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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 7, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 7, 1971
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I)UGCER -- The Annual at the Skokornish will be held p.m. Everyone is dinner is potluck. r, Shelton will be the Will describe the program. Herb Baze and a picnic on Mt. Herb Boeck of on the Duggers have five they own in and are a home later. Albert Bearden their new mobile home in the Valley. They recently sold their farm to the Louie Morrison family of Pt. Orchard. "Prior Claim" the second Moody Bible Institute film will be shown at the Skokomish Community Church Oct. 10 at 7 p.m. This science film describes how nature had prior claim to the diving bell, lasso and mouse trap through the antics of plants that eat animals, spiders that build doors etc. This show is free. Mike Hulbert had dinner with the Chet Valleys of Skokomish Valley, Thursday. Friday the Valleys visited the Alvin Hulbert's of Shelton. My daughter, Mrs. Harold Drake and I attended W.S.F.W.C. board meeting in Yakima last Friday and Saturday. We drove over White Pass in her old Ford. The weather was misty on this side but broke into sunshine over the hump. Leaves are turning red and gold, Mr. Rainier looks like a white ice cream cone and the Tieton reservoir is a sparkling lake studded with little boats. Typically, road crews are always blasting and directing one way traffic where "Your Federal Funds Are At Work." Library Has a Books About Women I men By CARMEN YATES HARSTINE - The October meeting of the Harstine Women's Club will be held at the Marshal Olson home. Hostess of this meeting will be Helen Olson. The new president, Kay Braget will be presiding over the meeting. Hope lots of you gals attend so you can enjoy the Olson's charming home just a stone's throw from Peale Passage and the view across to Squaxin Island• Due to the fact that the Pioneer area is presently without a correspondent we'll try to include some of the school items that the new principle, Dick Mariott feels might be of interest to the readers in the area of the school. The School Board will hold its ]U regular monthly meeting Oct. 12 at 8 p.m. (new time). The public is welcome. The featured guest will be Mrs. Helen Palmer to explain the program she has outlined for the fifth grade. And while on the subject of the fifth grade, we understand they are presently trying to locate some of the area's longtime residents. Or as they are putting it, are you an Agate Ancient? If you are you may be interviewed by a fifth grader. One of their big projects this year is to learn about the history of the Agate area. As the spooky holiday known as Halloween draws closer the smallfry are looking forward to and making plans for a party. Residents are urged to earmark any extra pumpkins, squash and By MORLEY KRAMER "nger IS Although the question of womans place is far from settled, A ;cholarship ,, has had a lively history. Find ;R a member of class, received a the Mary M. Association. member of class to receive a the Alumni Janice is at the Fechnical has been U.S. Army office from Bellevue, of the Army Work in Indian Passage on ,n consists of Structures are "Proposed." repair and ISting concrete dock, mooring applicant has Work noted as )w covered by in April moorage, and storm Parties are in writing, ~bjections that to the existing as to whether ISSued will be of the Sting work on Factors PUblic interest limited to, and wildlife, economics, aesthetics, supply, flood ecosystems, needs and :hese factors made part of Considered it would interest to to this to reach not later to insure The Mary M. Knight senior class is having a dance this Friday. It will be in the school and music will be provided by "Creed". Admission will be $2 per person and $3 per couple. As senior class vice-president Mike Short said, "The music will be very loud, but also it will be very good." M.M.K.'s cross country team got third place in last Thursday's meet at Montesano. Montesano got first with 19 points, South Bend second with 47, and M.M.K. third with 71 points. Ocosta got last place with 91 points. The Owls have another meet this Thursday at Saint Martins. The student council met last Wednesday and voted on the new dress code. The newly revised dress code was passed unanimously by the council. It was passed with the idea that "it will set down a few basic guidelines on students' dress." The dress code includes: Jeans will be allowed for girls in periods of foul weather and girls shall be allowed to wear slacks and "hot-pants" at any time. The only thing that was set down for boys is that "styles should be delegated by personal taste and contemporary styles just so long as they are clean and neat." Student council also set up some long-range plans for writing a constitution and getting some pin ball and vending machines for the student body. Also they decided that at the end of this year, a sign with the