October 7, 1971 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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15 words or less -- $1.50
• l 0 cents for each additional word over 1
• FOUR (4) insertions for the price of
THREE (3).
• Classified deadline: 2 p.m. Tuesday .
For Sale
for sale,
0.00. Phone
hybrids, 2 to
$3.00 each,
tnnon, Wash.
and sold.
appraisals. By
• Olympic
ge T. Booth,
For Sale Used Cars
bike, B flat
Scuba outfit.
3:30 p.m.
water weight,
etc. X-Pel
or money
.~rgreen Drug,
piano. Kohler
Good tone.
finish. $400.
PIANO BUY -- console Spinet, TEN PASSENGER wagon, 1969
excellent. Assume low monthly Ford, low mileage, auto., power
payments. Phone credit manager, steering, brakes. Good condition,
CH 3-9270, Seattle. T10/7-14 two snow tires. Ask for Daryl.
877-5233 days. 10/7
NEW X-11 reducing plan, 42
tablets $3.00 Money back STEEL FLATBED, wooden deck,
~uarantee. Evergreen Drug. nylon straps with ratchets. Also
/16-11/11 cab rack. One ton service bed. all
galvanized with pipe racks and
NEW REDFIELD riflescope 4x12 overhead racks. 426-3300. Lal0/7
variable $45.00 discount. George
Cooke Rt. 3, Box 17. Call 1957 DODGE panel 6-cyl.
426-2574 evenings. C9/30-10/7 4-speed excellent tires,
positraction, runs good. Call
SELL OR trade for livestock. 426-2653. $10/7-28
Studio knitting machine,
complete, like new. 426-8312. 1948 DODGE 15 ton pickup.
Radio, heater, clean dependable
M10/7 transportation. Call 426-4140
1966 CHEVROLET automatic after 5 p.m. G10/7
transmission $75.00. Evenings
426-8649. Lal0/7tfn 1965 CHEVELLE Malibu, super
sport, 327, four-speed, $850.00.
BEIGE BATHROOM sink 1958 Cadillac, $100.00. Phone
complete with faucets, $25.00. 426-4718. B10/7
Evenings 426-8649. Lal0/7tfn 1967 9 passenger Chevy carryall,
ONE NEW 7:75x14 tire and 3/4 ton, super condition. Make
wheel, $25.00. Evenings offer. 943-4541 Olympia.
426-8649. Lal0/7tfn J10/7-14
GARAGE SALE! Furniture, gun 1957 1/2 ton pickup with utility
bed• Make offer. Phone 426-2732.
.E! New and cabinet, riding lawnmower, edge
and gift items; trimmer, chickens, poker table, M10/7
|cuum; electric 1970 Suzuki 250 Savage, 1965 FORD 1/2 ton camper
m iron, wig, clothing, miscellaneous.
electronic 426-2597, Oct. 9, 10, on Fredson special, new engine with 8 ft. '69
cab-over camper. 426-8836, 2006
10 Road. S10/7 Patterson. $10/7
So. Second.
SUPER 8 movie projector, new,
never used. Approximately 200 1970 JEEP CJS, V-6, winch, large
tires, spare tire, Jeep can carrier,
Sofa, excellent steel fence posts• 426-6203. soft top. $3100 sell or trade
and K9/23-10/14 877-9787. R9/30-10/7
r 5 p.m.
TRADE IN your old furniture at
OIsen Furniture, 4th and Cola. WANTED TO trade '58
4/16tfn International 4-speed, 3/4 ton
pickup for z/2 ton pickup. Phone
426-6228. A9/30-10/21
range of
MUST SELL -- year old portable
dishwasher and range. Excellent
condition. Best offer. Call
426-8059. P10/7-28
G.E. ELECTRIC range, deluxe
No. J797, double oven, self
cleaning, automatic griddle,
electric meat thermometer,
rotissiere and vent. Used less than
a year -- $800 new, will sell for
$500. 426-2837. T10/7
Explorer Post No. 711, Sat. Oct.
9, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. PUD
Building. B10/7
CARPETS A fright? Make them a
beautiful sight with Blue Lustre.
