 . There s no need t0 return the meat. Suave Creme Rinse B,,. 72c .......... B,, Of SO Bayer Aspirin ouo,ty 59* ha/Nip rooa vo,,at~ns c°. I a . . . te~ Rib Cut, Lean & Armour's Star Grade A Frozen Meaty, A Value! If Sliced lb. 49* Hindquarters lb. lb. Safeway Franks KidsLove'em 12-oz. Pkg. 49c Spareribs cou.trysty,. 69' Bake or Barbecue lb. Boneless Roast Chu,k ,h79' U S D.A. Choice Beer Boneless Ste O " eaaCabn, 'b. 89* sareway Link Sausage ,a,oPo,k ,b. 89* soreway Choice 6-oz. Cold Cuts o, ,,,,'d o,'ety ,k, 33 Seafood Va/ue Oy Medium IO-oz. Fresh stersSizes Jar 69* Cooked Sole Fillets,.°*, ,b. 79c I/4 Pork Loin L.i.,Lo,.Fnd ,b. 75' Boneless Beef Steak Halibut Roast Meat ,b. 69* Tasty & U.S.D.A. Choice Liver Sausage ,.,gy ,h 59' Beef Chuck Jb. Cooked Shrimp searoodT,., s169 Sale starts Wednesday, October 6th throuc r 9th. sales to dealers. DEL - MONTE Delicious Halves - Quality 16-oz. Can Green Beans, Regular or French 16-oz. Cans HOUSE pie October Favorite, Gal. Sl.09 Half Gal. HIGHWAY plesauce Serve With Safeway Pork Chops 16-oz. Can HOUSE Serve With Safeway Franks 30-oz. Can iI Page 12 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, October 7, 1971