school's name on it, would be bought out of the student body fund. The sign is to be put in front of the school. The Lettermen had their initiation last Friday. All the lettermen spent the day dressed in dresses and various other feminine paraphenalia. A contest was held and Brian "Carla" Clevenger was elected "Mr. Beautiful" of 1971. Ralph "Rayola" Rothrock was runner-up. BANKER: a fellow who hands you his umbrella when the sun is shining and wants it back the minute it begins to rain. Mark Twain CHILDREN IN a family are like flowers in a bouquet: there's always one determined to face in an opposite direction from the way the arranger desires. Marcelene Cox CAMERA CASES ..... Now $4.9S KODAK PRINT to Print- 4th one FREE! ON Custom Made Framesl Many styles to choose from at ... 124 N. 2nd St., Shelton Phone 426°636 ! Dial * Master Charge Bankamericard Southside out about it at the Shelton Public Library. Daughters of the Promised Land by Page Smith is a chronicle of the more than three centuries of American womenkind. In it the changing role of women is traced from the Mayflower (and before) to Flower Power (and beyond). It is the story of those who have led the fight for equal political and sexual rights as well as the quiet legion that has stayed home instead. Up from the Pedestal edited by Aileen S. Kraditor is an anthology of writings in the history of American feminism. The documents quoted represent the principal emphasis of the feminist movement in each period of its development. Tracing woman's development in the United States since the Civil War, Anne Firor Scott, in the American Woman: Who Is She, shows how the refusal of many women to accept a prescribed "female" role has been an important force behind much twentieth-century social change. In Everyone Was Brave, William L. O'Neill argues implicitly that American women are hardly better off today than they were fifty years ago. This lively history, written with charm and bristling with new interpretations, describes the American womens struggle for equality from its earliest stirrings in the 1830's to the present day. • The Punch Bdo'k ot Won'ien's: Rights by Constance Rover is a fascinating collection of cartoons and writing from the famous British humor magazine, all of which deal with the subject of women's rights. The book covers in turn the problem of single women, the women's rights movement, the struggle for education, women and work, and the fight for the right to vote. The Shelton Public Library is open from noon to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and noon to 5 p.m. Saturday. Has Good Recent Me By MRS. RAY KRATCHA SOUTHSIDE - Southside P.T.O. met Monday evening and had a good turnout. Guest speaker was Robert Sartain Assistant Superintendent of the Intermediate School District 1 13. He told the community of the money that is going for what. P.T.O. new officers for the coming year are president, Bob Taylor, vice president, Marie Taylor; Secretary, Mrs. Trudy Sobotka and treasurer, Joan Swenson. The Fourth grade won the room count. Southside School is having a potluck Harvest dinner Oct. 23 at 6:30 p.m. There will be movies and games for the children and volley ball, card games and other activities for the adults. The Jumping Jitls are going over to Lacey at the Moose Lodge to perform Thursday. The First and Second Degree work will be put on at Agate Grange Oct. 8 at 8 p.m. by a team from Thurston County Brighton Park Grange. Actions 4-H club met Sept. 29 at Toni Matson's home. President Laurie Clark called Eaton On Staff Navy Lt. Cdr. Allan L. Eaton, husband of the former Miss Joan F. Moran of Shelton, is a member of the Commander, Antisubmarine Warfare Group Four staff, aboard the aircraft carrier USS Intrepid which is in the Eastern Atlantic participating in the NATO Strike Fleet Exercise Royal Knight. CIVILIZATION AND profits go hand in hand. Calvin Coolidge the meeting to order. The members for community service are going to paint mail boxes. They are going to have a garbage day and will pick up garbage. Those attending the meeting were Laurie Clark, Jennie Whitmore, Sandy Brown, Cheryl Brown, Suzanne Brown, Lorraine LaMont, Chris Rickards, Marilu Matson and Darlene Wilson, reported Jennie Whitmore. The Actions 4-H group had a slumber party Friday evening at leader Toni Matson home. They had a taffy pull and watched spook movies on TV. Attending were Lennie Christensen, Dana Christensen, Lorraine LaMont, Sandy Brown, Suzanne Brown, Cheryl Brown, Laurie Clark, Tracy DeMeiro, Carol Christensen, Brenda Graham, Kim Dyson, Marilu Matson, Jennie Whitmore and leader Toni Matson, reported Jennie Whitmore. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Asche and Winston in the afternoon Sunday were Mrs. Essie Rebman of Matlock and her grandson of the Navy. Saturday callers of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Asche were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Herzog of the Cole road. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kratcha on the weekend on various days were Mr. and Mrs. John Kratcha Jr., of Silverdale, Mrs. Mike Koone and Jeff of Silverdale, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Kratcha, Michall and Shelley, Mr. and Mrs. John Cookson and Jackie, Jay Cookson and Mrs. Kenneth Walter of Lake Limerick. Mr. and Mrs. John Kratcha Jr., and Mrs. Mike Koone and Jeff of Silverdale also visited John Kratcha and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Kratcha and family Saturday. 20 Colors to Choose from PRICED AS LOW AS Panel -- Check these top buys- by Tone 'N Tique. Reg. $5.45 ................... NOW INTERIOR LATEX .....................GAL. 7O ENAMEL Reg. $7.00 ............... GAL. ACRYLIC LATEX ........ WINDSHIELDS NOW AVAILABLE AT TREMENDOUS DISCOUNTS! PA INTS MANUFACTURING. INC. II III iii IIIll ing Is ul corn stalks to help in the decoration department. The PTO is making plans for a cider making bee and they'd appreciate any donations of your extra apples. The Pioneer Citizens Advisory Board holds its regular October meeting tonight. The officers meet at 7:30 p.m. and the main discussion meeting of the whole group is at 8 p.m. This is a group comprised from the entire comnaunity that gets together to discuss and try to iron out any problems of the parents, the communitl/, the buses, the students and the teachers that might arise. The detective and time consuming work of gathering facts and figures is done by this group. The results are then passed on to the members of the School Board to act upon. Approximately 40 people can serve on this board. At this time they are still short a goodly number of people to serve on this board. Down at the George Waite home two of the regular dinner plates have been eliminated from their daily table. Dave and Ed have moved into an apartment together in Bremerton. Ed has resumed college and Dave's boss lives in Bremerton so he can ride to their current construction job together. Bill is presently employed at a motorcycle repair shop in Centralia, but he is commuting back and forth each day. He also attends night school. Jack and Evelyn Meeks dropped in at the Waite home for a brief visit this past weekend. J ack reports he is slowly recuperating from the accident he had a couple of months ago when a two by four dropped three stories on top of his head while at work. As a result of the mishap the company retired him with disability benefits. He has their new job in Poulsbo nearly completed and is also working on another house that he purchased and moved when it was in the way of a highway project. Jeff was with them and Maxine reports he's surely grown a lot since she'd last seen him. Jack told the Waite's Sherry is now the manager of a large Texas department store. Another member of the Meeks family, Mike was also out on the Island over the weekend. Sunday afternoon George and Maxine were the dinner guests of Dave's boss, Ross Barnhart and his wife of Bremerton. Pare and Chuck Bridges who have their birthdays just one day apart celebrated their two big annual days this past weekend. Pare had six girls including herself at the Bridges home Friday night for a slumber party. The guests included Penny Patinode, Karen Sushack, Debbie Hammond, Mary Jones and Kim Goldsby. Then Saturday it was Chuck's turn t~ fill the house with boys for his celebration. His guests included Lincoln Miner~ Buster, Rodney and Roger Hammond. Special guests at both of the youngsters parties were their Grandma Saeger and their Aunt Thea Saeger. Gret and Gordon Simmons cooperated with lots of o-o-oh's and ah-h-h's that were expected of them when their daughter, Dixie and Sil Arate and their family accompanied by Grandpa Sil drove up a couple of weeks ago from Portland to show off their new station wagon. r ~ Call US About OAK PARK A Planned Unit Development 426-2646 HIMLIE REALTY, I th ® and Starting this weekend at 223 N. 1st. St. If you want quality heat you must first get quality fuel. The only answer is natural gas. Other forms of energy may have their points, but only one-nat- ural gas-has the most points in your favor. There is no cleaner energy. We call our product the civil- ized fuel. It is a non-pollutant, both in your home and the great outdoors. No form of energy responds as quickly-either up or down-to your touch of the thermostat. Economy? For healthful, fully fresh- air-circulated warmth delivered-and comfort pro- duced-no other fuel approaches the performance of natural gas, dollar for dollar. Perhaps a combina- tion cooling-heating plant (one compact unit) is best for you. It's' worth investigating. Remember, also, gas excels in many other uses-water heating, cooking, clothes drying, grilling, swimming pool heating, incinerating.., to name a few. And mul- tiple uses of America's favorite fuel will earn a low- er rate. Estimates? Gladly. No obligation. Distributors of Naturalg satlsfaotion Thursday, October 7, 1971 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page t5