Rent electric shampooer $1.
Coast to Coast. 10/7
USED THOMAS 2 manual organ.
Good condition, $260.00.
Johnny's Music Box, 205 W. Cota
426-4302. J8/2tfn
'... $89
vitamins at Elaine's Beauty Salon,
6th and Laurel. Phone 426-4582.
---- _ 8/Stfn
FOR SALE -- Large selection of
ii reconditiOned ranges'
refrigerators, washers, dryers.
Eells & Valley Appliance Center.
GRASS AND clover hay for sale.
Barn open Saturday only. Call
426-8615 evenings. T8/26tfn
SWIMMING POOL supplies for
maintenance. Algae control
chemicals. Muratic acid. Chlorine
etc. Nye Company 426-8224.5/6
Materials edger, $1500. Write Ethel B.
Dinning, 311 Cookson St.
;~h~d?l~a~I Shelton, Wash. 98584. D6/10tfn
GEM POTATOES for sale. Phone
426-8390. No calls after 9:00
p.m. please. C9/23tfn
ROUND, CORNER, 4 piece
sectional sofa. Step table. Phone
426-4770. H10/7
FREE ONE gallon root beer to
Clarence Kadoun, Rt. 1, Box
176A from Minor s A&W Drive-In
on Mt. View. 10/7
food supplement, vitamins,
cleaners, toiletries and baby care.
Call 426-1259. C9/16-10/7
FREE -- ONE chicken basket to
John Kangas, 943 Barnhard at
Minor's A&W Drive-In on Mr.
eet View. 10/7
2/111fn ----
"------ SKOKOMISH VALLEY sweet
corn for sale. Phone 426-1558.
and wrapped. Expert cutting and
wrapping. Shelton Foods.
426-6523. S3/27tfn
G-O L--~R-'~-'-'~"--~ "I-'3'. Spark
deluxe oil heater 225 gallon
drum and fittings. 426-6629• 404
est In: Laurel. F10/7
MOST POPULAR sizes of tires
'TIC TANKS and batteries now in stock• Call
I~OCK sears, 426-8201. SC/24tfn
~IX ONE CLARINET Selmer B flat:
Also Olds C'ornet,' goOd
I~RAVEL condition. $50.00 each. Phone
.. ~ 426-4566. A9/23tfn
~URS FANTASY FUR by the strip
$1.00 each. Make your own
monsters and flowers. Phone
426-1183. £:10/7
BELT MASSAGER for reducing,
;S FROM $50. Phone 426-2240. H10/7
ZENITH TV for sale, console,
good condition, $45.00. Phone
426-2156 Inquire 621 So. 10th.
coRD WOOD for sale. Any
length. Call Exceptional Foresters
426-1550, E10/ltfn
$350 cash. Call 426-2737.
1959 CHEW., 6 cylinder, standard
transmission. $275. Call 426-8808
after 5 p.m. D10/7tfn
1968 FORD V2 ton pickup, good
condition also good rubber $1100
426-3051. M 10/7-14
'65 CHEV. pickup truck,
automatic, excellent condition.
Phone 426-3058 after 4 p.m.
69 Datsun Wagon
68 Volks Sq. Back
68 Chevrolet
66 Jeep 4 x 4
66 Country Sedan
65 Rambler
64 Corvair Bus.
64 Willys 4 x 4
61 Rambler
69 Olds Delta 88
67 Chev Impala 2-Dr.
67 Grand Prix
67 Camaro
65 Galaxie Convert.
65 Pontiac
64 Chevelle
64 Chev 2-Dr.
64 Merc. 2-Dr.
63 T.Bird
68 Chew Gel-Air
67 LTD 4-Dr.
66 Olds
66 Buick 4-Dr.
65 Mercury 4-Dr,
65 Pontiac
64 Ford 2-Dr.
63 Ford 4-Dr.
63 Fairlane
• 62 BeI-Air 4oDr.
69 3/4 Ton 4 x 4
69 Ford F-250
66 F-100 V2 Ton
65 eord 3/4 Ton
64 Crew Bus
63 Dodge Pick-up
62 Ford 3/4 Ton
60 Ford z/2 Ton
51 GMC Chassis & Cab.
Bill Johnson. Bus Einarsson
Bob Wolden - George HasBrouck
Mt. View at Kneeland Center
Used Cars
1957 CADILLAC $150. Good
mechanical condition and clean.
Phone 426-5093. G 10/7-14
Radio, pwr. steering, auto-
matic, extended warrantee.
11,000 miles .......... $2575
'71 CORONET 4/Dr.
o,iginal cost, =44oo, Now. $3195
LOW mileage ............ $2295
4/Dr. htp., low
mileage ............... $11 95
1/2 Ton ............... $ 895
'61 CHEV 3/4 TON
Runs ..e new .......... $ 645
Bud Knutzen eves. 426-4780
Mobile Homes
19' x 50' furnished Angelus
mobile home on two acres in
Hoodsport, $16,900 or best offer.
Hold contract. 683-6514.
T 10/7-28
1968 SKYLINE 12'x64', 3
bedrooms. Beautiful conditon,
refrigerator, stove and awnings.
$5,000. 426-8427. D9/30tfn
Work Wanted
BABY-SITTING wanted in my
own home. Weekdays only. Good
care given, Phone 426-3866•
ON-E- OR :two more playmates,
fenced yard, four children to play
with, on welfare's baby sitter's
list. LicenSed for baby sitting.
Reasonable rates. Very
dependable and car. Hours 7 a.m.
1968 MOBILE home 12'x60', 3 -- 5 p.m. 1726 Ridge Road,
bedroom. Furnished, color T.V., 426-3246 Permanent jobs please.
shag rug, all electric. Big garage, W9/30-10/21
one acre lot. With or without lot
426-3143. C10/7-14 MATURE LADY would like child
care in your home weekdays. Best
-CLEAN, USED mobile homes, of references. Phone 426-6506.
only 10% down. As low as $83.00 $10/7
per month on approved credit.
Shelton Home Center, Taylor PAINTING AND small carpenter
Towne, 426-4455. 5/6tfn jobs do'no reasonably. Phone
426-1571. Y9/30-10/7
¢ $ WORK WANTED cabinets --
IF: YOU HAVEN'T SHOPPED formica, finish carpentry. By hour
5HELTON or contract. George Martin
HOME CENTER cR5-2014. MlO/7tfn
painting and papering jobs.
Reasonable rates. Call for Bert --
426-4255. $10/7
Golden West - Villa West - Olympian.
426"4455 SHELTON ~rvices
On O!ymoia-Shelton Freeway
:~ :~ ~< I~ ~ ~ :~ .'~ :~ :~ GET YOUR chimney cleaned
now, before you have a fire.
Phone 426=2582. N 10/7tfn
ASPHALT PAVING, drive ways,
Pets, Livestock parkitlg lots, streets. Free
estimate. Craig Asphalt
~------------ Con-struc~iorl, phode Olympia
BOARDING KENNELS, dogs 491-7222.9/30-10/21
over 20 Ibs. All cement in and out .................... ' ......
runway. $1.75 per day Mel Ru CHAIN $~W, sharpening, speedy,
Kennels 426-2387. N6/10tfn accurate. Precision grinding. Now
at Saeger Motor Shop, Hillcrest.
R E--~I S T--E R ~D ~LIAN Phone 426-4602. 1/15tfn
terrier male puppies. Phone
426-6152• F3/25tfn BATHROOM AND kitchen
remodeling. Roofing, patios,
K-9 KLIPS, professional poodle carports. Smaller jobs also. Call
clipping and pet grooming. Call Osborne's 426-6241. 10/15tfn
Mrs• Kimball for appointment.
DOG CLIPPING and grooming.
For appointment, call Mrs.
LaMont. 426-4164. L9/!7_tf_n
Hound, ~ooking for a home,
apparently abandoned by owner.
426-2387. M 10/7
TREE TOPPING, falling and
clean-up. Phone 426-3532.
I "[I
~ ~v~A~~-
Water Problems?
For Rent
home with guest house, built-ins,
electric heat, fireplace, on
beautiful Pickering Passage. $150
per month. 426-4154.
FOR RENT: Trailer space close
to downtown. Call 426-4426.
Wells - Pumps - Pump Service
Water Conditioning
CR 5-2015
P.O. Box 3 Allyn, Wa.
Top Dirt
Sand -- Pit Run - Graven
5-Yard Dump Truck
and Loader
Tel. - FRANK -- 426-3153
also Light Clearing 3/4tin
LIVE IN luxury, two bedroom,
waterfront, wall to wall carpeting,
electric heat and more. $]50.00.
per month. Unfurnished
426-4951. No children, except
under one year. Call after 5 p.m.
TWO BEDROOMS, furnished, all
electric, carpeting, carport,
privacy. One child and/or small
pet acceptable. $100.00 plus
electricity. Call Rex Mobile
Manor and Apartments.
426-4560. Mc9/16tfn
TWO BEDROOM trailer for rent.
Rex Mobile Manor. Call
426-4560. Mc9/gtfn
TWO BEDROOM summer home
HAND SAWS located at Potlatch on Hood
Canal. No pets. Call 426-8269.
& TABLE SAWS Gg/30tfn
2 BEDROOM unfurnished
1714 Jefferson (Mt. View) duplex, no pets. Call Ann Rose
426-8244 after 6 p.m. Call
Ph. 426-6687 6/ ltfn 426-1537. R9/3Otfn
ONE BEDROOM, unfurnished,
house. Rooms panelled, water,
sewer, garbage paid. Convenient
location. Call after 12 noon
426-1573. C9/23tfn
REDUCE EXCESS fluids with ONE BEDROOM furnished
Fluidex, $1.69. lose weight safely apartment. Wall to wall carpet.
with Dex-A-Diet, 98c at Nell's Inquire 1119 Franklin, Apt. 5,
Pharmacy.8/12-] 1/25after 5 p.m. BlO/7tfn
CONFIDENTIAL CARE for WE CAN lease this $20,000
unwed pregnant teen-age girls, waterfront 2 bedroom home for
UGN Agency. Collect calls only $100.00 per month. Owner
accepted. Florence Crittenton insists upon references and
Home. PA 2-8004. Box 8944, $50.00 security deposit. Includes
Seattle, Wa. 98178.8/28tfn range and refrigerator. Mann Real
Estate, 426-6592. M10/7
NEED CASH? We buy or consign
almost anything. Tropics
Ballroom Auction, Olympia
943-9949. D2/26tfn
MOBILE HOME 8 x 40', 1Vz
acres, 12 miles Lost Lake Road.
$64. per month. Phone 426-6852.
and referral center 428 Birch St.
Shelton. Phone 426-4407. on Mason Lake, furnished.
Available Oct. 1. Phone
S2/12tfn 426-4928. A9/16-I0/7
~pL.~d~l£ ~_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_--_-_~--------~ ONE BEDROOM furnished or
SCOTTiE PUPS to give away. ]/2 unfurnished apartment available,
Scottie. Rev.' Lowell Keene, Cards of Thanks also a studio apartment. Lawton
Apts. 723 Pine St. 8/26tfn
Front & Railroad T~ W oDd la nd M a n o r . Phone ~___~----_--
Phone426-8183 [ 426-1298. K10/7 Pile Driving--construction I wish to take this way ,of
Land or Water. saying thanks to my many friends
Bulkheads -- Marine Facilities and relatives for their kind Ihl~I
---.--1.---- ......... -----------" Drag Line -- Clam Shell -- Loaders attention to me while in my last Estote Wuted
-------------------------------------- Lo-s;-~-i;u~d Heavy Equip. Hauling stay in the hospital and also to
"~ Sporting Goods the hospital staff who were so -=---------------------------
tfn kind and attentive, they were just WANTED -- HOOD Canal
i , , ,, wonderful. I am home again and waterfront lot with tide lands.
-- PAINTING a, here again. St., Chehalis Wash. 98532.
; FT. Evinrude Rogue boat and P U R P L E T R I K E I ost on doing fine, wou~d love to see you Write Resident, 1110 Washington
trailer. Fall top, side and back Angleside. Call 426-6674. J10/7 Humphrey Nelson A9/23-10/14
can vas. O M C 210 h p & DRY WALL .... ~~--~ ~
inboard-outboard head sleeper CARD OF APPRECIATION
seats. Excellent condition, ~~------------------~-- Residehtial Arid Commercial The kindness and sympathy acres or more, urgently need any
of neighbors and friends in our type home in country. Seven
$3,00o.o0. 426-8925 510/7-28 Hap wonted J.E. HARRIS recent sorrow will always remain California and out of town
with us as a precious memory, buyers, last week, have helped
16' R El NELL boat $495.00.
Our sincere thanks and gratitude deplete our inventory. We need
Complete curtains and backdrop
with 75 H P motor $1150. SUPPLEMENT INCOME with Sonded 8¢ |riSe for all those comforting actswith rural homes. Ask for Don. Maple
Valley Land & Homes. 426-1203.
426~6.10/~......... part time work as insurance special thanks to the staff of Evenings 426-8747. M9/23-10/4
reporter; no selling or collections, a The Hedgers and HAVE 2 clients, both elderly,
.308 SAVAGE, excellent No experience required. Submit , ,, C II 426-8773 , BatstoneFuneral Home.
Condition $75.00. Call after 6 brief resume P. O. Box 12800, Robinson Families 10/7 who want a 1 or 2 bedroom
P.m., Union 898-2870. C9/23tfn Seattle, Wn. 98111. ]0/7-28 NOTICE modest home downtown or close
18 FT. boat trailer for sale or EQUAL OPPORTUNITY officer TO ALL MUSICIANS to stores, can make substantial
trade for $150.00. Good -- must have one year experience Band or orchestra instrument down payments, or even cash if
COndition. Phone 426-8488. working with minority groups and need repairs? Free check-up on all ~-------------'--'--'----"----------'--'--"~ the price is right. Call Kurt Mann,
F10/7 ~ knowledge of Civil Rights instruments. We have expanded Miscollanenus 426-6592. M10/7
legislation, salary $500 to $600 and can furnish all your musical
1968 SUZUKI 250 road bike. per month. Apply at Community needs. Huffner guitars in stock. ~ WE BUY and sell equities or
contracts. We trade or exchange
Excellent condition. Make offer. Action Council, 202 Capital Savarex strings.
426-3815. P10/7 Theatre Bldg., Olympia, homes, farms, waterfront or
Washington street entrance. Acreage -- paid for or not. Call
zROB ~iO?t O~ ,7 Mr. Mitchell for quotes, bids or
Closing date, October 12. C10/7 ZRI$ MUSIC E AIID further information. Have buyers
CLERK -- TYPIST -- one year 822/~Park Phone ES 3-6116 for 2&3 bdrm. homes. Mason
Igltru(tion experience, shorthand desired, Bremerton County Realty 107 Railroad
salary $422 to $484 per month, for i i ading to the 426-4486•8/12tfn
SCUBA DIVING instruction. Apply at Community Action M|NG POOLS " arrest and conviction of person or
NAVI certified. Gear furnished Council, 202 Capital Theatre EXCHANGE --'WHAT you have
for course. Further information, Bldg., Olympia, Washington street $W|/l~ persons who stole five Hereford
entrance. Closing date, October Septic Tank cows (V marked on both ears) --Realtor-exchangor.f°r what you want. Kurt426.6592.Mann,
from my pasture on the Bourgault 8/18tfn
call 426-8695. H10/7tfn 12, C10/7 bulldozing, backhoe road.
UPHOLSTERY CLASSES BOY FOR morning paper route, and dump truck service
starting Oct. 12 at Kays Hillcrest area. Call 426-6527 Phone426-3649. 10/7
Draperies. Call 426-6207 for before 7:00 p.m. 426-6311 Surge waterconditioners. " ..... Real Estate
details. K10/7 anytime. R 10/7tfn
YARD MANAGER wanted, - =-------------------~-'~---'-------
-----~----------------- experienced in Christmas Trees, 426-6539 Shelton, ~'HY RENT? One bedroom
Wanted for Hofert Tree yard 5 miles R/Ctfn ---------------------------"-- rambler with large 120 x 100'
north Shelton on Hwy. 101. " '" ~ ~''" ' ' ~' " fenced lot, covered patio and
Seasonal position. Can be LANEIHOUSE MOVING For Rent barbecue for your enjoyment,
WANT RIDE from Shelton to permanent if you qualify. Write ~_--------_-_- o n I y $ 1 3 , 00 0 F H A- V A
Olympia, prefer 7:30 a.m.--4 Box 88 or apply 9000 Capitol Houses'Raised, Foundations conventional terms. For
Blvd., Olympia. Tel. 943-8850. MOVE IN TODAY appointment call Edward White
p.m. Call Kathy 426-3273. 9/30-10/7 426-4778 or Gemini Propertes,
COINS BOUGHT and sold~ ~---~ C---~E~ Phoner426-8147 One and two bedroom Inc. 491-4614- 6809 Martin
apartments, with carpet, drapes & Way, Olympia. 10/7
Estimate appraisal of coins. By community water system and ,, ' r 1/27tfn appliances.
appointment only. Olympic swimming pool, 12 miles from BOB OGDEN All
Gateway. George T. Booth, Shelton, Must be abletomaintain V2 ACRE building sites, water,
426-4719. B8/26tfn two well water systems and Jefferson tSe with this lovely 3 bedroom family
heated pool. Pool is open from home, $15,000, $10 down for
-~ Memorial Day through Labor Installation Service 2329 Jefferson St., closing, $45 per month at 1°/o for
up. Prefer 10 ft. multiples. Top Day, from noon to 10 p.m., six 33 years. Payment is subject to
prices. Mason Hardwood Co. days a week. Caretaker must be C~l'~itlg -- Formic8 - phoneMgr" Apt. 11426.8663.or change. These Federal programs
426-3464 days, 426-8109 present during hours that pool is are available for families with
evenings. 4/ltfn open and clean up the premis.es. Ceramic and Linoleum incomes under $5,000, good
EW credit and good job. Call Frank
Applicants should fully describe MT. Vl Tobinski and Associates, Inc.
TIMBER WANTED! Thin your all qualifying experience, ba!ary Licensed, Bonded
timber before you sell! Two open. Shorecrest Beach ClUD, 491-3232. T9/30tfn
checks are better than one. Call Inc., p. O. Box 537, Shelton, & Insured ~Od ~::~O~
for free estimates. Highest prices Wash. 98584. 10/7 ~ LAKE CUSHMAN, one full acre
paid. Selective logging our ~ A/~;~X~ with 300 ft. waterfront. First
specialty. Taylor Bay Logging, CASH FOR Christmas. Earn Phone 426-3155 time ever-west side of Lake
Longbranch Wash 884-3778. money clothes, and have fun Cushman. $12,900 with
5/6tfn ' ~ beinq ~ Beeline Fashion Stylist! 3/Ctfn 2 Bedroom- Unfurnished investment terms. Call collect
Excellent for housewives and 877-5233 and ask for parcel No.
B U Y I N G R I P E, f r e s h mothers. Must have use of car. DAY & SONS Available NOW -- No Pets 101. Lake Cushman Sales Co. 4
huckleberries 13c a lb. Milton For interview call 426-3137 or CUSTOM CONTACT MANAGER miles west of Hoodsport, Wn.
Byerly, St. Rt. 1, Box 15, Belfair. 426-8558. K9/23-10/28 ROTOVATING Open 7 days a week. 9/16-10/7
B10/7-14 ~ WANTED -- WOMEN Pacific Lawns, Gardens, Farm work -- 2 426-3100 OLDER 3 bedroom home on 2~
WANTED -- A ride to Olympia Oyster opener trainees, classes start machines no job too large or acres, About ~A mile off Arcadia
O.V.T.I. -- classes 8 to 2:30. call soon. Olympia Oyster Co. Call small. 4264750 4/9tfn or 426-1391 tfn near NO. 4 Fire Station 426-8331.
426-2293. K10/7 426-3354. O9/23-10/14 B9/16-10/7
Thursday, October 7, 1971 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 19